YoonA and TaeYeon the most popular members of So Nyeo Shi Dae?
Girl group So Nyeo Shi Dae chooses their member with the highest popularity.
The girls appeared on an episode of MBC ‘Golden Fishery’ aired on 25th February. And members Jessica and Tiffany had chose member YoonA, SooYoung and Sunny chose member TaeYeon as the members with the highest popularity.
Jessica, “YoonA’s fan base has a very wide age range. From the youngsters to the grandma and grandpas, everyone knows ‘SaeByeok (YoonA’s role in ‘You’re My Destiny’.”
The rest of the members also said, “Yuri’s fan base are mainly those in their 30s. While Sunny’s fans are very young, those who can call her by noona.”
Meanwhile, So Nyeo Shi Dae is in the midst of promoting their comeback hit song ‘Gee’. And member YoonA will be acting along side Kwon Sang Woo in MBC ‘Cinderella Man’. TaeYeon is also currently active in the filming of variety show ‘We Got Married’.
~~kiut je taengoo wat salah step....pastu die sengih memalu...
congratz 4 our girlz 4 7th consequences winning at mubank n yoona 4 winning 2 awards...popular actress ngan minho ngan popularity award ngan hyun joong~yayyyyy:pompom:
baca kat soompi fany jatuh masa turun tangga lps dorg perf kat paeksang award tuh. but even dia dh injured, dia still lagi naik pentas masa bg bunga time yoona menang tuh!! anyway, kat soompi ckp gak masa biler ntah dorg perf lagu dear mom & fany just duduk kat kerusi jer!! get well soon fany!!
Tiffany (snsd) Is Injured ..., fall during Baeksang Awards
The kid is still a fighter though. She fell down the stairs (darn the stylish that came up with those heels) and still tried to go on stage to give Yoona her flowers after she won. She still performed Gee (on the sideline though, singing mostly) on Music Bank despite her cast, and performed Dear Mom on a chair along side the other members of SNSD, although you have to read the fan account about the dear mom performance ...
Taeyeon started crying during their Inkigayo performance
[quote]All the members looked surprised. Yuri and Seohyun who were standing the closest, went over to Taeyeon to cheer her up..
Tiffany, who was sitting down since the beginning, got out of her seat and tried walking towards Taeyeon as well..
Hyoyeon then hurriedly came down and stopped Tiffany, since it would've been hard to climb up the stairs..
credits to ak6c @ soshified.com
Popular group "SNSD" member, Tiffany is injured.
SNSD was invited to perform for the 45th Baeksang Arts Awards held at Seoul Olympic Park on the 27th. Tiffany was said to injured her left ankle when she fell while exiting the stage.
Because of this, Tiffany could not perform on the main stage with the other members for the MBC Show MusicCore performance on the 28th. She sang her parts at the left side of the stage with her left leg in a cast.
SNSD's spokesperson said "After the Baeksang Arts Award performance, she fell down the stairs and had injured her ankle as a result. We brought her to the hospital immediately to get it checked and the doctor said that she should not dance or move around too much for at least 3~4 days."
Therefore, Show Music Core had arranged for her to perform albeit vocals only, without choreography. Tiffany said "I am sorry to all the fans for making them worry." Tiffany "was feeling sorry and sad" that she could not perform together with the members.
When asked about future activities, "Luckily for 29th SBS Inkigayo, they would be performing ballad song 'Dear Mom' instead of 'Gee', which does not require much movement."
SNSD had also hold a record together with Jewelry's Baby One More Time of 7 weeks of #1 in a row on KBS 2TV's Musicbank for their title song 'Gee'.
Kim Taesung is a pro, I love the composition for this song.
The girls sang Dear Mom a lot better for 7080 but here's a fan account from Inkigayo about her condition.
I just came back from the recording of Inkigayo...
And as many of you know already.. I saw Taeyeon's tears.
Even though they won 1st place numerous times, she holds in her tears inside her heart...
Even in front of fans, while the other members cry, she quietly holds in her tears with her throat...
When that child started crying while singing on stage today..
My heart felt really sad.
You don't know how many times I yelled out 'Taeyeon, you can do it' inside my heart.
Hm... I can't tell you exactly why Taeyeon showed her tears today.
But if I can explain just a little about Taeyeon's feelings from what I saw and felt today,
I don't think it's because she sang 'Dear Mom'.
I don't think it's because her emotions burst out while thinking of her mother either..
Of course, whenever they sing this song, she'll think of her mother and parents.
But I still think think that Taeyeon isn't someone who would show her tears on stage because of that..
She sang this song on other stages too before..
