isteri : Apa korang buat kalau korang tahu suami korang curang
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contoh laki yg gedik cari lain waima ada bini cun melecun and anak yang super havenlly muka sebijik mcm dia/wife kat rumah :
1. abby - nomiang - caras sememeh
2. ostad segera akhil haip - ntah lupa bini n caras dia
3. siti norhaliz...(dulu tudung periuk. skrg lepas laki dia kn langgar pakai tudung segera),
4. dato raja segala gelang ajaib aka ac mizzall (nama bini n caras pun ai tak tahu n malas nak google)
5. well ramai lagi kut yg u alls tau |
mizkajura posted on 21-1-2013 02:22 PM
malah dalam islam, seorang lelaki itu boleh mengadakan hubungan seks dengan hamba wanitanya tanpa ...
Al-Ahzab 33:50
O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war, and the daughters of thine uncle on the father's side and the daughters of thine aunts on the father's side, and the daughters of thine uncle on the mother's side and the daughters of thine aunts on the mother's side who emigrated with thee, and a believing woman if she give herself unto the Prophet and the Prophet desire to ask her in marriage - a privilege for thee only, not for the (rest of) believers - We are Aware of that which We enjoined upon them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess - that thou mayst be free from blame, for Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. |
Could you please clarify for me something that has been troubling me for a while. This concerns the right of a man to have sexual relations with slave girls. Is this so? If it is then is the man allowed to have relations with her as well his wife/wives. Also, is it true that a man can have sexual relations with any number of slave girls and with their own wife/wives also? I have read that Hazrat Ali had 17 slave girls and Hazrat Umar also had many. Surely if a man were allowed this freedom then this could lead to neglecting the wife's needs. Could you also tell clarify wether the wife has got any say in this matter.
Praise be to Allah.
Islam allows a man to have intercourse with his slave woman, whether he has a wife or wives or he is not married.
A slave woman with whom a man has intercourse is known as a sariyyah (concubine) from the word sirr, which means marriage.
This is indicated by the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and this was done by the Prophets. Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) took Haajar as a concubine and she bore him Ismaa’eel (may peace be upon them all).
Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also did that, as did the Sahaabah, the righteous and the scholars. The scholars are unanimously agreed on that and it is not permissible for anyone to regard it as haraam or to forbid it. Whoever regards that as haraam is a sinner who is going against the consensus of the scholars.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan girls then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (slaves) that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice”
[al-Nisa’ 4:3]
What is meant by “or (slaves) that your right hands possess” is slave women whom you own.
And Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O Prophet (Muhammad)! Verily, We have made lawful to you your wives, to whom you have paid their Mahr (bridal‑money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), and those (slaves) whom your right hand possesses — whom Allaah has given to you, and the daughters of your ‘Amm (paternal uncles) and the daughters of your ‘Ammaat (paternal aunts) and the daughters of your Khaal (maternal uncles) and the daughters of your Khaalaat (maternal aunts) who migrated (from Makkah) with you, and a believing woman if she offers herself to the Prophet, and the Prophet wishes to marry her a privilege for you only, not for the (rest of) the believers. Indeed We know what We have enjoined upon them about their wives and those (slaves) whom their right hands possess, in order that there should be no difficulty on you. And Allaah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful”
[al-Ahzaab 33:50]
“And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts).
Except from their wives or the (women slaves) whom their right hands possess for (then) they are not blameworthy.
But whosoever seeks beyond that, then it is those who are trespassers”
[al-Ma’aarij 70:29-31]
Al-Tabari said:
Allah says, “And those who guard their chastity” i.e., protect their private parts from doing everything that Allaah has forbidden, but they are not to blame if they do not guard their chastity from their wives or from the female slaves whom their rights hands possess.
Tafseer al-Tabari, 29/84
Ibn Katheer said:
Taking a concubine as well as a wife is permissible according to the law of Ibraaheem (peace be upon him). Ibraaheem did that with Haajar, when he took her as a concubine when he was married to Saarah.
Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 1/383
And Ibn Katheer also said:
The phrase “and those (slaves) whom your right hand possesses — whom Allaah has given to you” [al-Ahzaab 33:50] means, it is permissible for you take concubines from among those whom you seized as war booty. He took possession of Safiyyah and Juwayriyah and he freed them and married them; he took possession of Rayhaanah bint Sham’oon al-Nadariyyah and Maariyah al-Qibtiyyah, the mother of his son Ibraaheem (peace be upon them both), and they were among his concubines, may Allah be pleased with them both.
Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 3/500
The scholars are unanimously agreed that it is permissible.
Ibn Qudaamah said:
There is no dispute (among the scholars) that it is permissible to take concubines and to have intercourse with one's slave woman, because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts).
Except from their wives or the (women slaves) whom their right hands possess for (then) they are not blameworthy.”
