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Author: syoksendiri

lady gaga ft. Beyonce 'telephone' [currently #1 in the WORLD chart..!]

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2010 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 12-3-2010 23:07
Post Last Edit by idolfan at 12-3-2010 10:29
dah tgk.

the video as whole is good but i don't go gaga over it. It is just okaaayy to me.. still suke Bad Romance. it was like watching a short film. the first part doesnt make any sense to was bleagh and so over the top (well, GAGA kan..what do you expect!)

The acting was BAD..i BAD you could chop your head off! But the dance sequence was good (the ending part in the diner). I think because Bey was in it. Kalau nak harapkan Gaga je menari..haruslah keras cam kayu kan..

Gaga seems like trying too hard in this video. satu lagi yang I tak bape suke, lagu TELEPHONE mcm 'gone' dlm Vid ni sbb dorg mcm focus more on the storyline (interesting story but stupid). So ke'best'an lagu ni cam whatever je! Aku dah la suke lagu ni tapi cam siyal potong2 semata2 nak dgr dorg punya script yang bangang tuh.

Anyway, i like the ending..walaupun cheesy nak mampos. Its good but IMO pale in comparison to her other vids. Bey looks great, but stick to singing please? Aku cume suka part dia makan sandwich tu je.....dgn part die menari..kelaka..hahaha
idolfan Post at 12-3-2010 10:18

okay first of me Bad Romance dan Telephone langsung tak leh compare..sebab dua2 adalah video yang berlainan gila..each unique in its own..

2nd,apa yang susah sangat nak paham kat 1st part tu..? kan video ni CONTINUATION from 'paparazzi' video, so of course start2 je terus dia kat dalam paparazzi tu last2 dia kena tangkap sebab bunuh boyfriend dia..yang kat dalam penjara tu semua saya suka tengok cigarrates dia jadi spec mata..then yang tin kat rambut dia tu..ahaha..oh and video ni adalah mini-movie la, and this is Gaga we're talking about, of course over-the-top and everything is a MUST..!

3rd, okay, did anybody really think ACTING dalam video ni supposed to be 'SERIOUS'..? seriously..? buta ke hapa..the acting WAS PURPOSELY MEANT TO BE THAT WAY..especially in Beyonce's part..shes so funny in it..kat dalam kete tu semua, macam dia cakap 'YOUVE BEEN A VERY VERY BAD BAD GIRL GAGA' kat gaga..beyonce SAJA buat acting campy dan corny macam tu UNTUK COMEDIC PURPOSE..! i mean baca script dorang pun boleh tahu kan..? lawak je kan..bukan untuk di ambil serious..! apa yang bad pun saya tahu..ketara leh nampak dorang saja act cheesy macam tu..

4th, saya setuju yang beyonce kalau tak de menari kat part last2 tu mesti tak berapa best..kurang ada hmpph sikit..beyonce menari memang nampak aggressive dan tersusun..and dia pandai menari style lentok2 badan ni..choreography video ni actually bukan style beyonce, tapi dia killed it kan..? dia pull it off SO WELL..! lady gaga nampak cam kaku sikit..

5th, ramai orang tak tahu yang quite a few movie gaga ambik untuk selitkan kat dalam video ni cam kill bill, thema and louise, debs, dan ada lagi yang saya dah lupa..

6th, Gaga tried TOO hard kat video ni..? bukan setiap video Gaga tu mesti ada dia try too-hard ke..? dia kan try to be as original, unique, innovative and different as possible..dan always try to outdone herself in every of course la unsur2 dia try too hard tu mesti ada..bagi saya not a bad thing at worked..otak bergeliga dia ni..

7th, storyline dia tak stupid, like i said its a continuation from paparazzi video..! heres what someone sum it up about the video:

The main story is GaGa's in jail for murdering her boyfriend in "aparazzi". Beyonce bails her out with boyfriend issues herself, so she's basically bailing her out to help murder her own custard boyfriend. They get there and Beyonce attempts it, but it doesn't fully work. So GaGa, being the bad girl she is, just puts the poison, excessively, in everything. This way to assure he dies, despite everyone else eating the food. They finish the job, change outfits, and flee the scene. And we'll see what happens.

