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Author: Syik_Gojet

[TVN] New Journey To The West Season 3- Start 8 Jan 2017

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2017 10:42 AM | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 3-3-2017 10:34 AM
syik, rajinnya cari2 vid ni, mesti ko xtido malam layan jiwon bwahaha!

tu la dgn harapan jiwon masuk mimpi aku.. tapi tak pernah tercapai lagi.. nak g korea jauh sgt nak jumpa..

ala, kebetulan lagu tu kt recommen list dlm youtube.. nampak benar aku cuma cari info pasal jiwon saja..


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 Author| Post time 3-3-2017 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 3-3-2017 10:34 AM
kan, mcm yg kes hwayoung or something psl ckp bau nafas tu, rupanya tu kamera offstage ek, mcm pri ...

y pasal kes complain bau nafas fan aku ada dengar gitew2 je.. tapi tak tau apa kisahnya..
sian tak pasal2 career dia musnah..

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Post time 3-3-2017 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 3-3-2017 10:38 AM
bulan 4 nie album baru akan keluar..

so lepas ni kita akan kerap la tgk sechskies dlm reality  ...

aku xsabar tunggu secskies guest dlm running man, since aku suka dua2 kan, biar bergabung, meletup! lol
pastu lama aku tertunggu2 sechskies xnk guest happy together ke, bc org ckp yg artists jarang nk muncul kt kbs, tapi still, ada jaesuk kot.
Tp diorg xmuncul T___T
dan most awaited ialah muncul dlm TROS, jumpa jiyong haha which is a slim chance.
Rituh baru tgk YHY sketchbook tu, based on conversation diorg, rsnya jaeduk n suwon je kot yg contact jiyong. Sbb diorg je yg leh jwb dgn konfiden bila ditanya psl jiyong. but then again, bukannya boleh kenal org thru tv shows kan haha

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2017 10:54 AM | Show all posts
wima replied at 2-3-2017 05:25 PM
Hahaha..tula pasal...

Bongok gile...dhla idol2 plak tu yg berlakon...

terjumpa SNL reply 1997 version..
tp malangnya tak da sub..


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Post time 3-3-2017 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Akoobabes at 3-3-2017 11:04 AM
Star_el replied at 3-3-2017 10:16 AM
kan, interaction diorg tu best haha tu aku kata, aku plg suka jiwon bila dgn sechskies

sama lah kiter...

Aura Jiwon ngan Sechs Kies lain...

maybe sebab tu lah, bila tgk Jiwon dalam variety show lain sebelum nih, macam takder feeling



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 Author| Post time 3-3-2017 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 3-3-2017 10:44 AM
aku xsabar tunggu secskies guest dlm running man, since aku suka dua2 kan, biar bergabung, meletup ...


tak sabar gak dorg muncul dlm running man lagi.. biar jaijin buatkan jaesuk jadi hangin lagi.. hahaha..

kalau dorg dpt jadi guest 2d1n pun ok gak... team jiwon melawan team jong min sama2 senior 2d1n member.. huhu..

masa pas sechskies buat comeback, jeaduck je la p HT... jeasuk suruh jaeduck bayangkan menari pas kena carut dgn jiwon..
bersungguh2 jeaduck menari.. hehehe..

ramai fans ternanti2 sechskies melawat TROS... nak tgk camne dorg babysit suengjae y jenis tak reti duduk diam...
mesti lawak kalau suengjae melawan cakap dgn jiwon... masa tgk flower crew, dorg ada mission utk ambik hati budak2.. y menang jaijin.. rahsianya ialah gula2.. dia dok bagi gula2 kt budak2 tu.. haha..

nway dah tgk lum hello counselor dgn suwon.. masalah ke tiga paling lawak sekali.. coz mamat tu bercita2 nak jadi pelakon so mc suruh mamat tu berlakon dgn suwon.. lawak gila suwon berlakon dgn gaya robot tu..


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Post time 3-3-2017 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 3-3-2017 11:03 AM

tak sabar gak dorg muncul dlm running man lagi.. biar jaijin buatkan jaesuk jadi hang ...

tho plg minat jiwon, suwon ni paling kena dgn aku, sbb aku suka style dia berckp yg attack org tanpa perubahan riak wajah lol!
Seronok je tgk, okeh, keep giving me the list cite ape nak tgk, aku bakal live alone ni, nk download cite byk2 sementara belum ada internet lol!