[al-Ma’aarij 70:29-30]
Maariyah al-Qibtiyyah was the umm walad (a slave woman who bore her master a child) of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and she was the mother of Ibraaheem, the son of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), of whom he said, “Her son set her free.” Haajar, the mother of Isma’eel (peace be upon him), was the concubine of Ibraaheem the close friend (khaleel) of the Most Merciful (peace be upon him). ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) had a number of slave women who bore him children, to each of whom he left four hundred in his will. ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) had slave women who bore him children, as did many of the Sahaabah. ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn, al-Qaasim ibn Muhammad and Saalim ibn ‘Abd-Allaah were all born from slave mothers
Al-Mughni, 10/441
Al-Shaafa’i (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts).
Except from their wives or the (women slaves) whom their right hands possess for (then) they are not blameworthy.”
[al-Ma’aarij 70:29-30]
The Book of Allah indicates that the sexual relationships that are permitted are only of two types, either marriage or those (women slaves) whom one’s right hand possesses.
Al-Umm, 5/43.
The wife has no right to object to her husband owning female slaves or to his having intercourse with them.
And Allah knows best.
Last edited by BoogieChild on 21-1-2013 03:16 PM
BoogieChild posted on 21-1-2013 03:00 PM
Al-Ahzab 33:50
O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid ...
http://www.hafizfirdaus.com/ebook/buku_syiah/Siri2/satu.htm salah satu rujukan sbb ai malas nak sentuh mendalam bab agama. well apa yg ai buleh kata....
terlajak buleh undur selagi sempat |
apa maksud nya terlajak boleh diundur selagi sempat? merujuk kepada perbuatan siapa? |
hmmmm.....mcm pernah ku dgr tp di mana yaaaaa
Kalau aku, buat bodoh jer... Sanggup ke perempuan tu nak bersuamikan/ber 'boipren'kan lelaki yang xde rumah/kereta/harta...
Awal2 lagi semua aset2 atas nama aku... kalau nak jugak, silakan... I HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE... |
brown_pupil posted on 21-1-2013 05:25 PM
Kalau aku, buat bodoh jer... Sanggup ke perempuan tu nak bersuamikan/ber 'boipren'kan lelaki yang xd ...
kaw memang bijak.
boleh pakai kut skrip nih...
"kau nak sgt laki ai kan ha ambik la. jgn lupa ambik anak2 kau sekali. (ni kes takut kedekut bagi nafkah atau sangkut2)
ai jumpa sekali sekala tak per" |
Kalo dah sampai ke bilik dgn perempuan tu.sorilah..aku xkan berpatah balik.bayangkan nasi yg dah bekas gaul2 org,nak ke ko makan,kalo aku mmg aku xmakan.sama mcm si suami kalo sampai dah bukan2..sorilah untuk aku maafkan.
Kalo baru tahap bkenalan,aku akan cakap kalo rasa aku xcukup baik,perempuan tu lebih baik.teruskan.aku akan hentikan semuanya.cabut bulu ketiak,trimkan janggut,masak sedap2,urutkan badan,scrubkan badan.segala yg aku buat selama ni,kalo dia rasa mampu cari lebih baik,silakan.tp kalo mampu,kaya raya..segalanya cukup..nak mintak kawin lg dipersilakan.bg aku paling aku benci menipu. |
kalu dia curang aku sedih la.. aku slalu berdoa moga2 dia tidak mencurangi aku |
baik bincang dengan hubby bila kita dapat tau, jangan ler melenting tak tentu pasal... sepanjang 7 tahun tea kawen nie, pernah sekali husband tea cam ada "teman tapi mesra" dengan sorang staff from contractor company... sbnrnya pompuan ni dpt contact my husband masa husband tea kerap meeting dekat office diorang... so, bermula laa episod sorok2 henset.. tea mmg heran laa jugak time tu sbb dia nak masuk toilet pun dia bawak henset...
then, one fine day, masa dia tengah tido, msg pompuan tu masuk... bunyi sms tu, "u dah tido ke? kenapa tak jawab sms i?" masa tu pukul 2 pagi oke... ingat kan salah antar msg, sbb husband tea save nombor tu dengan nama chinese mana laa, siap ada tulis nama company kat tepi tu... then, tea check2 dlm inbox mmg takde msg from pompuan tu, mmg 1 tu aje.. tp pastu tea gi check dekat sent items folder... then, baru nampak few historical msg yang hubby tea send dekat pompuan tu.... masa tu mmg berderau laa darah.... nak nangis pun ade... tea tengok dalam folder images, mmg ada gambar pompuan sorang mmg sexy lar, free hair... ye laa kan, dah keje sexytary kat company vendor....
