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Author: SulurBidar

[Tempatan] Versi 11: Ops Daulat - Seorang Pahlawan Gugur, 3 Anjing Kiram Mati : Post 1505

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:03 AM | Show all posts
Kalau ikut berita semalam, kampung Tanduo dah clean (or hampir clean), kiranya proses mopping dah selesai kt kampung tu. Rasanya pihak militan sulu ni dah bergerak ke tanjung labian dan kawasan sekitarnya.

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:05 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox posted on 12-3-2013 07:40 AM
Sabah stand-of: Birthday girl loses cop dad in ambush


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Post time 12-3-2013 08:05 AM | Show all posts

... yang menjejaskan reputasi dia sebagai seorang guru dan insan bergelar rakyat adalah kenyataan keji dia yang berkaitan dengan polis dan tentera. bukan disebabkan dia hina kerajaan. aku takde back up sesiapa, tapi bila nak post something biar la relevan dengan isu dan pihak yang terlibat. tindakan yang sepatutnya dikenakan kepada dia perlu disabitkan dengan kenyataan dia yang menghina dan mengutuk pengorbanan polis di lahad datu. kalau disebabkan menghina dan mengutuk kerajaan/parti politik yang korupsi pun perlu diambil tindakan, mampus semua penyokong PR termasuk dengan aku sekali. mohon faham mesej yang ingin disampaikan. sekian.

i DUNNO MANA GELARAN /PROFESSION YG DI SANDANG. BERSYUKURLAH... Last edited by sya_sugar_sugar on 12-3-2013 08:10 AM

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:09 AM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom posted on 12-3-2013 07:54 AM
bagus juga geng lanun ni mfitnah malaysia secara terang2.....lepas ni klu kerajaan msh lg nk simpa ...

orang malaysia kritik singapore sebab jeles dengan kemajuan singapore..macam indonesia kritik malaysia lah..

