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Author: blastoff

[Tempatan] Adakah Sultan atau Majoriti ADUN yang berkuasa dalam perlantikan MB ?

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Post time 29-8-2014 03:45 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 29-8-2014 01:00 AM
Tu lah pasal...... orang pembuhung tak ada kredibiliti. Orang yang saja tak basuh muka sebab suka  ...

Deen.... padat dan padat.... mmg depa tak dak credibility langsung. Even ada satu ostad yg kaunseling bini orang pukul 3 pagi tu kalau dengar cd dia ucap tasbih dan tahmid kat mana mana tu rasa mcm nak hempuk saja cd player tu

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Post time 29-8-2014 05:33 AM | Show all posts
MB ke atau Rakyat....kalu mewakali party tak yah lah..,...kepentingan party nanti

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2014 07:38 AM | Show all posts
ladydutch posted on 29-8-2014 01:27 AM
so what...
i just want to give justification kenapa dia layak jadi mb.... n kalau kamu mahu kata  ...

Dari senarai nama2 adun2 PAS dan PKR yang begitu ramai kenapa credentials jijah sorang aje yang di teliti dan di akui untuk ke jawatan tertinggi negeri ? What about credentials Adun2 lain tu ?

Pernah jadi tak ketika nak interview calon dari ramai senarai yang ada tapi diteliti cuma sorang aje credentials nya , sementara senarai nama yang lain tu di tolak terus bulat-bulat gitu je ?

Tak pernah melainkan calon yang dapat treatment istimewa tu guna orang dalam (kroni) atau sipenemuduga dah kena sogok . Itu memperlihatkan korupsi dalam proses pemilihan calon tu sendiri .

Last edited by blastoff on 29-8-2014 07:39 AM


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2014 07:46 AM | Show all posts
Kalau nak tengok kesesuaian calon untuk menjawat sesatu jawatan perlu di lihat pada credentials lah sedangkan kredibiliti cuma satu aspek aje dari senarai kriteria dalam credentials yang perlu di ambil kira .

plural noun: credentials
a qualification, achievement, quality, or aspect of a person's background, especially when used to indicate their suitability for something.

Last edited by blastoff on 29-8-2014 07:47 AM


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2014 08:07 AM | Show all posts
CrowneGlory posted on 29-8-2014 01:24 AM
Menyampah plak aku tgk muka Anwar n jijah plak... Rakus sgt

Anwar sedar dia tak mungkin jadi PM kerana PR tak mampu nak pengaruhi semua pengundi2 luar bandar untuk sokong dan undi depa , sedangkan pengundi2 luar bandar ni lah yang dapat memberikan undi majoriti untuk menguasai putrajaya .

Sebab tu BN hilang habih sokongan pengundi bandar ketika PRU lepas pun masih dapat majoriti kerana depa di sokong kuat di kawasan luar2 bandar atau kampung2.

That's why anwar start planning langkah kajang kerana dia sedar jawatan paing tinggi yang dia boleh cuba dapatkan adalah MB aje pun , tup tup kes liwat pulak menjadi batu penghalang .

So suka tak suka dia terpaksa guna jijah sebagai proxy nya lah , agar walau pun dia tak memegang jawatan tu tapi dia boleh PASTI kan segala idea, planning dan tindakan yang dia nak laksanakan dapat di buat menggunakan kuasa yang jijah ada sebagai MB tu nanti .

Last edited by blastoff on 29-8-2014 08:10 AM


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Post time 29-8-2014 08:09 AM | Show all posts
gaduh sana gaduh sini..semua xpuas hati....Saya cadang bagi MB selangor Abe Bong..amacam??

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2014 08:21 AM | Show all posts
Tu diaaa sumber yang cukup rapat dengan pihak istana yang familiar dengan sentiment dan cara kerja Sultan dah bersuara mengenai kuasa sultan dalam melantik MB dan credentials camne yang perlu ada pada bakal MB tu nanti .....

So dah jelas istana TOLAK jijah hokay, trima lah kenyataan ye macai2 PR skalian, anwar elok di hantar ke wad sakit jiwa untuk mengubati tekanan perasaan yang dia sedang lalui la ni , kang dia start meroyan merapu merusuh menggila lah plak jenuh nak kena panggil FRU sgala   .


