>>>tak pasal2 statement Chun pasal Zai2 buat fans Zai2 terasa bila baca komen kat AF tu walupun benda yg dia cakap betul pasal Zai2 kurus dr dia .......Chun ni kadang2 dia ni ckp seloroh je dan reporter pun pandai nk laga2 kan
Comparing with Zai Zai ~ Wu Zun: He's Skinny
Source: http://udn.com/
Translated by Cmiley
In orderfor the idol dramas to shuffle its cards, Wu Zun and Zai Zai fans havebeen battling. Yesterday Wu Zun also entered, speaking of Zai Zai, WuZun complimented, and at last questioned too quickly, saying: "ourfigures are different." Angela Zhang couldn't help and teased him:"then you mean you're more stronger." Wu Zun seriously answered: "Isaid is the fact, he's more thinner than me."
Wu Zun, Zai Zaiand Ming Dao will be competing tonight, each others supporters havebeen expressing heavily online, yesterday Wu Zun spoke a lot about he'scompetitors Zai Zai and Ming Dao, Wu Zun honestly replied: "I've seenZai Zai in Meteor Garden when I was in Brunei, I think he's not bad,but I have seen Ming Dao's dramas."
Online Wu Zun has been voted#1 guy for new idol, he thinks he doesn't have pressure, "I'm the typeof guy that will do my my job good and that's fine, what ever othersthink or say, I don't really care."
Tonight there'll be 4 dramascompeting, Wu Zun curiously asked "Are they all broadcasted at the sametime? I hope all dramas will have good ratings, if you can only watchone, of course I'll watch my own drama first!" Yesterday CTV evenprepared a delicious cake, Wu Zun ate 4 pieces, laughing saying wantsto eat up "declicious taste (same sound in chinese as the drama SweetRelationship)" food empty.
Yesterdayafternoon "Romantic Princess" and netizens had afternoon tea, dancingwaltz, proceeding a "Princess Prince 1 day date", some of the questionsnetizens asked almost caused the actors to not be able to hold on,Angela was asked if she and her boyfriend were both pictured togetherby the media would she admit? She honestly answered: "No, pictured ornot I'll just say its a good friend." Then immediately was laughed byother actors: "Oh! Then you've got many good friends!".
In theevening "Romantic Princess's" main casts had to go to Shi Lin NightMarket to promote the preview, Wu Zun and the others brought 700 piecesof signed posters for auction, less than 10 minutes they were all soldout, all proceeds were donated to charity groups. |