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Author: minho_nora

[SBS] ♫ The Musical ♫ ~ Goo HyeSun, Choi Daniel ~ 2nd September 2011

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Post time 6-9-2010 09:42 PM | Show all posts
thanks traciecullen from soompi

그안.에서 오랫&# ...
Ley Post at 5-9-2010 22:26

credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi

그안.에서 오랫만에 구혜선 씨를 만났다. 사진을 보여줬더니 사람들이 얼굴 크기만 비교한다. 그래 나 얼굴 크다 ㅎㅎㅎ
In that place, I met GHS-ssi. It has been a long time since I last saw her. I showed my pix around and people are only comparing the difference in our face sizes. OK! So I have a big fae. hahaha

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Post time 6-9-2010 09:44 PM | Show all posts
thanks and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi

2010.09.03 '더 뮤지컬 드라마 촬영'=The filming of the drama THE MUSICAL

새벽에 감독님 찾아뵙고 인사드리고 촬영을 하게됬습니다.
최다니엘과 구혜선이 주연인 드라마 더 뮤지컬.. 배우들을 실제로 보니 멋있고 예쁘고.. 입이 쩍 - ㅋㅋㅋ 새벽인데도 날씨가 많이 더웠는데 힘든 내색 한번 하지않고 밝은 분위기로 촬영에 임하는 모습을 보고 배우는 배우구나.. 하는 생각을 했답니다. 아참 이사진은 제가 찍은건 아니고 제가 촬영한 날 사진이 인터넷 어딘가에 떠돌길래 가져온 사진입니다.. 짧은 머리가 너무 예쁜 구혜선언니... 너무 예쁩니다!!!
At dawn, I went to greet the director and worked on the filming.
Choi Daniel and GHS are the stars of the drama, THE MUSICAL..Actors look attractive and pretty in real life..My mouth just dropped-kekeke. Even though it was dawn, the weather was very hot. However, they never let out any sign of grimace and filmed with such bright moods. I was impressed and felt that actors are actors...Oh, this pix that I posted is not from my filming work. I saw this pix floating around in the internet and just brought over...GHS unnie's short hair is so pretty...She is too pretty!!! (Woah, this person is lucky to get a job to film the drama!!!)

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Post time 6-9-2010 09:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 6-9-2010 21:49

thanks and  credit to susAmerica for  the translation from soompi

Here is another news which I will just summarize fast.
Another actor joined the cast of THE MUSICAL. I hope this means that THE MUSICAL is getting close to being aired! The two news article posted here said the drama will most likely air in Novemeber---one commentor for that article said that most TV stations have their programs packed for the rest of the year, but thinks there is a possible opening on the S station at 9pm slot. I guess S may mean SBS?? Any station is fine as long as it airs. But I hope the producers air it so that it will get a good viewership as well---after all, it is business. Right now, there seems to be a big competition among the idols who are in charge of TV dramas. Wish all of them best and hope that GHS does not have to compete against them--it won't be fair. Don't you think??

Anyway here is the article:
Reported by Kim SooJin and photo by Lim Sung Gyun of MONEYTODAY's Star News.
on September 4, 2010

배우 김현성이 사전제작 드라마 '더 뮤지컬'로 이미지 변신을 시도한다.
김현성은 지난 2월 개봉된 영화 '채식주의자'에서 강렬한 인상을 남기는 연기를 펼친데 이어 최근 '더 뮤지컬'을 통해 변화된 연기를 선보일 예정이다.
'더 뮤지컬'은 뮤지컬 배우를 꿈꾸는 젊은이의 사랑과 우정 그리고 성장을 그리는 드라마. 구혜선과 최다니엘이 주연한다.
김현성은 극중 옥주현과 함께 뮤지컬 배우로 출연, 드라마에 힘을 더할 예정이다.
김현성은 '채식주의자' 촬영을 위해 몸무게 10㎏을 늘린데 이어 이 드라마를 위해 체중감량을 시도, 예전과 같이 균형 잡힌 몸매로 거듭났으며 현재 드라마 촬영에 매진하고 있다.
김현성 소속사 김병도 대표는 4일 머니투데이 스타뉴스에 "김현성이 전작 '채식주의자'에서 보여준 이미지와는 180도 달라진 연기로 시청자를 만날 예정이다"면서 "드라마를 위해 외모 면에서도 많은 변화를 시도했다. 확 달라진 김현성을 만나게 될 것이다"고 자신감을 보였다.