8th, awak cakap ke'best'an lagu ni dah kureeeng sikit sebab ada stop2 dan slack kacau dengan script dan storyline..well saya agree somehow tapi at the same time you must REMEMBER that this is the long 9 minutes version..there will be a TV version which mungkin around 5 minutes je dengan dorang dah edit lagu dan scene2 yang necessary je untuk TV...takkan dorang nak tunjuk full version video ni setiap kali dorang dok main ulang2 kan..? for sure part gaga kat jail masa first2 tu dorang potong..atau shorter kan..cant wait untuk tengok short version yang TV punya..

9th, ending dia very cute lesbian porno pun dorang ambik dari cita apa tah..chessy tu of course la..and 'bey stick to singing'..? why sebab you said she was bad here..? ahahah..please la..bee dah PROVED herself shes an actress dengan lakonan dia kat CADILLAC RECORDS..mesti korang tak tengok lagi cita ni kan..korang judge acting dia base on her earlier films..well, WATCH 'cadillac records'..! dia dah prove herself shes a triple treat; singer, dancer and actor..! dan there will be more tawaran movie for her in the future (dah banyak ada dah actually but bee reject semua sebab dia nak role yang sesuai)..! jangan jealous hookay..! bye..!

tak sabar nak tengok her next video 'to be continue'..of course la beyonce takkan ada dah..too bad though, saya suka dorang dua ni kat video..hilarious..!

my karangan is done..larat ke korang baca ni..



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 Author| Post time 12-3-2010 11:04 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 13-3-2010 04:55


iTunes Top Music Videos..

a few hours ago:

right now: 'bad romance' naik #5..

1. Telephone - Lady GaGa & Beyoncé
5. Bad Romance - Lady GaGa
12. Video Phone (Extended Remix) (feat. Lady GaGa) - Beyoncé

too amazing..!

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2010 11:15 PM | Show all posts
omg kembar Amy Winehouse..

serupa gila kan..

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2010 11:26 PM | Show all posts
omg sepatutnya ada scene Gaga shower kat jail..tapi tak de pun..

dan mana scene ni..? dorang potong kenapa..! beyonce nampak fabulous..!

dorang dulu cakap video ni majority of it in black and white..tapi dah release langsung tak de..ahaha..

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Post time 13-3-2010 12:09 AM | Show all posts
baru lepas tgk vid ni. WHOAAAAAA! BEST!!!!!!! LOVE GAGA!!~ klaka hocayy part let's make sandwich tu.

btw iols x paham sgt citer ni. (matila saiko kata slow laaa ape laa...) actually apa tujuan diorang poison semua org kt bar tu?

tp nape gaga makin ske nak bogel ek?

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Post time 13-3-2010 12:12 AM | Show all posts
lagi satu iols perasan video ada mcm Paparazzi sket. part intro ngan last yg ramai mati tu.

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Post time 13-3-2010 12:14 AM | Show all posts
kalaulah memang banduan pakai cenggini memang i nak jadi banduan lol

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Post time 13-3-2010 12:26 AM | Show all posts
omg kembar Amy Winehouse.. ...
syoksendiri Post at 12-3-2010 23:15

dia purposely immitate kot. sebab amy winehouse kan macam troubled kan. hehe. just my opinion

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 12:29 AM | Show all posts
lagi satu iols perasan video ada mcm Paparazzi sket. part intro ngan last yg ramai mati tu.
Raindancer Post at 13-3-2010 00:12

omg..berapa kali saya kena explain entah.. awak ni betul ke gila2 suka gaga ni..

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 12:30 AM | Show all posts
I knew you'd take all my honey, you selfish motherf--

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Post time 13-3-2010 12:48 AM | Show all posts
sukaaa sangat makeup lady gaga and beyonce masa final scene. boleh buat pergi dinner. haruslah lepas ni kat youtube penuh tutorial makeup for diorang punya look dalam vc ni.

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Post time 13-3-2010 01:04 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 12-3-2010 23:07

okay first of me Bad Romance dan Telephone langsung tak leh compare..sebab dua2 adalah video yang berlainan gila..each unique in its own.. ...
syoksendiri Post at 12-3-2010 21:27

omg. you're officially in my burn book. like for real.

1st of all, it's clear to me that you don't have a life (well you don't need a genius to figure that out).

nak kata ko ni bangang, somehow i adore cara ko buat research (pointless tho..)

