Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM:
wotever. death gonna be eye opener for everyone be they with religions or pagans Deluded&Chronic Liar
Death is not an openner but an end. No HARDfacts have shown otherwise. Claims yes.... Assumptions yes.... just like you are bluffing now...with your fake quotes from Bible.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM:
inother words u're saying the us is superhipocrite right? nowonder they come up with peace plan for the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict n yet they feed rapist terrorist israel with billions worth of arms to genocide the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE Why show your bias-ness. US feed Muslim countries with millions of dollars too.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM:
commonsense tells u dimwit un is gracious enough to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. n if u expect un to help israel genocide the PALESTINANS as wot the us did, then u need ur head examined. UN leave the Jews at the mercy of the murderous Arabs attacker and you call that gracious? You must be seeing some psychiatrist.
UN should have done much more that just devide and leave.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM:
me questin stands - wheres the HARDproof that un divided a british land so that israel can exist? where?
dont forget ur response British land...captured from Ottoman Empire during war to me question so wot exactly did un divide so that israel can exist? dont wiggle waggle now I strongly suggest you examine your head by a qualified psychiatrist.
The bristish were ruling the land that they captured from the Ottoman Empire, and renamed the Jerusalem distric as Palestine. British ruled the land, so its their land. They initialy intent to give the whole portion to the Jews, but later deside to split it...with the UN help. Don't pretend like you don't know.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM
the HARDfact remains israel is around FOR ONLY ONE TIME before they disperse (dispora) while the arabs/PALESTINIANS be they muslims, christians, jews etc have been in PALESTINE for ONE TIME N CONTINUE TO BE IN PALESTINE TILL UN DIVIDED THEIR NATION. simple. u cant wiggle waggle from such HARDfacts.
Earlier you said there was no Israel now you are wiggling and waggling.
Don't pretend like you don't know the history of the Jews. The Jews claimed Israel was an ancient Jews Kingdom, and they had already return back home to their HomeLand. Whether by begging, buying or killing they got back their land. ISRAEL is an independent souvereign state. PALESTINE is yet to be established. Face reality.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM
now u're exposing ur forked tongue. if u think the longlost canaanites dont have no link with the migrant, invader arabs, wots the link then between the longlost canaanites with the migrant, invader jews so much that PALESTINE must be the jews holyland homeland? well? no forked tonge now Jewish religion Judaism is maintain plus their language. Canaanites religion is lost and so is the language..whatever that was. Palestinians lost their identity... they are just clones of other Arabs Bedoins. Anymore?
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM
ur forked tongue agin. its rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists who r NOT done with the PALESTINIANS. shame on the jews for raping PALESTINE inorder to realise their holyland homeland. sonny you are like a broken record. Face reality dude. Both side are raping each other. The fact remains, the violence was initiated by the Arabs Nations. The Arab countries must offer peace first...without conditions.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM
the HARDfact remains why protecting israel citizens from suicide killers in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not in israel per se? why? HARDfact plz. no wiggle waggle occupied territories? you mean captured territory.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM
o yes, large numbers make the jews more evil. only forked tongue pagans think otherwise.
me questin stands how many jews did the arabs kill n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS did the jews kill in the current intifadah? i'm waitin If the Jews wanted there wont be any Palestinians to worry about.
Since you know the figures, why don't you convert the figure in percentage and show. Jews verves Arabs.. the whole Arabs... since the wars involves the surounding Arab nations who shamelessly attacked one tiny nation.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM
20% of wot? be specific. no wiggle waggle. i wanna compare with ur 600,000 jews chased out of arab countries (not PALESTINE).
no heckling plz. the arab nations have absorbed some of these israeli PALESTINAINS. uhh? what you don't understand. 20% of israels population are muslims... not Jews.
If the Arabs have absorb the Palestinian refugees, than what figure are you giving me? You are lying. The Arab countries don't give citizenship to the refugees. If they did, than there would be so much lesser problem.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 02:06 PM
yup the jews have their holyland homeland thru rapin PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS. no way u can wiggle waggle from that HARDfact The raping was started by the Arabs. So don't go crying. |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-20 03:58 AM:
You desperate aren't you sonny.. quoting Gandhi, he was a great man with few mistakes, and this is one of them.
liar. gandhi is telling HARDtruth that PALESTINE is for arab/PALESTINIANS as much as america for americans. commonsense tells u americans r multi racial - white, black, natives, hispanic etc. likewise PALESTINE comprising arab/PALESTINIAN muslims, arab/PALESTINIAN jews, arab/PALESTINIAN christians etc. only pagans think PALESTINE is for jews/israelis/zionists per se
Jews don't consider themselves Arabs...Gandhi said Palestine belong to the Arabs... a gross mistake.
inother words. jews r racist people. they think PALESTINE is jews' holyland homeland n hence it should be theirs without taking into account that the majority population there is arab/PALESTINIANS - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE
face the HARDfact that PALESTINE has changed hands from canaanites the first settlers to among others Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and British. irrespective the changing hands, the newcomers n canaanites assimilated till they become PALESTINIANS per se be they muslims, christians, jews etc. u cant change HARDfact to suit jews' lust for PALESTINIANS' PALESTINE.
as u know from HARDgeneral knowledge the muslims r arab muslim majority. hence u cant run away from the HARDfacts that PALESTINE is part of the arab nations. as such only thru jews' callous lobbying n dimwit un's grace that israel is born thru dividing PALESTINE. dimwit un expects the jews to play fair with israeli PALESTINIANS - 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state. that expectations is proven futile.
Cabinet Minister Bechor Shitrit confirms this official looting. He stated, “The army from Lydda alone had taken over 1,800 truckloads of property.”
David Ben-Gurion recorded in his diary entry for July 15, 1948: “The bitter question has arisen regarding acts of robbery and rape in the conquered towns. Soldiers from all the battalions robbed and stole.”
Yosef Lamm, a Member of the Knesset, officially admitted on November 22, 1949: “None of us behaved during the war in a way we might have expected the Jewish people to behave, either with regard to property or human life, and we should all be ashamed.”
So you can finally see the point. People been migrating since time memorial. So the Jews migration to "alestine" is nothing new.
Now the Jews population is over 6million... and its not going to go any lesser. The Jewish world population from Africa to India to China are showing interest of returning to their so-called HomeLand called Israel...thats reality.
n HARDfacts have proven that the jews migration in PALESTINE ends up with PALESTINIAN migration be they muslims, jews, christians etc. as such there're 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE when dimwit un wanna divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist.
so now the jews population is 6 million in israel. wots the israeli PALESTINIANS population? HARDfact plz. i wanna compare with the 1947/1948 population of 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
What has happen has happen... Can't change that. ..thats history.
The claim of Jews invading the Canaan.
SONNY: thats right the jews invaded canaan which eventually becomes PALESTINE
The Jew being chased away by the Roman,Christian, Muslims and finally by the Nazis.
SONNY: thats right the jews have been chased away many times n the dispora is due to yahweh's curse
The Jews coming back to Canaan/Palestine/Israel.
SONNY: n the jews r coming back to PALESTINE thru callous lobbying n with dimwit un's grace to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist
The Arabs opposing the Jews migration and attacking the Jews.
SONNY: the arabs oppose coz they know the jews gonna rape israeli PALESTINIANS as proven by millions PALESTINIANS becoming refugees, n the current israeli PALESTINIAN conflict
The Jews walloping the Arabs..and taking more land from the Arabs.
SONNY: with the us' billions worth of arms, the jews r able to rape PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS with ease. may the jews rot in deepest pit of hell for their sins. amen
The Arabs can keep asking the lost land back and the Jews ignoring the demand... but spit on the demands
SONNY: as long as jews/israelis/zionists continue raping PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS, therell be no peace n security for the jews. amen
The Fat Arabs using naive young bloods to commit suiside murders... promissing the fake martyrdom....
SONNY: bless the PALESTINIANS for their sacrifice to become suicide bombers to avenge the genocide of their fellamen n rape of PALESTE by jews/israelis/zionists
The Jews retaliating by destroing the homes of the suspected culpits along with those stand in the way...by claiming defence...
Cycle of violence.
SONNY: the jews gonna stay rapists n terrorists till doomsday n they gonna rot in deepest pit of hell as promised by yahweh. amen
The Arabs have no way of taking back the lost land by demand or violence.
SONNY: n no way the jews gonna get peace n security thru rapin PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS
read me response in bold carefully
You being biased, does not make the Arab Palestinian innocent. The Arab Palestinians raped the Jews settler just like the Arab anccestor did to the Jews anccestors.
SONNY: HARDfact tells u as much as invader jews raped canaanites n others (invaders) to get PALESTINE, that much invader arabs raped the invader jews, canaanites n others (invaders) to get PALESTINE. bear in mind that PALESTINE has changed hands from canaanites the first settlers to among others Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and British.
You can look the other way, but you cannot change history. The worse is nobody bother about the Jews in the Arab world who had been plundered, raped and chased... just because Israel gave citizenship to those refugees.
SONNY: where israel gave citizenship to those refugees. no HARDfacts means u're a liar. simple
read me response in bold carefully
you want comparative figures? are you sane?
what figures you want to believe, some fake figure by the rapist? or by the illiterate natives.
