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Author: yipun78


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Post time 29-3-2009 04:05 PM | Show all posts

si dzirhan tu slalu lepak kat singapork nye forum nampak....

yg pelik wa f/up thread tu..kenapa dia lebih layan mamat2 singapork pasal pertahanan negara kita dari beritahu kita sendiri erk???

dia pung dah agaknya dah kena penyakit sesetengah rakyat malaysia yg kekonon star le ni....

ape kelas layan warganegara sendiri.......

my 20 sens...

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Post time 29-3-2009 04:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #981 Periuk_api1209's post

Ajak2 la dia ke mari....lagipun dia merajuk kot korang kata dia merapu / merepek or something like that bila keluar artikel pasal Fulcrum nak kena retire awal.....

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Post time 29-3-2009 05:06 PM | Show all posts

Balas #982 alphawolf\ catat

oh yer ker??

sebelum ni dia kena goreng pasal kes fulcrum tu ker???

tak tau plak.....

dia memang ada join sini  kalau tak salah kan???

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Post time 29-3-2009 08:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #982 alphawolf's post

terbukti sudah fulcrum belum retire lagi....

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Post time 29-3-2009 08:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #982 alphawolf's post

aku suka pulak dia kat sana.....soal jawab yang diberikan pun baik, surprisingly those guys there like him, and he is well received. i hope to see more of him there. 1 thing i like is that when he said he got interview and published it in Janes, somebody else posted those article within a couple of minutes.....very fast and very efficient....hopefully those in the defence media like Tempur, ADJ, AD&D and perajurit even KLS goes there for a discussion.

[ Last edited by  spiderweb6969 at 29-3-2009 21:04 ]

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Post time 29-3-2009 09:04 PM | Show all posts

Balas #985 spiderweb6969\ catat

of course low and sometimes kutuk your own country abit (well actually alot!!)...baru la tuan rumah boleh terima....

bukan kat sing forum jer..kat indon pun wa recce benda yang sama jugak....

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Post time 29-3-2009 09:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #986 Periuk_api1209's post

kutuk mengutuk tu masing masing punya hal lah, at the end of the day tanya diri sendiri, who do you want to attract in these forum (or any other forum)? how do you feel getting news from the other forum instead of here from your fellow country man? then ask yourself again, who do you want to attract in these forum.

[ Last edited by  spiderweb6969 at 29-3-2009 21:48 ]

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Post time 29-3-2009 10:12 PM | Show all posts's sad to see this kind of things happen...tak tau plak sebelum ni dia ada krisis dgn otai2 sini..tapi tak kan la merajuk mcm tu skali....sebab org lain tak setuju dgn dia...

but at least skang kita tau la what's his colour...

tu pendapat aku la kan....

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Post time 29-3-2009 10:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #988 Periuk_api1209's post

i disagree with you, he is as patriotic and as nice as most people here, i just think he didnt want to waste time, aku sendiri pun kalau nak baca aku tengok siapa yang tulis.....most of the content here pun got side track alot, and for people like him, it's just not worth to read or response. I'm looking forward to more interactive between him and all those milnut, you are welcome to read if you want, if not you can always bersembang kat sini.

[ Last edited by  spiderweb6969 at 29-3-2009 22:44 ]