I'm a kind of person yang dgr muzik, paham the lyrics . tak kesah lah lagu tu rancak ke, slow ke..but my understanding..bile ko buat vid, at least adelah connection dgn lagu untuk vid tu. Paparazzi was a differnt story. I don't see the relation between Paparazzi dgn Telephone. That's why aku ckp it doesnt make any sense..WALAUPUN ko dgn bangganya announce lagu video ni ada hubung kait. Lagu Telephone tu sendiri, storyline dalm tu dah kuat untuk hasilkan sebuah video yang baik..dgn creative mind Gaga and Jonas Akerlund, aku rasa kalau betul2 stick dgn story dlm Telephone tu, it would been a much better vid.

Tapi of course lah bagi ko yang takde life ni, dah anggap mende tu dah best. The video is just like satu persembahan pentas yang terlalu besar scalenye untuk sebuah lagu yang simple macam Telephone. Bile video dia jadi camni, it takes the shine out of the song. Paham tak? (I doubt so you would). Dah terlalu diovershadow dgn story yang to me langsung TAK KENA dgn lagu tu...

But I still like the video in terms of idea. Tapi to me , MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION, i think they went overboard. Tak perlula nak over gile2...sbb selama ni Gaga memang dah over..kalau ade over o meter, dari scale 1 - 10. Tahap Gaga selama ni adalah bile video ni dia punya over dah jadi 50 which is becoming annoying.

Tapi untuk org yang senang diplease mcm ko, bile ko dah suke kat sesuatu benda, tak kesah ape pun, ko tetap akan suka dan bile ade org bangkang, ko tetap akan ckp ko betol..tak kesah lah..sebab perangai ko memang bodoh sombong aku rasa.

Aku tak rasa ko paham ape yg aku ckp. sbb ko tetap ckp ko betol kan? Well, mungkin ko hanye budak mentah yang baca, dan percaya bulat2 akan sesuatu benda..dan bile ko dah percaya..ko canang agar semua org tahu. dah buat ko rasa hebat kan? Walaupun.....

seriously...get a life Psycho..please..get a life..for ur own good.

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 01:12 AM | Show all posts
btw Raindancer, untuk jawab soalan awak, yes, video 'Telephone' ni adalah sambungan kepada video 'Paparazzi'..sila baca my karangan novel kat atas untuk more info..

tapi saya noticed gak yang Gaga ni sekarang suka bogel2 kan..saya tak kisah kalau body cantik atau sexy cam beyonce, tapi body dia tak sexy, kenapa mesti tunjuk badan dia yang keding tu kan..? tak berapa unattractive la saya tengok..gaga lebih sexy kalau dia pakai outfit to me..!

macam beyonce part last2 menari tu, perghhh body goyang sana sini..mantappps..ada la daging, bukan macam kayu lidi tengkorak je kan..heheh..

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 03:23 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 13-3-2010 03:33

92# idolfan

1st of all, tah hapa hapa tah, get a life get a life..tak habis habis ayat benda yang sama dah basi..dah tak de benda nak cakap sebab tu dok bagi alasan taik as always..i only took about 30 minutes to search for info and type all these..ahahah..apa yang susah..and for your information you must think i dont work or anything kan, well saya WORK and it tends to get boring here in work everyday so i got NOTHING to i do la all these..tak waste of time langsung..what a moron..

and yup, dah agak dah..everything apa yang kau cakap langsung tak betul..I MEAN YOU A BRITNEY FAN..dan her latest 3 video is the most shiitiest crappiest thing i have ever seen in my everything you tulis tak leh pakai..untrue and still right..buat apa nak reply panjang2 balik kan..semua salah bagi jawapan salah dan off-topic yang tak de mengena..ahahah..

