[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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Harry and Meghan Announce Their Royal Exit | Harry & Meghan: Escaping the Palace | Lifetime
snazzydaisy replied at 16-9-2021 07:00 AM
Old Mummy
Kenapa I rasa gambar Harry dgn Megan kat Time magazine ni mcm tak kena? Sape royal skrg? Harry ke Megan?
pic kat TIME tu memang pelik. Iols yg buta seni ni pun nmpk character Meghan lagi dominant & pose Harry tu sesuai utk pompuan.
setakat kahwin dgn #6 pun dah kekwat, kalau laa Smeg berjodoh dgn William, punah monarchy!
Bayangkan acik Camilla + Sophie + Kate berkumpul petang2 sambil minum tea, sambil bergosip, mesti byk topik menarik kan!
thyme2 replied at 17-9-2021 09:44 AM
pic kat TIME tu memang pelik. Iols yg buta seni ni pun nmpk character Meghan lagi dominant & pose Ha ...
I ada prasaan yg sama dgn u jugak. Harry mcm perempuan. Dlm gambar tu, I mcm nampak Megan je....
snazzydaisy replied at 17-9-2021 10:49 AM
setakat kahwin dgn #6 pun dah kekwat, kalau laa Smeg berjodoh dgn William, punah monarchy!
Baya ...
Nasib baik tak kawen dgn William. Tapi sebenarnya dia berangan kan?
I pon boleh bygkan camila, sophie dgn kate jadi makcik bawang bergossip. Hahahaha
Post time 17-9-2021 11:55 AM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 16-9-2021 08:32 AM
The Royals cuma wished HBD to Harry in their IG stories, no post!
Alahaiii ... Kesiannya ..
He become nobody to the royal since he announced the megxit ... ..
Sebenarnya , kita maybe ingat Harry tu dgr ckp bini ..
Padahal Harry ni boleh tahan stupido dia .. yg konon2 nak bebas ...
In the end bini boleh cerai ..
Tapi blood are forever .. huhuh.
Post time 17-9-2021 11:56 AM
From the mobile phone
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