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Author: miss_mulan77

Super Junior House 23 (MAMACITA)

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Post time 4-8-2011 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rukiaichigo

   cek kat ihoneyjoo td..xde pun..dapat dlod dr MF je..x bli..tu yg mnta li ...
chaerim Post at 4-8-2011 03:43 PM

masa aku donlot aritu lps jer. tetibe td macncheese PM aku tnya psl naper dah xleh sambung donlot kat ihoneyjoo. dia ckp link dah xder. aku pun pelik la apasal link dah xder? biler aku masuk site tu, baru la paham naper link donlot dah xder. mmg uploader tu dah x provide donlot link. bukan album suju jer, semua lagu pun sama...

awat nyer kamu x beli album ni?? aku ni beli jer album, tp tetap donlot sbb nak dgr/hapal dulu lagu sblm dpt album betul!! insya allah mlm kang aku upload balik ye...

masih dok ulang tgk MV Mr. Simple... tgh dok jalankan kerja2 CSI dlm MV ni!!

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Post time 4-8-2011 04:52 PM | Show all posts
setelah mengulang tayang tgk MV Mr. Simple untuk sekian kali nyer, aku nak share beberaper perkara yg aku nmpk dlm MV ni...

dr Teaser 1, mula2 aku ingat kan dorg pakai balik outfit yg sama dlm MV. tp bukan semua yg pakai baju yg sama. antara yg tukar; heechul, yesung, sungmin & donghae. heechul kena la tukar jugak sbb dlm teaser bj dia sorg jer yg lain. yesung plak, t's inner dia dah di'pindah' kan ke sungmin... donghae plak dlm teaser pakai shirt color kuning, dlm MV dia pakai shirt color hijau biru. siwon plak even x tukar baju, dia cuma tukar kasut jer...

untuk outfit yg colorful tu pulak, mmg sgt la aku suka tgk. kan mula2 dorg menari tu dlm dorg pakai outfit tu, mmg aku ala2 terlebih gula jer hyper nyer. yela, dah MVs dorg sblm ni asik black&white jer kan. biler colorful tu nmpk cantik sikit. masing2 pun senang jer nak spot sbb color masing2 pun berbeza. cuma kyu jer neutral dgn jaket biasa kelabu & shirt putih. even yesung dgn jaket hitam, tp shirt dlm dia color kuning and jaket dia unik skit ada tali2 kat blkg.

senang citer mmg aku totally suka dgn MV ni. daebak giler. and sgt2 la bersyukur sbb langsung xder terselit dgn outfit yg x semenggah dr pic teaser dorg. w/pun td sblm release MV dok kat twitter ckp2 yesung akan half naked dlm MV!! kalo tidak mmg free2 jer kering pahala puasa semua!!   step dance pun mixed Sorry Sorry, Bonamana, Super Girl, etc etc... x sabar nak tgk comeback stage bermula esok. hopefully la biler sampai rumah esok, sempat nak tgk dorg LIVE kat KBSW!!! kalo x sempat mmg meroyan dr link yt jer la!! and harus pejam mata rembat HDD baru demi Mr. Simple!!

sekian, terima kasih!!

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Post time 4-8-2011 06:31 PM | Show all posts
setelah mengulang tayang tgk MV Mr. Simple untuk sekian kali nyer, aku nak share beberaper perkara y ...
rukiaichigo Post at 4-8-2011 04:52 PM

Gigih ko review.. Aku nak wat review gak tapi nantilah.. Aku tepek kat blog je.. Skrang ni malas giler..

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2011 07:17 PM | Show all posts
setelah mengulang tayang tgk MV Mr. Simple untuk sekian kali nyer, aku nak share beberaper perkara y ...
rukiaichigo Post at 4-8-2011 16:52

aku rase cam Mr simple maybe ada Drama version.. yg kuar nih cam dance version jer.. mase tuh kot pompuan tuh kuar... wei aku baru tgk. best sebab diorg gilir2 kat depan

berpusing2 diorg nari.. pening kepala aku nak detect sorang2... slalu cam ada tempat masing2.. nih amik ko hahahahah poning aku .. mula2 dok pokes saper yg kat depan... peh tuh aku dok carik nampeyon sendiri.. 2 - 3 kali tgk MV nak tgk mano laki den ilang ekekek. peh tuh skodeng laki org...ekekekeke

dong2 pung banyak part i likeeee slalu dia sikit jer part dia.. hyukjae at last you singing!!!!!!!! tak dok nak rapping ajer.. eeteuk sgt cantik... buleh tak aku ckp cengitu... heenim dancing balik even sikit tapi at least dia nari weeeeee!!!!  wookie mase mula2 tuh aku ampak dia kat main dance tak dok ler dok belakang memanjang.. huhuhu yesung sangat hensem aku suke tgk rambut dia.. motip ada plak kata dia half naked jenuh aku carik part tuh tapi tak jumpa.. donghae cam biasa hensem sangat2... main dancer kyumin eunhae wallaa aku dah spazzing ekekkekeke.. kyuhyun still the main dancer & dancer ^^.. siwon ngan rambut jambul tuh kekadang aku confius ngan teukie ekekeke.. diorg rambut cam ala2 tegak jer... saper lagi aku tak laki den.. sungmin even ada org kata u pakai botox i still lub u!!! suke mase dia pakai baju apron tuh ekekeke.. celak2 sangat cantik...i like!!!