btw like what kinda of 'story' you want from this song..? if you baca the lyric since this song about 'telephone, relationship sesak, having fun' you want Gaga to do TYPICALLY predictable club story-line..? well it must have a CONNECTION somehow kan, like you said..? bapak cliche gila nak mampos.."ya kawan kawan mari kita tengok video terbaru gaga dengan beyonce dorang menari kat club rubbing to each other private stuff sebab dorang menyampah kat boyfriend dorang, tak nak dorang call kacau2 my life dah'..thats what you want..? tu storyline yang kau nak..? nie GAGA not her thing..shes unpredictable, so of course going to do outside of the BOX, as always..and theres ALWAYS a storyline somehow CONNECT to ALL Gaga's videos I AM SURE, but sometimes we just tak boleh nak uncover it unless she reveal it herself..but gaga jenis yang let the fans pikir sendiri..use your imagination what its all about..thats GAGA..for the record, 'telephone' ni in other word also about SUFFOCATION, relationship suffocate so the whole video thing worked out so well la wei..! 'beyonce bailed gaga out of jail, so she can kill her boyfriend cause hes being a bad boyfriend or whatever la at the relationship, so bee menyampah kill him'..kira suffocate la..lemas, like the lyric, but interpretation can also be about that..its exactly like what i quote in my earlier post..

dan please la, saya ni bukan yang tergila gilakan Gaga macam most gaga insane fans sampai blind apa yang dia buat saya terus suka dan melekat terus..saya banyak kritik dia dan all the things she sure you notice kan, unless you are blind which im sure you does sebab you said i easily get impress by things..well thats a whole damn LIE, and you know i dont..i only get BIAS when it comes to my girl Beyonce so please shut up jangan gedik memandai main cakap puto je..

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 03:49 AM | Show all posts
sukaaa sangat makeup lady gaga and beyonce masa final scene. boleh buat pergi dinner. haruslah lepas ni kat youtube penuh tutorial makeup for diorang punya look dalam vc ni.
miminn Post at 13-3-2010 00:48

make up bee masa time kat restaurant tu seriously nampak macam barbie doll gila..! black version..she look so gorgeous with that yellow outfit..! close up bee look so pretty..!

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 03:54 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 13-3-2010 03:58

omg ada orang dah buat SHORT VERSION video ni punya tapi nampak macam REAL OFFICIAL betul..! langsung tak de cut atau script2 tu..memang sesuai habis..! just as good as the 9 minutes version..!

best..! harap2 yang TV version pun macam ni gak..

3:40 minutes long..just like the original song..! mungkin you, idolfan, akan rasa video 'telephone' ni lagi better dengan version ni..sebab ko sendiri cakap the song 'lost' kat yang 9 minutes version tu kan..? well then watch it..everything is so fast-pace..semuanya rasa cam cepat berlaku je kalau tengok yang short version ni..!

tengok cepat sebelum kena delete..

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Post time 13-3-2010 09:16 AM | Show all posts
btw Raindancer, untuk jawab soalan awak, yes, video 'Telephone' ni adalah sambungan kepada video 'Paparazzi'..sila baca my karangan novel kat atas untuk more info..

tapi saya noticed gak yang Gag ...
syoksendiri Post at 13-3-2010 01:12

iols tak baca pon karangan uols tu. malas hocayyyy. tunggu free nanti baru bace. hahaha.

btw iols sgt stuju gaga tak perlu nak vogel2...pakai weird outfit je dah cukup. tak perlu tunjuk tetek bagai.

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Post time 13-3-2010 12:45 PM | Show all posts
I knew you'd take all my honey, you selfish motherf--
syoksendiri Post at 13-3-2010 00:30

Aku suka part nie. Beyonce mcm terikut nak mencarut jugak tapi kan Bey nie bukan pernah mencarut pun... kecuali sebut "bitch" jer. Mgkin sbb nak jaga her decent image. Mmg total contrast dgn Lady Gaga yg outspoken, bold and vulgar. Tapi bila dua artis bergabung, totally different music style, different image, different personality, different skin color some more... it's worked like a charm!

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 04:32 PM | Show all posts
different skin color..? ahahah..tapi memang kan..saya noticed beyonce kat video 'telephone' dan 'video phone', part yang dia sama2 ngan gaga tu skin tone dia lain dorang gelapkan sikit..especially kat 'video phone' tu, part yang dia main tembak2 ngan gaga..coklat gila..sedap kalau makan..maybe like you said, dorang saja buat lighting cam tu untuk contrast dengan lady gaga skin yang pale gila..beyonce's skin actually much lighter than that..

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 04:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 13-3-2010 16:37

Lady Gaga - Telephone ft. Beyoncé

already 6,398,674 views in just 1 day

omg hebat tull..!!!!

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