Reality is that science have proven that the orang Asli lived here long before the Malays invaded from the north... with superior skills...invading and pushing the natives to deep jungle.
SONNY: no HARDfacts to prove ur claim that malaysians genocide malaysian natives, mean u're a liar. a shameless liar i must say
What the early white man did to the american natives(who were fighting and killing each other) is not much different from what had happen in ancient times by the invading force... its not prety but thats history.
SONNY: there u go with ur forked tongue. the white raped america n genocide natives americans into extinction in 1600s. thats vast difference from ancient times when canaanites were raped by Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans etc. n the canaanites dont become extinct but assimilated with invaders. but its different after 1947/1948.
In the case of the original population, they remained in Palestine continuously until the middle of the 20th century when the invading Zionists expelled three-quarters of their number.
Whereas Christianity had previously been the principal religion of the Palestinian people, it was almost completely replaced by Islam in the 7th century. Although most of them became Muslims at the time, a small section of Christians and Jews continued to practice their faith there. By the end of the 19th century (1895) the population of Palestine was estimated at 500,000 of whom 400,000 were Muslims, 53,000 were Christians and 47,000 were Jewish. The Jewish presence had, by all accounts, declined over the years to a position of near nonexistence.
read me response in bold carefully
Deluded Liar.
Your are the one who is hecking with your brain in your bottom.
Open your mind and get rid of the hate and jealousy for the Jews that eating your heart.
read me response above carefully. may god open ur mind to the HARDreality of the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 23-11-2003 at 10:19 AM ] |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-20 05:17 AM:
Deluded&Chronic Liar
Death is not an openner but an end. No HARDfacts have shown otherwise. Claims yes.... Assumptions yes.... just like you are bluffing now...with your fake quotes from Bible.
u with ur perception. i with mine. may the truth prevail come death
The popular conception of hell is of a place of punishment for wicked 'immortal souls' straight after death, or the place of torment for those who are rejected at the judgment. It is our conviction that the Bible teaches that hell is the grave, where all men go at death.
Why show your bias-ness. US feed Muslim countries with millions of dollars too.
how much billions did the us feed PALESTINE against the us feedin jews/israelis/zionists?
Since President Truman recognized the state of Israel in 1948, the United States has been Israel's most supportive ally. Since 1950, the United States has provided more than $46 billion dollars in grant military aid to Israel, a sum that outstrips military aid to Egypt, America' s next largest beneficiary, by at least $20 billion. Israel has also received many billions more in grant 'economic' aid, loans for military purchases, and used American armaments.
UN leave the Jews at the mercy of the murderous Arabs attacker and you call that gracious? You must be seeing some psychiatrist.
where dimwit un leaves the jews at mercy of murderous PALESTINIANS? where?
UN should have done much more that just devide and leave.
wot dimwit un should do other than dividing PALESTINE so that israel can exist? i'm waitin
I strongly suggest you examine your head by a qualified psychiatrist.
The bristish were ruling the land that they captured from the Ottoman Empire, and renamed the Jerusalem distric as Palestine. British ruled the land, so its their land.
HARDfact tells u irrespective the british raped PALESTINE from ottoman, PALESTINE remains PALESTINE n no other name. otherwise u would have come up with HARDfacts for ur deceptive claim. HARDproof plz. otherwise u're a liar
liar. when british ruled PALESTINE, it dont mean its their land. thats colonialization. PALESTINE remains PALESTINIANS' lands be they (the PALESTINIANS) muslims, christians, jews etc
They initialy intent to give the whole portion to the Jews, but later deside to split it...with the UN help. Don't pretend like you don't know.
HARDfact tells u its not british prerogative to give whole of PALESTINE to the jews. thats forked tongue talk. the british n dimwit un should take into account the majority population in PALESTINE. but they never did. thats why the no end israeli PALESTINIAN conflict.
Following the defeat of Turkey in World War I, Britain strengthened its power in Palestine. Massive immigrations of Jews from many countries raised the Jewish population in Palestine from about 50,000 buy the beginning of 1900 to approximately 300,000 before World War II.
The Palestinians staged a general strike in April 1936 protesting against this massive immigration of Jews which they saw as a danger threatening their rights.
The British, from their side, put forward a plan for the partition of Palestine into three states, a Jewish one in the north, another state for the Arabs in the south and a third section to remain under the British administration in the Jerusalem-Jaffa (Tel Aviv) corridor. The plan was categorically rejected by the Palestinians and lasted until 1939. London was forced to give the partition idea and set limits to the Jewish emigration to Palestine.
Britain submitted the whole to the newly-established United Nations in the aftermath of World War II.
When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
Earlier you said there was no Israel now you are wiggling and waggling.
dont twist me HARDfact response.
u said The region was also called ISRAEL at one time.
hence me subsequent question is whens that one time? n wots the population ratio then? well?
Don't pretend like you don't know the history of the Jews. The Jews claimed Israel was an ancient Jews Kingdom, and they had already return back home to their HomeLand. Whether by begging, buying or killing they got back their land. ISRAEL is an independent souvereign state. PALESTINE is yet to be established. Face reality.
inother words, u're agreed with me HARDfacts that the jews/israelis/zionists r rapist terrorists lot to use callous lobbying, rapin PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS to get their holyland homeland israel.
PALESTINE does exist alright. otherwise dimwit un wouldnt be able to divide a land (PALESTINE) so that israel can exist. read me cut n paste above
Jewish religion Judaism is maintain plus their language. Canaanites religion is lost and so is the language..whatever that was. Palestinians lost their identity... they are just clones of other Arabs Bedoins. Anymore?
liar. PALESTINE has its identity. its more to arab. the world accepts that HARDfact cept u n the jews. pathetic. n me repeat the canaanites have assimilated by marriage, death, dispora etc. read me cut n paste above n this as well
Capital of Palestine: Jerusalem
The Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza (1996 figures) is 2,534,603 - The total Palestinian population throughout the world is 7.8 million. (1.1 million in Israel) Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA (1994 figures) is 1.15 million.
Palestinians under the age of 15 represent 51% of the total number of Palestinians.
Official Language is Arabic. In addition to Arabic, a large percentage of the population speak English, and many speak Hebrew and French.
sonny you are like a broken record. Face reality dude. Both side are raping each other. The fact remains, the violence was initiated by the Arabs Nations. The Arab countries must offer peace first...without conditions.
liar. the PALESTINIANS dont rape jews/israelis/zionists. wheres the HARDfacts? where?
nope the violence started with the drastic import of jews into PALESTINE. read me cut n paste above
n no way PALESTINIANS gonna let go the occupied PALESTINIAN territories without a fight. the jews must take into account the millions israeli PALESTINIANS refugees whose homes they have destroyed to make way for imported jews. thats one of the conditions if the jews/israelis/zionists want peace n security.
occupied territories? you mean captured territory.
where dimwit un called it captured territories? where? no HARDproof means u're a liar. simple
If the Jews wanted there wont be any Palestinians to worry about.
Since you know the figures, why don't you convert the figure in percentage and show. Jews verves Arabs.. the whole Arabs... since the wars involves the surounding Arab nations who shamelessly attacked one tiny nation.
u're exposing ur forked tongue agin.
u said Both sides are killing each other.
hence me subsequent questin stands how many jews did the arabs kill n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS did the jews kill in the current intifadah?. HARDfacts plz. otherwise u're a forked tongue liar.
HARDfact tells u its never jews vs arabs. its jews vs PALESTINIANS be they muslim, christians, jews etc.
HARDfact tells u that socall tiny nation israel is born thru dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE. n HARDfact tells u PALESTINE's majority population is arab PALESTINIANS. hence u cant expect arab nations to force the PALESTINIANS to donate PALESTINE wholely to the jews. only forked tongue pagans think arab nations should do that to the PALESTINIANS. may hapless PALESTINIANS remain strongly nationalistic aginst all odds. amen
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 23-11-2003 at 11:54 AM ] |
continue :cool:
uhh? what you don't understand. 20% of israels population are muslims... not Jews.
u said Even now there are about 20% of muslim Arabs in Israel as citizens.. n u said Now the Jews population is over 6million (in israel).
hence me subsequent question stands 20% of wot. wots israel's population to ascertain 20% is muslim israeli PALESTINIANS? HARDfact plz bearing in mind in 1947/1948, israel's population is 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state. HARDlogic gonna tell u since there 6 million jews in israel there should equally be 6 million israel PALESTINIANS there.
n u've testified to me HARDfact when u said 600,000 jews chased out of arab countries (not PALESTINE).
on the other hand, HARDfacts have proven that thousands if not millions israeli PALESTINIANS have been chased out of israel per se n PALESTINE per se.
