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Author: katt

IRIS ~ Lee Byung Hun [KBSW 2.1.2012]

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 Author| Post time 15-10-2008 01:38 PM | Show all posts
Thanks to Janice at


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 Author| Post time 15-10-2008 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 11-10-2008 12:49 AM
ingat lagi katt pernah cite yg choi jin sil ni pernah di gossipkan ngan BH oppa masa dorang muda2 dulu ....

Memang ada rumors dulu tapi biasalah.. pelakon muda2 berlakon as lovers on tv.. fans pun rajin nak gossipkan. Tapi baru2 ni baca yang CJS memang the one yang bagi sokongan & encouragement pada BH dulu. Masa tu BH baru start berlakon.. CJS dah popular. Lagipun CJS tua 2 tahun dari BH.. rasanya hubungan mereka macam adik-beradik. Tu pasal, they're really good friends. Masa Baeksang Awards 2006, siap bergambar sama. CJS memang Best Actress untuk Rosy Life. BH menang Best Actor untuk A Bittersweet Life. Kebetulan pulak.. dua2 ada "Life".

Gambar BH masa ziarah mayat CJS di hospital..  dia cancel appearance untuk PIFF red carpet for respect of CJS.


Originally posted by kayla at 11-10-2008 12:49 AM
ingat lagi katt pernah cite yg choi jin sil ni pernah di gossipkan ngan BH oppa masa dorang muda2 dulu ....

wahhhh ...sama cam cite war of roses lah ... rasa nye x-hubby dia pun muda drp dia gak cam dlm WOR ...
hubby ada affair ..nak cerai dia tak nak ....
cuma bezanye dia tak dapat cancer n x-hubby dia tak insaf n tak balik semula ngan dia  

camne ngan nasib anak2 dia agaknye ..? anak2 dia dah tukar surname dia kan ...
takkan mak dia yg dah tua tu nak jaga ?
ke x-hubby dia ambik ....
aku mmg tak paham camne di boleh tak pikir pasal nasib anak2 dia ......
karier dia ok skrg ni ... dha start berlakun drama balik ....

Ya.. ex-hubby dia memang muda dari dia. Dengarnya dia blame sejak kahwin dengan CJS.. career dia as a baseball player jadi merosot.

Anak2 CJS .. adik dia, penyanyi Choi jin Young yang jaga. Mula2 fans concern jugak.. kot2 dapat kat bapak budak2 tu hak penjagaan sebab mak dah meninggal. Tapi.. adik CJS yang jaga sekarang.. lagipun surname memang dah tukar ke nama ibu.

Alahai budak2 tu baru 5 dengan 7 tahun.. macamana nak beritahu mak dah tak ada.

[ Last edited by  katt at 15-10-2008 01:59 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 17-10-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts
한류스타 안방 러시...기대와 우려 동시에

Stars' TV Comeback.. High Expectation and Much Anxiety at the same time

2008-10-17 09:35

Song Seung Hun - East of Eden
Song Hye Kyo - Worlds Within
Choi Ji Woo - Star's Lovers
Lee Byung Hun & Kim Tae Hee - IRIS
Bae Yong Jun - Drops of God


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Post time 18-10-2008 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 15-10-2008 01:57 PM

Memang ada rumors dulu tapi biasalah.. pelakon muda2 berlakon as lovers on tv.. fans pun rajin nak gossipkan. Tapi baru2 ni baca yang CJS memang the one yang bagi sokongan & encouragement pad ...

last monday tengok EW kat kbsw .... dorang tunjuk funeral choi jin sil ni ...
tunjuk dr masa jumpa mayat kat rumah sampai abis funeral ... ada gak nmapk BH ...
rasa mcm nampak jiwoo unni tapi tak sure ....
mmg sedih la .... sib baik tak tujuk anak2 dia , kalau tak mesti aku dah meraung dah ...

ada tunjuk muka x-hubby dia ... hensem la ... tinggi ....

bagus la adik dia yg jaga anak2 dia ...kesiannye kat bebudak tu

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2008 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 18-10-2008 11:31 AM

last monday tengok EW kat kbsw .... dorang tunjuk funeral choi jin sil ni ...
tunjuk dr masa jumpa mayat kat rumah sampai abis funeral ... ada gak nmapk BH ...
rasa mcm nampak jiwoo unni  ...

JW memang ada pergi funeral service tu sampai nangis2 dia. Nanti.. nanti.. katt cari gambar dia, dia datang dengan wife Cha In Pyo.