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:14 AM | Show all posts
Asean rights body asked to probe abuses in Sabah
By Michael Punongbayan and Helen Flores (The Philippine Star) | Updated March 12, 2013 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine government is checking on reports of widespread abuses committed by Malaysian forces against Filipinos in Sabah.
The alleged abuses were committed in the course of the ongoing offensive against armed followers of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III in Lahad Datu.
The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said it has asked the international human rights body of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to look into the alleged human rights abuses.
“It is incumbent upon international human rights bodies to really try to look at the situation,” CHR chair Loretta Ann Rosales told The STAR yesterday.
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) also said it is investigating the alleged abuses in coordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).
Rosales said she is also looking at having a joint mission with Malaysia’s SUHAKAM, its human rights body, to investigate the issue. She said the ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights should launch its own probe.
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“Ambassador Rosario Manalo herself is the head of the Commission on Women and Children of ASEAN. I will be writing her a letter,” she said.
At the sub-regional level, Rosales said she would communicate with the SUHAKAM “to ask them if there is a possibility that we can have a joint mission to go to Sabah to look into alleged abuses.”
She noted that alleged victims should definitely file complaints or write letters so that they can have access to justice but even without such complaints, “we should look into it motu propio.”
Rosales called on concerned parties including media to be constructive in dealing with the matter because of its political ramifications.
“This is not an easy case,” she told The STAR. “We should in fact come together – media, CHR, government, people – in order to address the question of how to protect the human rights of our own people in Malaysia, in Sabah, and work things out properly.”
Social Welfare Secretary Corazon Soliman, for her part, said her agency’s relief efforts would go side by side with its probe on alleged abuses committed by Malaysian forces against Filipinos in Sabah.
“We are coordinating (with the DFA) based on interviews conducted with the people who arrived and (we are) getting feedback if there are human rights violations,” Soliman said in a text message to The STAR.
“The DFA has coordinated with us on this matter,” Soliman said.
She said the DSWD head office, in coordination with the DSWD-Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and the Department of Agriculture, has sent a total of 1,000 sacks of rice and 1,500 food packs to Jolo, Sulu and another 1,000 sacks of rice and 1,500 food packs to Bonggao, Tawi-Tawi.
She said 500 food packs have also been sent to Basilan.
“The food packs, which include rice, noodles, and canned goods, have also been shipped through a naval vessel from Bonggao, Tawi-Tawi to Taganak, Turtle Island. It takes eight hours of travel given that the waves are high during these times,” Soliman said.
She said the food packs would be distributed to approximately 512 individuals who went to Turtle Island, Tawi-Tawi from Sandakan.
She also reported that 432 displaced individuals from Sabah have been processed by social workers from DSWD-ARMM since March 8.
Reports reaching Zamboanga City said Malaysian police were also extorting money from Filipinos in Sandakan.
“It’s not enough that we are subjected to beating, the Malaysian police were also asking us to pay,” said 27-year old Jelan Adjaran.
Adjaran, a mother of four, arrived in Bongao yesterday along with 20 other refugees from Sandakan.
Adjaran, a native of Kidapawan and married to a carpenter from Bongao, had been living in Sabah for four years.
“Those who failed to give money were detained and their documents torn before their eyes,” Adjaran said.
She said the constant raids and threats from Malaysian forces prompted them to leave in a hurry, carrying only their personal belongings in sacks. She said they had no intention of returning to Sabah.
Adjaran said the skipper of the boat that brought them to Tawi-Tawi had turned away many in their group for fear of getting unwanted attention from Malaysian authorities.
She also said it’s the thought of not finding livelihood in the Philippines that she and other refugees now find unnerving.
More appeal
Tawi-Tawi Vice Gov. Ruby Sahali said a humanitarian crisis is now prevailing in her province as refugees continue to arrive from Sabah.
“People get killed everyday with no less than 10 Filipinos being killed everyday in Sabah,” she said. “We hope government would send help this way.”
She pointed out that the province is already running out of food for the evacuees.
“It is obvious that Malaysian authorities are targeting not just the forces of Kiram but civilians as well. The Malaysian government should respect Filipinos, especially civilians in Sabah. We are civilized nations and we should act as such,” Makabayan senatorial candidate Teddy Casiño said.
“Malaysian authorities seem to be hunting Filipinos in Sabah and this has to be stopped. Malaysia is supposed to be our partner is promoting peace in Mindanao but now they are slaughtering our people,” Casiño said. – With Delon Porcalla, Edith Regalado, Roel Pareño, Czeriza Valencia, Mayen Jaymalin, Alexis Romero


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Post time 12-3-2013 08:14 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 11-3-2013 06:20 PM
jgn carik pasal ok!
kaum hawa di belakang para askar/polis lagi bersemangat waja

sesekali nokss...

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:15 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox posted on 12-3-2013 07:32 AM
Princess jadi2an tak mo surrender. Dia tak peduli nyawa rakyatnya itew asalkan family Kiram dpt ramp ...

hotak dia suh pengikut jgn surrender
cuba dia ikot perang sama.. tengok lak dia camner
senang2x nak pertaruh nyawa org len


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Post time 12-3-2013 08:17 AM | Show all posts
RedClip posted on 12-3-2013 08:15 AM
hotak dia suh pengikut jgn surrender
cuba dia ikot perang sama.. tengok lak dia camner
senang2x  ...

beliau ini seorang guru...


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Post time 12-3-2013 08:17 AM | Show all posts
Sabah security zone dubbed ESSCOM
MARCH 11, 2013
Najib takes a picture of ministers and the chief of defence forces after his visit to Felda Sahabat March 7, 2013. — Reuters picKOTA KINABALU, March 11 — The Sabah Special Security Area announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is to be known as the Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM), Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said today.
He said the name was decided by the Sabah Security Committee at a meeting which he had chaired earlier today.
Najib had agreed to the name and would announce further details on ESSCOM soon, Musa told reporters after the meeting.
The prime minister announced the establishment of the Sabah Special Security Area on Thursday after a visit to Sabah to have a close look at the “Ops Daulat” offensive launched by the security forces against Sulu militants in Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu.
The militants had holed up in the village since February 12 and had ignored government overtures for them to lay down arms and surrender.
On March 1 and 2, the militants ambushed and killed eight policemen in Kampung Tanduo and Kampung Simunul, Semporna, prompting the government to launch the offensive.
Musa, in a video conference with Najib in Putrajaya today, said the people welcomed the prime minister’s announcement of the Sabah Special Security Area which stretched from Kudat to Tawau on the east coast and had Lahad Datu as the central command.
“I am sure this measure has raised the confidence of the people, investors and tourists in terms of safety, especially in the Sabah east coast,” he said.
Musa also expressed his appreciation for the sacrifices of the security forces in ensuring the safety of the people in Sabah, particularly Lahad Datu.
“The people of Sabah will hold in high regard the deeds and sacrifices of the security forces,” he said. — Bernama