Today there are approximately 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. There are about 3.5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 33% live in 59 UNRWA refugee camps and 67% are scattered throughout various countries. There are approximately 1.5 million non-registered refugees scattered throughout the Arab world
If the Arabs have absorb the Palestinian refugees, than what figure are you giving me? You are lying. The Arab countries don't give citizenship to the refugees. If they did, than there would be so much lesser problem.
there goes ur forked tongue agin. why should arab nations give PALESTINIANS iraqi or syrian or saudi etc citizenship when PALESTINIANS have their ORIGINAL PALESTINIAN citizenships? why? only forked tongue pagans expect the PALESTINIANs to become beggars to satisfy rapist terrorist jews/israeli/zionists' lust for PALESTINE.
The raping was started by the Arabs. So don't go crying.
liar. read :bg:
Following the defeat of Turkey in World War I, Britain strengthened its power in Palestine. Massive immigrations of Jews from many countries raised the Jewish population in Palestine from about 50,000 buy the beginning of 1900 to approximately 300,000 before World War II.
The Palestinians staged a general strike in April 1936 protesting against this massive immigration of Jews which they saw as a danger threatening their rights.
The British, from their side, put forward a plan for the partition of Palestine into three states, a Jewish one in the north, another state for the Arabs in the south and a third section to remain under the British administration in the Jerusalem-Jaffa (Tel Aviv) corridor. The plan was categorically rejected by the Palestinians and lasted until 1939. London was forced to give the partition idea and set limits to the Jewish emigration to Palestine.
Britain submitted the whole to the newly-established United Nations in the aftermath of World War II.
When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state. |
ouch! me overlook this postin
'ere me come to respond intelligently n with HARDfacts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-20 12:44 AM:
The modern facilities were brought to "alestine" by the Jews... as the Jews migrate back to their Homeland from Europe and America they brought with them the skills and technolgy in the late 19 century.
liar. with or without jews around, PALESTINE is progressin socio economically. otherwise un wouldnt have reported as they've reported. otherwise history wouldnt have reported as its reported. read. the undeleted cut n paste is on page 2
Economic and Social Council
29 July 1998
1998/32. Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan
Gravely concerned about the deterioration of economic and living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population of the occupied Syrian Golan, and the exploitation by Israel, the occupying Power, of their natural resources,
5. Also reaffirms that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan, are illegal and an obstacle to economic and social development;
7. Urges Member States to encourage private foreign investment in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, in infrastructure, job-creation projects and social development, in order to alleviate the hardship of the Palestinian people and improve living conditions;
The present restriction were result their own doing. You don't go around freely blowing-up buses with full load of people.
commonsense tells u when u're raped, u wouldnt stay submissive. u would wanna murder ur rapist. likewise hapless PALESTINIANS when they're raped n genocide by jews/israelis/zionists. they dont have no choice but to become sucide bombers to avenge the death of their fellamen n PALESTINE. read
3. Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to cease its measures against the Palestinian people, in particular the closure of the occupied Palestinian territory, the enforced isolation of Palestinian towns, the destruction of homes and the isolation of Jerusalem;
4. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the Palestinian people and the Arab population of the occupied Syrian Golan to all their natural and economic resources, and calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, not to exploit, endanger or cause loss or depletion of these resources;
Anyway, if the Jews didn't come back to middle east('Palestine" and claiming the Jerusalem as their Holyplace. If the Jews had stayed where ever they had migrated to, be it German, France, Russia, America, Britian, Africa, India, China or anycother country. If thay had no religious attachment to the so-called Palestine... then the world would be a much peaceful place.
now u're usin ur brain for once. yup, if jews/israelis/zionists dont rape PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS, if dimwit un has not divided PALESTINE to share it with israel, if the us is not superhipocrite n feedin israel with billions worth of arms, if arab nations r more united, then the world would be a much peaceful world
BUT the HARDfact is the Jews had done what they had done. The UN had done what it had done. History cannot be undone.
yup the jews/israelis/zionists have raped PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS n noway the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict gonna go away unless n until they (jews/israeli/zionists) r able to wipe out completely their brethren the hapless PALESTINIANS, babies n all. they (jews/israelis/zionists) can copycat white americans' modus operandi in murderin native americans to extinction.
Displaced "alestians" lost their culture, now they are part of the Arab culture.. Arabs countries should take those come in as refugees and give citizenship. ..
liar. PALESTINIANS may be displaced n raped by jews/israelis/zionists; they may become refugees in the millions. but noway they gonna lose their culture n identity which strongly leans towards arab culture bearing in mind PALESTINIAN majorioty r muslim arabs. no way u can deny their rights to exist as such.
The refugee who are the direct result of the Arab countries who initiated the war against the state Israel... the Arabs lost the war, the "alestinians" who support the war against Israel are paying the price... thats reality for you.
liar. PALESTINIAN refugees r coz by dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. it also coz by israel rapin israeli PALESTINIANS by destroyin their homes to give way to imported jews.
arab nations have no choice but to help PALESTINIANS fight rapist terrorist jews/israeli/zionist regime. n they lost the 1967 war coz they couldnt compete with the us' billions worth of arms donated to israel.
now wot PALESTINIANS could do is to sacrifice 'emselves by becomin suicide bombers to avenge the genocide of their fellamen n rape of PALESTINE by jews/israelis/zionists. only forked tongue pagans dont wanna c that HARDreality.
The Jew refugee who were chased out from the Arab countries were obsorbed by Israle.
how many jew refugees that r chased out of arab countries? how many imported jews from european nations n all over the world in israel? HARDfacts plz. no wiggle waggle
The Jews too lost their lands and properties and was raped by the terrorist Arabs...
how many jews lost their lands n properties n raped by arab terrorists? HARDfact plz. otherwise u're a liar
why can't the Arrogant friends of yours can't do the same.
By refusing to give citizenship to the refugees the Arabs are till plotting to destroy Israel... which is unlikely to happen.
why should PALESTINIANS change citizenship when they've their ORIGINAL PALESTINIAN citizenships? only forked tongue pagans think PALESTINIANS should change citizenship to satisfy jews/israeli/zionists' lust for their PALESTINE. u need ur head examined
may the PALESTINIANS remain strongly nationalistic n protect their PALESTINE from rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists. amen :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 24-11-2003 at 10:55 AM ] |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
liar. gandhi is telling HARDtruth that PALESTINE is for arab/PALESTINIANS as much as america for americans. commonsense tells u americans r multi racial - white, black, natives, hispanic etc. likewise PALESTINE comprising arab/PALESTINIAN muslims, arab/PALESTINIAN jews, arab/PALESTINIAN christians etc. only pagans think PALESTINE is for jews/israelis/zionists per se Only muslims and muslim apologist think Middle East belong to the Muslim rule. Jews claimed their right to rule the land of their ancestor. Why only Muslims must rule Middle East? They lack vision, they oppress their own people, they call the Christians and Jews Dhimmi and kafirs... they in the past had imposed proctection tax called jizyah...which forced the Jews to flee or convert to isalm.
Ghandi is considered as traitor by some Indian for dividing Pakistan from India... and he talks about Arabs right.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
inother words. jews r racist people. they think PALESTINE is jews' holyland homeland n hence it should be theirs without taking into account that the majority population there is arab/PALESTINIANS - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE
Yeap. Thats what they are. Jews are as racist people just like the Malays...in Malaysia. At least Jews force their religion on others unlike muslims.
UMNO is a racist party... any objections?
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
dimwit un expects the jews to play fair with israeli PALESTINIANS - 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state. that expectations is proven futile. You still can't accept the reality, can you?
The jews have bad history, people killing and chasing them away. The only way for them to defend is to fight back. When the Jews started coming back to the home(homeland), the Arabs waged war against them.
As soon as the UN pulled out from the region the Arab in Palestine and the Arab nation attacked Israel...in 1948.
The Jews kick butt and captured more land than was partision by the UN.
IF THE ARABS DID NOT ATTACK ISRAEL, then the 498,000 you mentioned would be living as other Israelis... and not as refugees who fled.
The more the Arabs attack ISRAEL the more the Arabs lose... thats HARDreality.
The Jews are not willing to live under muslims rule as dhimmis. But the Arabs can live under Israel rule with equal rights... if they don't become terrorist.
The Arab muslims claim the Jerusalem as he 3th holist city, the 1st and 2nd holy cities are already forbidden to non-muslims. If muslims rule Jerusalem, same thing might happen. Non-muslim cannot enter the city. Under Jews rule Muslim,Christians and Jews are allowed to enter and worship as they please.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
thats right the jews invaded canaan which eventually becomes PALESTINE I can't find any other words than to call you STUPID. UN had only established ISRAEL as an independent state. Palestine is not.... With mentalities like your, it would take much much longer to establesh a badly needed state of Palestine.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
bless the PALESTINIANS for their sacrifice to become suicide bombers to avenge the genocide of their fellamen n rape of PALESTE by jews/israelis/zionists This shows the kind of person your are. Blowing oneself up in a Bus packed of people..childrens, women, man ...young and old... IS NOT A NOBLE THING TO DO...ITS A STUPID BARBARIC THING TO DO... and you want to bless them?
The cowards HAMAS and gang are using the stupid moron suicide killers to ensure that the so-called Palestinians will not get a establish a PALESTINE state.