Actor Kim Hyun Sung has joined the cast of THE MUSICAL as a musical actor along with Ok Joo Hyun. His previous work included ?chaesik-joo-euee-ja=vegetarian?. He had to gain weight for his previous role but he has lost weight for THE MUSICAL role.                                                                                                

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 Author| Post time 7-9-2010 06:42 PM | Show all posts
thanks susAmerica for translation from soompi

The 20-episode The Musical drama being filmed at Da ...
Ley Post at 5-9-2010 22:08

    yes!! akhirnya thn ni jugak ditygkan... tapi still xtau stesen mana yg amek ke? hmmm....:re:

Use magic Report

Post time 12-9-2010 01:22 PM | Show all posts
thanks to chio-Mexico and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi

Quick Sum: This article also says that THE MUSICAL is planning to air in November of this year and that it is a 20-episode drama. Content is about THE MUSICAL filming in DAE-GOO on Sept 4 and 5th. I translated similar content before. (Yeah!! What TV Station???)

Use magic Report

Post time 12-9-2010 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 12-9-2010 13:27

thanks to natali and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi

아줌마 :  ‘꽃보다 남자’에서는 어떤 역할을 맡았어?

이 해우 :  클럽에서 여주인공(구혜선)에게 약을 탄 술을 마시게 해서 밖으로 유인하는 역할이었어. 다른 남자 연기자들과는 같이 연기하는 장면이 없었고, 구혜선씨와만 이틀 정도 촬영했어. 그때 구혜선씨가 연기를 친절하게 가르쳐줘서 정말 고마웠어.

2010.09.04 날짜가 막간다.

슬프게도 **와 단 둘이 영화 보고 팝콘 먹고 피자 먹고 동성로 다니면서 데이트 했다.

이날 처음으로 셔터스피드로 어두운날 찍어 봤다.



먼가 촬영한다.

동성로에서 **가 신발 끈 묶는다고 삐리빠빠 거리다가 궁디에 거다란 껌따까리 하나

붙이고 버거 가게에서 욕하는 ** 궁디 문질러 주고 나왔는데 촬영의 기미가 보이던

곳에서 촬영을 하고 있었다. 누군지 몰라서 사람이 그리 많이 없었다.


누군지 알게 된 후 비명 지르며 달려 온 사람들

나이트클럽 사람들 처음에는 관심도 없이 홍보 하다 달려와서 보드라..

**는 카메라 산지 얼마 됬다고 벌써 무겁다고 냅다 두고 와서

혼자 찍은 사진 처음에 망설이지 말고 초점 잡고 냅따 찍었으면

연예인이 잡혀 있었을 지도 모르겠다. 그 뒤 에쿠스 타고 있는 거 찍을라 했는데

사람이 둘러 싸서 그런지 차 운전 딥다 못하길레 칠까봐 무서워서 못찍었다.

앞에 있는 꽃도 막 치드라..

**는 옆에서 욕했다. 난 별로 머라 말안했다. 글을 봐도 뭐라 그러지 마세요..

**탓. 원하면 미니홈피 주소 드림.!

그때 있던 연예인은 구혜선 이었다.

구혜선이다!!! 라는 소리 듣고 아차 했다.

이리 한 없이 아쉬울 줄이야..