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Post time 30-3-2009 02:17 AM | Show all posts
Before anyone gets too excited or speculative over my absence , let me clear up a few things, first off I'm not sure why it should be an issue as to which forum I post on or when I stop posting and all these comments/speculation about my loyalty etc in the last few posts is silly (looks at Periukapi) when I do post on a Malaysian forum,namely Gempur Wira and got more active there, of course since some of you here aren't big fans of that forum, that probably makes me more of a traitor I guess , all that could have easily been done is to contact me through PMs on the forums I'm on to ask why I'm not posting here anymore and in any case, from middle of last year I got pretty busy and when I get busy my online particpation slackens  not to mention I had problems logging into my account and since I wasn't posting much, just thought to let things slip, in fact had to set up a new one here just to reply to this and looking at things then it was a lot easier to participate locally at GW as most of the threads here have reading levels clearence (I can hardly discuss something when I can't even read the topic ) and the format here is messy without subtopics and sections for post topics. I'm also on defencetalk forums which has a number of Malaysians there too, some of them who don't post here also but nobody seems to say they ignore their own countrymen
As for the tip-off on milnuts, it's only because I do know ppl there have access to the article and could post on what they read as  I'm not allowed to post myself any of my published writings online as that will be a breach of employment, I haven't seen anything indicating anyone here has direct access to what I write other than taking what's been posted on other forums and it was just an aside since I just thought of mentioning it when I was replying to the thread.
As for the MiG-29s, let me just clarify the whole saga, when I wrote the story of deactivation, that was the plan but a whole lot of second thoughts occured after the story came out not to mention denials, as matter of fact just after the story came out, we were having a media session with Datuk Najib followed by tea with a number of MAF officers including CDF Tan Sri Anwar who then asked us if Najib gave us a statement on the MiGs and we told him the miinister hadn't and Tan Sri Anwar said Najib was probably going to make that statement statement later, smiling at me and giving me a look that I let the cat out of the bag on that one (I worked with Tan Sri when I was a guest lecturer at Defence college during his time as Commandant) and a few RMAF officers I knew later confirmed that things had been rethought on the MiGs (namely they'll serve on till 2010 when a final decision would be made)  after my story was published and when I confirmed it a story was then published stating so, seems everyone remembers the first story on the MiGs and forgets the follow up story on it since I lost count of how many people who keep saying online I got things wrong on the MiG retirement .
So to sum up I'm not posting here much mainly because I'm on another Malaysian defence forum and  I do not have time to be in and post on every forum (even on defence talk and milnuts I only post on MAF threads only and that also not always), I was a member here but just dropped it as I just found the format of other forums to be easier to particpate in.
BTW if there's a need to verify I am who I'm claiming to be, just PM me on defencetalk or milnuts, GW seems to be down at the moment
Edit: spelling

[ Last edited by  dzirhan1 at 30-3-2009 02:30 ]

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Post time 30-3-2009 10:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #990 dzirhan1's post

no worries dzirhan..we know who you you said here is a more wheeling and dealing kind of thing, unlike GW..regarding the RA, as here membership is more open, that is a price to pay when discussing potentially sensitive matters..just hpe when there is a general question that happen to catch your eye whenever you are around, at least you can make a comment

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Post time 30-3-2009 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Nice of you to clear things up,dzirhan.Always enjoy reading your articles. Hope to see more of your posts and let me the first to welcome you here.

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Post time 2-4-2009 02:22 PM | Show all posts
huh? ... the man himself.  truly an honor to grace this little corner of cyberspace.

i do enjoy your writings (i.e. whenever i came across them).  keep up the work.

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Post time 9-4-2009 01:39 PM | Show all posts
aku dah tak jumpa dah thread NBC ni..dulu ada..sesuatu keupayaan ATM yang jarang kita ketahui..

Thursday April 9, 2009Army unit shows it can handle bio-warfare attacks
MALACCA: The army’s Third Division’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Unit for the first time showed off its response capabilities in the event of a biological and chemical attack, including radiation injuries due to nuclear fallout.
A special exhibition and demonstration was held by the unit for eight delegates of the South East Regional Centre for Counter Terrorism (SEARCCT), including six from the National Authority in Chemical Weapons Convention (PBK-KSK) at the Terendak Army Camp in Sungai Udang yesterday.
SEARCCT director-general Zainol Abidin Omar said the demonstration by the unit was aimed at creating better understanding of how best to handle threats posed by biological or chemical attacks, and radiation, caused by a nuclear blast.
“I am confident that the visit will provide greater in-depth understanding on aspects of how best to deal with such threats,” he said in his speech after witnessing the demonstration.
Zainol, who was appointed to head SEARCCT earlier this year, said that since 2005 the centre has organised nine anti-terrorism courses with cooperation from the Canadian government.
The 90-minute demonstration saw a mock explosion involving a chemical weapon at a busy cafeteria and the response taken by the unit to rescue, treat and evacuate victims including decontaminating the blast area.

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Post time 9-4-2009 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Nice article, Dzirhan ... looking forward to more of your contribution in Janes & other publications regarding MY defence.

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2009 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Akta bendung jenayah pencerobohan hak peribadi akan diperkenal

KUALA LUMPUR: Akta bagi membendung jenayah pencerobohan hak peribadi individu akan diperkenalkan, kata Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

"Perkara ini sudah dibincangkan di peringkat Kabinet. Saya percaya apabila Kabinet baru dibentuk, Insya-Allah mereka akan melihat perkara ini bagi memberikan perlindungan kepada individu yang terbabit dalam kes sebegini, " katanya menjawab soalan Senator Datuk Roslan Awang Chik.

Roslan bertanyakan sejauh mana tindakan kerajaan dalam menangani kes pencerobohan peribadi terhadap individu.

Syed Hamid menjelaskan, kini tiada undang-undang khusus yang ditubuhkan bagi memerangi perkara berkenaan.

