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Summary jalan cite RP
18 year old college student, mai grew up in a loving family. Due to herfamily's ecomomic status, they could only afford a small apartment;however, mai still felt loved and cared for.
But who knew?After a sudden awakening, a bunch of men in black suits appeared insideher small apartment, claiming that she is Huang Pu Xiong's long lostgranddaughter. Her parents also confessed that Mai is not theirbiological daughter. They paid money to a kidnapper and thus savedher(not really sure if i translated this sentence right).
Maiwas forced to move out of her parents' small apartment and go live withher grandpa Huang Pu Xiong. Mai's imagination of her perfect wealthylife didn't go the way she though it would go. Her first day, she wasthought by Jin that she was nothing but a money lover. This thuscreated a tense feeling between the two. The grandpa wanted to hook thetwo kids up so he thought of numerous ways for the two to interactprivately. He even demanded Jin to teach Mai dance and manner so thatshe won't make a fool of herself on her "Welcome Back Party"
Jinwas given the task to train Mai in two weeks so he trained Maistrictly, like the way he was trained when he was coming into thecompany. Mai felt horrible being trained to hard, plus a chain ofmisunderstanding between her and jin, she wanted to run away back andlive with her parents. But beacuse both her parents work in companiesconected to Huang Pu Inc, she didn't want to cause them any trouble.And this is when the interesting story begin to develop between thesetwo...mai and jin
character info
Nan feng jin(or jing I don抰know!) (Chun)
quiet, handles things steadily, a person whom looks likeprosperous, cold-blooded prince However, in reality, he is caring andvery protective of his little brother. He has encountered so manypeople of the upper social status who looks down upon the poor, theirfakeness; he thus developed a protective covering towards everyone.Mai抯 innocence and character attracted his attention.
Hisparents and mai抯 parents were really good friends. The four of themdied in a car accident when jin was only 8 years old. After huang puxiong lost his only son(referring to mai抯 dad), he then adopted jinand his brother. At the same time, he wanted to train the two of themto become his successor. Jin wanted to protect his innocent littleborther, reay huang pu xiong, so he willingly accepted all the toughtraining to meet huang pu xiong抯 standards. But deep inside, he hasalways wanted to leave this house, leave this glory casted upon him anduse his real ability to find his own sky. Jin has been planning for along time how to escape, but because of mai, his plan was scattered.
Mai 麦秋穗/皇甫珊 (angela)
18years old, optimistic, energetic, has a kind heart, caring, protectiveover the 搘eaklings |