Princess jadi2an tak mo surrender. Dia tak peduli nyawa rakyatnya itew asalkan family Kiram dpt rampas Sabah
Sabah stand-off: Niece of rebel fighters' leader tells gunmen not to surrender

MALAYSIA - Stay put, don't surrender. The Kiram family has ordered its gunmen not to surrender to the Malaysian security forces. They were reminded that their fight for ownership of Sabah was worthy of placing "honour above life". Ms Jacel Kiram, daughter of the self-proclaimed Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, told Radio dzMM, a Philippine radio station, on Saturday that her uncle Agbimuddin Kiram and his band of soldiers will not leave Sabah despite coming under heavy gunfire from Malaysian security forces. She appealed to the remaining members of the rebel group to stay loyal to Mr Agbimuddin, the "crown prince" of Sulu, pointing out that their landing in Sabah on Feb 12 was merely their peaceful return "home". "Please remain... this is honour above life," she was quoted as saying in an online report on Philippine media network ABN-CBS News. "Their only wish is to stay there... it is their home, they want to live there peacefully." Radio dzMM is the flagship radio station of ABN-CBS Corporation in the Philippines. Meanwhile, dense oil palm plantations and militants who can easily pass off as locals are making mopping up operations difficult for the Malaysian security forces as they seek to end the month-long incursion into Sabah. The soldiers and police commandos are more at home in the humid jungles of Peninsular Malaysia but they form the bulk of the security forces looking for the remaining group of 200-odd Filipino gunmen. "To say that it is like finding a needle in a haystack doesn't even begin to cover it," a General Operations Force police officer from Kuala Lumpur told liberal news portal The Malaysian Insider during the course of the operation codenamed Ops Daulat. "They could look like anyone," he added, describing the tanned Filipino gunmen who share the same bloodline as some of the locals in Sabah. The Malaysian police said on Saturday they had arrested a total of 79 people in the state, and the death of a suspected militant in a shoot-out on Saturday raised the toll to 61. Malaysian Inspector General of Police Ismail Omar said the suspected militant who was shot dead had sought to escape a security cordon around two villages and overgrown plantation and swamp land, AFP reported. Malaysia has vowed to end the incursion, its worst security crisis in years, and rejected a ceasefire call made by the leader of the fighters, who are followers of the self-proclaimed sultan. The main group of militants had been holed up in a sleepy farming village until two deadly shoot-outs with security forces a week ago triggered a military assault that scattered them.
Delusional ni sakit keturunan rupanya.