[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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pinklepie replied at 22-1-2020 02:27 AM
Wayar apa kt tangan dedek kwaci tu?
kuat betul ye tangan smeg ni boleh bawak dedek macam tu je. dah la carrier tak ergonomic, tergantung kaki dedek. confirm tak selesa. dengan tangan berjuntai macam tu. kalau mak2 dah make sure tangan dedek tu dia betulkan, kedudukan bawah carrier tu pun di betulkan. kesian dedek, if dedek real la kan |
Edited by delia3003 at 22-1-2020 01:41 PM
cik-jaja replied at 22-1-2020 12:23 PM
Konfiden aje nak ke Canada..ni nk kena masuk sekolah balik ke acano??
https://metro.co.uk/2020/01 ...
Heret boleh jadi Mrs Markle Lagipun dalam relationship diorang tu dah nsmpak meret lebih dominan
The immigration expert explained how the Duke may have to rely on his wife Meghan being the ‘principal applicant’ in any immigration process.
Meghan spent several years earning money in Toronto, while filming the TV show Suits – which makes her the more ‘desirable’ applicant over Harry.
Mr Bellissimo said: ‘It might surprise people but Meghan is the more desirable applicant from the Canadian immigration perspective because of her work experience. ‘She will likely have a good pathway because she has international recognition in an area of paid employment with acting.
cik-jaja replied at 22-1-2020 12:23 PM
Konfiden aje nak ke Canada..ni nk kena masuk sekolah balik ke acano??
https://metro.co.uk/2020/01 ...
Boleh duduk 6 bulan je guna visitor pass, tp x boleh kerja. Lepas 6 bulan mesti ada berita balik uk jumpa family. |
snazzydaisy replied at 22-1-2020 12:07 AM
3 soalan:
- Harry arriving in Canada...ada pic, kenapa Smeg takde?
- Smeg boleh pi jemput her gf ...
Homeless person. Tu lah ikut cakap bini sangat. |
mysr01 replied at 21-1-2020 11:28 PM
Sis @eva , I dah buka istana baruuuuuu.
hi dear...tq tq.. kak sibuk.
nnt kakak seru nama semua org |
Pic ni mmg mengerikan for several reasons:
- mmg jelas nampak she's holding Farchie by the neck 
- she didnt even know how to dress a child, mitten string tu masukkanlah thru his jacket/sleeve, bukan tergantung camtu.
- mana pergi lagi separuh drpd tangan Farchie, wiped off or cuma illusion?
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alaaaaaaaa, now bila nak makan raisin bun, sure susah nak telan, teringat kat Smeg 
omg.. notty adik adik saltyyy akak ye...
I was away for 2 days korang merempan hingga rumah lama kena katup ye.... well done 
ok walau lambat meh I seru nama...  |
u tak rasa ke perkara2 negatif/mencurigakan ttg Bea nye wedding plan, delayed annoucement, venue change, funding etc. etc. tu mcm signs from the universe yg Bea patut reconsider 
ehh jap, spesis cindai tu maksudnya pompuan yg teramat hipokrit ala2 puteri lindungan kaabah yg maksum forever ke? 
Mcm cindai malaya yg bulldozerkan perkahwinan org, yg ada nude pics, yg merokok tapi depan org pijak semut pun tak mati.
Sis eva, jgn lupa masukkan elemen2 Garam dan Cult dalam your seruan 
Cicisweets replied at 22-1-2020 11:53 AM
Betul ke company baby carrier tu marah cara dia pakai kan anak dia nampak x safety
klau I jd ceo kompeni... I haramkan smeg beli product I... brg utk keselesaan dan keselamatan budak looks dangerous and cheapish bila dia bubuh kat archie... sudah pasti markle curse tu real...x psl psl org x beli product nnt |
mas79 replied at 22-1-2020 01:40 PM
Boleh duduk 6 bulan je guna visitor pass, tp x boleh kerja. Lepas 6 bulan mesti ada berita balik u ...
patut announcement x pakai hrh tu selepas spring 2020 mungkin masa tu dah divorce. |
I s/s tweet ni coz org ni selalu delete her tweets after a while, for her own safety katanya.
Her story (or theory or whatever) ttg BRF, Smeg and Harry berlainan sedikit drpd narrative yg DD/TP ceritakan..
Smeg mmg ada backer, tapi her main backer is BRF sendiri, supported by BRF nye family (illuminati) friends yg lain2..
Some details, forummer Bioessence (kalau I salah eja nick ni, sorry ya) dah mentioned kat istana garam #12..
Allegedly, the 6-weeks break tu sbb Harry cuba bunuh diri (no receipt, just hearsay)..
For me, some points ada juga yg masuk akal esp. bila teringatkan vid Santa Harry yg nampak drugged as hell tu.. 
This twitter account could be a larp/troll, no actual receipt. Please read at your own discretion. Posted for entertainment purposes only.
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Edited by eva at 22-1-2020 03:46 PM
snazzydaisy replied at 22-1-2020 03:11 PM
Pic ni mmg mengerikan for several reasons:
- mmg jelas nampak she's holding Farchie by the neck : ...
uncaring mom. dia nak choke budak tu ke? x pernah I pegang budak gaya mcm smeg nie... dia da kenapa buat benda ni kat budak.. aritu dia tickle kasar ribs archie.. sian archie
bodo punya smeg!  |
Edited by eva at 22-1-2020 03:54 PM
snazzydaisy replied at 22-1-2020 03:35 PM
Sis eva, jgn lupa masukkan elemen2 Garam dan Cult dalam your seruan
hahaha okeh next time I buat salty and cult oso hahahhaa |
Theory ttg pemilihan Smeg dlm honey pot/trap ni...
This twitter account could be a larp/troll, no actual receipt. Please read at your own discretion. Posted for entertainment purposes only.
Kebetulan pula si DD ni recently tweeted yg BRF ni errr not Satanic... dan he mentioned Mexico lebih sesuai utk Smeg! 
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boleh imagine Kak Meg, lps je hbs jenjalan dkt hutan tu..
masuk kereta/or balik rumah
die buka je carrier tu hempas acie tu mcm tu je..
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