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Post time 3-3-2017 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Akoobabes replied at 3-3-2017 11:02 AM
sama lah kiter...

Aura Jiwon ngan Sechs Kies lain...

dlm variety show lain, nmpk dia kekdg je enjoy haha dan betullah slalu take a step back,
except bila dia dgn org yg dia rapat/selesa kot, cm Hotsechgodrg (plus mmg fokus show tu diorg kan)
dlm Human condition pun nmpk menyerlah sbb dia seasoned variety show mc haha
tp bila dgn sechskies nmpk excited betul lol!

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Post time 3-3-2017 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 3-3-2017 10:34 AM
kan, mcm yg kes hwayoung or something psl ckp bau nafas tu, rupanya tu kamera offstage ek, mcm pri ...

K-netz memang scary oohhhh

to me, pa yang dorang buat kat tepi stage tu, takder kena mengena ngan karier...

agak nya budak tu penat ker... dah sehari2 melayan fans..

jumpa pulak yang tak reti bau napas sendiri mcm tong...

bukanlah nak cakap kita ni perfect ke apa...


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Post time 3-3-2017 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 3-3-2017 10:44 AM
aku xsabar tunggu secskies guest dlm running man, since aku suka dua2 kan, biar bergabung, meletup ...

dah tak follow sangat dah RM actually... tak tau lah if nak follow after what had happened before this..
but masa Jekki lam RM memang tgk... hahaha

hopefully ada lah dorang join TROS kan...

tak sabar nak tengok JJ  nyer interaction ngan Seungjae... masa dlm IC kan dia bagitau Jaesuk
if Jiyong tak leh join, ambik Seungjae as replacement... hihihihi

Antara semua dorang, Suwon mmg keep in touch ngan semua member, dia ada mentioned lam interview for Allure magazine
kalo tak silap.. (dalam magazine Star1 , takder one on one interview)  @Syik_Gojet cer carik link kat Tmblr.. ada trans
untuk interview tu.

lagipun, Jiyong ngan Suwon jer yang ada degree, yang Jiwon mmg takat high school jer, Hoony, JJ and JD tak sure if ada degree.


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Post time 3-3-2017 11:43 AM | Show all posts
Jiwonie update IG dia....

Sexy in red

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Post time 3-3-2017 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Akoobabes replied at 3-3-2017 11:43 AM
Jiwonie update IG dia....

Sexy in red

sepantas kilat aku trus bukak ig lol!
Homai hensemnyaaa

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Post time 3-3-2017 11:47 AM | Show all posts
Akoobabes replied at 3-3-2017 11:41 AM
dah tak follow sangat dah RM actually... tak tau lah if nak follow after what had happened before  ...

haha aku follow rm out of love for the fam.
Amboi, Syik dh jadi tukang penyedia link plak kt sini lol!
kalo rajin, snapshot please instead of link. Aku xbp suka bukak tumblr sbb rs rambang mata sgt haha

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Post time 3-3-2017 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 3-3-2017 11:03 AM

tak sabar gak dorg muncul dlm running man lagi.. biar jaijin buatkan jaesuk jadi hang ...

Hello counsellor yang ada Suwon tu dah tengok...


kenapa budak tu kayu dengan orang lain pun tak tau

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Post time 3-3-2017 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 3-3-2017 11:47 AM
haha aku follow rm out of love for the fam.
Amboi, Syik dh jadi tukang penyedia link plak kt sini ...

Sebab Syik paling cepat dapat carik link



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 Author| Post time 3-3-2017 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Akoobabes replied at 3-3-2017 11:41 AM
dah tak follow sangat dah RM actually... tak tau lah if nak follow after what had happened before  ...

tak silap suwon degree dlm lakonan kan??

interview y nie ka?