besok pagi tu, tea tanya husband.. jangan laa tipu2, cakap aje terang2, bukan tea ada kuasa nak marah2 orang, tak reti nak derhaka bagai... husband tea admit, tp diorang cuma setakat mesra2 camtu aje, tak pernah laa sampai ke katil.... so, tea cakap, takpelah dah kalo dia rasa sayang kat orang lain pun kan, benda dah berlaku... masa tu husband tea cam cuak sbb tea tak marah pun, tea diam kan aje... lepas tu immediately husband tea cut off contact dengan pompuan tu... well, tea tak paksa pun... up to him la, sbb dah besar kan, pandai2 fikir sendiri....
benda ni berlaku in 2010, so, mmg tea ada luah kat 2 orang kawan tea yang betul2 rapat la... diorang advice tea dress up laa pergi ofis... dan tea pun lagi aktif dengan aktiviti2 outdoor dah, takde laa hidup matiku untuk rumahtangga semata2... i always do what i want, tp dengan izin suami la... tea pergi travel overseas dengan kawan2, outstation business trip pun tea tak pernah tolak & i admit, mmg tea start workout dekat gym daily sejak 2010 tu & start jaga kulit supaya gojes & nampak cam student2 aje.. hahahhaa... tea takde scandal ngn lelaki, tp tea saje je bawak henset sampai ke bilik mandi... sbb tea chat dengan bff tea... bukan bf yer...
bila kita dah start melawa nie, husband pun cam dah takut2 aje sbb bila kita keluar date, mmg kena usha lar sampai kadang2 hubby marah kalo tea pakai baju kaler terang2 sbb tarik perhatian katanya....
tp my investment in health, beautiful body, gym, dresses, food & skincare mmg sangat berbaloi & give payback.... tea pun dapat spend more time dengan kawan2, takde laa terperuk jaga rumahtangga risau laki lari.... yang penting, jaga career, anything happen, kita ada backup... lantak ler laki nak buat ape pun kan... |
Korang ni kan...serba serbi tak kena. Kalaulah Lox ni boleh buat magik, mesti Lox kasik hilang suara pempuan dalam dunia ini, bior sonyap sunyi sikit muka bumi kita.. kalau bercakap pasal jantan curang...laju aje keluar siap tambah asam garam, cilibo bagai.. walhal, cube lah tengok cermin sikit...dulu masa anak dara badan melentik macam biola, bila dah anak dua tiga..tong dram lagi seksi.. |
green~tea posted on 22-1-2013 12:15 PM
bila body hot, mmg nampak cantik & muda... pompuan pun tak kisah kalo husband cari lain, takde hal ...
Kenapa 10 km radius jer...km ke 11 ade umah ex bf you ke.... |
Loxlaxman posted on 22-1-2013 12:21 PM
Kenapa 10 km radius jer...km ke 11 ade umah ex bf you ke....
tu maximum jarak ofis- rumah laa... mmg husband tea beli rumah dekat ngn ofis sbb senang nak handle daily life... more time utk ofis & rumah, & less time for travelling... or maybe senang dia nak monitor kot.. sbb bila dekat2 ni, mmg tea tak kuar jauh2 laa.... even tak tau pun nak drive ke shopping mall lain selain dari pavilion, klcc or jusco... biar laa kena tambat pun, yang penting kita selamat...
mizkajura posted on 22-1-2013 12:20 PM
wahhh sedap jer jantan ni cakap kan. NAPSU sepuloh akal seciput punya jantang.
nak yg melentik ba ...
Makan tak kontrol...bile ngadap nasik tak hingat siang malam..kalau depan laki makan beradap..bila laki lepas muka pintu jer..habis separuh periuk korang santap. Asyik nak kurus aje mintak duit laki, ape korang ingat laki ni mesin cap duit macam bank negara ke? Nak jaga badan tak yah gi slimming center...kat umah tu pun dah banyak jenis eksesais korang bole buat tapi korang tu yang malas nak angkat bontot ... membasuh mesin buat, menyapu mesin buat, menggiling mesin buat, memasak gas ade..tak yah gi cari kayu api dalam utan..
Cube korang banding wanita zaman tok nenek kite dulu, setiap keping gambor dulu dulu yang Lox jumpa tak de pun Lox nampak badan derang yang besor dari tong dram..tapi bini-bini zaman millenium ni manja sangat..semua nak nyondol laki..abang nak itu abang nak ini abang angkat itu abang angkat ini...last last abang jugak yang jadi maskular..six pack bagai..rajin camner awek sebelah rumah, satu opis tak jatuh ati..
Itulah, masa badan tengah slim tak hengat ...
green~tea posted on 22-1-2013 12:30 PM
tu maximum jarak ofis- rumah laa... mmg husband tea beli rumah dekat ngn ofis sbb senang nak handl ...
Green...badan awak slim ke?
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki