Originally posted by airahthislove at 26-5-2009 02:35 AM
uish lambat lg rupanye....
omo, lmbt giler dream concert tahun ni. kalo x silap tahun lepas dorg wat awal tahun & kat korea jer.. tp kali ni dorg wat kat japang plak?? mintak2 la ada yg tolong upload concert nih!!
[090525/FAN] Star King Filming, LT, HK, SD, SM, EH, RY, & KH
credit yesung.ifensi & sjhangeng
*im not sure when this will be aired. They pre-empted the episode for090523 with Lee Teuk, Sungmin & Eunhyuk but will be aired on090530. The recording was not listed in the official schedule, but iwill update this as soon as possible.
[Korea] Super Junior - It's You {Edited w/ HQ on 05/25} "My lips, cold as can be, are even more blue, I cry out to find to find your warmth"
Artist: Super Junior
Song: It's You
Nationality: Korean
Genre: Pop / R&B
Summary: A song about knowing someone is right for you no matter what has happened