You guys came back from Japan after the MV shooting. Did you get that ‘high quality’ that you all wanted?
JW: We’ll have to wait to see if it’s high quality, but the budget was definitely high (laughs). We monitored in between, and we all looked good.
SH: We wanted a background with snow because of the song’s concept. We had almost no hope when we left because there was no forecast that said there’ll be snow. But when we started shooting, it started snowing a lot. We were lucky.
JD: We stayed for 3 nights, but we worked so hard that we couldn’t even have a party afterwards. We had to hurry back and forth and film before the sunset.
You were selected as ‘Person of the Year’ for 2016 by <Atstar1>. This year must have been the most dramatic one in your lives.
JW: We had the grateful opportunity of getting together through <Infinite Challenge>, and it has already been a year since then.
JD: And it’s exactly today! The first time we discussed the reunion with the <Infinite Challenge> staffs at the Chinese restaurant was today’s date (11/2) a year ago.
SH: It really was a lucky year. I feel like we’ve done a lot of activities, but thinking back, we really haven’t. Our physical strength is different from before for sure. Jaeduck-hyung became more haggard day by day during the MV shooting.
JJ: I had dark circles before I got my makeup done today (laughs).
How is it to be with the members after 16 years?
JW: I think personality wise, we’ve changed. I have become more talkative, and Jaejin (Jaijin) has become brighter. But the way we mess around each other is still the same. It’s still fun to mess around Jaeduck and Suwon.
SW: I also have that ‘one-shot’ that I can attack Jiwon-hyung with.
SH: I’ve become less talkative than before. When I was younger, I talked a lot partly because the company wanted me too, but now that I’m old I don’t really like talking. Now the fans tell me “Please talk”.
JD: I think I was the most energetic one back then.
JW: Our team’s image was damaged because Jaeduck talked too much using satoori.
SW: That’s why we couldn’t get as big as H.O.T. (laughs).
It’s your comeback in 16 years but all of you have those “frozen man” faces.
JW: When we look at ourselves, we think we look pretty much the same as before, even though we do look less youthful. But I’m surprised that the public feels the same way. I think Suwon and Jaeduck look even better now. The J-walk days were just unbearable.
JD: Sure, what’s important is that we get better over time (laughs).
SH: I think now, we take care of ourselves more because we’re more considerate. We’re a group, and a member of a group shouldn’t be viewed as the odd one out.

The song <Three Words> became a hit, as shown by its 1st place in Gaon’s October monthly chart.
JW: It’s still hard to grasp because we’re part of the CD/Album generation. I feel like if a song wins 1st place, you should be able to hear it everywhere in the streets. I couldn’t hear <Three Words> anywhere (laughs). To be honest, I worried a lot about not getting any attention. I worried that people would think we’re forgotten because <Infinite Challenge> is just a temporary bubble. If that happened, it would’ve been an automatic end, so it’s a relief that we had good results.
SH: I was driving and got caught in traffic, and there was <Three Words> coming out of the car that was next to mine. It was a young man listening to it, and it made me really happy. I wanted to say thank you.
SW: You shoudl’ve sung along if you had your window open (laughs).
JD: It made our next step even more important. I wish this kind of reaction will carry on.
How would you spoil the new song coming out soon, using only three words?
JD: Winter.
JW: YG style.
JJ: Oh this is hard. I’ll give it more thought and answer later.
You are holding additional concerts in Daegu and Busan.
JW: It wasn’t part of our initial plan, but we’re doing them because the Seoul concert turned out good.
SW: I want there to be slightly different ways for this concert. When the audience can guess “The first song will definitely be <Com’ Back>”, it’s not fun. Oh, and Jaeduck-hyung is going to dress as a girl.
JD: No! But I am thinking about what would make our fans happier.
JW: We want to take individual opinions into consideration and put unexpected songs. You know, for those individual stages that you can perform only at the concert. Those that you can’t perform on a broadcast show, but can only perform in front of fans who like you.
JJ: I’m going to sing a ballad song. i already have a song chosen in mind.
How much chance do you have of working together with Sechskies’s ‘last dragon ball’, Ko Jiyong?
SH: We always have our doors open, but it’s a little hard considering Jiyong’s job.
JJ: Wouldn’t he be able to appear as a surprise guest for our 20th anniversary? To be honest, we can’t ask him directly, but we subtly hint at it through our fans.
SW: But I think if we have him on stage once, I’ll miss him even more after that. I really like us being on stage all together, so much that I would be even more disappointed if he doesn’t come back.
JW: I can’t ask Jiyong a favor anymore. If we were in the same place, I could’ve asked him, but he’s a kid with different things to lose. That means the best I can say is ‘I know your situation, but please just come’, but I’m afraid we’ll destroy everything that Jiyong has worked so hard to achieve for the past 16 years. We need to respect Jiyong’s life.