The Israels retaliation is worse than the Arabs. Thats HARDreality.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
SONNY: n no way the jews gonna get peace n security thru rapin PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS Israel is building the WALL remember... its anticipated.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
SONNY: where israel gave citizenship to those refugees. no HARDfacts means u're a liar. simple Are you denying that Israel had taken in and given citizenship to the fleeing Jews from Arab countries?
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
SONNY: no HARDfacts to prove ur claim that malaysians genocide malaysian natives, mean u're a liar. a shameless liar i must say Seach the web and you will find that the migrating Malays( not Malaysians) who are now calling themselves bumiputra are the ones reponsible for the native to be pushed into deep jungle.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 10:13 AM:
SONNY: there u go with ur forked tongue. the white raped america n genocide natives americans into extinction in 1600s. No choice but to call you a stipid idiot. Native americans are still alive, they are not extinct... they are not endangered either ... they are alive and well. |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 11:44 AM:
dont twist me HARDfact response.
u said The region was also called ISRAEL at one time.
hence me subsequent question is whens that one time? n wots the population ratio then? well? Population ratio? No such survey, all of them could be Jews during ruler King David's times... who knows for sure. Do you?
Now, are you denying that in ancient time, the land was called as ISRAEL?
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 11:44 AM:
liar. PALESTINE has its identity. its more to arab. the world accepts that HARDfact cept u n the jews. pathetic. n me repeat the canaanites have assimilated by marriage, death, dispora etc. read me cut n paste above n this as well Deluded Liar. You are assuming about the canaanites being assimilated. Where is your HARDfact. There is a possibilty that the Canaan tribes were slaughtered into extinction by the invading Jews...cos' there's a claim by the Jews and beside there is no Canaanites now...No one practices or worship any deity such as Ba'al or whatever the canaanites worship. The word is the canaanite tribe is lost.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 11:44 AM:
liar. the PALESTINIANS dont rape jews/israelis/zionists. wheres the HARDfacts? where?
nope the violence started with the drastic import of jews into PALESTINE. read me cut n paste above
n no way PALESTINIANS gonna let go the occupied PALESTINIAN territories without a fight. the jews must take into account the millions israeli PALESTINIANS refugees whose homes they have destroyed to make way for imported jews. thats one of the conditions if the jews/israelis/zionists want peace n security. Acting dumb is not going to help you. The war against Israel was started by the Arabs.. "Palestinian" muslims included. Thats HARDfact.
People been migrating since time memorial. Who the "hell" are the arab muslims, to forbid the jews from returning to their claimed homeland. Do they think they can do the same things they did in Saudi Arabia.. forbid any jews from entering their city. Mecca and Medina was once belong to Jew and Pagans.
The Jews have learn their lesson well, they know how Islam works.
The only language Islam understand is force. Reason and logic don't work.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 11:44 AM:
u're exposing ur forked tongue agin.
u said Both sides are killing each other.
hence me subsequent questin stands how many jews did the arabs kill n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS did the jews kill in the current intifadah?. HARDfacts plz. otherwise u're a forked tongue liar. Are you sane, sonny?
Are you denying that "Palestinians and Israelis are being murdered by each side. You don't ask dumb question like that.. it show you are not in touch with real world.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 11:44 AM:
HARDfact tells u its never jews vs arabs. its jews vs PALESTINIANS be they muslim, christians, jews etc. Your HARDfact are no facts at all.The Arabs have openly attacked Israel since the time Israel was established in 1948. Its no secret. When the Arabs nations realise that they cannot annihilate Israel by waging war, they were only losing more territories, they resort to terrorism. Making use of Arafat and organization like HAMAs...to attack the civilian population of Israel.
Deny as much as want sonny...but that is the OBVIOUSfact. |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 11:49 AM:
hence me subsequent question stands 20% of wot. wots israel's population to ascertain 20% is muslim israeli PALESTINIANS? HARDfact plz bearing in mind in 1947/1948, israel's population is 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state. HARDlogic gonna tell u since there 6 million jews in israel there should equally be 6 million israel PALESTINIANS there. Are you ignoring the HARDfact that the Arab plus the Palestians attacked Israel. That changes everything, pal. When you attack and lose, you lose your rights. If the Arabs had won.... the 498000 jews would be dead Jews...and not refugees...just like Hitler did to the Jews and just like Araffat's uncle Hussin had plan to do. Its a miracle that the Jews won... considering the Jews were greatly out numbered.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-23 11:49 AM:
there goes ur forked tongue agin. why should arab nations give PALESTINIANS iraqi or syrian or saudi etc citizenship when PALESTINIANS have their ORIGINAL PALESTINIAN citizenships? why? only forked tongue pagans expect the PALESTINIANs to become beggars to satisfy rapist terrorist jews/israeli/zionists' lust for PALESTINE. Don't bitch.
"Palestinians" are Arabs. Arabs countries should be able to give citizenship to the refugees.
your cut&paste only confirms the Ailiyah by the Jews. Still the raping/slaughtering/ was started by the Arabs/palestinians.... Now they are paying the the price for their failed action. |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
liar. with or without jews around, PALESTINE is progressin socio economically. otherwise un wouldnt have reported as they've reported. otherwise history wouldnt have reported as its reported. read. the undeleted cut n paste is on page 2 Deluded Liar. Your are quoting reports from recent souce.
In the late 19century, the "alestinians' were in a pathetic state that the Jews could buy land from them easily. the Jews brought improved technolgy to improve the water irrigations which improved agriculture havest.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
commonsense tells u when u're raped, u wouldnt stay submissive. u would wanna murder ur rapist. likewise hapless PALESTINIANS when they're raped n genocide by jews/israelis/zionists. they dont have no choice but to become sucide bombers to avenge the death of their fellamen n PALESTINE. read Crazy Liar.
When someone rape you, you want justice to be done.And not go around randomly blow up bus filled with innocent people. The relative of those you blow up are not going to say thank you... they gonna take revenge
And how do the young fellows get thier explosives... the smiling triger happy suicide murderers are naive to think that they can avenge their fellow man by being pawns to the terrorist groups who provide the young fools with explosive. Its organized criminal activity.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
liar. PALESTINIANS may be displaced n raped by jews/israelis/zionists; they may become refugees in the millions. but noway they gonna lose their culture n identity which strongly leans towards arab culture bearing in mind PALESTINIAN majorioty r muslim arabs. no way u can deny their rights to exist as such. Deluded Liar
The majority of the people in the region you call Palestine have lost their culture and identity, they been replaced by invaded muslim culture. The Palestian are Arabinised..now they are just like any Arabs. Unlike the Jews who maintain their culture.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
liar. PALESTINIAN refugees r coz by dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. it also coz by israel rapin israeli PALESTINIANS by destroyin their homes to give way to imported jews. Deluded Liar.
UN did devide the land, but the Arabs started the war..which caused thr Arabs there to be refugees. The ARABS LOST THE WAR THEY STARTED...casing the people there to be refugees...
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
arab nations have no choice but to help PALESTINIANS fight rapist terrorist jews/israeli/zionist regime. n they lost the 1967 war coz they couldnt compete with the us' billions worth of arms donated to israel. Deluded Liar. Arab had choices but they chose war. Going into war with a country without knowing your opponents capabilties is STUPID. They still think shouting Allahuakbar...and waving swords will give them victory...as it did to the 7th century Mohd.
Times have changed pal... diplomatic skill is much better than waging war...especialy when you are weak.
The Jews have both... diplomatic skill and fire power... hard to beat than pal.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
now wot PALESTINIANS could do is to sacrifice 'emselves by becomin suicide bombers to avenge the genocide of their fellamen n rape of PALESTINE by jews/israelis/zionists. only forked tongue pagans dont wanna c that HARDreality Yeah support the idiot suicide murderers. Their method will never bring peace..but only more violence.
Only diplomatic skill will being peace.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
how many jew refugees that r chased out of arab countries? how many imported jews from european nations n all over the world in israel? HARDfacts plz. no wiggle waggle already gave you the figure... the Jews claim the figure is abt 600,000. It doesn't matter how many. bottom line Muslim Arab have done evil things to Jews...
By the way you conduct yourself, who know, you too might rape a jew if you can lay your hand on them.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
why should PALESTINIANS change citizenship when they've their ORIGINAL PALESTINIAN citizenships? only forked tongue pagans think PALESTINIANS should change citizenship to satisfy jews/israeli/zionists' lust for their PALESTINE. u need ur head examined The so-called Palestinian are already in other Arab countries.. giving citizenship would be humane thing to do... but then again muslims don't behave humane. Arab muslims are greedy, worst than the Jews.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-24 09:48 AM:
may the PALESTINIANS remain strongly nationalistic n protect their PALESTINE from rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists. amen
May the Palestinians grow some brain first. |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-25 02:17 AM:
Only muslims and muslim apologist think Middle East belong to the Muslim rule.
SONNY: the HARDfact is middle east NOW belongs to the arabs n MOST of these arabs happen to be muslims. u cant deny that HARDfact. like it or not muslims rule middle east
Jews claimed their right to rule the land of their ancestor.
