~~~ "NeNoQal's Home Sweet Home"~~~ Vol. VII
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Edited by mixed at 19-9-2017 09:37 AM
patut la melawat PS x sihat
bole bgtau sekali dh ada isi
baru teringat sesi trowbek ND,PS & cho
pica qal masa kecik last month rupanya nd dah preggy

dan tu pasal ai berjeng jeng jeng masa tepek video trobek tu.. 
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alhamdulilah..congrats, still can remember wajah polos ND masa preggy with Qal turun naik mahkamah, since then been a fan.sikap dia yg tak mudah melatah and tenang most of the times , hardworking, tak pernah lokek nak share her son with others..I don't really adore a lot of celebs, but she is definitely high on the list 
enjoy your pregnancy this time round, baru lagi kan so kurangkan makan uncooked meats/seafood. abaikan the noise surrounding you from both women, they are not worth it, and they can't sit with you, they can only try to be you
and failed miserably 
mixed replied at 19-9-2017 09:33 AM
patut la melawat PS x sihat
bole bgtau sekali dh ada isi
baru teringat sesi trowbek ND,PS & cho ...
Bahagia & membahagiakan.. bagus ND jaga hubungan keluarga camni.. |
- boss_ned2 months ago I received this from my beautiful wife & on that day I knew how wonderful my future would be ❤ . I feel so fortunate to have you as my friend, my wife, and soon, the mother of our child. . And I don’t have the slightest doubt in my mind that you’re going be as amazing at motherhood as you are at everything else you do. You are an exceptional wife on every level and I can only count my blessings and be grateful that I have you by my side through eternity InsyaAllah. I love you Sayang ❤
#thankYouALLAH #NeNojr #daddyCantWaitSeeYou #3month #1stTrimesterisOVER
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Congratulations Neno! Can't wait for the arrival of little Neno  |
Happynya!!!alhamdulillah.syukur.congratulations ND and Ned.
Yeay!!Dre and Qal nak dapat adik.
Bee dan FS hanya dapat lemak  |
Congrats neno! Alhamdulillah.... Tak sabar nk tgu baby, semoga dpt baby gurl neno..!! |
alhamdulillah..happynya for you ND..tahniah Neno
terus log in nak komen..sblm ni SR je :p
semoga dipermudahkan sepanjang pregnancy sehingga melahirkan..
jaga diri, jaga makan..(eh mcm ND baca pulak kan)  |
congrats ND!!!
excited to see the baby ..(bestnya kalau kembar..hehe)
i pray that all of u will be strong healthy and happy |
kan kaka..lg satu kalau kantoi apa susah create new MN la..mcm x biasa kan. 
newbies tpi laharan aikk mcm dh menyimpan dendam lama.. |
LDP replied at 19-9-2017 01:16 PM
boss_ned2 months ago I received this from my beautiful wife & on that day I knew how wonderful ...
Ya Allah happynya..i plak yg sebak haaaaa..moga lancar hgga ke akhirnya
LDP replied at 19-9-2017 01:16 PM
boss_ned2 months ago I received this from my beautiful wife & on that day I knew how wonderful ...
Sweetnya... |
bestnya kalau gegirl, nora n ned masing2 dah ada anak lelaki, belah ned pun belum ada cucu girl. kalau kembar lagi la gempak, ned pun ada gen kembar kan. tapi tak kisah la.. asalkan sihat.. |
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 19-9-2017 10:19 AM
alhamdulilah..congrats, still can remember wajah polos ND masa preggy with Qal turun naik mahkamah, ...
ai perasan nd la artis pertama yg dedahkan anak, bawa anak ke majlis2, sesi foto dgn anak, sebab tu ramai yg kenal rayqal. lepas tu diikuti oleh erra fazira, sampai la sekarang trend semua artis tunjuk anak masing2. |
cik76 replied at 15-9-2017 05:59 PM
Mungkin juga kot jeles...kesian tgk pempuan2 yg jadi mangsa perceraian...madam lebah ni salah so ...
Tepat dan padu la kaka,
iols paling setuju kalau si madam lebah tu kuruskan badan. sheols tu ada rupa, tapi tu laa asyik berguling atas katil je, badan pun dah bambam semacam.
cer usaha kecikkan badan dari dok skodeng kehidupan NeNo tu. |
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