p/s: Zon-zon golap nan hado~!

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:20 AM | Show all posts
Siapa yang Berhak Atas Sabah? Ini Klaim FilipinaREUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad

Polisi Malaysia memeriksa kendaraan yang lewat di daerah Sabah, Malaysia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,Sengketa Sabah tampaknya tidak akan selesai dalam tiga dekade ke depan. Filipina, setelah kegagalan Operasi Merdeka, seakan tidak ingin lagi mengangkat persoalan ini ke forum internasional.

Malaysia terus membangun infrastruktur Sabah, mengeksploitasi seluruh sumber daya alam (SDA)-nya, dan sebisa mungkin menyejahterakan masyarakatnya. Filipina hanya bisa gigit jari.

Di sisi lain, keluarga Kesultanan Sulu mulai tidak puas dengan uang sewa yang 1.500 dolar AS per tahun dan berusaha menuntut kompensasi 10 persen dari gross domestic product (GDP) yang mencapai 100 miliar dolar AS. Bagi orang Tausug di Mindanao, Tawi Tawi, Palawan, dan Sulu, Sabah akan tetap menjadi bagian dari kehidupan masa depan mereka.

Bagi pemerhati masalah internasional, persoalan Sabah harus dipahami dari dua perspektif pihak yang bersengketa.

Perspektif Filipina
Bagi kebanyakan orang Filipina, klaim Malaysia terhadap Sabah menggelikan. Jika Kuala Lumpur benar-benar memiliki Sabah, mengapa masih harus membayar uang sewa ke keluarga Sultan Sulu?

Lebih menggelikan lagi, jika masih menganggap Sabah sebagai tanah sewa, tidak selayaknya Malaysia membayar jumlah yang sama dengan 135 tahun lalu. Betapa 5.000 dolar Meksiko, jumlah yang tertera dalam Perjanjian 1878, tidak sama dengan saat ini.

Dalam perjanjian itu tertera, penyewa dilarang mentransfer Sabah ke negara, perusahaan, atau individu lain tanpa restu pemerintah atau keluarga Sultan Sulu. Baron von Overbeck dan Alfred Dent, penyewa Sabah, memang tidak melanggar kontrak ini, tapi Inggris secara sepihak mengambil wilayah dari keduanya dan dimasukkan ke dalam peta tanah jajahan pada 10 Juli 1946.

AS, menurut Sakuragi, sebenarnya telah lama melihat keinginan Inggris mencaplok Sabah tanpa membatalkan perjanjian sewa dengan Kesultanan Sulu. Meski secara sepihak membatalkan Perjanjian Bates, AS secara resmi dua kali mengingatkan Inggris bahwa Sabah masih bagian Kesultanan Sulu karena Spanyol tidak pernah memperoleh kedaulatan atas Borneo. Pertama pada 1906 dan kedua pada 1920.

Menurut AS, Inggris tidak bisa mentransfer semua klaim kedaulatan atas Borneo Utara seperti disebutkan dalam Protokol Madrid 1885. Adalah benar Kesultanan Sulu, lewat Perjanjian 1878, mengakui kedaulatan Spanyol atas Jolo dan pulau-pulau sekelilingnya. Namun, Kesultanan Sulu tidak pernah memasukkan Sabah ke dalam perjanjian itu.