SONNY: the HARDfact is jews may rule PALESTINE at one time but now its ruled by PALESTINIANS. hence jews have no claim on PALESTINE as their holyland homeland when theres 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. its only thru dimwit un's grace that israel is formed thru' dividin PALESTINE
Why only Muslims must rule Middle East? They lack vision, they oppress their own people, they call the Christians and Jews Dhimmi and kafirs... they in the past had imposed proctection tax called jizyah...which forced the Jews to flee or convert to isalm.
SONNY: u can paint the blackest picture about muslims but the HARDfact remains middle east NOW belongs to the arabs n these arabs happen to be muslim majority. u cant camouflage that HARDfact with ur deception
Ghandi is considered as traitor by some Indian for dividing Pakistan from India... and he talks about Arabs right.
SONNY: ghandi may be considered a traitor or patriot. the bottomline is PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS n these PALESTINIANS happen to be muslim arab majority. no way u can wiggle waggle that HARDfact
read me response above
Yeap. Thats what they are. Jews are as racist people just like the Malays...in Malaysia. At least Jews force their religion on others unlike muslims.
SONNY: so u admit jews r racist lot despite their socalled democracy. good. becoz of their racism, they couldnt sit peacefully with their PALESTINIANS brethen. they lust for PALESTINE n they get "part" of it thru callous lobbying, rapin n genocide. accept that HARDfact
irrespective malays in malaysia is racist or not, that dont justify the jews becomin racist too. dont deviate unnecessarily
yup the jews r forcing their "religion" (covenant) on the PALESTINIANS. the jews believe PALESTINE is their holyland homeland n they need to get it thru callous lobbyin, rapin n slaughterin their PALESTINIAN brethren. may the jew rot in deepest pit of hell come death
UMNO is a racist party... any objections?
SONNY: whos umno? is it part of jewish or PALESTINIAN conspiracy? otherwise dont deviate unnecessarily
read me response above
You still can't accept the reality, can you?
The jews have bad history, people killing and chasing them away. The only way for them to defend is to fight back. When the Jews started coming back to the home(homeland), the Arabs waged war against them.
SONNY: the jews' bad history dont justify 'em rapin PALESTINE. n the HARDfact remains the socalled holyland homeland that the jews r returnin to is populated with 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. thats why the arabs r forced to support their PALESTINIAN brethren in defendin PALESTINE against jews rapists n terrorists. simple HARDlogic really
As soon as the UN pulled out from the region the Arab in Palestine and the Arab nation attacked Israel...in 1948.
SONNY: the reason why PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations attacked that part of PALESTINE which is called israel is becoz overall PALESTINE is populated by 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. u dont expect 1,246,000 PALESTINIANS to bow their head submissively when 507,250 jews come rapin 'em right?
The Jews kick butt and captured more land than was partision by the UN.
SONNY: the jews won coz they're fed by the us' billions worth of arms. as it is superpower us is infact superhipocrite. simple
IF THE ARABS DID NOT ATTACK ISRAEL, then the 498,000 you mentioned would be living as other Israelis... and not as refugees who fled.
The more the Arabs attack ISRAEL the more the Arabs lose... thats HARDreality.
SONNY: thats right. the PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations did attack that part of PALESTINE which is called israel for the simple reason overall PALESTINE is populated by 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. n the PALESTINIANS/arab nations lost for the simple reason superhipocrite us is backing rapist terrorists jews/israeli/zionists with billions worth of arms.
n nope, the 497,000 PALESTINIAN israeli (aginst 498,000 Jews) in israel wouldnt be livin as other israelis for HARDfact tells u they bein chased out of their homes to give way to imported jews. read
Cabinet Minister Bechor Shitrit confirms this official looting. He stated, “The army from Lydda alone had taken over 1,800 truckloads of property.”
David Ben-Gurion recorded in his diary entry for July 15, 1948: “The bitter question has arisen regarding acts of robbery and rape in the conquered towns. Soldiers from all the battalions robbed and stole.”
Yosef Lamm, a Member of the Knesset, officially admitted on November 22, 1949: “None of us behaved during the war in a way we might have expected the Jewish people to behave, either with regard to property or human life, and we should all be ashamed.”
The Jews are not willing to live under muslims rule as dhimmis. But the Arabs can live under Israel rule with equal rights... if they don't become terrorist.
SONNY: liar. the jews dont wanna live under muslims rule coz they're racist rapist terrorist lot. n PALESTINIAN israelis dont have equal rights. read.
Israeli law already extends an absolute preference to Jews over members of all other ethnic or religious groups in obtaining Israeli citizenship. The Law of Return, together with the country's Citizenship Law, grants automatic citizenship to Jewish immigrants to Israel. Not only do the country's legal rules benefit Jews over other potential immigrants, they give Jews priority over Palestinians who fled or were driven from the country during the 1948 and 1967 wars.
The law that was just passed, however, goes an important step beyond the previously existing rules. Rather than granting a preference to Jews over all other groups, it specifically singles out Palestinians for adverse treatment.
The new law is thus facially discriminatory against persons of a single nationality. Aside from Palestinians, all other persons who marry Israelis are eligible for citizenship. But the law's discriminatory character extends beyond its impact on the Palestinians who are barred from obtaining citizenship. It is also discriminatory in its impact on Israelis.
The overwhelming majority of Israeli-Palestinian marriages are between Israeli citizens of Palestinian origin (known as Israeli Arabs), and Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza. By blocking the reunification of families split between Israel and the occupied territories, the law will have a devastating impact on the family life of Israeli Arabs.
Israeli Arabs who are married to Palestinians will now have to abandon Israel if they want to live with their families. Indeed, the prospect of their emigration may have helped spur the law's passage. As Israelis prepare for the establishment of a Palestinian state, nationalist legislators are anxious to ensure the geographic separation of Jews and Palestinians
read me response above
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 30-11-2003 at 12:05 PM ] |
continue :2cool:
The Arab muslims claim the Jerusalem as he 3th holist city, the 1st and 2nd holy cities are already forbidden to non-muslims. If muslims rule Jerusalem, same thing might happen. Non-muslim cannot enter the city. Under Jews rule Muslim,Christians and Jews are allowed to enter and worship as they please.
SONNY: the keyword is IF. hence u're makin ASSumptions. u're implyin the jews being racist lot is fearful of their own shadow.
n u're exposin ur forked tongue. irrespective the jews rule or they dont rule, freedom of worship is practized in PALESTINE. now even freedom of movement is restricted by israel's apartheid wall.
read me reponse above
I can't find any other words than to call you STUPID. UN had only established ISRAEL as an independent state. Palestine is not.... With mentalities like your, it would take much much longer to establesh a badly needed state of Palestine.
PALESTINE is not wot? why the wiggle waggle in ur statement? speak up clearly
This shows the kind of person your are. Blowing oneself up in a Bus packed of people..childrens, women, man ...young and old... IS NOT A NOBLE THING TO DO...ITS A STUPID BARBARIC THING TO DO... and you want to bless them?
SONNY: wot do u expect the PALESTINIANS to do beisdes becoming suicide bombers when the jews came rapin n genocide 'em? well?
The cowards HAMAS and gang are using the stupid moron suicide killers to ensure that the so-called Palestinians will not get a establish a PALESTINE state.
SONNY: do u know the reason for the suicide bombers? elaborate 'ere intelligently if u can
The Israels retaliation is worse than the Arabs. Thats HARDreality.
SONNY: yup with superhipocrite us' billions worth of arms, jews/israeli/zionists easily rape PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS. thats the HARDreality
read me response above
Israel is building the WALL remember... its anticipated.
why buildin apartheid wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories? i'm waitin
Are you denying that Israel had taken in and given citizenship to the fleeing Jews from Arab countries?
so israel is givin citizenship to fleein jews from arab countries. why did they flee? how many citizenship did israel give to eropean jews aginst arab jews? HARDfacts plz
Seach the web and you will find that the migrating Malays( not Malaysians) who are now calling themselves bumiputra are the ones reponsible for the native to be pushed into deep jungle.
no HARDfact from u means u're a liar. a shameless forked tongue liar i must say
No choice but to call you a stipid idiot. Native americans are still alive, they are not extinct... they are not endangered either ... they are alive and well.
is this wot u call alive n well? respond intelligently plz. no wiggle waggle :bg:
Military defeat, cultural pressure, confinement on reservations, forced cultural assimilation, the outlawing of native languages and culture, forced sterilizations, termination policies of the 50's and 60's, and (especially) slavery have had deleterious effects on Native Americans' mental and ultimately physical health. Contemporary problems include poverty, alcoholism, heart disease, and diabetes: see New World Syndrome. |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-25 03:08 AM:
Population ratio? No such survey, all of them could be Jews during ruler King David's times... who knows for sure. Do you?
if u dont have HARDfacts to substantiate ur claims, dont make claims then. otherwise u gonna look like forked tongue liar
Now, are you denying that in ancient time, the land was called as ISRAEL?
yup PALESTINE is called israel at one time. now its called PALESTINE n its owned by PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians, etc. there 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE
Deluded Liar. You are assuming about the canaanites being assimilated. Where is your HARDfact.
Before the Hebrews first migrated there around 1800 B.C., the land of Canaan was occupied by Canaanites.