All of a sudden, it reminded me of Taeyeon whose condition didn't look too well since yesterday's Music Core.
I just thought simply it was because she was worried about Fany's injuries..
Even today while recording, her expressions didn't look too well ever since she walked in.
At first, it looked like Taeyeon and Yuri weren't in their best condition.
Taeyeon's expressions made it look like that and Yuri, who normally laughs and jokes around a lot, looked very tired..
They seemed okay up until the camera rehearsals..
When they first started recording, Taeyeon looked very weak.
She lost her voice strength and couldn't keep her pitch up until the very end, and eventually lost her beat..
So she wasn't able to finish her part and soon after wards, the recording was stopped.
Taeyeon put out an embarrassed smile while apologizing and had a couple of drinks too..
She tried calming herself down and the second recording started soon after that.
But since her body condition wasn't the best, it's probably not easy to recover from a such a short break.
She looked tired already from singing the first part of the song..
Eventually, she wasn't able to sing (live) as she wanted to, and put her head down.
I felt worried.. and when she raised her head after that.. she was crying..
Fans who saw this were all shocked, and it seemed like amongst the members, Sooyoung noticed this first.
Halfway through the performance, Sooyoung gave a worried look towards a staff..
It looked like they were going to keep on recording but because of Taeyeon, who sang while she cried, the recording was stopped once again..
All the members looked surprised. Yuri and Seohyun who were standing the closest, went over to Taeyeon to cheer her up..
Tiffany, who was sitting down since the beginning, got out of her seat and tried walking towards Taeyeon as well..
Hyoyeon then hurriedly came down and stopped Tiffany, since it would've been hard to climb up the stairs..
The staffs came over and wiped her tears, asking if she was alright.
Taeyeon tried to put out a smile while trying her best to hold in her tears...
The moment Taeyeon started crying and the moment after that when she started singing..
It looked like she really wanted to do this perfectly, she thought she could, but it wasn't working out the way she wanted it to be.
She knows what she has to do, and she's trying her best..
but her body wasn't listening to her.. and those tears seem to come from frustration for only being able to do half of what she wanted to do. That's what I felt from looking at Taeyeon..
Looking at Taeyeon cry, Sooyoung started tearing up too, and Sica said she was starting to cry as well..
Tiffany sat down on her seat again and looked like she was trying her best in not crying too..
For those of you who has seen the 7080 concert, they really sang Dear Mom perfectly.
Our girls are pros... I'm sure they get emotional while singing, but they won't cry on stage because of that.
I was upset more than anything because Taeyeon's condition didn't look too good.
That disappointment when you can't sing the song you really like.. that frustration when you can't do it even though you give your best.. I think that's why she started crying TT_TT
It's not she couldn't sing it because she cried, she cried because she couldn't sing it..
Looking at Taeyeon, I kept on yelling out 'You can do it' inside my heart..
In the end, Taeyeon really gave it her all in finishing the song..
I know she was full of disappointment and frustration.. but I couldn't help but clap.
Coming down from stage, with teary eyes, she said goodbye to the fans with the other members..
I felt really emotional then..
I wanted to take take her to her dorm and have her rest for a couple of days..
I can't imagine how bad her condition must've been, how hard it must've been to sing, for her to cry in the end..
Seeing her try her best until the very end however, I wondered how she's able to do such a thing even in her current condition and was amazed and proud of Taeyeon..
I realized again.. that Taeyeon is a child who can accomplish anything she wants to.
And I really hope Taeyeon doesn't feel sick like that again.
I don't know where and how it's hurting, but I hope that she doesn't get sick anymore.
Both her body... and heart... as well as the other members.
Taeyeon is a girl who always holds it in and doesn't express it very often.
mmg sedih pun masa tuh. mmg nmpk sgt taeyeon tgh menahan nangis biler perf lagu tuh... & biler tgk video yg fany jatuh tuh, mmg dia betul2 jatuh ah, gerun lak aku tgk!! dgn badan2 sekali dia jatuh, byg kan la!!
thnx ari tu pm bg link starking ss501 ngan snsd..kiut giler hyunjoong dlm tu..hehe..
yoona ke daesung kata slalu sms tu?yoona ni lahir taun bile?
suker tgk perf dear mom yg ada tunjuk gmbr diorg mase kecik..sedih plak aku tgk lirik dear mom..aku xtau lak fany ni xde ibu..pttla kat yt ramai komen kesian tgk fany nyanyi lagu tu..makdia meninggal sbb pe?
~~congratz 4 them...8th winning....it might be d last or second last winning...kuikui...
yeah,it might be suju's turn plak...ehehe