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Pembenihan Awan Pertama Tahun 2014, Hujan Lebat Selepas 20 Minit
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Operasi Pembenihan Awan Pertama 2014
Tarikh: 03/03/2014
Pembenihan Awan: 3.10 Ptg
Hujan Lebat Turun: 3.20 Ptg
128 operasi pembenihan awan semenjak 1973
100% success rate
Pesawat Digunakan: Charlie C130 Hercules

Atheis-pembenihan awan=hujan lebat
muslim-solat hajat+pembenihan awan=hujan lebat
hujan lebat pagi ni kesan pembenihan awan ptg smlm ke ada buat pembenihan awan sblom subuh? |
"Hujan yang turun sekarang adalah kejayaan 100% usaha pembenihan awan..." kata seorang wartawan tv tadi.
Subhanallah, ke mana perginya "insyaAllah"?
Masih belum cukupkah lagi peringatan di sebalik kemarau ini untuk ingat kepadaNya? - Pahrol Mohamad Juoi |
sat kata ta buat sat kata buat sapa yang buat hujan niii sebenarnya... |
obelisk posted on 4-3-2014 08:38 AM 
"Hujan yang turun sekarang adalah kejayaan 100% usaha pembenihan awan..." kata seorang wartawan tv t ...
dah ramai yang angkuh....yang menurut depa sains dan tuhan dua perkara yang berbeza ...tak dak sangkut paut...
Alhamdulillah dan tahniah

PETALING JAYA: The Meteorological Department’s cloud seeding operation over Selangor brought a brief break from the stifling heat and choking haze.
The department’s national weather centre director Muhammad Helmi Abdullah said yesterday’s operation was to induce rainfall over dams and water catchment areas.
He said cloud seeding had also been planned over parts of Malacca, Negeri Sembilan and Johor but there were not enough clouds there.
“We target rain clouds over or near dams and water catchment areas,” he told The Star.
“Even if the clouds are not directly above the areas, we expect the winds to carry them towards these places.”
Muhammad Helmi said the evening operation was a success because it brought about rainfall in several areas but until late yesterday it was not known if the rain was enough to raise water levels at the dams.
Muhammad Helmi said the operation was led by the department’s atmospheric science and cloud seeding division, using a Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) aircraft carrying four 1,000-litre tanks of water containing 150kg of salt each.
He said the division identified suitable conditions for cloud seeding, based on Sunday’s weather forecast and alerted RMAF to be on standby.
Another round of cloud seeding would be done today provided weather conditions were suitable.
Explaining the process, he said, cloud seeding was a method of inducing rain, and not making rain.
“Salt solution is sprayed at the base of the identified clouds. The particles will be carried upwards by thermals or upward currents of warm air.
“This will form water vapour that will grow in size as it moves upwards until they grow heavy and fall down as rain.
“Through cloud seeding, we are actually accelerating the process of rainfall production as well as increasing the amount of rainfall.
“It takes between 15 minutes to half an hour for rain to fall after the solution has been sprayed,” he added.
Muhammad Helmi said there was a “very narrow window of opportunity” over the past week as the weather conditions kept fluctuating.
He said the winds were also stronger, resulting in low chances of rain clouds being formed.
In SEREMBAN, a downpour in several areas in the state over the weekend brought some relief but did little to replenish supply in the four major dams.
Checks with Syarikat Air Negri Sembilan showed that levels at the Sg Terip, Kelinchi, Talang and Gemencheh dams remained at near critical levels.
The level at the Sg Terip dam, which supplies treated water to households here, was at 100.12m, about six metres above the 94.6m critical mark.
As for the Kelinchi dam, it was at 199.1m (critical level 198.3m) while Talang was at 148.45m (140.5m) and Gemencheh at 99.66m (98m).
All households in the state, however, have continued to receive supply. |
Alhamdulillah dan syukur dengan nikmat dan keizinan mu Ya Allah hujan turun lebat. |
Xpe la aras empangan x naik least tumbuhan dapat air...dh gersang sgt diaorg.. |
Alhamdulillah dah hujan kat sana. Kat area Lumut ni pun semalam jerebu, hari ni aku keluar pepagi nampaknya makin elok. Semoga tak lama lagi, hujan pulaklah kat sini. |
dgr kat berita radio pagi tadi.. minggu depan mungkin start hujan
ada angin monsoon tiba katanye |
dia org buat pembenihan guna asap kemenyan ke? |
noor2 posted on 4-3-2014 08:41 AM 
dah ramai yang angkuh....yang menurut depa sains dan tuhan dua perkara yang berbeza ...tak dak san ...
"Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan (wahai umat manusia dan jin)?" (Surah Ar Rahman)
"...Dan sememangnya sedikit sekali di antara hamba-hambaKu yang bersyukur." (Surah Saba', 34:13)
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Bagus lah....nasib baik sekarang teklogi membolehkan kita dapat hujan..bayang kan dulu2 kalau kemarau panjang...
syukur.. |
kenapa xpanggil bomoh hujan...kata terer? siap ada bomoh diraja lg  |
warga key el, petang nih dijangka akan ujan lagi sbb ada pembenihan awan jam 1 ptg..
cuma di penang nih jer tatau bila mau bikin cloud seeding sbb lge cakap ayaq cukup so tak payah ujan pun tapa nohh..
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jengkoil posted on 4-3-2014 08:44 AM 
Xpe la aras empangan x naik least tumbuhan dapat air...dh gersang sgt diaorg..
betol-betol.... tgk pokok2 dah kering, binatang pon ade yang dah kuar dari habitat cari air.... ptg semalam babi hutan kat hutan belakang kawasan perumahan nieyh sampai kuar ke tepi longkang cari air... sian tgk, nak tolong bagi air takut lak nak dekat, disondolnye nti...
alhamdulillah pagi nieyh hujan, berkabus hah time nak gi opis~~
Alhamdulillah... |
isseliparjepun posted on 4-3-2014 08:45 AM 
Alhamdulillah dah hujan kat sana. Kat area Lumut ni pun semalam jerebu, hari ni aku keluar pepagi na ...
mak ai kat kampung kate kelmarin pon dah hujan kat sitiawan.... kalau tak panas je hah...
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