"Between 3000 and 1100 B.C., Canaanite civilization covered what is today Israel, the West Bank, Lebanon and much of Syria and Jordan...Those who remained in the Jerusalem hills after the Romans expelled the Jews [in the second century A.D.] were a potpourri: farmers and vineyard growers, pagans and converts to Christianity, descendants of the Arabs, Persians, Samaritans, Greeks and old Canaanite tribes." Marcia Kunstel and Joseph Albright, "Their Promised Land."
The present-day Palestinians' ancestral heritage
"But all these [different peoples who had come to Canaan] were additions, sprigs grafted onto the parent tree...And that parent tree was Canaanite...[The Arab invaders of the 7th century A.D.] made Moslem converts of the natives, settled down as residents, and intermarried with them, with the result that all are now so completely Arabized that we cannot tell where the Canaanites leave off and the Arabs begin." Illene Beatty, "Arab and Jew in the Land of Canaan."
There is a possibilty that the Canaan tribes were slaughtered into extinction by the invading Jews...cos' there's a claim by the Jews and beside there is no Canaanites now...No one practices or worship any deity such as Ba'al or whatever the canaanites worship. The word is the canaanite tribe is lost.
so u admit invading jews have possibly slaughtered the canaanites. yet the jews claim PALESTINE is their holyland homeland when NOW its PALESTINIANS' lands.
n the HARDfact is the canaanites have been murdered or assimilated. read me cut n paste above
Acting dumb is not going to help you. The war against Israel was started by the Arabs.. "alestinian" muslims included. Thats HARDfact.
HARDfact tells u the war is brewin ever since theres drastic import of jews in PALESTINE n it culminated with dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read
Following the defeat of Turkey in World War I, Britain strengthened its power in Palestine. Massive immigrations of Jews from many countries raised the Jewish population in Palestine from about 50,000 buy the beginning of 1900 to approximately 300,000 before World War II.
The Palestinians staged a general strike in April 1936 protesting against this massive immigration of Jews which they saw as a danger threatening their rights.
The British, from their side, put forward a plan for the partition of Palestine into three states, a Jewish one in the north, another state for the Arabs in the south and a third section to remain under the British administration in the Jerusalem-Jaffa (Tel Aviv) corridor. The plan was categorically rejected by the Palestinians and lasted until 1939. London was forced to give the partition idea and set limits to the Jewish emigration to Palestine.
Britain submitted the whole to the newly-established United Nations in the aftermath of World War II.
When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
People been migrating since time memorial. Who the "hell" are the arab muslims, to forbid the jews from returning to their claimed homeland. Do they think they can do the same things they did in Saudi Arabia.. forbid any jews from entering their city. Mecca and Medina was once belong to Jew and Pagans.
The Jews have learn their lesson well, they know how Islam works.
The only language Islam understand is force. Reason and logic don't work.
the HARDfacts remain the jews have possibly slaughted the canaanites (as u've admitted) to get PALESTINE. now PALESTINE is owned by PALESTINIANS. hence no way the jews can call PALESTINE their holyland homeland when they have possibly slaughtered the canaanites n NOW PALESTINE is populated as such - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE
Are you sane, sonny?
Are you denying that "alestinians and Israelis are being murdered by each side. You don't ask dumb question like that.. it show you are not in touch with real world.
thats no dumb question - how many jews did the arabs kill n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS did the jews kill in the current intifadah?. no HARDfacts from u means u're a forked tongue liar. simple. i call u a forked tongue liar coz u dont wanna paste the HARDnumber of arabs/PALESTINIANS genocide by the jews lest u're exposin the jews rapist terrorist act of luv thy neighbour as thyself
Your HARDfact are no facts at all.The Arabs have openly attacked Israel since the time Israel was established in 1948. Its no secret. When the Arabs nations realise that they cannot annihilate Israel by waging war, they were only losing more territories, they resort to terrorism. Making use of Arafat and organization like HAMAs...to attack the civilian population of Israel.
Deny as much as want sonny...but that is the OBVIOUSfact.
liar. PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations attacked israel coz of the drastic import of jews even before ww2 n it culminated with dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read me cut n paste above
can u give the reason why PALESTINIAN suicide bombers attacked civilian population of israel? i'm waitin. no wiggle waggle now :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 30-11-2003 at 12:43 PM ] |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-25 03:33 AM:
Are you ignoring the HARDfact that the Arab plus the Palestians attacked Israel. That changes everything, pal. When you attack and lose, you lose your rights.
HARDfact tells u the PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations attacked israel coz of the drastic import of jews even bfore ww2 n it culminated with dimwit un's decision to divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read. yup, the PALESTINIANS lost the war coz they couldnt compete with superhypocrite us' billions worth of arms donated to the jews to rape the PALESTINE n genocide PALESLTINIANS.
Following the defeat of Turkey in World War I, Britain strengthened its power in Palestine. Massive immigrations of Jews from many countries raised the Jewish population in Palestine from about 50,000 buy the beginning of 1900 to approximately 300,000 before World War II.
The Palestinians staged a general strike in April 1936 protesting against this massive immigration of Jews which they saw as a danger threatening their rights.
The British, from their side, put forward a plan for the partition of Palestine into three states, a Jewish one in the north, another state for the Arabs in the south and a third section to remain under the British administration in the Jerusalem-Jaffa (Tel Aviv) corridor. The plan was categorically rejected by the Palestinians and lasted until 1939. London was forced to give the partition idea and set limits to the Jewish emigration to Palestine.
Britain submitted the whole to the newly-established United Nations in the aftermath of World War II.
When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
If the Arabs had won.... the 498000 jews would be dead Jews...and not refugees...just like Hitler did to the Jews and just like Araffat's uncle Hussin had plan to do. Its a miracle that the Jews won... considering the Jews were greatly out numbered.
nope, 498,000 jews (aginst 497,000 PALESTINIANS/Arabs) in israel would become PALESTINIAN citizens as wot have happened during ottoman, british rule. but the jews r racist rapist terrorist lot. they lust for PALESTINE n they couldnt care less for the 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. thats the HARDreality
Don't bitch.
"alestinians" are Arabs. Arabs countries should be able to give citizenship to the refugees.
liar. the 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS could be muslims, christians, jews etc against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE.
n no way arab nations gonna give the millions PALESTINIANS including israeli PALESTINIANS refugees the citizenship when they've their ORIGINAL PALESTINIAN citizenship. only forked tongue pagans think otherwise
your cut&paste only confirms the Ailiyah by the Jews. Still the raping/slaughtering/ was started by the Arabs/palestinians.... Now they are paying the the price for their failed action.
yup, the PALESTINIANS r paying with their lives for wot dimwit un has done to 'em when they divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist, for wot superhypocrite us has done to em when they donate billions worth of arms to the jews to rape PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS, n for wat racist rapist terrorist jews/israel/zionists have done to 'em when they massacre PALESTINIAN innocents along with the hamas etc
n as long as the PALESINIANS continue to be raped by racist rapist terrorists jews/israeli/zionists, no way israel gonna get peace n security. amen :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 30-11-2003 at 01:08 PM ] |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-25 05:17 AM:
Deluded Liar. Your are quoting reports from recent souce.
In the late 19century, the "alestinians' were in a pathetic state that the Jews could buy land from them easily. the Jews brought improved technolgy to improve the water irrigations which improved agriculture havest.
liar. PALESTINE is progressing socio economically with or without the jews. read. n the jews not only buy lands but rape PALESTINIANS lands as well.
Under Ottoman rule, the country was divided into districts which were administered by native Palestinians. The Christian and Jewish communities were allowed a large measure of control and Palestine flourished as the Ottomans flourished and declined as the Ottoman Empire began the slow and ponderous progress toward its end.
Palestine's decline in trade, agriculture and population continued until the 19th century. As European powers sought raw materials, new markets and expanded strategic interests, they inevitably came to the Middle East. This in turn stimulated economic and social development.
Israel's responsibility for Refugees - The Jewish military advantage was translated into an act of mass expulsion of more than half of the Palestinian population. The Israeli forces, apart from rare exceptions, expelled the Palestinians from every village and town they occupied. In some cases, this expulsion was accompanied by massacres [of civilians] as was the case in Lydda, Ramleh, Dawimiyya, Sa'sa, Ein Zietun and other places. Expulsion also was accompanied by rape, looting and confiscation [of Palestinian land and property]...
Crazy Liar.
When someone rape you, you want justice to be done.
how do the PALESTINIANS get justice when the jews/israelis/zionists rape n genocide 'em? elaborate with HARDfact plz
And not go around randomly blow up bus filled with innocent people. The relative of those you blow up are not going to say thank you... they gonna take revenge
wots the reason for the PALESTINIAN sucide bombers? i'm waitin
And how do the young fellows get thier explosives... the smiling triger happy suicide murderers are naive to think that they can avenge their fellow man by being pawns to the terrorist groups who provide the young fools with explosive. Its organized criminal activity.
how can PALESLESTINIANS avenge the murder of their fellamen by racist rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists other than becoming sucide bombers? well?
Deluded Liar
The majority of the people in the region you call Palestine have lost their culture and identity, they been replaced by invaded muslim culture. The Palestian are Arabinised..now they are just like any Arabs. Unlike the Jews who maintain their culture.
