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Author: fleurzsa

Idea Hari Ini (merged with Syd)

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Post time 3-12-2005 09:45 AM | Show all posts

Teringin menjadi bendul
Teruja menjadi lurus
Tak bisa memerah otak
Tak perlu menjadi skeptik
Nak pakai spek berkaca mawar
Agar dunia menjadi wangi
Akal ini kurnianNya
Anugerah atau sumpahan?

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2005 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Makanan pedas elok utk perjalanan darah dan pemecahan lemak.



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Post time 3-12-2005 05:47 PM | Show all posts
to be or not to be...that is the question...

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simplelife This user has been deleted
Post time 3-12-2005 11:46 PM | Show all posts
idea hari ini:

Tanya...manusia memang suka bertanya. Tanya tentang benda yang tidak diketahui, benda yang menghairankan, benda yang tidak dipersetujui..............

Pertanyaan merupakan luahan kata hati sifat manusia yang ingin tahu dan mencuba sesuai dengan fitrah manusia sebagai khalifah muka bumi yang memerlukan ilmu pengetahuan sebagai penyuluh jalan menuju kesempurnaan hidup dunia dan akhirat. Pertanyaanlah yang boleh mencetuskan idea penciptaan, pertanyaanlah yang boleh membimbing manusia dan pertanyaan jugalah yang boleh menyelesaikan pelbagai konflik yang mengancam keamanan sejagat....

Maka bertanyalah ketika perlu kerana pertanyaan menunjukkan adanya akal fikiran dalam diri manusia itu sendiri...

[ Last edited by simplelife at 3-12-2005 11:49 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 5-12-2005 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Semalam terfikir ttg perbezaan atr lelaki dan perempuan, ttg pemberatan minda mereka..

Mlm tadi tonton The Apprentice vs women lak... he he he

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Post time 7-12-2005 12:05 PM | Show all posts
masak fish soup...bootilicious...

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Post time 21-12-2005 09:43 AM | Show all posts
idea hari ini:

Manusia suka melakukan idiosinkrasi yang sama....
mungkin sudah menjadi tabiat...sukar untuk berubah...

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Post time 10-1-2006 06:09 PM | Show all posts
idea yg dibaca...


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Post time 13-1-2006 03:35 PM | Show all posts


"Tiada manusia yg malas dlm dunia ni, cuma tiada inspirasi sahaja"

Inspirasi=harta-kemewahan, kawan, pangkat, ibubapa dll...anything...

So next time you saw somebody who is labelled LAZY, give that person
a chance, INSPIRE...INSPIRE...provide the fire...create DESIRE!

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Post time 15-1-2006 08:36 PM | Show all posts
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men
with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a
proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated
                                                                                              --Calvin Coolidge

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Post time 15-1-2006 08:56 PM | Show all posts
The Lazy Way to Success

Hard work is pass

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Post time 15-1-2006 08:58 PM | Show all posts
The Lazy and The Disciplined

This may seem obvious but I've realized that having discipline of one's self is the true key to being successful in anything. The less obvious question is: Why doesn't everyone have it?  
There two types of people in this world. The Lazy and The Disciplined.

The Lazy

The Lazy like to watch TV, play games, go bowling, go partying, etc. There are a ton of things The Lazy does that are fun to do. There are a trillion people that love doing those things along with myself. Does that make me part of The Lazy? Maybe not. The problem within The Lazy is that they do things with bad timing. Rather than throw out the trash, or work on the paper, The Lazy like to lean towards doing something fun first before doing what is best for them. Some debate that those actions do not exhibit behaviors of The Lazy. They simply do pleasure before work. Some believe that their only way of doing things is to finish the 2-hour TV show first before working on the car. They believe that seeking pleasures first keeps them more human and less of a machine.  The Lazy also like to buy a ton of cool things to appear disciplined. The PDA is a great tool but in the hands of The Lazy, it will become a toy. The Lazy are not evil nor are they bad people. They are a laidback group of individuals who seek a quick fix for their boredom. They revel in telling random stories to others of things they discover in TV, stores, movies, etc. They confuse procrastination with patience.

So why are The Lazy lazy? Not sure. Part of it is how our society is run. We glorify laziness in TV. We see stars and celebrities glorifying themselves doing nothing all the time but we also never see famous philanthropists do what they do to be successful.  Just to let you know, philantropists can also be celebrities; just less glorified. We indirectly encourage laziness in our technologies. From voice activated devices to TV remotes, companies depend on The Lazy to buy their products. The Lazy loves to buy things to show rather than use. The Lazy is constantly confronted and tempted by an endless stream of desires and temptations, many of which are not really important or desirable. The Lazy are also very funny people. The highest ranking members of The Lazy understand their need to accomplish something but most of the time they would rather create self-distractions for themselves for reasons they do not know.

The Disciplined

The Lazy admire and respect strong individuals, who have won great success by manifesting will power and self discipline. They admire people, who with sheer will power, self discipline and ambition, have improved their life, learned new skills, overcame difficulties and hardships, rose high in their chosen field or advanced on the spiritual path.

The Disciplined are a different breed of people. The Disciplined believes that everyone can reach high levels of will power and self-discipline through a practical method of training and life experiences. The Lazy believe that this inner power is only reserved for a few special people.

The Disciplined also like to play games, watch TV, and do exactly the same thing The Lazy do. The only difference is that they do it less and they enjoy it more. The Disciplined works hard and plays hard. The Disciplined are also patient. They understand that patience works in tandem with preparation. When you are part of The Disciplined, you accept and trust that not all things work out. This is why The Disciplined always does the little things first before anything else.