Next year is Sechskies’s 20th Anniversary. Do you have a bucket list of things that you want to do with the members?
JW: To sell 200 thousand albums.
JD: What if we have to buy all those albums with our own money (laughs)?
JJ: To release the new album in 20 different versions.
JD: No, the design team would suffer too much.
SH: I think it’ll be fun to travel abroad together, apart from work.
JJ: What do you mean travel! We gotta work hard for the  20th anniversary. Give me more work to do.
SH: Then I think it’ll be cool for Jaejin-hyung to work on artwork that celebrates our 20th anniversary.
JJ: I like it. If I can do something in terms of artwork, I’ll do it anytime!
I think you guys might have a plan for individual activities as well, for next year.
SH: Not at all. Team comes first.
SW: We have to release Sechskies 5th album next year. And 6th album.
JD: Personally, I’m thinking that we need to plan our 20th anniversary concert well.
JJ: Shouldn’t we sing more of our old songs than we did at our last concert, since it’s the 20th anniversary? I think it shouldn’t end in just two hours (laughs). I’m preparing an art exhibition.
JW: I have some thoughts of international promotions. We disbanded shortly after debuting in Taiwan with the name ‘ 水晶男孩’ and planning on Japan promotions. If we have the opportunity, I want to meet more international fans before it’s too late.
Let’s go around and give advice, since 2016 is ending soon.
JW: Jaeduck, gain some weight. I’m worried about him because his stomach problems won’t allow him to eat much so he is losing weight.
JD: I’m trying. Don’t worry, I’ve gained 3kg already. I’ll give one to Sunghoon. I’m worried about your toe. Cheer up! It hurts my heart to see him feeling sorry to us when he himself is probably disappointed too.
SH: I am really worried, so I’m trying not to move as much as possible before the concert. I’ll say this to all the members: Right now seems to be perfect, so let’s take care of ourselves a little more! We never know, anything can happen at any time.
JJ: I’ll do one for the fans! While 2016 was focused more on talking about the past 16 years, next year will be the year that we will get to write our new story. We’ll work hard to exceed your expectations, so let’s have fun and spend a good year together.
SW: Jiwon-hyung’s knee cartilage is in a really bad condition right now. If it gets worse, we won’t be able to do team activities, so I would like for him to not use his foot to “caress” us- use your hand instead (laughs).
JD: Now that I think about it, Jaejin’s wrist is also bad. I think we really are at that age where we have to care about our health.
SW: As our bucket list next year, let’s all get a health check-up.
Ok, it’s time to give us the last hint about the new song.
JW: (Ponders for a while) Five.


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 Author| Post time 3-3-2017 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 3-3-2017 11:47 AM
haha aku follow rm out of love for the fam.
Amboi, Syik dh jadi tukang penyedia link plak kt sini ...

aku dah copy.. sila baca post di atas.. hahaha..

tetiba aku jadi tukang sedia link..

selagi boleh..aku tempek la..

selagi ada kudrat.. cewah.. hahaha

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Post time 3-3-2017 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 3-3-2017 12:12 PM
aku dah copy.. sila baca post di atas.. hahaha..

tetiba aku jadi tukang sedia link..

ada satu lagi interview, Suwon mentioned "connection is more important than money" lebih kurang mcm tu lah bunyik nyer

tq Syik... kan tadi bagitu kat Star you cepat carik

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Post time 3-3-2017 12:21 PM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 3-3-2017 12:10 PM
tak silap suwon degree dlm lakonan kan??

Jaeduck sakit apa ni?? Haish aku lak risau.
Baca tu sambil bayangkan cmne diorg berckp haha

If we have the opportunity, I want to meet more international fans before it’s too late.
Sedih lak baca ni, tah bila dpt jumpa lol. Or at least hrp aku dpt move on.
Tp nmpk gaya cm susah sbb sendiri asyik dok cr info diorg haha.

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Post time 3-3-2017 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Akoobabes at 3-3-2017 12:29 PM

Suwon degree lam lakonan... yep betul... @Syik_Gojet

sama Uni ngan Gong Yoo...

Dia da mentioned lam Arirang part degree tuu

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