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Here's what Little Moreton Hall in Cheshire looked like in 1915, compared to how it looks today.
Arguably the finest half timbered manor in England, it's a stunning example from the Tudor period.
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Pemenang pingat Sukan Paralimpik 2024, Datuk Abdul Latif Romly, Eddy Bernard, Bonnie Bunyau Gustin, Muhammad Ziyad Zolkefli dan Cheah Liek Hou ketika tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), hari ini.
Kontinjen negara meraih dua pingat emas, dua perak dan satu gangsa pada Paralimpik Paris yang berlangsung dari 28 Ogos hingga 8 Sept.
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“Le Dôme “ is a French classic name given to some cafes. Thus, there are several « le Dôme » cafes in Paris.
This one (on the photo) located in La Tour Eiffel neighbourhood, rue Saint Dominique (Paris 7) is not to be confused with Le Dome in Montparnasse neighborhood (Paris 6)
Although Le Dôme (cafe-brasserie, on the photo, a few hundred meters from the Eiffel Tower) is a nice cafe, Le Dome in Montparnasse (restaurant) is a real Paris institution and took a large part in the cultural and artistic life during the 2 WW
Wasilla, Alaska
Winter in Grindelwald
The Painted Desert, Arizona
Custer State Park, South Dakota
Natchez Trace Parkway, Mississippi Alabama Tennessee
L’arc de triomphe,Paris
Pisa, Italy
The Malaysian contingent arrived accompanied by gold medalists Cheah Lik Hou in badminton and Bonnie Bunyau Gustin in weightlifting.
Zion – Mount Carmel Highway, Utah
Mari singgah....mari singgah....murah2 saje....aikkk apasal xde olang pun pagi2 ni.
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Category: Negeri & Negara