The Lazy always invites disaster through their lack of preparation and when disaster strikes they also begin to lose patience. The Lazy always seeks something to fix everything right away while The Disciplined plans in advance. This is why The Lazy encounters stress while The Disciplined anticipates it and become better decision makers.

The Disciplined are also efficient and love technology and its products. They understand the role technology plays in their lives by researching its practical uses. In other words, they actually use the stuff. The Disciplined are also creative with their time. The Disciplined are mistaken for working too hard and too long but in fact they only work smarter not harder. If it is easier and quicker to do something without much compromise, The Disciplined embraces and utilizes it. The Lazy pride themselves of their rare suggestions to doing something while The Disciplined just uses the suggestions. The Disciplined are extremely goal oriented and have a consistent vision of what they plan to be and plan to do for their future. They enjoy their work but do not consume themselves in it. They are comprised mostly of leaders and individuals who are aspiring to be strong role models. They believe in inspiring others. So what makes The Disciplined disciplined? It's simply your attitude. It grants the ability to reject immediate satisfaction for something better. That's all it takes. If you don't believe then you don't belong. By the way, The Disciplined also have a great sense of humor.

So what group do you belong to? Do you belong to The Lazy or The Disciplined? Choose wisely.

by Radford Castro

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Post time 7-3-2006 09:43 AM | Show all posts

Apakah yang dalam fikiran anda RIGHT NOW?

apa agaknya yang ada dlm fikiran kita semua skrg?
kita pk ttg apa?

baru hari nih aku tergerak hati nak bukak thread nih
sbb nak kongsi apa yang aku dok pk tiap2 ari, esp tiap2 pagi
masa on the way nak p keje.

so harap korang semua pun sudi kongsi apa yang korang dok pikirkan
moga2 benda tuh datang manafaat pada kita semua.


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Post time 7-3-2006 09:55 AM | Show all posts
aku terpk:

Orang Miskin / Orang Kaya

apa yang difikirkan oleh orang2 susah/miskin sekarang.
apa yang ada dlm fikiran dorang?
mungkin dorang pk pasal duit/wang? (ini pendapat aku semata)
atau pun dorang pk pasal apa lagi?

dan aku pun dok pk jugak
apa pulak yang ada dlm kepala orang2 kaya/senang?
dorang pikirkan ttg wang/duit jugak kah?
atau pun dorang pk pasal apa lagi?

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Post time 7-3-2006 10:39 AM | Show all posts
aku terpk:

aku kena cari 'kebaikkan' dan buat satu hari satu
aku terpaksa kejar dan cari
sbb aku ni lalai dan leka

status: tgh pk apa lagi kebaikkan yang nak dicari dan dibuat

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Post time 7-3-2006 11:00 AM | Show all posts
tgh dok pk2 lagi nih pasal:

anak tak sah taraf/anak HIV/anak tiri/anak angkat/anak yatim etc

apa pandangan kita semua pada anak2 yang tertera di atas?
terpk sbb terbaca dlm paper kosmo (kalau tak silap) semalam
sorang anak yang berumor 6 tahun, yang HIV+
hadapi masalah bila nak masuk tadika.

kemudian, kenapa ada jurang antara ibu tiri/anak tiri?
atas sebab apa?
sbb beza perhatian dan cara kasih sayang dari dua insan yang berbeza?
sbb mmg dah ditanamkan dgn pandangan serong dlm minda?

tentang anak tak sah taraf pula.
banyak yang terjadik, kita sering memandang hina dan mengungkit2 kejadian (peristiwa) hingga
lahirnya anak tak sah taraf kita.
samada mulut kita lancang sedar atau tak sedar, kita menghina mereka.
padahal mereka tak bersalah
dan mereka pun rasa lebih tertekan.

anak yatim pula bagaimana?

marilah kongsi pandangan.



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Post time 7-3-2006 11:07 AM | Show all posts
aku sedang memikirkan tentang Allahyarhamah opah aku yang meninggal dunia lebih setahun lepas. mungkin aku rindu padanya. pernah juga terlintas persoalan apakah yang sedang dia lakukan di "sana". Ahad lepas, aku dgn mak ayah aku membawa tok pulang ke kampung, melihat rumah yang telah lama ditinggalkan. Sayu pulak rasa hati waktu tu. Entah apa pula difikirkan oleh tok masa tu.

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Post time 7-3-2006 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 7-3-2006 09:55 AM
aku terpk:

Orang Miskin / Orang Kaya

apa yang difikirkan oleh orang2 susah/miskin sekarang.
apa yang ada dlm fikiran dorang?
mungkin dorang pk pasal duit/wang? (ini pendapat aku semata)
at ...

aku pernah tengok orang miskin yg bahagia. dan seorang kawan aku yang berasal dari keluarga kaya pernah cakap, dia kaya tapi tak bahagia.
amazing melihat bagaimana orang miskin boleh cope dgn kemiskinannya. dan bagaimana orang bermasalah boleh cope dgn masalahnya.
kadang2 buat aku terfikir,setiap masalah mmg di "design" utk orang yg boleh mengendalikannya sebenarnya. setiap masalah yg datang dlm hidup aku, aku akan "this is for me. God gives me this for a reason. and I can handle it". insyaAllah. Wallahualam.



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Post time 7-3-2006 01:23 PM | Show all posts
aku terpk lagi nih

apa agaknya dlm fikiran orang yang nak bunuh diri?

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Post time 7-3-2006 01:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 7-3-2006 01:23 PM
aku terpk lagi nih

apa agaknya dlm fikiran orang yang nak bunuh diri?

wa pun nak tau gak Syd

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