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Post time 4-8-2011 08:10 PM | Show all posts
Gigih ko review.. Aku nak wat review gak tapi nantilah.. Aku tepek kat blog je.. Skrang ni mal ...
blankie Post at 4-8-2011 06:31 PM

nak buat mcmaner, gigih aku dok mengulang dr mula2 teaser keluar sampai la sblm aku tutup pc nak balik...   owh, kat blog ko dah update ek?? aku nak tgk aper review ko psl MV Mr. Simple ni!!

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Post time 4-8-2011 08:21 PM | Show all posts
nak buat mcmaner, gigih aku dok mengulang dr mula2 teaser keluar sampai la sblm aku tutup pc nak ...
rukiaichigo Post at 4-8-2011 08:10 PM

blom laaaa... tak gerak2 blog aku.. hahahah... nanti laa.. dah hapdet aku bagitau..

laju plak avatar aku neh...salah set masa..

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2011 08:23 PM | Show all posts
blom laaaa... tak gerak2 blog aku.. hahahah... nanti laa.. dah hapdet aku bagitau..

laju ...
blankie Post at 4-8-2011 20:21

    ko pakai avatar saper. gumiho kan ekekke ker aku kena refresh baru nampak avvie baru ko.. wei cam ner nak lajukan avatar kia dok ajar aku setting tapi aku still fail ekekkee


dah nampak hyukie hang ekekkee

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Post time 4-8-2011 08:29 PM | Show all posts
ko pakai avatar saper. gumiho kan ekekke ker aku kena refresh baru nampak avvie baru ko..  ...
miss_mulan77 Post at 4-8-2011 08:23 PM

ekekeke.. aku dah babai noh minwoo.. ko pakai software apa?? kalau photoscape ada kat tepi tu option change time.. ko letak laa 10 saat ke 5 saat ke.. makin sikit saatnya makin laju..
malam ni gasak buat GIF cedok2 dari MV MrSimple..
tapi dah ngantuk plak aku ni..

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Post time 4-8-2011 08:31 PM | Show all posts
aimaaaaaaaaaaa... welcome back. sure ko gigih meroyan kat twitter kan lps tenet dah okay balik.
rukiaichigo Post at 3-8-2011 14:41

tau x pe.. kompem meroyan kt twitter..
hazab ble tenet kong time suju comeback....

ni pn seb bek ko ad, ad jgk la bg info kt ak.. hehehhe... ni buat ak sayang BINI KYU neh...

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Post time 4-8-2011 08:38 PM | Show all posts
lepas tgk mv mr simple neh..
baru la rasa lagu neh bezz sket....
kalu x, ai rasa lagu2 lain lagik bezz....

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Post time 4-8-2011 08:40 PM | Show all posts
[NEWS] Super Junior’s Siwon declines sexy outfits that exposes too much!

On August 4 at 11:30 a.m. Super Junior attends to a press conference in celebration of the release of their fifth album.
It happened in Seoul Imperial Palace Hotel Banquet Hal and the  members of Super Junior participated: Leeteuk (28), Heechul (28), Yesung  (27), Shindong (26), Sungmin (26), Eunhyuk (25), Donghae (25), Siwon  (25), Ryeowook (24), and Kyuhyun (24).

When Siwon is asked about the teaser picture that was released a  while ago regarding a sexy outfit that exposed a lot, he firmly  answered, “No, there is no such outfit. I am sorry to disappoint my fans  who are looking forward to seeing me in such an outfit, but I can’t  even imagine myself in them. Instead, I will show a different kind of  charm on stage.”

Regarding such sexy clothes that were released as teaser pictures,  Sungmin said, “I was actually taken aback at how good Leeteuk looked in  them. I worried that I might have to wear them, too, because I wouldn’t  look good in them at all.”

Meanwhile, Super Junior has released their fourth album Mr. Simple on August 3. They also plan to make a comeback stage on KBS 2TV Music Bank that happens on August 5.

Source: TVreport
Credit :

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2011 08:50 PM | Show all posts
[NEWS] Super Junior’s Siwon declines sexy outfits that exposes too much!
airwickss Post at 4-8-2011 20:40

    insaf gak siwon nih kekekekke...wat nyer dia wat comeback ngan suar kecik ijau tuh abh aarrr nak tgk kat tv pung tak sanggup... tuh baru jadik Mr Simple abis ekekekkeke...

Blankie oooo adjust kat situ ek... a ah ler aku penah wat dulu cam ner aku leh lupa wakakakkakakakaa...