Home > News > Nation
                Published:                Friday August 29, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM               
                Updated:                Friday August 29, 2014 MYT 7:05:43 AM

                            Palace 'no' to remote control MB             

KUALA LUMPUR: The new Selangor mentri besar should be one who has the interest of the rakyat at heart and can serve the people but not one who is controlled by someone else. The Sultan of Selangor does not want a “remote-controlled” mentri be­­sar, said a source close to the pa­­lace and familiar with the sentiments and working of His Royal Highness.
The mentri besar must not only be chosen by the majority of the state assembly, but must be able to put the interest of the rakyat first and can run the state. The Selangor Ruler wants someone who can take care of the needs of the people and develop the state to the highest level,” he said.
He stressed that as provided under Articles LI (1), LIII (2)(a), (4) and LV (2)(a) of the Selangor State Consti­tution 1959, the Sultan of Selangor is given absolute discretionary power to appoint a mentri besar for the Selangor state government who, in the Ruler’s opinion, has the majority support of the State Legislative Assembly.


The person must be able to work with all parties, including his own excos, as well as have a good relationship with the palace,” he said.
He also advised Pakatan Rakyat not to drag internal party problems into the state administration and disrupt the running of the state.
“This is an internal party pro­blem,” he said.
Asked if it was necessary for the mentri besar to be born in Selangor, he said the state constitution did not specify it.
“Former Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Jamil Rais, for example, was born in Perak but he lived in Selangor for most of his life.”
The Sultan of Selangor has also conveyed his feelings about anti-palace remarks made by certain politicians that were damaging and hurtful and bordering on sedition.
He said the palace was hurt and offended by the continuous attacks by certain quarters.

“The palace has been quiet but people keep on making anti-palace remarks.
“The remarks are offensive. These people should read the state constitution and understand the palace’s convention, protocol and tradition before making any comments on the situation.
“Certain lawyers from political parties are hired to interpret things according to what the client wants,” he said.

The source said the Selangor Ruler was not worried as the crisis was created by the present mentri besar’s own party before he was expelled.
“The state government is still fully functioning. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is still the mentri besar and His Royal Highness will take his time to make the best decision for the rakyat.
“There is no need to panic as the current government is not just a mere caretaker government; it is a full government. It is just a matter of changing a mentri besar from Pa­­katan.”
In July, Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah rapped Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad for questioning the powers of the Selangor State Islamic Council (Mais).
Labelling Khalid as “ignorant of the state Islamic laws and Mais’ role”, he urged the PAS central committee member to study the history of the state and its laws before ma­king any comment that could cause a stir among Muslims. ... ats-interest-at-he/

Last edited by blastoff on 29-8-2014 08:42 AM


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2014 08:25 AM | Show all posts
Jijah dapat gelaran baru  --- Remote control MB , selain gelaran MB puppet dan MB kipas .

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Post time 29-8-2014 08:32 AM | Show all posts
nk jd MB kena ada hubungan yg baik dengan istana... ni kalu belom jd MB lg dah berbalah dgn istana.. kalu dah jd MB nnti byk yg haru-biru la jadinya.. respect kena ada la...

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Post time 29-8-2014 08:32 AM | Show all posts
PKR peduli aper kan...Sultan suka ke tak suka..yg penting Jijah kipas dapat jadi MB...
ni kang..tak dapat cara baik..dia buat cara demo or roadshow meraih simpati....
mmg dasar gila kuasa  anak beranak ni...

ganti je la calon lain...sure OK long as bukan jijah....

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Post time 29-8-2014 08:39 AM | Show all posts
(2) The State Executive Council shall be appointed as follows , that is to say -

(a) His Highness shall first appoint as Menteri Besar to preside over the State Executive Council , a member of the Legislative Assembly who in His Judgement is likelyto command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Assembly ;

Sultan mmg ada kuasa mlantik, tp X kan nak mlantik MB golongan minoriti dlm DUN pulak...

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Post time 29-8-2014 08:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cukuplh tksi x bukak aib pkr tu..yg pkr sibuk bukak aib khalid..jaja sana n sini..puiii lah ..mmg org ygteraniaya doa makbul...takpelah kak wanzack buleh fokus kajang jer..buktikan ketokohan jadi pemimpin..jgn nk fitnah org je kang mendapat mau kena minta maap mcm anaknya...

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Post time 29-8-2014 08:40 AM | Show all posts
djflux2000 posted on 29-8-2014 08:39 AM
Cukuplh tksi x bukak aib pkr tu..yg pkr sibuk bukak aib khalid..jaja sana n sini..puiii lah ..mmg or ...

standard politik msia bro, kalo bukan buka aib bukan made only in msia...

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Post time 29-8-2014 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Depa ni mana paham bahasa.....Depa lahir di negeri tak beraja tu sbb perangai cam tu...DERHAKA ....
Tamak Haloba, Tamak segala-galanya....tunggu dan lihat nanti...!!!

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Post time 29-8-2014 08:47 AM | Show all posts
tah2 anwar tengah pening carik sape calon pas yg sesuai, leh jd nizar versi selangor.

