Originally posted by queen_aurora at 25-3-2009 20:52
my brain need overhaul i guess
but still i think ur adam got chance to win
n i laik dis 1 guy...looks laik justin timberlake..i think his name is matt
that's d way they attract d people i guess...
u jeles bcoz u laik simon ehh.
u just buy 2nd hand brain to replace it
thanks for supporting my SOFTIE adam
Matt Giraud...not me his chin very long
i jeles 4 simon no way, i prefer randy
actually ma adam remind me so much of Elvis Presley
Originally posted by queen_aurora at 25-3-2009 20:55
u can eat d gas...n ur belly becomes more n more airy
laik a 5 month's pregnant lady
u wanna help me wif what...selling my gas
river will flow to d sea...
autogate shud have taim to rest oso....stop pushing okayy
ur smile look horrible...he afraid akceli
donno bout jumbo aeroplane onli knoe bout mc value jumbo...got burger n drink...
i told u many times ma belly slim
i got gud autogate can purge gas very episenand drop them into tongs
i wanna help u to set up a gas production plant in yr world
sea also dry when he see my beauty belly wearing sari
ma autogate no rest, or i will cut his salary
when i smile, ma soulmate say it light up his world
u only know McD jumbo cos u big eater with overloaded stomach
Originally posted by queen_aurora at 25-3-2009 21:02
sing LESS
the u know who...reminds me of voldermortu knoe him or not
not full of gas but full of babies...
aim afraid if i keep on talkin bout him...u ll get bored
but tell you 1 thing...
i miss him more n more everday
that hat i bought in paris u knoe.....on d street
no need ...i got new job oredi...
4 u its taste delicious...but d truth u r eating rotten food
ms mandarin laik a mother wif 5 children...so bizi rite now..taim 4 her to retire i guess
sound LESS
lord voldermort u meant is yr fwenz??i thot u only fwen KING KONG
yr tummy carry babies that are invisiblesur tummy empty but swell
u told me many things oleli abt yr brainmate, its not sumthing new
u been to Paris?
rotten food but delicious better than no food 4 u
ms mandarin no more active now, she book a place oredi in old folks home.