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Post time 2-6-2011 10:43 AM | Show all posts
from Papa YG
YG Life Update: Yang Hyun Suk talks about Daesung's accident [NEWS]

“2NE1’s new song release, as well as this week’s ‘YG ON AIR’ broadcast has been postponed for a week. We would like to apologize for not being able to alert our fans of this earlier, as it was a decision made under emergency circumstances. We ask our fans for their understanding.

With regards to news of Daesung’s car accident, we would to first and foremost like to send our deepest condolences to the deceased and his family members. We pray that he rests in peace.

I know that Daesung is the type to always blame himself for everything that goes wrong, so I was very worried about Daesung’s condition after the accident. Just as I expected, he was holed up in his room, refusing to even talk to his family members.

No matter what I say, I know that it cannot console him, but I visited his dorm in the early morning and told him, ‘Daesung, if I was in your position, it would have been hard for me to avoid it as well.’

I did not say that simply to console him, but because it is truly how I feel. At the time of the accident, the managers received emergency notification and arrived at the scene within 20 minutes. They were able to observe the scene of the accident.

To briefly describe what happened, at 1:30 AM KST on May 31st, it was raining and a victim of another accident was lying on the road. A car ahead of Daesung discovered the victim and quickly swerved off the lane, but Daesung was unable to avoid hitting the taxi that was stopped at the front, resulting in a collision.

Because it was so sudden, Daesung did not know even after the collision that there was a motorcyclist on the scene. Though the taxi driver estimated Daesung’s speed to be at 60km/h, Daesung testified that he was driving at 80. The truth will be discovered through CCTV evaluations and police investigations; yet because the taxi driver has long-time driving experience, and because people don’t accelerate on downhill lanes, in addition to the fact that there was a turn at the end, I feel that the taxi driver’s estimation is closer to the truth.

I know that the pain Daesung is going through is incomparable to the agony that the victim and his family are undergoing, but what I am most worried about is that this will bring about serious psychological trauma that will last months, years, or maybe an entire life-time. What I am most upset about is that Daesung had also been in an accident prior to this in 2009, where he had almost lost his life. That shock still has not worn off, and he has suffered yet another shocking accident.

Maybe well into the future… but this might be the most difficult time for Daesung.

I honestly hope that accurate investigations will be carried out so that the weight Daesung is carrying can be lifted free.

Thank you to all of you who are worrying over Daesung. I would like to once again send my deepest condolences to the victim and his family.”

Credits: YG Life
Translation by Vitalsign @ allkpop

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Post time 2-6-2011 10:56 AM | Show all posts
from Papa YG
adikmanis Post at 2-6-2011 10:43

sedih baca update from papa YG nih. i just can't imagine the guilt that dae has to face right now. eventhough it's not entirely his fault, but knowing him, he will just take all the burden to himself. apa pun, just let him cried his heart out. tapi someone must watch over him frequently, not knowing apa dia buat kat dlm bilik dia sesorang. ish, risaunya! hopefully he's still in his sanity.

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Post time 2-6-2011 01:11 PM | Show all posts
dah baca.. dah tgk gambor.. tp nak tanya
sbenarnya masa daesung terlanggar mangsa tu.. mangsa tu dah meninggal ke ?

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Post time 2-6-2011 02:42 PM | Show all posts
dah baca.. dah tgk gambor.. tp nak tanya
sbenarnya masa daesung terlanggar mangsa tu.. mangsa tu da ...
zehra2 Post at 2-6-2011 13:11

hi zehra! ekceli yg stanum tau tentang tu masih dlm siasatan polis...sbb ada conflicting sket..ada yg kata mamat tu meninggal kat hospital, ada yg kata mamat tu meninggal di tempat polis tgh wat forensic investigation..yg pasti mamat tu mmg dah terbaring atas jln masa kete Dae Sung langgar matter what, Dae Sung ialah mangsa keadaan can happen to anyone of us too rite? stanum skang bwk kete pun ala2 seriau gittew bila dekat dgn motor..owh! Dae Dae..wish I could give u a big hug and dry up your tears!

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Post time 3-6-2011 12:48 AM | Show all posts
hi all..nak selit2 gak ni.slalu SR jerk.suke giles MV Love Song..btw pasal eksiden tu aku susah ati gak.takut cam kes mamat Sg Wanabe tu.bunuh diri la plak..xdpt da aku tgok die.
aku curious satu mende jer..nape daesung xbrake ek?mustahil brake kete tuh..mushkil mushkil..mebe die brake sbb kete xlaju mana so xde le skid mark tu kan?cam kite dok brake kete ari2 tu..xde le bersepah skid mark kat jln yer dok??

