Balas #979 skymania\ catat
Reply #979 skymania's post
kekeeke tp gbr not bad...ekekekke |
Reply #983 owestcute_77's post
abis loading br la telur tu ilang...ekkekkek |
banner2ni ganggu..la...confius...keek |
Balas #985 hadiff05\ catat
nk try kt umah nnti...kt opis nih selow giler...
k..out dulu..:victory: |
Balas #957 derose83\ catat
ak mmg ske bmadh pujngge neh..
kj ku syang.....
i miss him so muchhhhhhhhhhhh |
Balas #991 nzhass79\ catat
Park Jung Min: passed his driver's test in..., 4 years! 'very happy'
Credits to : anais @ SS601.com
Original article credit: E-Daily SPN Reporter Mi Ae Park
Translation: [email protected]
Park Jungmin, a member of a famous group SS501, was very estatic when he passed his driver's license test in four years.
According to a source close to Park Jungmin himself said "Recently Park Jungmin passed type one regular driver's license. Amongst the members he was the first one to try, since it seemed like he wanted to drive so badly. However whenever he had to take his test, the time overlapped with his other schedules. So it took him four years to actually pass the test.
The same person also mentioned that Jungmin passed the test with a perfect score of 100. Jungmin is very happy that he was able to get his license in four years, with a perfect score.
Park Jungmin started to meet with his fans not as a singer, but as a musical actor as
SS501 started their unit activities. Park Jungmin was casted as a lead rold of Danny in the musical 'Grease.' He started the musical in early march, and successfully finished the Encore shows as well.
Also during KHJ's fan meeting 'Goodbye Yoon Ji Hoo' which was held in Olympic Hall at Olympic Park, Park Jungmin stood on a stage with the rest of SS501 members as a singer after a long hiatus.
huhuhu...my MAL ade lesen...x de ar aku letih asik jd drebar jer...hihihi |
Reply #995 skymania's post
MAL tu ape sebenarnya...kenapa panggey MAL?? |
Reply #995 skymania's post
btul tu...
nzhazzz...MAL = kuda
tu nick jungmin...
tgk pic ledo pakai cepek ni mcm bae yong jun pun ade (tul ke aku eja nama tu...pelakon winter sonata tu???
hu3 |
Reply #999 casper541's post
fes akak tgk ledo ni kat BoF pon dh cam BYJ...tp biler dh lelama tgk... ada memasa je ler |
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