tongong2 dalam ni mana nak baca benda yg sahih..jap ye aku tolong copy paste kan..biar tongong2 tu baca
PUBLISHED APRIL 18, 2016 Thelion on the bottom is more than likely a female African lion witha mane, a type of animal regularly seen in northern Botswana,where Nicole Cambré recentlyphotographed the lions on safari. Oneof the photos shows the two animals rubbing their heads against each other,which is not unusual behavior for males as part of a dominance display,notes Kathleen Alexander,an African lion expert and professor at Virgina Polytechnic Institute inBlacksburg. Asfor the mating, "I’ve never seen male-to-male interaction like that, andI’ve been working [in Botswana] for 20 years," she says. "I would sayit's more likely a maned lioness." Themaned lionesses of Botswana may carry a genetic disposition toward thephenomenon, according to Luke Hunter, president ofthe big-cat conservation group Panthera. Suchmaned females may be a sign of developmental disruption either at conception orwhile in the womb, he said in a previous interview. “Ifthe former case, the genetic contribution of the sperm—which determines the sexof the fetus in most mammals—was probably aberrant, giving rise to a femalewith some male characteristics “Alternativelyand perhaps more likely, the problem may have occurred during gestation if thefetus was exposed to increased levels of androgens—male hormones such astestosterone.” Ifa lion mother had abnormally high androgens during pregnancy, her femaleoffspring may end up “masculinized”—a situation that occurs occasionally inpeople but which is rarely observed in wild animals. Alexanderadds that other African species have evolved mascunlinized females as part of asurvival strategy.
pastu cerita ni cerita lama plak tu..dasar tongong nak menegakkan benang yg basah