Ex-hubby CJS memang not bad-looking.. tinggi.. memang not bad looking. Pemain baseball.. quite popular di Jepun at one time. Masa mereka dating & kahwin sekitar tahun 2000.. heboh.. kiranya macam wedding of the year. Tapi.. masa ni katt pun belum sangkut dengan Korean entertainment news.. tau2 pasal CJS bila dia divorce tahun 2004. Sebagaimana hebatnya wedding.. lebih hebat (in a bad way) divorce dia. It does effect her very badly. Bila tengok dia menang Best Actress in 2006.. semua orang tabik sebab dia berjaya bangkit daripada saat paling buruk to be better...

Tapi.. in 2008.. there's no more miracle for her..

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2008 01:05 PM | Show all posts
October 3, 2008


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Post time 19-10-2008 12:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #86 katt's post

oo betullah aku nampak tu ekk ...rasa dorang ada sebut nama gak tapi laju sgt ...

jiwoo nangis beria ...mata nampak merah n bengkak ....

sehari sebelum CJS bunuhdiri , dia ada berlakun iklan ngan 'hubby' dia dlm war of roses ..ada tunjuk clip iklan tu ... 'hubby' tu cakap dia nampak CJS letih ...
lepas tu CJS n manager dia gi makan ... manager dia hantar dia balik kul 11+ malam...
maknanye manager dia la org yg last sekali jumpa dia ....
ada kemungkinan tak it's a murder? tapi apa lak motifnye kan ...

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2008 01:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #87 kayla's post

Memang ada fans kata takkanlah dia  bunuh diri.. sebab.. kita ingat tak ada reason nak tinggalkan anak2. Susah macamana pun.. orang takkan tinggalkan anak sendiri, kan. Tapi CJS memang dah lama depressed.. dan dia lebih2 stressed bila ada orang buat rumor dia jadi penyebab Ahn Jae Hwan bunuh diri (dahlah AJH tu husband best friend dia). Bila orang depressed.. benda2 yang kecil pun akan nampak besar sesangat,

CJS katanya.. dah berkali2 tension pasal orang buat fitnah pasal dia (tau2 jelah netizens, depan pc apa2 pun boleh cakap).. dia rasa susah hati sangat. itulah tak sangka.. drastik betul tindakannya. Nak kata murder.. CJS tinggal serumah dengan mak dia.. kalau tak silap.. tentu ada tanda2 yang tak kena. Tapi itulah.. susah nak cakap..

bila bunuh diri.. ingatkan selesai masalah.. tapi sebenarnya tak..

[ Last edited by  katt at 19-10-2008 02:01 PM ]



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Post time 22-10-2008 11:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #88 katt's post

ooo dok sama ngan mak dia ke? ..
actually aku cakap mungkin murder tu pun sbb tak leh nak bayang camne mak boleh tinggalkan anak2 dia cam tu ...

mind set org korea ni lain sikit kan ....
dah biasa tengok kat drama ..kalau cerai ..bapak yg dapat custody ...
pastu kalau mak yg dapat custody, kalau dia nak remarrried, anak2 tu kena tinggal kat ruman nenek ke,rumah sedara ke ..rumah anak yatim ke ...
tapi ni drama la kan ....

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2008 08:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 22-10-2008 11:52 PM
ooo dok sama ngan mak dia ke? ..
actually aku cakap mungkin murder tu pun sbb tak leh nak bayang camne mak boleh tinggalkan anak2 dia cam tu ...

mind set org korea ni lain sikit kan ....

Rupanya CJS tahu (sedar?) yang dia akan tinggalkan anak2 dia .. memang niat dia nak mati saja supaya orang berhenti bercakap yang buruk pasal dia. Dia lebh sanggup anak2 beribukan mak yang dah meninggal tapi orang baik daripada anak2 beribukan mak yang masih hidup tapi dikata macam2 oleh masyarakat.

Tak boleh nak setuju dengan pendapat dia sebab semua orang ada masalah masing2.. ada yang lebih teruk dikutuk dan dikeji pun ada jugak tapi.. itulah.. perasaan CJS ni pun jenis yang dah tak stabil.. dan tak nampak penyelesaian yang sepatutnya daripada bunuh diri.

Ni artikel terbaru di Korea.. katt baru post di AC & soompi..

Reporter yang juga kawan CJS ni mesti rasa menyesal tak sudah..

October 23, 2008

Actress Choi's Last Conversation Disclosed

By Kim Rahn
Staff Reporter

The Late Choi Jin-sil

The contents of the last phone call the late actress Choi Jin-sil made to a magazine reporter have been disclosed.