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Post time 3-6-2011 08:13 AM | Show all posts
hi all..nak selit2 gak ni.slalu SR jerk.suke giles MV Love Song..btw pasal eksiden tu aku susah ati  ...
adamis Post at 3-6-2011 00:48

hi adamis a panic situation apa pun bole jadik. mustahil a driver tak pijak brake keta kalo ada something berlaku kat depan dia kan... i guess this is a misfortune case. lagipun highway/bridge tu macam turun bukit sket. again, anything can happen walo seterer mana pun driver tu.

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Post time 3-6-2011 09:31 AM | Show all posts
hi adamis a panic situation apa pun bole jadik. mustahil a driver tak pijak brak ...
luvsushi Post at 3-6-2011 08:13

Munin sushi & adamis! ekceli apa yg diorg nk buktikan kalau Dae Sung tu break ke tak? takkan la dia saja2 nak pi tekan minyak dan gelek mtorocyclist tu, rite? :@ dh nama pun eksiden..dlm k'daan panic memang kita leh tertekan either accelerator or brake..kdg2 stanum rasa media ni mcm sengaja nak divert readers from the key point of this case..nk bg nmpk dae dae ni la yg salah dan jahat:@ alahai dae dae sure x abis2 nangis lg tu..makin sepet la mata adek I sowang nih!!

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:13 AM | Show all posts
any updates?

actually iols ada pengalaman handle kes2 mcm nie.. kadang2 kite kene pandai putar belit baru boleh menang kes.. mcm kes nie kalau bnyk sgt bukti2 tak menyebelahi mamat nie habes la... mak malas nak komen lebih2

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Post time 3-6-2011 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Daesung Apologizes to Victim's Family and Agrees to Pay for Funeral Costs [NEWS]

According to local media Dispatch, Daesung made a visit last night to the mortuary of the motorcyclist who got killed in Tuesday’s accident and apologized to the family members. The families of the victim told Dispatch, “Daesung came a little while ago (Thursday night) with YG officials. We got an apology from Daesung and YG, and talked about future funeral arrangements as well.”

Daesung made a visit around 10:30PM on June 2nd with five other YG officials and lawyers. The report said Daesung repeatedly apologized for the tragic accident as some family members demanded a direct apology from him. “Daesung too looked to be in complete agony. At first, the YG official apologized but Daesung couldn’t even say a word. The victim’s acquaintances then asked Daesung to apologize properly, and he went on to apologize to the parents and each family member of the victim, bowing his head,” one of the family members, identified only as “A,” told Dispatch.

Thursday’s meeting was the first between Daesung and the victim’s family since the car accident. Until then, the family members reportedly had not received any calls from Daesung.

“It’s true that we were somewhat disappointed in Daesung. A person just died. And he (Daesung) was involved in the accident. We thought, more than anything, a sincere apology would be the first thing to do,” said A. “But his agency just kept making excuses, telling the press that ‘Daesung was driving at 60km/hr,’ ‘I probably wouldn’t have been able to avoid the victim either.’ Our child is dead and gone, and it was just really frustrating and dismaying to see that.”

According to YG Entertainment, the reason for the delayed visit was due to Daesung’s poor health condition. Following the collision, Daesung was in severe mental pain and was unable to make any type of visit. In fact, he couldn’t eat properly and had no contact with any of his parents or family members. Also the increased public attention caused the delay, YG said.

“YG said it took longer to make a visit because they wanted to come with Daesung. At first, I was mad about it, but after seeing Daesung in person, I felt bad for the young man. He looked really painful. He got involved in such a horrible accident at a young age, and I’m sure it came as huge shock to him,” another family member “B” was quoted as saying.

It was also confirmed that YG and the victim’s family talked about future funeral arrangements. Daesung agreed to take care of all funeral costs, but further details will be arranged after the police investigation gets finalized.

“We heard about the investigation and CCTV reviews. But the most important thing right now is to find the truth. Daesung sincerely apologized and promised to fully cooperate with future proceedings, so we’re going to trust him,” the victim’s family said.

Currently, the police investigation is on-going. Initial reports from the National Forensic Service has been told to the family members only and the police reviewed the CCTV, but nothing has been made official yet. On May 31st, Daesung was involved in a car accident that resulted in the death of a motorcyclist. The motorcyclist was already suffering from an earlier collision and was in critical situation, possibly dead, before being hit by Daesung.

The victim’s family added, “The dead cannot speak. But at least the dead shouldn’t feel victimized. We just hope for a clear investigation and find the truth behind the whole accident. None of the involved parties should feel unfair or victimized. The only people we can trust at this point are the police.”

Source: Dispatch
Translation by Soompi

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Post time 3-6-2011 08:38 PM | Show all posts
knape bile AM baca nih, AM rasa mcm mr hyun's family members mcm nk salahkan dae pulak skarang ni..ari tu ok je kata paham condition dae

anyway,nk bagi uols sume ceria skt...baca nih

GD, TOP & Seungri’s favorite nickname!