Tahun 1939, sengketa kepemilikan Sabah masuk ke pengadilan. Adalah Dayang Hadji Piandao dan delapan ahli waris Sultan Sulu—termasuk Putri Tarhata Kiram—yang mengajukan gugatan kepada penyewa. CFC Makaskie, hakim ketua Pengadilan Tinggi Kalimantan Utara, menguatkan keabsahan klaim ahli waris. Artinya, Sabah sebenarnya telah menjadi milik ahli waris Sultan Sulu sejak saat itu.

Sakuragi melihat kata “permanent lease” yang tertera dalam perjanjian sewa Sabah bertentangan dengan hukum internasional karena syarat sewa kontrak wilayah hanya bisa berjangka 99 tahun. Dinsti Qing menyewakan Hong Kong dan Makau kepada Inggris dan Portugal dan kembali ke pangkuan Pemerintah Cina—pengganti Dinasti Qing—setelah 99 tahun.

Jika peraturan ini diterapkan, Sabah seharusnya telah kembali menjadi milik keluarga Sultan Sulu pada 1977. Namun jika hukum internasional tidak diberlakukan terhadap Sabah, sekeping tanah Kalimantan Utara ini akan menjadi wilayah sewa terlama dalam sejarah.

Reporter : Teguh Setiawan
Redaktur : M Irwan Ariefyanto

p/s: Kok gini deh...???


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Post time 12-3-2013 08:23 AM | Show all posts
crossfire posted on 12-3-2013 08:17 AM
beliau ini seorang guru...

seorang guru..
tapi ayat tidak ilmiah langsung
tolonglah jgn rosak kan reputasi peguruan
ntah lah kenapa aku rasa.. lau aku jumpa malaun nih aku nak bagi sedas dua bleh? (cam ganas lak aku eh )


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Post time 12-3-2013 08:25 AM | Show all posts
"Beliau (Azzimuddie) berkata, tujuannya hanya untuk tinggal di sana kerana ia merupakan tanah kami dan mereka membawa senjata demi untuk keselamatan diri," katanya.
selama ini pun ramai suluk tinggal sini..ada kerajaan kesah? suluk keluar/masuk & berniaga disini macam ini negeri dia punya..pun ada kerajaan kesah?...mau tinggal disini? siapa larang?...berapa ramai sudah suluk tinggal beranak pinak sini..ada yg rumah besar lagi.......NIAT KAU TIDAK BETUL LAH KIRAM...kesian rakyat kau, kau gunakan dia org ini.

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:25 AM | Show all posts
Sabah pullout talks beginRoxas, Sulu sultan’s brother eye ‘disengagement’[url=]By[/url] Marlon Ramos, Niña Calleja
Philippine Daily Inquirer
12:01 am | Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

4 180 107

CHECKPOINT Malaysian policemen validate a woman’s documents during a security check in Lahad Datu on March 11, 2013, in the face of a monthlong intrusion of the followers of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III into Sabah. AFP