In the November edition of Queen magazine, the reporter, Kim, a close friend of Choi, revealed the phone conversation he had with Choi just before she committed suicide. She expressed grief over rumors believed to have forced her to take her own life.

According to the report, Choi called him around 1 a.m. on Oct. 2, presumably hours before committing suicide, and cried for a while. She repeatedly said, "I don't need anything! What did I do wrong? Will all this end, if I die?"

Choi suffered rumors that she was involved in the death of actor Ahn Jae-hwan, who killed himself in September allegedly after failing to pay back debts to loan sharks. It was rumored that Choi lent him billions of won.

"I want to die. No, I'll die. Listen, listen to me carefully as it will be the last. I want you to take care of my children. I'm sorry. Please help the kids. You know what I have suffered for the last six years, you know what the truth is. I trust you," Choi said, ending the seven and a half minute call.

In an earlier call made Sept. 30, Choi told Kim, "I thought people would believe me because the rumor spreader was caught. But online boards are still filled with my story, and many people still believe that I'm the loan shark who drove Ahn to death."

"I'm so scared. I feel like dying if the situation continues. Will people trust me if I die? My name is 'Choi Jin-sil' (Jin-sil means truth) but people call me 'Choi Hypocrisy.' Isn't it sad?" she was quoted as saying.

"I'm sorry for my children, but it may be better to become a mom whose truth is revealed after death than a mom at whom people point fingers," Choi said.

Credits: [email protected] ... 8/10/117_33202.html

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Post time 23-10-2008 10:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #90 katt's post

siannyer dier...
mesti dia depressed sesangat...
no wonder dia bunuh diri...
dahlah dulu dia depressed mase divorce...
lps tu pasal AJW pulak...
tapi kesian lagi anak2 dia...

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Post time 25-10-2008 09:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #90 katt's post

aa'ah dah baca article ni kat AC tadi confirm bunuh diri .....
sedih bila terkenang kat anak2 dia ....

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2009 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Thanks to Helena for the gist at, extracted from article at

From ITSUKA's sweet success, comes IRIS' drama treat.. maybe!

A source revealed on the 23rd that Lee Byung-Hun is considering whether or not he will sing a song for IRIS. There is still some time before the broadcast date, therefore, he'll see how things go before making a decision.

Credits: [email protected]

Also posted at Byunghun of our Hearts

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2009 01:27 PM | Show all posts
November 6, 2008

Big Bang Member Discharged From Hospital After Treatment

T.O.P of Big Bang leaves Chung-Ang University Hospital
in southern Seoul after treatments./ Yonhap

By Kim Rahn
Staff Reporter

A member of the idol group Big Bang was hospitalized due to fatigue and lack of sleep Wednesday before being discharged the following day. T.O.P was taken to Chung-Ang University Hospital in southern Seoul around 1 p.m. Wednesday.

The exact reasons for the hospitalization were not disclosed, and it was rumored that he had attempted to overdose on sleeping pills. YG Entertainment denied the rumor, saying he became sick after drinking with other members on his birthday the day before and was taking cold medicine.

As the rumor grew, a hospital official held a briefing and said that T.O.P was hospitalized because of fatigue from overwork and stress. "We did not find any trace of medicine, and we did not pump his stomach. We made him sleep and gave him tranquilizers so he could relax," he said.

T.O.P left the hospital Thursday afternoon.

Big Bang released their second album, 'Remember," Wednesday, and planned to have a show Saturday. YG Entertainment said the show would go ahead as scheduled, saying T.O.P's is well enough to perform.


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 Author| Post time 3-1-2009 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Thanks to willenette for sharing this at EverythingLBH soompi thread



SS501 Kim Hyunjoong, Big Bang Top, Dong Bang Shin Ki Hero Jaejoong, and SNSD Yoon Ah are the real examples of this phenomenon.

SS501 Kim Hyunjoong leader, he is now being busy with his Korean Boys Over Flowers drama filming (airing in End of December) besides also starring in the famous Variety Show MBC 慦e Got married

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2009 01:44 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2009 01:48 PM | Show all posts
December 12, 2008

Taewon returns to Korean stock exchange

Written by Han Sunhee


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 Author| Post time 3-1-2009 01:53 PM | Show all posts
2008-11-16 19:57


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 Author| Post time 6-1-2009 02:23 AM | Show all posts
Translated by Hyc-EverythingLBH, from the Chinese article

"IRIS" 9 billion won pre-investment breaks TV drama record

Source: JES | 2008.12.10 16:01

Top South Korean star Lee Byung Hun thoroughly demonstrated the power of "Korean Wave stars".

Drama 揑ris

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2009 12:41 PM | Show all posts

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