HARDfact tells u since PALESTINIANS r made up of 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS the majority of whom r muslims followed by christians, jews etc (against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE) obviously PALESTINIANS r more arabic muslims in outlook rather than arabic christians or arabic jews.
yup the jews maintain their culture bein racist as they r
Deluded Liar.
UN did devide the land,
un divided wot land so that israel can exist? be specific. no wiggle waggle
but the Arabs started the war..which caused thr Arabs there to be refugees. The ARABS LOST THE WAR THEY STARTED...casing the people there to be refugees...
u're bein repetitious. that shows ur postins r packs of lies. nonethless lemme repeat
yup the PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations started the war coz of drastic import of jews even bfore ww2 n it culminated with dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read me cut n paste above
n the PALESTINIANS lost the war coz they couldnt compete with superhypocrite us' billions worth of arms doanted to the jews to rape PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS.
n millions PALESTINIANS including PALESTINIAN israeli becomes refugees coz they've been kicked out from their homes to give way to imported jews. read me cut n paste above
Deluded Liar. Arab had choices but they chose war. Going into war with a country without knowing your opponents capabilties is STUPID. They still think shouting Allahuakbar...and waving swords will give them victory...as it did to the 7th century Mohd.
Times have changed pal... diplomatic skill is much better than waging war...especialy when you are weak.
The Jews have both... diplomatic skill and fire power... hard to beat than pal.
repetitious again without HARDfact.
the jews have fire power alright donated by superhypocrite us
n can u elaborate on the jews diplomatic skill? i'm waitin
Yeah support the idiot suicide murderers. Their method will never bring peace..but only more violence.
Only diplomatic skill will being peace.
wot can PALESINIANS do other than becoming sucide bombers to avenge the murder of their fellamen n the rape of PALESTINE by the jews?
can u elaborate on the jews' diplomatic skill to bring peace in the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict? well?
already gave you the figure... the Jews claim the figure is abt 600,000. It doesn't matter how many. bottom line Muslim Arab have done evil things to Jews...
so the jews have given citizenship to 600,000 arab jews. n how many citizenship did they give to imported jews other than arab jews? HARDfact plz
n can u specify wot evil things that muslim arabs have done to the jews n wot evil things that the world specially the europeans have done to the jews? HARDfacts plz
By the way you conduct yourself, who know, you too might rape a jew if you can lay your hand on them.
irrelevant hecklin
The so-called Palestinian are already in other Arab countries.. giving citizenship would be humane thing to do... but then again muslims don't behave humane. Arab muslims are greedy, worst than the Jews.
repetitious agin
noway arab nations gonna give citizenship to PALESTINIAN refugees for that tantamount to saying amen to the rape of PALESTINE n the genocide of PALESTINIANS by racist rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists
May the Palestinians grow some brain first.
may the jews/israeli/zionists stopped rapin PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS or else they gonna rot in deepest pit of hell. amen :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 1-12-2003 at 10:45 AM ] |
yawn |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 AM: SONNY: the HARDfact is middle east NOW belongs to the arabs n MOST of these arabs happen to be muslims. u cant deny that HARDfact. like it or not muslims rule middle east An obvious HARDfact is the Jews are ruling Israel... and that negates your FAKE-HARDfacts.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 AM: SONNY: the HARDfact is jews may rule PALESTINE at one time but now its ruled by PALESTINIANS. hence jews have no claim on PALESTINE as their holyland homeland when theres 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. its only thru dimwit un's grace that israel is formed thru' dividin PALESTINE Thats old history. HARD-reality is Jews rule Israel/Palestine... and Jews are over 6,000,000 strong.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 AM: SONNY: u can paint the blackest picture about muslims but the HARDfact remains middle east NOW belongs to the arabs n these arabs happen to be muslim majority. u cant camouflage that HARDfact with ur deception I was only showing u what the muslim fanatics had done to the Jews. Thats history. Today, middle east don't belong to the Arabs. For one, US is holding the Arab nations balls. The Arabs can't do as they please. Secoundly, Jews are ruling ISRAEL...and not Arab.... thats HARDreality
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 AM: SONNY: ghandi may be considered a traitor or patriot. the bottomline is PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS n these PALESTINIANS happen to be muslim arab majority. no way u can wiggle waggle that HARDfact Thats history, todays HARDfact is Jews are majority in ISREAL... 6,000,000 strong.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 AM: yup the jews r forcing their "religion" (covenant) on the PALESTINIANS. the jews believe PALESTINE is their holyland homeland n they need to get it thru callous lobbyin, rapin n slaughterin their PALESTINIAN brethren. may the jew rot in deepest pit of hell come death The Jews were peaceful at first, the Arab muslims made them ruthless. Muslims only understand their language that is violence. Logic don't work.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 AM: SONNY: the jews' bad history dont justify 'em rapin PALESTINE. n the HARDfact remains the socalled holyland homeland that the jews r returnin to is populated with 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. thats why the arabs r forced to support their PALESTINIAN brethren in defendin PALESTINE against jews rapists n terrorists. simple HARDlogic really Brutality against Jews by the freakin' Arab were duly paid back with interest. The Freakin barbaric Arab are disapointed that they cannot annihilate the Jews like Mohd did in Mecca and Medina. The evil deed of Mohd and his followers need to be paid back in full. Today the 6,000,000 plus strong Jews can call ISRAEL their HOMELAND.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 AM: SONNY: the reason why PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations attacked that part of PALESTINE which is called israel is becoz overall PALESTINE is populated by 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. u dont expect 1,246,000 PALESTINIANS to bow their head submissively when 507,250 jews come rapin 'em right? The Arabs been raping the jews since Mohd lunacy mushroomed. The Arabs think the can do the same to the modern Jews and the freakin' Arabs found out the hard way. Anyway the elected Jews ruling the Arabs would be much much better than some Arab dictators.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 SONNY: the jews won coz they're fed by the us' billions worth of arms. as it is superpower us is infact superhipocrite. simple Stupid Arabs didn't foresee the might of the Jewish abilities... the abilities of the Jews in convincing the US to provide weapons for self defence against the barbaric Arabs... who are bent on annihilating the Jews.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 11:57 n nope, the 497,000 PALESTINIAN israeli (aginst 498,000 Jews) in israel wouldnt be livin as other israelis for HARDfact tells u they bein chased out of their homes to give way to imported jews. read Your cut&paste show what the Jews did to those who attacked Israel/Jews..that's after the 1948 war initiated by the stupid Arabs. History have shown, the muslims did worse to their captives of war. Plundering, raping, slavery and murder is the trademark of Mohd's religion...which the Arabs follow. Today, the Arabs are impotent against the Jews. Look how the tides have changed.
to be continued... |
... continue
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM: SONNY: the keyword is IF. hence u're makin ASSumptions. u're implyin the jews being racist lot is fearful of their own shadow. n u're exposin ur forked tongue. irrespective the jews rule or they dont rule, freedom of worship is practized in PALESTINE. now even freedom of movement is restricted by israel's apartheid wall. Thats a valid assumption based on the lesson learn from history. Thats why humans have brain.. to think and anticipate the danger based on privious encounters.
With evil instruction written in their holy books, so-called Chistians like you and Muslims are after the Jews blood.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM PALESTINE is not wot? why the wiggle waggle in ur statement? speak up clearly what wot? Acting like DUMB&DUMBMER is not helping you. As of today, there is no established or recognised PALESTINE STATE... yet. The terrorist Arafat calling State of Palestine is a landless state.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM SONNY: wot do u expect the PALESTINIANS to do beisdes becoming suicide bombers when the jews came rapin n genocide 'em? well? LIAR there is no raping or genocide.. it only in you brain. What Jews are doing, is in defence against the MORON Arabs who what to annihilate the Jews.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM SONNY: do u know the reason for the suicide bombers? elaborate 'ere intelligently if u can go and check Hadith# 2687.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM SONNY: yup with superhipocrite us' billions worth of arms, jews/israeli/zionists easily rape PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS. thats the HARDreality And SUPER OIL RICH billions dollars can't help the evil Arab's plot to anihillate the Jews. SHAME ON THE STUPID ARABS...and their supporters like you.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM why buildin apartheid wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories? i'm waitin To keep MORONS like the stupid virgin-crazy sex-maniac suicide bombers ...AWAY.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM so israel is givin citizenship to fleein jews from arab countries. why did they flee? how many citizenship did israel give to eropean jews aginst arab jews? HARDfacts plz ISRAEL don't discriminate like your friends the Arab nations do. All fleeing Jews are wellcomed.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM no HARDfact from u means u're a liar. a shameless forked tongue liar i must say IDIOT. The fact are obvious. The malay are not bumiputra..but the orang asli are the bumiputra. The orang selat(Malays) are not the native of this land.kapish.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:00 PM is this wot u call alive n well? respond intelligently plz. no wiggle waggle LIAR. At first you said they are extinct, now you are trying to wiggle and waggle your way out. YOU ARE A SHAMELESS FORKED TONGUED LIAR. Do you know the meaning of extinct?
to be continued.... |
... continue
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: if u dont have HARDfacts to substantiate ur claims, dont make claims then. otherwise u gonna look like forked tongue liar If you behave like an idiot than I have call you as such. People in ancient times hardly keep any population ratio records. Even if they claim they do,they wwould exaggerate their claim.