After four weeks of bitter exchanges, the government and the sultanate of Sulu sat down on Monday to discuss the “disengagement” of the armed followers of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III from Sabah.
Interior Secretary Mar Roxas and Sultan Bantilan Esmail Kiram II, brother of Jamalul, met behind closed doors in Roxas’ office in Camp Crame, Quezon City.
It was the first official meeting between representatives of the government and the sultanate since a standoff between Malaysian security forces and an armed group led by Jamalul’s brother Agbimuddin Kiram started in Tanduao village in Lahad Datu town in Sabah on Feb. 12.
The standoff erupted into violence on March 1, and 61 people—53 sultanate followers and eight Malaysian policemen—have been killed in skirmishes between the two sides.
Neither Roxas nor Esmail disclosed details of their discussion, but both indicated satisfaction with how the meeting went.
“Let’s just say it’s about disengagement,” Roxas told reporters after the two-hour meeting.
Asked to elaborate, Roxas said the Malaysian government had declared it would not order a halt to the military operations unless Agbimuddin’s fighters laid down their arms.
“They (the Kirams) were asking about the process and mechanism. That’s one of their concerns,” Roxas said.
Asked if “disengagement” meant “withdrawal” or “surrender,” Roxas said: “We should not use strong terms in times like this. It would be better for us to just wait for answers as we convey their questions (to the President).”
“Our meeting is only to find ways and means to resolve our problem in Sabah,” Esmail said.
“We are satisfied with what we have discussed (with Roxas), but we will have to wait for the message of President (Aquino) after Secretary Roxas informs him about our meeting,” Esmail said.
Esmail said his older brother knew about his meeting with Roxas, as he told the sultan about it on Sunday.
Audience requested
Roxas, who called the Kirams stubborn in a recent radio interview, said he met representatives of the clan in Zamboanga City last week.
He said the Kirams wanted an audience with him and he agreed to talk to them on the condition that Jamalul approve the meeting.
“We don’t like to get different messages. So they assured me that the meeting had the blessing (of Jamalul),” Roxas said.
Playing down accusations that the administration mishandled the Sabah crisis, Roxas said government emissaries had been talking to the Kirams.
“Any kind of talk is better than no talk. So the talks are continuing,” Roxas said.
“I deny that there were no discussions held. There [had been talks at] different levels since (the Sabah crisis) started,” he said.
The Kirams called a news conference after the meeting.
Esmail defended President Aquino during the news conference, saying the government never abandoned the Kirams.
“I don’t believe President Aquino is not concerned about our situation. (His concern) was evident when he sent emissaries to talk to us,” said Esmail, who was appointed “acting sultan” by elders of the sultanate.
Esmail said the meeting with Roxas showed the Kirams’ willingness to cooperate with the government in ending the violence in Lahad Datu.
Agbimuddin not budging
Esmail said the Malaysian government had invited him to go to Sabah to talk to Agbimuddin and help in the negotiations for a peaceful resolution of the standoff.
But Agbimuddin was adamant about staying and pressing the clan’s claim to Sabah.
“[He] told me he was firm in his decision to stay in Sabah because it was his,” Esmail said.
“And I was afraid that something might happen to me,” he added.
A second option presented to the family, he said, was to send an advance party to Malaysia to ensure the safety of the Kirams and Philippine government officials who would go with them.
“A plane was ready for us. Look at how [Mr. Aquino is helping us]. But … the Malaysian government … has given no response,” Esmail said.
“It’s not our fault [that the negotiations bogged down],” he said.
Esmail said the decision to lay down arms and leave Sabah belonged to Agbimuddin.
“It’s hard to just prod him to come back. He went there on his own,” he said.
Esmail said Agbimuddin never told him about his Sabah plan.
“He said their purpose was only to live there because that is our homeland … and their bringing weapons was only for security,” Esmail said.
Esmail told the news conference that the elders of the sultanate had barred Jamalul’s daughter, Princess Jacel Kiram, from speaking to journalists about the Sabah crisis.
“The elders have [decided] that only Abraham Idjirani is authorized to give statements on the matter,” he said.
He noted that Jacel was a woman and could be “emotional.”
“Many of the things she says are not about the subject matter, which is how to resolve the situation in Sabah,” Esmail said. “Princess Jacel has been openly criticizing the Aquino government [for its handling of] of the standoff in Sabah.”
Esmail said the reports of police abuses against Filipinos in Sabah were nothing new, as Filipinos had been undergoing abuses in the territory long before the standoff began.
“They have been treating the Filipinos there not as human beings. What they are doing is un-Islamic and are acts of nonbelievers of Islam,” he said.
Family divided?
It appeared that the Kirams did not feel exactly the same about talking with the government.
While Esmail sounded well-disposed to talking with the government, the sultan’s side of the clan sounded like it distrusted the government.
In a separate news conference at the Kirams’ house in Taguig City, Idjirani, the sultanate’s secretary general and spokesman, said Jamalul did not order Esmail to see Roxas.
Esmail, he said, asked Jamalul for permission to see Roxas to “tell the government exactly what the position of the family is” on the Sabah crisis.
Idjirani confirmed that Esmail would brief Jamalul on his discussions with Roxas.
Princess Jacel was there, not looking like she had been barred at all from speaking for the clan.
She said the meeting between Esmail and Roxas was a “good gesture” on the part of the government.
She described the meeting between her uncle and Roxas as “exploratory talks.”
“Somehow they are reaching out, [we hope], to resolve this peacefully,” she said, stressing that the ultimate decision belonged to her father.
“It was offered to us. We welcome the gesture of Malacañang. It’s good even if this moved (the issue) only a centimeter forward. At least we now see that there’s movement,” she said.
Lahad Datu quiet
No fighting was reported on Monday between crack Malaysian troops and Agbimuddin’s group.
Filipino diplomats said it was “quiet” in Lahad Datu.
The Borneo Post newspaper reported that Agbimuddin’s group attacked the government troops in Tanjung Batu village on Sunday, wounding two soldiers during the eight-hour gun battle.
Sabah Police Commissioner Hamza Taib was quoted as saying there were no signs that the “terrorists” were going to surrender and that they had called a ceasefire as reported in Manila.
Hamza reported that 22 bodies of Agbimuddin’s fighters found by security forces in three areas in Semporna town had been taken to hospitals in Lahad Datu and Tawau.
He did not say, however, when the Sulu fighters were killed, but he said 16 of the bodies were found in Tanjung Batu, four in Simunul village in Semporna, and two in Tanduao.
The lack of definite information does not make an adjustment of the casualty figure possible.
As foreign journalists are barred from the battle zone, Malaysian casualty reports cannot be independently verified.With reports from Nikko Dizon in Lahad Datu, and Allan Nawal, Inquirer Mindanao