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Post time 4-8-2011 10:17 PM | Show all posts
aarrrggghhh!!!!! lama x masuk sini.....RINDU!!!!!!
1st sekali saya nak berterima kasih kat hadiff05 sbb belikan photobook suju ari tu......
(dah lama kat tgn baru nak berterima kasih.....rasa malu la plak)......

dah tgk mv mr simple.....mata ni asyik cari dan pandang leeteuk aje, org lain dah x tgk dah..... x sabar nak tgk strong heart plak......esok pukul berapa suju perform kat music bank????

pastu rasa nak nangis aje bila baca leeteuk cakap x ade asia tour......sedih!!!!!!
lagi 2 thn lagi ke nak tgk konsert suju kat malaysia ni????? dah tua......adakah diri ini masih lagi terkinja2 nak tgk super junior??????

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Post time 5-8-2011 12:45 AM | Show all posts
Reply 81# rukiaichigo

   xbli coz bajet lari sana lari sini..dgn aku2 skali blari!!dah uplod nt share2 ngan kiterr yerr....tq~

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Post time 5-8-2011 02:57 AM | Show all posts
Reply 93# apple_hijau5

    xde asia tour sebab diorg nak buat world tour gitu..

Super Junior’s Press Conference: “We’re Planning a World Tour”
by: thunderstix @ soompi on Aug 3, 2011

Super Junior held a press conference for their new album “Mr. Simple” on August 4th, marking their official comeback to Korea in 14 months.

Leetuek opened up by saying, “K-Pop’s center and leader, Super Junior is back. There were a lot of pressure too but through your growing love it turned into expectations.” The group’s leader added due to his age and mandatory military service he is yet to serve, Super Junior would like to promote this album for as long as possible. “We’re planning to run promotions for as long as possible with this album. But because of my military duty, this time we’re thinking of a world tour instead of an Asian tour, he added.

Eunhyuk also said, “It is true we feel more pressure because it looks like expectations are higher than ever. But at the same time, we really look forward to it, and the team camaraderie is great, so I think we’ll have good chemistry promoting this album.”

Local media uses the word "pressure" a lot to describe Super Junior's current situation. Their fourth regular album, “Bonamana,” has ranked #1 on Taiwan’s KKBOX music chart for 61 consecutive weeks so far, while sweeping through other countries’ music charts as well. Also, their third Asian tour concert, “Super Show 3,” sold out all 20 concerts that covered 13 different cities, including Seoul, Yokohama, Beijing, Bangkok, Singapore, Manila, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, and Ho Chi Minh City.

Due to their massive popularity in Asia, more than 190 reporters from 100 different media outlets came to cover the press conference. The media were not only from Korea but also from Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, proving the group’s global ticket power. SM Entertainment also broadcast the press conference live through its official YouTube and Facebook channels.

Super Junior’s new album contains 13 total tracks, ranking from pop, dance, ballad, and R&B, with songs written by prominent song writers such as Yoo Young Jin, Kenzie, Yoon Jong Shin, Hitchhiker, and Park Junsu. Their title track, “Mr. Simple,” is about the complicated and mixed feelings of today's regular people, expressed in a witty and metaphorical way.

Shindong said, “All members brainstormed hard for the performance of this song. We also added a dance named after each member. For example, there will be a performance that only large groups are capable of pulling off.” Super Junior’s first live performance will be held on August 5th through KBS “Music Bank.”

Leeteuk concluded by saying, “We’ll do our best 24/7, 365 days. We’ll continue to work hard with the heart of a national representative, and spread Korea’s outstanding culture around the world. We’d like to cover the whole world with pearl sapphire-colored balloons (Super Junior’s official color).”


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Post time 5-8-2011 04:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply 94# chaerim

nnt kalo bajet dah ada, ko rembat la satu ye!!!
aku dah slmt PM ko link. dah la mlm td terus upload kat MU.
aku lupa yg ko ckp blh donlot kat MF jer!!
so pg td time sahur baru terhegeh2 nak upload!!

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Post time 5-8-2011 10:29 AM | Show all posts
sapakah di minit 2:05 - 2.:07 ?? leetuk kah?

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Post time 5-8-2011 12:26 PM | Show all posts
sapakah di minit 2:05 - 2.:07 ?? leetuk kah?
macncheese Post at 5-8-2011 10:29 AM

maksud ko lagu yg maner??? Mr. Simple kah?? kalo dr lagu mmg time tu part Teuk!!

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Post time 5-8-2011 01:04 PM | Show all posts
hehe sorry ..ayat x abih..betul la tu..

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Post time 5-8-2011 01:29 PM | Show all posts
Reply 96# rukiaichigo

  kalo bajet x lari2 lagi boleh la ku rembat.. dr pagi smpi mlm aku psg lagu mr.simple..rasanya mak aku pun dah hafal lagu nii..tq sooo much yerrr...siap upload balik lagiii..tharu aii..

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