**를 방패로 들입다 돌진 하고 싶었지만 손엔 카메라가 있어서 못했다.


다음엔 실천해야 겠다


I will just summarize.
The first excerpt from an article is about Lee Hae Woo---which is translated above.
The second, long fan account---Does not have much in it of interest. The poster was in DaeGoo. She saw that some filming was going on without too much people. Someone shouted GHS!! A big crowd of people just rushed over. The poster could not get a good shot and feel regret about that. It must be hard to ignore the noise of the crowd to focus on the scenes and parts.

Use magic Report

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Post time 12-9-2010 01:37 PM | Show all posts
thanks to jorien and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi

just a summary:
Again, this article mainly focuses on the city of DaeGoo and how it may be promoted by the new drama, The Musical. Good thing is that this article also writes that THE MUSICAL is a 20-episdoe drama which will air in November.
The reporter also must have asked GHS and Choi Daniel, not about the drama, but about their feelings about the city of DaeGoo, which was emailed to the reporter after the two actors fininshed filming in DaeGoo on Sept 3 and 4th. GHS said that she enjoyed lots of tasty food ( :w00t: ) in DaeGoo and, even though DaeGoo is part of Korea, she felt as if she is in a different country. Choi Daniel wrote that DaeGoo means alot to him as his maternal grandmother lives there. He was amazed by how hot DAeGoo can be and pointed out few good tourist sites.
It appears that The Musical will at least start by having many DaeGoo resident fans!!!
(I remember hearing that tangerines grow in DaeGoo---it must be hot there.) The reporter hopes that DaeGoo will one day become a tourist attraction as many special cities became a tourst attraction through dramas and movies.


Use magic Report

Post time 14-9-2010 01:53 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the article from soompi


“The Musical” reveals pictures of Goo Hye Sun dancing

The upcoming KBS drama series, “The Musical”, revealed cuts of Goo Hye Sun dancing in the middle of a busy street with fellow castmate Park Kyung Lim.
In another picture, Goo Hye Sun seems to be dancing a rather powerful dance while dressed in masculine attire.
Rumors say that she had to dance into the early mornings in order to shoot that one scene.
The producers revealed, “It must’ve been hard for her to concentrate because of the crowd that surrounded her, but she was very professional and focused on every second of the choreography. ”
“The Musical” will be released in the middle of October after the filming wraps up on New York’s Broadway.

Use magic Report


Post time 14-9-2010 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 14-9-2010 14:01

thanks susAmerica for translation from soompi

구혜선 이번엔 '댄싱쿠'…댄스 실력 대공개=
GHS, this time, she is 'Dancing Koo'...Revelation of her Dancing Skill

[OSEN=이지영 기자]=Osen's Reporter Lee Ji Young
세일러문 복장으로 화제가 되었던 구혜선이 이번에는 숨겨왔던 춤 실력을 선보였다.
GHS, who made big news wearing the Sailor Moon outfit, now is making news by showing her hidden talent in dancing.

드라마 '더 뮤지컬'에서 뮤지컬 배우 지망생을 맡은 구혜선은 캐스팅 확정 이후 춤 연습에 매진했다. 그동안 베일에 가려 있던 그녀의 춤 실력이 두 장의 사진으로 공개되자 궁금증과 함께 팬들 사이에 기대가 증폭되고 있다. Soon after being confirmed for the role in THE MUSICAL drama as a young woman dreaming of becoming a musical actress, GHS immersed herself in practicing dancing. Finally we have discovered her hidden dancing talent through two publicized photographs. Due to such revelations, the public's curiosity has been amplified.

처음 공개된 사진은 구혜선이 대학로에서 극단 동료로 나오는 박경림과 함께 거리에서 장난스럽게 춤을 추는 장면이다. The first publicized photo is of GHS dancing playfully on the college street along with Park Gyung Lim who also appears as a friend in the drama.