The question.. is do you agree that KING DAVID once existed and called his land ISRAEL and there were Jews lived there? No need for unavailable stupid population ratio data.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: yup PALESTINE is called israel at one time. now its called PALESTINE n its owned by PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians, etc. there 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE LIAR. LIAR. LIAR.
As of today, there is no recognized state or land called PALESTINE. Only ISRAEL exist and the rest of the land is either called occupied terroteries or disputed terroteries.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: Before the Hebrews first migrated there around 1800 B.C., the land of Canaan was occupied by Canaanites. and Jews claim that those canaanites who were not killed were assimilitaed into Jewish group.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: so u admit invading jews have possibly slaughtered the canaanites. yet the jews claim PALESTINE is their holyland homeland when NOW its PALESTINIANS' lands. n the HARDfact is the canaanites have been murdered or assimilated. read me cut n paste above When the Jews conqured the land canaan, they established their Holyland.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: HARDfact tells u the war is brewin ever since theres drastic import of jews in PALESTINE n it culminated with dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read People always been migrating. So you must kill them? Morons.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: the HARDfacts remain the jews have possibly slaughted the canaanites (as u've admitted) to get PALESTINE. now PALESTINE is owned by PALESTINIANS. hence no way the jews can call PALESTINE their holyland homeland when they have possibly slaughtered the canaanites n NOW PALESTINE is populated as such - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE As of today...NOW... ISRAEL is under the rule of the JEWS. and there are over 6,000,000 Jews there.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: thats no dumb question - how many jews did the arabs kill n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS did the jews kill in the current intifadah?. no HARDfacts from u means u're a forked tongue liar. simple. i call u a forked tongue liar coz u dont wanna paste the HARDnumber of arabs/PALESTINIANS genocide by the jews lest u're exposin the jews rapist terrorist act of luv thy neighbour as thyself Those killed Arabs/Palestian in ISRAEL land are mostly criminals...murderers.. terrorist who don't want peace. The muslims only understand violence... talking logic don't work... abit like you. And how many Jews did you Christians murdered...And how many Jews did the muslim murdered. And How many did the Jew killed the Christians or the Muslims? No exact numbers does not mean it didn't happen. History shows that jews been discriminated based on some freakin' verse from the Bible or the Freakin' Quran
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: liar. PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations attacked israel coz of the drastic import of jews even before ww2 n it culminated with dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read me cut n paste above Thats a stupid answer. You can't kill people just because people migrate there.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 12:40 PM: can u give the reason why PALESTINIAN suicide bombers attacked civilian population of israel? i'm waitin. no wiggle waggle now
Apart from HADITH#2687... to wed the "black eyed houris"
They are emotional stupids?
They are pawns of Arafat who want to be King Arafat?
The muslims full filling the Islamic teaching.... to rule over non-muslims?
The Jews are pigs and monkeys, who deverse to die?
The wealthy ulterior-motived Arabs promising to give huge amount of money to the parents of the would be stupid suicide bombers... parent forcing their own childrend to die for money?
They love to be blown to pieces?
whatever the excuse they give is no-good-reason to kill innocent passengers in a bus.
to be continued... |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:05 PM: HARDfact tells u the PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations attacked israel coz of the drastic import of jews even bfore ww2 n it culminated with dimwit un's decision to divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read. yup, the PALESTINIANS lost the war coz they couldnt compete with superhypocrite us' billions worth of arms donated to the jews to rape the PALESTINE n genocide PALESLTINIANS. Already refuted. Arabs are at fault.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:05 PM: nope, 498,000 jews (aginst 497,000 PALESTINIANS/Arabs) in israel would become PALESTINIAN citizens as wot have happened during ottoman, british rule. but the jews r racist rapist terrorist lot. they lust for PALESTINE n they couldnt care less for the 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. thats the HARDreality LIAR. The Jews cannot trust the people who tortured thier ancestors and are still willing to kill them.
Bottom line, the Jews wanted their land back and they got it. HARDreality is ISRAEL is rule by Jews now...with over 6,000,000 jews there. And PALESTINE is yet to be established or recognized...today there is no nation called PALESTINE... only small captured/occupied lands which used to belong to Jordan/Syria..before they attacked ISRAEL.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:05 PM: liar. the 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS could be muslims, christians, jews etc against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE. All of them could have lived under jews rule. But they chose not to be ruled by other than muslims... like a dictator cum terrorist Arafat. Anyway, thats history.
Nowthere are over 6,000,000 jews in ISRAEL.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:05 PM: n no way arab nations gonna give the millions PALESTINIANS including israeli PALESTINIANS refugees the citizenship when they've their ORIGINAL PALESTINIAN citizenship. only forked tongue pagans think otherwise LIAR. Most of those Arabs in Palestine could have migrated from anywhere else. There was no citizenship records like nowadays.
When British kicked the Ottoman empire's butt, the land was called District of Jerusalem. Told you this few times already.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:05 PM: n as long as the PALESINIANS continue to be raped by racist rapist terrorists jews/israeli/zionists, no way israel gonna get peace n security. amen LIAR cum Jew Hater.
The Jews are only defending against terrorist acts of the stupid Arabs. There is no genocide as you claim. There are still to many Palestinian Arab alive giving problem.
Jews can find security and peace in ISRAEL... The WALL will help alot in establishing lasting peace.
They have a long way... they have already made your Bible verse absolute.
to be continued... |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: liar. PALESTINE is progressing socio economically with or without the jews. read. n the jews not only buy lands but rape PALESTINIANS lands as well. LIES. The land could not have prospered without the Jews efford. The migrated Jews brought with them useful skills from other countries... while the Arabs there stuck with age old agricultural methods which is not productive.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: how do the PALESTINIANS get justice when the jews/israelis/zionists rape n genocide 'em? elaborate with HARDfact plz There are victim on both side. The Jews were defending themselves against the Arabs bent on annihilating them. If the Jews were to take revenge like the Arabs... there would be no Arabs...in ISRAEL or anywhere near. They have the POWER but they don't abuse it. SO DON'T WHINE.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: wots the reason for the PALESTINIAN sucide bombers? i'm waitin They are stupid...nothing else.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: how can PALESLESTINIANS avenge the murder of their fellamen by racist rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists other than becoming sucide bombers? well? Jew Hater. The only terrorist is the HAMAS, ARAFAT and the Arab nation leaders. The Jews came peacefully... the Arabs turn them into ruthless when defending themselves.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: un divided wot land so that israel can exist? be specific. no wiggle waggle Stupid...no other word i can find but to call you a stupid moron. Told you so many times already.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: yup the PALESTINIANS backed by arab nations started the war coz of drastic import of jews even bfore ww2 n it culminated with dimwit un's decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist. read me cut n paste above n the PALESTINIANS lost the war coz they couldnt compete with superhypocrite us' billions worth of arms doanted to the jews to rape PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS. n millions PALESTINIANS including PALESTINIAN israeli becomes refugees coz they've been kicked out from their homes to give way to imported jews. read me cut n paste above The Arabs started the war there. The Arabs could have lived peacefully with the Jews. The land is big enough for the Jews as well as the Arabs. ..But the Arabs had to plot to annihilate the Jews.
So what you complaining. The Arabs got what the deserve. The Jews got ISRAEL. Stupid Arabs with all the oil money, gripping the US by the balls, can't prepare themselves for war against the Jews. The Jews understood the evil plot of the Arabs ... as such the Jews prepared themselves well.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: repetitious again without HARDfact. the jews have fire power alright donated by superhypocrite us n can u elaborate on the jews diplomatic skill? i'm waitin Of corse i don't give FAKEfacts like you do. The Jews know who to approach for results. Unlike the stupid Oil rich morons, don't know how to get help... All they know is ALLAH will help them.... and ALLAH didn't help them.
The US understands the need of the Jews, without their help ISRAEL might have been annihilated by the Evil Arabs.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: n can u specify wot evil things that muslim arabs have done to the jews n wot evil things that the world specially the europeans have done to the jews? HARDfacts plz You are acting more n more dumb. Does killing come to mind?
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: noway arab nations gonna give citizenship to PALESTINIAN refugees for that tantamount to saying amen to the rape of PALESTINE n the genocide of PALESTINIANS by racist rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists They should, if they wanted peace. And don't bluff about genocide.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-30 01:40 PM: may the jews/israeli/zionists stopped rapin PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS or else they gonna rot in deepest pit of hell. amen Your FAKEfacts again? what deepest pit of hell. What genocide? Do you know the meaning of genocide? or is your understanding of genocide is same as the meaning for extinct?
If the Jews want to genocide the Arab/Palestinians.. there is no stopping.
When the Israel army caome looking for suspected terrorist, you should not throw stones at them or stand in their way... if you got killed by mistake...you are dead...and thats not genocide its called collateral-damage.
till later... |
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