Q. Out of all the nicknames the fans give you, which one do you like the most?

Seungri: Mm….me…well i like “baby seunghyun”.

GD: For all the normal people who feel embarassed with questions like these, he (Ri) doesn’t care & says it out loud and can answer so smoothly. I also have a favorite, “cute jiyong”…

TOP: ….if you’re “baby seunghyun”…then what am i?!?! “ahjusshi seunghyun” or “seunghyun harabeoji” -_-”

baby seunghyun fine,i'll call u that after this if u really like it jawapan TOP plg x blh blah.. ahjusshi ok lg la,mmg ada budak pggl die ahjusshi pon.hahaha.. tp harabeoji tu..

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:18 PM | Show all posts
hi all..nak selit2 gak ni.slalu SR jerk.suke giles MV Love Song..btw pasal eksiden tu aku susah ati  ...
adamis Post at 3-6-2011 12:48 AM

    hello! rjin2 la lepak cni   dh dgr lgu2 BB yg lain?
psl brek tu,vips diskusi mcm gak pcik taxi tu kate mybe dae nak pijak brek tpi sbb in panic tertekan accelerator, this thing might be happen and also mcm papa YG kate even lepas dae langgar taxi tu dia xtau pon actually dier dah langgar skali cyclist tu smpailah pcik taxi tu sndri yg gtau dae dah hit org tu,situation ni jdi sbb ada car depan dae mse tu,biler dia nmpk taxi tu stop n nmpk cyclist tu keta tu tros change lane so dae yg kat blkg tu xtau speeding ke tak dah la mlm kan keta xbyk sah2 la xnmpk ader org tbaring kat dpn klu keta kat depan tu change lane awal2 or xde keta lain dpn dae mse tu mybe dae bole elak tpi yela la benda dah nak jadi kan anything can happn chy rsa dae mmg bwak 60 je but mybe mcm semua speku jln tu trun bukit so mybe itu cause dae mcm speeding 80..

nanges tgk ni

our poor daedae omg plis

hopefully dae xla buat benda2 yg kita tkot tu,trust dgn love sumer YG Family Yg stans n vips..
psl komen kluarga mangsa tu,mmg a bit xpuas ati la sbb mcm nak blame dae 100% walhal hit n runner tu yg ptut d salahkan,bunyik drg mcm dae je yg slh 100% few vips ckp mungkin sbb dae young star so ader yg badmouthing dae n fmily magsa tmkn kot ngan komen2 sume tu,and kiter xleh gak la nak blame drg act mcm tu ngan dae kiter and dae pun mestilah xnak kiter mrh fmily mangsa tu walopun drg mmg xptot lyn dae mcm tu, kiter trima je mcm mna dae trima kutukan lyn negative sume kite pon buat benda yg sma n just support our smiling angel..kiter nak mrh nnt dae lgik tmbh sdih sbb fmily mangsa kne attack so vips ignore je kutukan negative news haters anti sume ye! mcm mna dae strong hdapi sumanya,kiter pon kne strong jgn lwn jgn mngamuk things wont get better klu kiter lwn but mybe getting worst n benda yg kiter takot jdik akan jdik nnt just support our beloved kang dae sung

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:32 PM | Show all posts
hello! rjin2 la lepak cni   dh dgr lgu2 BB yg lain?
psl brek tu,vips diskusi  ...
Chynez Post at 3-6-2011 22:18

   ya allah chy....mmg AM tgh nanges nih nmpak sangat dae tgh depress...nape smpai cmtu dae plz...dont be like that's really hurt us dae.. we miss our smiling angel
siyesly,xpaham diorang sume nih...juz bcause he is an idol, he had to be blamed for everything? eh come on la..die manusia gak..sama mcm korang jugak..those anti and haters mmg xde life btol, keje dok salahkan dae je tau..hoii, ko ada ke kat situ time tu?klau xde,dok tepi diam2 tggu polis siasat la,cukupla dae jadi gitu, nk tambah p wat apa!! :@

yg langgar lari tu pon xrasa bsalah ke tgk dae smpai jadi sini..sume org letak salah kt bahu die :@ eee,geramnyeee!! :@ ouh,seriously, i'm emo rite now..huuuu

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Chynez at 3-6-2011 22:36

Infinity Challenge Part 2 is OUT!

subbed by shiareagy

Link MU je, nnt dier update link MF so rjin2 la jenguk site dier ye..


part 2 sgt best,tpi xleh sgt gelak sbb nmpk dae nye smiling laughing wat my heart aching ingt incident ni so for now rsanya mesti papa YG xrelaese apa2 till this dae issue kurang, dae nye part kat NAN pun dah kne cut klu this no show thing bole calm down kan issue dae ni n wat dae a bit peace kurang depressed chy xkesah,biarla BB xde fo 1 or 2months ke ambik la brapa msa drg nak jnji our dae recovered chy xkesah :cry:

i think i’m more upset about the fact that daesung will now have to live with the fact that he was involved in someone’s death, having that on his mind for the rest of his life. that’s tough