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2014 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Statement bawah ni dalam artikel tu menunjukkan pihak istana tidak menyukai pemimpin2 dan macai2 PR dok ke hulu ke hilir kata sultan tarak kuasa melantik MB hokayyy   , malah pihak istana menganggap itu dah menghampiri kesalahan hasutan tu , turut di tegur lawyer buruk tahap tong taik si aziz bari dan si gurdial tu .

"The Sultan of Selangor has also conveyed his feelings about anti-palace remarks made by certain politicians that were damaging and hurtful and bordering on sedition.
He said the palace was hurt and offended by the continuous attacks by certain quarters.
“The palace has been quiet but people keep on making anti-palace remarks.
“The remarks are offensive. These people should read the state constitution and understand the palace’s convention, protocol and tradition before making any comments on the situation.
Certain lawyers from political parties are hired to interpret things according to what the client wants,” he said."
Last edited by blastoff on 29-8-2014 08:50 AM


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Post time 29-8-2014 08:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yaminz posted on 29-8-2014 08:40 AM
standard politik msia bro, kalo bukan buka aib bukan made only in msia...

Itulah..aku mula2 buleh juga terima pkr ni..tapi lepas kajang move nampak sgt goyang partinya...patut sebelum buat move kenalah sepakat..ini dah x sepakat..esok dpt putrajaya lagi haru..allocation menteri pulak aduuuiii..esok2 menteri pembangunan wanita pasal allocation kat pas pi letaknya mat sabu acanertuuuu..dan pkr n dap kata mereka setuju dengan satu nma..iaitu mat sabu..

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Post time 29-8-2014 08:54 AM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori posted on 29-8-2014 12:16 AM
Hang perasan tak berapa lama hang duk qoute posting org..tak ada respond pun dari depa..hang tahu  ...

kita dianjurkan supaya berpesan2.
sambil mengingatkan org, sambil ingatkan diri.

takperlu respon pon takpe.
sekadar menjalankan amanah je.

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Post time 29-8-2014 09:07 AM | Show all posts
blastoff posted on 29-8-2014 07:46 AM
Kalau nak tengok kesesuaian calon untuk menjawat sesatu jawatan perlu di lihat pada credentials lah  ...

by default smua org layak jadi MB/Menteri... kan nie demokrasi, pmimpin dlantik dari rakyat tok rakyat...

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2014 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Sultan berhak tolak jika satu nama
           Rais Yatim

KUALA LUMPUR 28 Ogos - Sultan Selangor, Sultan Shariffuddin Idris Shah mempunyai kuasa penuh dalam menentukan siapa yang harus dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar.
Pakar Perlembagaan, Tan Sri Dr. Rais Yatim berkata, Sultan Selangor juga berhak untuk menangguhkan atau menetapkan transisi jawatan itu mengikut pendapat baginda siapa lebih layak mendapat sokongan rakyat.
Berikutan itu, menurut beliau, bukan menjadi sesuatu yang pelik jika sultan menitahkan kepada ketiga-ketiga parti pakatan pembangkang mengemukakan lebih daripada dua calon untuk menggantikan Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim bagi tujuan itu dan baginda berhak menolaknya jika satu nama diberikan.
"Di bawah perkara 54 yang dibaca bersama perkara 53 Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor, sultan mempunyai kuasa mutlak menentukan siapa yang boleh menjadi Menteri Besar sekiranya baginda mendapati situasi memerlukan baginda bertindak sedemikian walaupun di bawah perkara 53 itu penentuan suara majoriti boleh diguna mengikut siapa dapat sokongan majoriti.
"Bahasa pengecualian itu sama dengan Perlembagaan Negeri Perlis dan Terengganu. Walaupun dalam Perlembagaan itu tidak menyatakan perlu dikemukakan lebih satu nama calon Menteri Besar tetapi baginda ada pilihan untuk tidak memilih hanya satu nama," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Semalam, PKR dan DAP tetap berkeras mencalonkan Presiden PKR, Datin Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail kerana mendakwa keputusan tersebut sejajar dengan konvensi yang diamalkan dalam pelantikan Menteri Besar Selangor sebelum ini.
Walau bagaimanapun, Pas sebaliknya akur dengan titah Sultan Selangor dan akan mempersembahkan tidak kurang daripada tiga nama kepada baginda sebagai calon untuk mengisi jawatan tersebut.
Dalam pada itu, Rais yang juga Presiden Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) berkata, tindakan DAP dan PKR yang mengingkari titah sultan dengan tetap berkeras mencalonkan satu nama disifatkan sebagai satu bentuk derhaka kepada sultan.

Last edited by blastoff on 29-8-2014 09:15 AM


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