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:28 AM | Show all posts
aku cadangkan KIRAM n da geng nih.. main je lah KAROM, nama dah dekat2x sama tu
xyah lah usung senjata kehulu kehilir
xperlu nak membodohkan dirik lagi
kesian aku tgk

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:29 AM | Show all posts
crossfire posted on 12-3-2013 08:17 AM
beliau ini seorang guru...

so dia neh lah cikgu tu eh?

bercakap berdegar2.. sekali kena mengadap, terus kata fb kena hack..

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Philippine government, Sulu clan discuss ways to end Sabah crisis

Philippine Interior Secretary Mar Roxas (right), talks to reporters beside Filipino Sultan Bantilan Esmail Kiram II (left) at Camp Crame, police headquarters in suburban Quezon city, north of Manila, Philippines on Monday, March 11, 2013. Mr Kiram met Mr Roxas to discuss possible ways of resolving a deadly crisis that started when his brother and 200 others barged into a village in Malaysia's Sabah state to revive an old claim to the territory. -- PHOTO: AP/PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE

MANILA (AP) - A Muslim royal clan leader has met a top Philippine government official to discuss possible ways of resolving a deadly crisis that started when his brother and 200 others barged into a village in Malaysia's Sabah state to revive an old claim to the territory.

Mr Esmail Kiram II told The Associated Press on Monday that in his talk with Interior Secretary Mar Roxas, he reiterated the need for Malaysia to agree to a ceasefire to allow talks aimed at resolving the weeks-long Sabah standoff.

Malaysia has rejected earlier calls for a ceasefire and demanded that Mr Kiram's younger brother, who led the invasion, and his followers lay down their arms.

Malaysian officials say at least 62 people have been killed in sporadic clashes between Sabah authorities and the Filipino clansmen hiding in Sabah's hinterlands.

Last edited by Dzunnun on 12-3-2013 08:30 AM


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Post time 12-3-2013 08:34 AM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 12-3-2013 08:29 AM
so dia neh lah cikgu tu eh?

bercakap berdegar2.. sekali kena mengadap, terus kata fb kena hack. ...

ini yg lain cikgu jantan, yg dahulu itu, cikgu betina...

ini pun guru jugak.

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:34 AM | Show all posts
pic of d'Day...


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Post time 12-3-2013 08:35 AM | Show all posts
dahliateck posted on 11-3-2013 02:59 PM
tq uols jemput iols dgn jamuan mata abam2 tasty

amboi teck...dpt undangan khas uolsss...

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Post time 12-3-2013 08:38 AM | Show all posts
crossfire posted on 12-3-2013 08:34 AM
ini yg lain cikgu jantan, yg dahulu itu, cikgu betina...

ini pun guru jugak.

guru lagi..
kanapa lah bagi stetment tu xpikir dulu
sedih aku


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