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:38 PM | Show all posts
hopefully dae xla buat benda2 yg kita tkot tu,trust dgn love sumer YG Family Yg stans n vips..
psl komen kluarga mangsa tu,mmg a bit xpuas ati la sbb mcm nak blame dae 100% walhal hit n runner tu yg ptut d salahkan,bunyik drg mcm dae je yg slh 100% few vips ckp mungkin sbb dae young star so ader yg badmouthing dae n fmily magsa tmkn kot ngan komen2 sume tu,and kiter xleh gak la nak blame drg act mcm tu ngan dae kiter and dae pun mestilah xnak kiter mrh fmily mangsa tu walopun drg mmg xptot lyn dae mcm tu, kiter trima je mcm mna dae trima kutukan lyn negative sume kite pon buat benda yg sma n just support our smiling angel..kiter nak mrh nnt dae lgik tmbh sdih sbb fmily mangsa kne attack so vips ignore je kutukan negative news haters anti sume ye! mcm mna dae strong hdapi sumanya,kiter pon kne strong jgn lwn jgn mngamuk things wont get better klu kiter lwn but mybe getting worst n benda yg kiter takot jdik akan jdik nnt just support our beloved kang dae sung
Chynez Post at 3-6-2011 22:18

   chy,AM mmg xnk salahkan family mangsa sbb diorang pon msti in sorrow skarang mebi yg xpuas hati tu hanya sorang dua dlm family tu tp yg lelain leh trime..well,kita xtau haters mmg btul2 wat VIP naik darah...kalau dulu AM yakin dae mmpu lalui sume ni, skarang da tggl 70% je because i myself xblh tahan tgk ktukan2 tu sume..apa lg dae.. ya hampunn, harap2 dae akan dpt semangat die balik..u're strong dae!!!

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Chynez at 3-6-2011 22:51

Reply 1012# adikmanis

    sbr jela ye,dah dugaan tuhan ksik kat dier cmtu
yg penting kiter jgn blame fmily mangsa la,fact dae mmg hit org tu itu gak bole sebabkan lynan fmily tu mcm tu ngan dae..bygkan je fmily mmber kiter died hit by artist tkenal mcm kes dae ni,walopun bkn salah dier tpi smpai bile2 kiter akan ingt n biler nmpk muke artis tu kat iklan ke poster mana2 mestila tingt incident tu kan,so sbr jela ye

a picture to naikkan mood vips

mybe dae mula2 tu mesti bkurung lam blik xnak ckp ngan sapa2 still in shock,mybe biler dah oke skit member lain mesti comfort dae mcm ni kan auww motip kan baby hug abg jiyong aagaagaga

ps: citer greatest love ep9 sempat pomot nikon with BB ekekek mesti nikon sponsor citer ni

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:50 PM | Show all posts
Huhuhu!! AM and chy dear..stanum td nangess jugak bila ulang balik tgk Dae Sung nyanyi lagu Try Smiling kat concert..Uwwaa!!!!!!!!!!! tak leh tahan....sebak sgt..bila baca latest updates je asyik rasa nervous tak memanjang..camne la nasib adikku sorg nih..Pls give us your smile Dae Sung!! We need our smiling angle back!! Jaebal!!
p/s: uollz ada tgk tak VIP indonesia wat MV kat youtube utk dae dae?? sweet sgt..

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:58 PM | Show all posts
Reply  adikmanis

Chynez Post at 3-6-2011 22:45

   ehe chy..thx a lot..i feel better now
gmbr nih so sweeett taeyang kt atas comforting daesung, top mcm bese..bromance melampau die tuh..sume org die nk kissu , jidi looks so caring..siap lentok kt bahu lagi n paling xleh blah is baby seunghyun..motip sandar2 kt jidi? hey, comfort dae la,bukan jidi! i love this pic soo much!!

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Post time 3-6-2011 10:59 PM | Show all posts
Huhuhu!! AM and chy dear..stanum td nangess jugak bila ulang balik tgk Dae Sung nyanyi lagu Try Smil ...
stanum123 Post at 3-6-2011 22:50

   blom tgk lagi...uols tolong tepek boley?

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Post time 3-6-2011 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply  adikmanis

    sbr jela ye,dah dugaan tuhan ksik kat dier cmtu  
yg penting kiter jg ...
Chynez Post at 3-6-2011 22:45
omo!! this picca is sooooooooo cute!!

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Post time 3-6-2011 11:12 PM | Show all posts
blom tgk lagi...uols tolong tepek boley?
adikmanis Post at 3-6-2011 22:59

stanum x pandai tepek!!! uwaa.... ni link dia ek..

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