Reply #960 adekjeli's post
dah nampak aqiel nyer bird!
soooooooooo cute lah aqiel nih:kiss: |
Reply #961 luv_ma's post
hep2..nonet aqiel same je ngan abg aqeel....hehehe yup ma cm aqiel punye name bermaksud yg bijak sane lagi mengetahui..huhuhu haqiemy tu mengetahui...huhuhu...tu yg BYK LE SKET AKAL ye..huhuhu |
Reply #964 adekjeli's post
tulah akal banyakkn..he
memcm  |
Reply #967 sha_n's post

ni je untuk nabila ye??heheheh maluss ooo abg aqiel |
Reply #970 luv_ma's post
hep2.....mane ble nabila tgk nonet abg aqiel..hehehehehe |
Reply #971 adekjeli's post
alaaaa...bg mama nabila tgk je...
leh kan aqiel kan??kan?? |
Anak mummy masa lahir kecik je sbb mummy ada olygo & hypertension kata doktor..
masa lahir : 2.15kg
1 bln : 3.6kg
2 bln : 4.4 kg
3 bln : 4.9kg
4 bulan : 5.5kg
5 bln : akan datang next week..
sebulan pertama bg bf then cont ngan susu formula sbb susu mummy sikit, baby tk puas..tp time nk ajar pakai botol tu, bukan main payah..take time..
tetiap bulan naik sikit, tk byk tp so far paed tk ckp apa..alhamdulillah ada la jugak peningkatan..as long as dia tk sakit2 and graf naik shud b ok kata my paed, dr abraham..  |
Reply #958 sha_n's post
mmg tembunn..  |
Reply #968 adekjeli's post
amboii gambar bird dah delete ye .. tak aci nak tgk jugak.. adoii gatai..  |
Reply #975 luv_ma's post
hhahahaha...hep2..malus laaa aqiel weiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....hahaha bayangkan in 20 years from now,dieorg pulak yg berforem n then contoh la kan dieorg c naked pic of dieorg...hahahaha lawakyeee mesti malusss gilosss |
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