"Tidak ada undang-undang khusus untuk kes kesalahan pencerobohan jenayah peribadi ini. Bagaimanapun kesalahan ini boleh dituduh di bawah peruntukan Seksyen 509 Kanun Keseksaan atas kesalahan melakukan perkara yang boleh mengaibkan seseorang di mana pesalah boleh dikenakan hukuman penjara selama lima tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali," katanya. - Bernama

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2009 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Orang awam layak jadi pengawal peribadi
Oleh Mohd Azis Ngah
[email protected]

MENEMBAK di lapang sasar PGA, Briged Tengah, Cheras.

Pengiring VIP mesti bertanggungjawab

SETIAP kali melihat orang kenamaan (VIP) menghadiri majlis rasmi termasuk membabitkan menteri, kita akan terpandang kepada beberapa lelaki berpakaian kemas mengiringi mereka, berkaca mata hitam dan kelihatan serius tanpa banyak bicara.

Mereka adalah pengawal peribadi mengiringi menteri atau pegawai kanan kerajaan yang selalunya dilantik Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dikategorikan sebagai sebahagian pasukan keselamatan beruniform.

Sekelompok lagi ialah orang awam yang berkelayakan menjadi pengawal peribadi selepas menjalani latihan khas secara berperingkat dikenali sebagai Program Pengiring Orang Kenamaan dikendalikan CPP Training & Services Sdn Bhd.

Siapa sebenarnya pengawal peribadi dan apakah kriteria atau kelayakan yang membolehkan mereka diberi tanggungjawab menjaga keselamatan individu.

Pengarah Urusan CPP Training & Services Sdn Bhd, Mahathir Manan, pengawal peribadi mestilah mempunyai susuk badan yang bersesuaian, tidak semestinya sasa atau tegap, tidak mempunyai rekod jenayah, berperwatakan matang serta mempunyai lesen memandu.

LATIHAN asas tempur tanpa senjata.

“Kerjaya ini tidak terlalu bergantung kepada saiz fizikal tetapi lebih kepada tahap agresif bagaimana dia bertindak menangani sesuatu situasi, tidak panik atau gelabah. Itu kriteria utama selain mesti menjalani latihan asas termasuk kemahiran menggunakan senjata api.

“Pencapaian mereka akan dianalisis sama ada layak dibenarkan bekerja atau tidak. Kelayakan ini untuk orang awam, tidak termasuk pasukan anggota keselamatan beruniform. Ada juga bekas polis dan tentera yang menyertai kursus pengawal peribadi.

“Mereka ini mempunyai kelebihan kerana sudah mahir dalam aspek persenjataan dan mempunyai pengetahuan undang-undang kerana setiap gerak geri mesti berasaskan undang-undang. Itu yang membezakan pengawal peribadi dengan kumpulan samseng atau kaki pukul (bauncer),” katanya.

Peranan pengawal peribadi ialah melengahkan masa penyerang untuk menyelamatkan majikan sebelum dibawa keluar ke zon selamat. Mereka adalah orang tengah antara bahaya dan orang yang dijaga.

Pengawal peribadi juga harus mengetahui aspek protokol membabitkan cara berpakaian, penggunaan bahasa yang sesuai ketika berurusan dengan orang kenamaan serta menjaga prinsip sebagai pengawal peribadi iaitu mestilah amanah dan menjaga segala rahsia majikan.

Aspek berpakaian menyentuh jenis pakaian sesuai untuk menghadiri majlis yang dihadiri majikan, misalnya pakaian batik untuk jamuan makan malam, baju kebangsaan untuk program di istana, jamuan Aidilfitri atau kematian, jaket ketika program tidak rasmi.

“Mereka juga biasanya akan memakai cermin mata hitam sepanjang masa, ketika itulah mereka akan melakukan pengawasan, pemantauan sekeliling tanpa disedari kerana ia terlindung di sebalik cermin mata. Itu tidak wajib, tetapi diajar dalam membentuk pengawal yang baik.

“Penggunaan bahasa juga penting, misalnya gelaran Datuk mesti disebut dengan jelas, bukan setakat sebut ‘Tok’ saja. Walaupun nampak remeh tetapi mencerminkan rasa tidak hormat. Mereka juga mesti tahu apa gelaran kepada pasangan orang kenamaan berpangkat, misalnya Datin, Datin Seri, Puan Seri,” katanya.

Bukan setakat menjaga keselamatan dan budi bahasa, mereka juga dilatih sentiasa membawa barang keperluan kecil yang kadang kala dianggap remeh, misalnya tisu, pen, lampu suluh kecil dan pemetik api.