이날 현장에 도착한 구혜선은 박경림과 함께 호흡을 맞추며 촬영장 한쪽에서 연습을 하고 있었다. 그때까지만 해도 평일 오전인지라 한산하기만 했던 촬영장은 구혜선의 춤이 시작되자 순식간에 몰려든 인파로 북새통을 이루었다. That day, GHS came to the film location and started to practice dancing steps with Park GyungLim. It was still early in the morning on a weekday and very quiet. Almost immediately after GHS started to dance, a crowd of people gathered to create quite a commotion.

얼마 전에도 촬영장에서 달의 요정 세일러문으로 변신한 구혜선으로 인해 들썩였던 대학로는 또 다시 열광의 도가니에 휩싸였다. Not too long ago, College Road became famous due to GHS filming dressed as the Sailor Moon. College Road has again become a news due to GHS again.

&#54840;&#44592;&#49900; &#50612;&#47536; &#45576;&#48731;&#51004;&#47196; &#51648;&#53020;&#48372;&#45912; &#54060;&#46308;&#51008; &#44396;&#54812;&#49440;&#51032; &#46041;&#51089;&#50640;&#49436; &#48372;&#50668;&#51648;&#45716; &#48512;&#46300;&#47084;&#50880;&#44284; &#49324;&#46993;&#49828;&#47084;&#50880;&#50640; &#53444;&#49457;&#51012; &#45236;&#47728; '&#45828;&#49905;&#53216;'&#47484; &#50808;&#52452;&#45796;. &#51228;&#51089;&#51652;&#51008; "&#47792;&#47140;&#46304; &#51064;&#54028; &#46412;&#47928;&#50640; &#51665;&#51473;&#54616;&#44592;&#44032; &#50612;&#47140;&#50912;&#51012; &#53584;&#45936; &#54620;&#52824;&#51032; &#55124;&#46308;&#47548; &#50630;&#51060; &#46041;&#51089; &#54616;&#45208; &#54616;&#45208;&#50640; &#52572;&#49440;&#51012; &#45796;&#54616;&#45716; &#47784;&#49845;&#51060; &#50756;&#51204; &#54532;&#47196; &#50504;&#47924;&#44032;&#50688;&#45796;"&#47728; &#44048;&#53444;&#51012; &#48372;&#45256;&#45796;.Crowd of fans watching GHS's smooth and lovely movements started to yell out <dancing Koo!>. Producer stated with high praise: <It had to be very difficult for her to concentrate due to the crowd of people that clamored around her. However, she did not lose a single beat under the circumstance and worked her hardest. She is a total professional dancer/choreographer.>

&#49104;&#47564; &#50500;&#45768;&#46972; &#44396;&#54812;&#49440;&#51008; &#45224;&#51088;&#46308;&#46020; &#49548;&#54868;&#54616;&#44592; &#50612;&#47140;&#50868; &#54028;&#50892;&#54400;&#54620; &#52644;&#44620;&#51648; &#54988;&#47469;&#54616;&#44172; &#49440;&#48372;&#50668; &#54632;&#44760; &#52524;&#50689;&#54620; &#51204;&#47928; &#50504;&#47924;&#44032;&#46308;&#47196;&#48512;&#53552; &#48149;&#49688;&#47484; &#48155;&#50520;&#45796;. Not only that, GHS was able to show her powerful dance moves that are hard even for male dancers with such skillfulness that the professional choreographers clapped for her.

&#51060;&#45216; &#52524;&#50689;&#51008; 80&#48264; &#50724;&#46356;&#49496; &#45209;&#48169;&#51032; &#44221;&#54744;&#51012; &#44032;&#51652; &#44256;&#51008;&#48708;(&#44396;&#54812;&#49440;)&#44032; &#45224;&#51088; &#48036;&#51648;&#52972; &#48176;&#50864;&#47484; &#48977;&#45716;&#45796;&#45716; &#49548;&#49885;&#50640; &#45224;&#51109;&#51012; &#54620; &#52292; &#44284;&#44048;&#55176; &#50724;&#46356;&#49496; &#51109;&#50640; &#49436;&#45716; &#51109;&#47732;&#51060;&#50632;&#45796;. In THE MUSICAL, GHS plays GO Eun Bi who has failed 80 auditions. But, that day, GHS was filming a scene where Go Eun Bi heard about an audition to select male musical actors and tries for the part dressed as a man.

&#46384;&#46972;&#49436; &#52524;&#50689;&#51109;&#50640;&#49436; &#44396;&#54812;&#49440;&#51060; &#49548;&#54868;&#54624; &#52644;&#51008; &#49345;&#45817;&#54620; &#45212;&#51060;&#46020;&#51032; &#45224;&#51088; &#44400;&#47924;&#50688;&#45796;. &#52524;&#50689; &#45817;&#51068; &#49352;&#48317;&#44620;&#51648; &#50672;&#49845;&#51012; &#44053;&#54665;&#54620; &#44396;&#54812;&#49440;&#51008; &#50977;&#52404;&#51201;&#51004;&#47196; &#55192;&#46304; &#46041;&#51089;&#44284; &#44228;&#49549;&#46104;&#45716; &#52524;&#50689; &#49549;&#50640;&#49436;&#46020; &#44201;&#47148;&#54620; &#46041;&#51089;&#46308;&#51012; &#45224;&#51088; &#50504;&#47924;&#44032;&#46308;&#51032; &#54840;&#55137;&#50640; &#47582;&#52628;&#50612; &#49440;&#48372;&#50668; &#49828;&#53468;&#54532;&#46308;&#47196;&#48512;&#53552; &#48149;&#49688;&#47484; &#48155;&#50520;&#45796;. Because of that, GHS had to master high level, male, group dancing steps. The day of the filming, GHS practiced until dawn, pushing herself to master the forcefully energetic stepts to keep up and keep beat with all the male choreographers/dancers. She did such a great job that the entire staff gave her an applause.

&#52572;&#44256;&#51032; &#48036;&#51648;&#52972;&#51012; &#47564;&#46308;&#44592; &#50948;&#54644; &#47945;&#52828; &#51228;&#51089;&#51088;, &#51089;&#44257;&#44032;, &#48176;&#50864;&#46308;&#51032; &#46888;&#44144;&#50868; &#50676;&#51221;&#44284; &#47196;&#47592;&#49828;&#44032; &#54204;&#52432;&#51656; '&#45908; &#48036;&#51648;&#52972;'&#51008; 10&#50900; &#51473;&#49692; &#48036;&#51648;&#52972;&#51032; &#48376;&#44256;&#51109; &#45684;&#50837; &#48652;&#47196;&#46300;&#50920;&#51060; &#52524;&#50689;&#51012; &#44144;&#52432; &#49884;&#52397;&#51088;&#46308;&#44284; &#47564;&#45216; &#50696;&#51221;&#51060;&#45796;. The Musical is a drama about the passion and the romance among the producer, composer and actors who come together to make the best musical possible. The staff leaves for New York's Broadway in mid October and then plans to stand before the audience.

[email protected]                                                                                                

Use magic Report

Post time 15-9-2010 09:52 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the pic from soompi


Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 17-9-2010 12:59 AM | Show all posts
tgk choi daniel kat Ent. weekly ari tu.. ensem pulak... xsaba nk tgu citer ni...

Use magic Report

Post time 29-9-2010 08:32 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pic from soompi

Nodori posted 2 pics of The Musical BTS on September 16

Ock Joo Hyun

&#54620;&#44397; &#52572;&#44256;&#51032; &#48036;&#51648;&#52972; &#46356;&#48148;! &#46300;&#46972;&#47560; <&#45908; &#48036;&#51648;&#52972;>&#51012; &#45908;&#50865; &#48731;&#45236;&#51452;&#44256; &#44228;&#49888; &#47691;&#51652; &#50725;&#51452;&#54788;&#50472;!^^
Korea's best musical diva! Ok Joo Hyun-ssi who even more greatly shines the drama, THE MUSICAL^^!

Use magic Report

Post time 29-9-2010 08:33 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the pic from soompi

Ki Eun Se and Park Ki Woong

&#50725;&#51452;&#54788;&#50472;&#44032; &#52237;&#50612;&#51452;&#49888; &#50696;&#49244; &#51008;&#49464;&#50472;&#50752; &#51096;&#49373;&#44596; &#44592;&#50885;&#50472;! &#51648;&#44552;&#51008; &#46300;&#46972;&#47560; <&#45908; &#48036;&#51648;&#52972;> &#52524;&#50689; &#51473;&#51077;&#45768;&#45796;.^^ This is a pix of pretty EunSeh-ssi and handsome GiWoong-ssi that Ok Joo Hyun-ssi photographed. Right now, THE MUSICAL is being filmed. ^^

Use magic Report

Post time 29-9-2010 08:34 PM | Show all posts
thanks again siidudul for the pic from soompi

Ock Joo Hyun updated her twitter with The Musical team pics

before we return to our script reading

&#51216; &#49900;&#47673;&#44256;&#46308;&#50612;&#50752; &#45824;&#48376;&#47532;&#46377; &#51060;&#50612;&#44032;&#44592;&#51204; &#44032;&#51012;&#45216;&#50472; &#44048;&#49345; &#44048;&#53444;&#51473;
We just ate lunch. Before returning to script reading, I am in the middle of enjoying the autumn weather.

Ock Joo Hyun

Goo Hye Sun

Park Ki Woong and Kim Hyun Sung (correct me if I was wrong)

anyone know who is she?


Use magic Report

Post time 4-10-2010 09:08 PM | Show all posts
thanks susAmerica for the translation from soompi

Ock Joo Hyun and Park Kyung Lim tweets about The Musical filming in ?Pyeongchang?---Is Pyeongchang near Busan?? Are those pix of Lotte Gallery from Ok and Park's tweets?

"&#50500;~&#51221;&#47568;&#51060;&#51648;--&#51221;&#47568;&#51221;&#47568;&#52645;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;!!!?. -&#54217;&#52285; &#54788;&#51109;&#50640;&#49436; &#50725;&#51452;&#54788; &#53945;&#54028;&#50896;-Ah~Really---It is really, really  cold!!!! This is Correspondent Ok Joo Hyun from Pyeongchang location.

&#52828;&#44396;&#45784;&#46308;~ &#44992;&#47784;&#45789;~~^^ &#50724;&#47004;&#47564;&#50640; &#49352;&#48317;&#44277;&#44592; &#47560;&#49884;&#45768;&#44620; &#51339;&#45348;&#50836;~ &#51204; &#51648;&#44552; &#51473;&#48512;&#44256;&#49549;&#46020;&#47196;&#50948;&#50640;&#49436; &#54217;&#52285;&#51004;&#47196; &#44256;&#44256;&#50493;&#51473;&#51060;&#50696;&#50836;~ &#46300;&#46972;&#47560; &#52524;&#50689;&#52264; &#44032;&#44256;&#51080;&#45716;&#45936;... &#44845; &#46041;&#44228;&#50732;&#47548;&#54589;&#51060; &#50976;&#52824;&#46096;&#51020; &#51339;&#44192;&#45348;&#50836;.. &#44032;&#51088; &#54217;&#52285;&#51004;&#47196;~~~^^ &#50724;&#45720;&#54616;&#47336;&#46020; &#45796;&#46308; &#51004;&#49968;&#51004;&#49968;~^^
=Dear friends~ Good Morning~~^^ It feels good to drink up the early morning air. It has been a long time~ I am on the highway heading straight for Pyeongchang~ It is for the drama...I really hope that the winter olympics will ?yoochi?...Let's go to Pyeongchang~~^^Let's all work hard for today. ^^

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Post time 4-10-2010 09:16 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the pics from soompi

thanks to Park Gyung Lim for posted her and GHS pics on her twitter

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Post time 12-10-2010 09:44 PM | Show all posts
thanks to siidudul from soompi

originally posted by natali and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on September 30, 2010

THE MUSICAL poster made by a DC member nicknamed <secret>.
secret wanted to make it so that the media that may glance over at the DCKooGallery can relay the message to push for the broadcasting of THE MUSICAL as soon as possible.
I pray so....
It looks good, doesn't it?

(next to pix of Choi Daniel) LOVE~you who make my heart beat fast
(next to GHS) SOUL~I pray that my voice reaches you
(next to PKW) DESTINY~ This pull that cannot be explained

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Post time 12-10-2010 09:44 PM | Show all posts

originally posted by yonghwa and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on October 1, 2010

Below is a post by DC member secret who made the THE MUSICAL poster to get TV stations to hurry up and broadcast THE MUSICAL.

&#45320;&#47924; &#46304;&#46304;&#54616;&#51648; &#50506;&#50500;?&#12619;&#12619;
They seem really solid, don't you think? keke (she is referring to THE MUSICAL writer and director)

&#51200;&#48264;&#50640; &#54252;&#49828;&#53552; &#47564;&#46308;&#47732;&#49436; &#51228;&#51089;&#51652; &#51060;&#47141;&#51012; &#45796;&#49884; &#48372;&#45716;&#45936;..
While I was making the (THE MUSICAL) poster last time, I reviewed the CV of the writer and the director.

&#51221;&#47568; &#44608;&#55148;&#51116; &#51089;&#44032;&#45784;&#51008; &#45336;&#49324;&#48317; &#12622;&#12599;&#12599;&#12599;&#12599;
Writer Kim Hee Jae is really ?num-sah-byuk? (must be something positive)
&#45236;&#44032; &#51116;&#48140;&#44172; &#48376; &#44397;&#54868;&#44867;&#54693;&#44592;!!!!!!!!!I really enjoyed watching <Fragrant GookHwa Flower>!!!!!
(&#44060;&#51064;&#51201;&#51004;&#47196; &#52293;&#48372;&#45796; &#50689;&#54868;&#44032; &#51339;&#50520;&#51020;&#50836;&#12622;&#12622;)
(personally, I enjoyed it more than the book. hoho)
&#44536;&#47532;&#44256; &#54620;&#48152;&#46020;&#46020; &#51116;&#48140;&#44172; &#48419;&#44256;~ &#50500;&#51649; &#49892;&#48120;&#46020;&#45716; &#50504;&#48420;&#51648;&#47564; &#44397;&#45236; &#52572;&#52488; &#52380;&#47564;&#44288;&#44061; &#12622;&#12599;&#12599;&#12599;~~~~
I also enjoyed <Han Ban Do>~ I did not yet see <Shil Mi Do> but, ?(chun-man=?10,000,000)Korean citizens saw it in the beginning.
&#44277;&#44277;&#51032;&#51201;2,&#45572;&#44396;&#45208;&#48708;&#48128;&#51008;&#51080;&#45796;,&#47196;&#47581;&#49828;,&#54848;&#47532;&#45936;&#51060;, &#46321;&#46321; &#47568;&#54616;&#51088;&#47732; &#51077;&#51060; &#50500;&#54540;&#51221;&#46020;&#45796;..
She has also written for <ublic Enemy 2>, <Everybody has secret>, <Romance>, <Holiday>, etc. Amazing...

&#44536;&#47532;&#44256; &#50040;&#45936;&#51060; &#44608;&#44221;&#50857;&#44048;&#46021;&#45784;&#46020;!!!
And, Director Kim Gyung Yong of drama, <Someday>!!!
&#49324;&#49892; &#54620;&#54924; &#48150;&#50640; &#50504;&#48420;&#51648;&#47564; &#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619; &#50689;&#49345;&#48120;&#44032; &#45320;&#47924;&#51339;&#50520;&#50612;
Actually, I only saw one episode kekeke but I really liked his images.
&#48176;&#50864;&#46308; &#45712;&#45196;&#46020; &#51339;&#50520;&#44256;~~~ &#44048;&#46021;&#51060; &#50672;&#44592;&#51088;&#47484; &#51096; &#51060;&#45132;&#50612;&#45256;&#51004;&#45768; &#44536;&#47088; &#51339;&#51008; &#50672;&#44592;&#46020; &#45208;&#50772;&#45796;&#44256; &#49373;&#44033;&#54644;.
I also had good feelings about the actors~~I feel that the director helped the actors to bring out their best in their work.

&#45908;&#48036;&#51648;&#52972; &#52880;&#49828;&#54021;&#46020; &#54616;&#45208;&#44057;&#51060; &#47576;&#50640;&#46308;&#50612;
I really like all the cast members of THE MUSICAL.
&#45324; &#45824;&#48149;&#51060;&#50556;=You(ie THE MUSICAL) are a hit.

&#44540;&#45936; &#50780; &#54200;&#49457;&#50504;&#46120;?&#12615;&#12613;&#12615;????
Then, how is it that no TV station has picked you yet???????
&#44277;&#51473;&#54028; &#46300;&#46972;&#47560;&#44397;&#51109;&#46308; &#50504;&#47785; &#50630;&#51020;?????

Does the ?Bureau of On-Air Dramas? have any discerning taste???


originally posted by natali and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on September 30, 2010

[&#50725;&#51452;&#54788; &#53944;&#50948;&#53552;]=Ok Joo Hyun tweeter

&#49340;&#51068;&#44036; &#54217;&#52285;&#51004;&#47196; &#46300;&#46972;&#47560;&#52524;&#50689;&#44032;&#50836;.&#51320;&#47549;&#44256; &#51221;&#49888;&#50630;&#45716;&#45936; &#54028;&#46999;&#45912; &#54616;&#45720;&#51060; &#51216;&#51216; &#48521;&#44172; &#48157;&#50500;&#51648;&#45716;&#44152;&#48372;&#44256;&#51080;&#51004;&#45768; &#47672;&#47532;&#45716; &#52264;&#44049;&#44172; &#44032;&#49844;&#51008; &#46888;&#44161;&#44172; &#46972;&#45716; &#45432;&#47000;&#44032;&#49324;&#44032; &#46496;&#50724;&#47476;&#45348;&#50836;.&#50724;&#45720;&#46020; &#44536;&#47088;&#54616;&#47336;&#46308; &#48372;&#45236;&#49492;&#50836;
We are going to Pyung Chang for three days to film the drama. I am sleepy and dazed. Blue sky has gradually turned bright crimson red. As I watch the sky change, I am reminded of a song called <cool head but hot heart>. Everybody, please make your day like the song.

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Post time 12-10-2010 09:47 PM | Show all posts
thanks to soompi

The Musical filming updated by Ock Joo Hyun

&#50612;&#51228;&#48372;&#45796; &#52264;&#44032;&#50892;&#51652; &#48164;&#44277;&#44592;&#44032; &#48137;&#46384; &#48120;&#50892;~ &#51077;&#44608;&#51060; &#49556;&#49556;??
I hate this cold night air which seems to have gotten colder than yesterday.

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Post time 2-11-2010 03:23 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pic and credit to susAmerica for translations from soompi

http://gall.dcinside...guhyesun/116739 by &#53216;&#44032;&#51339;&#50500;

The Musical Filming

&#44396;&#54812;&#49440;&#45784;..&#48512;&#46378;&#55184;&#48852; &#54644;&#49436; &#51396;&#49569;&#54633;&#45768;&#45796;~&#12619;&#52572;&#45796;&#45768;&#50648;&#51008; &#51221;&#47568; &#54984;&#54984; &#54616;&#45348;&#50836;
GHS-nim, I am sorry that you almost bumped into~. Keke Choi Daniel is really nice and comfortable to be around.

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