Alasannya cukup mudah, ia sangat berguna ketika majikan memerlukan peralatan itu seperti untuk menandatangani dokumen atau menggunakan lampu suluh sebagai penunjuk arah ketika lampu terpadam.

“Majikan kadang kala kerap menguji kejujuran pengawalnya dengan meletakkan duit atau barang berharga di dalam kenderaan. Jika tidak jujur, barang itu tentu dicuri.

“Prinsip kerahsiaan juga sangat penting, mereka kena sentiasa berpegang kepada kata-kata ‘apa yang kamu nampak dirahsiakan, apa yang didengar kamu pekakkan, apa yang nak cakap, ... kamu bisukan. Sebab itu kita lihat pengawal peribadi jarang berbual kosong kerana ia berisiko mendedahkan rahsia termasuk jadual harian majikan,” katanya.

Mengenai Program Kursus Pengenalan Pengiring Orang Kenamaan Siri 1/2008 yang diadakan di Dusun Eco Resort, Bentong, Pahang, seramai 26 peserta yang mempunyai pelbagai latar belakang mengambil bahagian selama lima hari.

Ada yang bekerja sebagai pemandu, pengarah urusan syarikat, pengawal kelab malam dan bekas tentera.

Mereka didedahkan maklumat berkaitan hak dan undang-undang, formasi dan bentuk kawalan, situasi cemas dan tindakan, perhubungan, merempuh halangan, jenis ancaman, keselamatan senjata, pemeriksaan kenderaan, fender (pergerakan naik dan turun kenderaan), pertolongan cemas, ketahanan fizikal dan mental, aktiviti air, imej dan protokol.

Jika sebelum ini, setiap kali sesi ini diadakan, pasti rekod penyertaan akan tercalar disebabkan ada yang menarik diri akibat tidak tahan dengan latihan atau tercedera, tetapi kali ini semua peserta berjaya mencatatkan nama sebagai kumpulan pertama menghabiskan semua sesi latihan.

Peserta didedahkan dengan kemahiran menyelamat di air, pertolongan cemas seperti pernafasan mulut ke mulut (CPR) kerana ia lebih sukar berbanding rawatan luka.

Latihan tempur tanpa senjata juga ditekankan kerana kerjaya ini mendedahkan mereka kepada serang jarak dekat yang memerlukan pergerakan pantas melalui latihan menggunakan kaedah fleksibel, pantas misalnya teknik mengunci pergerakan musuh.

“Aspek ketahanan mental dan kerahsiaan diuji melalui sesi soal siasat, mereka digari dan diasak bertubi-tubi, ada pendekatan keras dan ada menggunakan kaedah psikologi memainkan perasaan mereka. Daripada situ, kita akan tahu tahap ketahanan mereka,” katanya.



1. Menembak di lapang sasar Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA), Briged Tengah, Cheras.

# Tembakan sebutir dan bertubi-tubi menggunakan pistol jenis Glock 19.

2. Perlawanan bola sepak dinihari.

# Bermula jam 3 pagi di dalam gelap, bertujuan mengecam rakan sepasukan dan semangat kerjasama.

3. Kedudukan pengawal dengan VIP:

# Satu langkah bagi kategori rapat

# Ketika makan, berdiri seberapa rapat dengan meja VIP dan mesti pada kedudukan yang mempunyai pandangan luas dan terbuka.

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Post time 14-4-2009 10:29 AM | Show all posts
KUALA LUMPUR, April 13 (Bernama) -- The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti) is conducting preliminary studies to develop Malaysia's first communications satellite (comsat) which will be used for security purposes.

Its deputy minister Fadillah Yusof said the plan to develop the satellite had the Cabinet's agreement but a financial allocation for it had yet to be approved.

"It will be placed at a higher orbit, have a longer life span and be much bigger in size. The cost will also be very high, in excess of RM1 billion," he told reporters after launching the International Astronomy Year 2009 celebrations at the National Planetarium here, Monday night.

He said the satellite would serve the needs of the armed forces, police, and shipping besides watching over Malaysian territorial waters and borders.

Fadillah said government-owned company Astronomic Technology Sdn Bhd (ATSB), which had experience in developing the Tiongsat and Measat satellites, would be entrusted the responsibility to build the comsat.

He anticipated it would be ready for launch in 2015.

Bagus ni...

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Post time 14-4-2009 01:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #996 Burung_hantu's post

wow...our very own spy sat...bape banyak...kalau satu kang tak cukup nak overpass la pulak for real time info..

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Post time 14-4-2009 04:12 PM | Show all posts
Harga lebih RM1 billion...nanti ada le yg bising menyalak cakap membazir le mcm2...

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