kisah benarku..berniaga kecil kecilan..U Trust Public Mutual
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Originally posted by AwangAli at 4-12-2007 03:04 PM
salam cenggitu..
boss tu memang sibok..
die tengah duk sibuk mengira "Wang"..
aku rase boleh jer kalau ko nak join gruop kami..
ape2 hal..ko call die balik..dan harap bersabar dengan kesibu ...
baru balik appoinment...Balik berehat jap, psl souviniers dalam kereta dah habis..lupa nak replenish. Jap lagi ada appinment lagi..
Total collect cheque dan bank draft. RM 160,000 hari ini... |
Originally posted by frapamocha at 4-12-2007 03:13 PM
1. First holder - nama bapak/mak
Require IC
First holder need to sign
2. Joint holder - nama anak
Require birth cert/my kid if below 12 yrs old
My kad if ada my kad
thank Sis.. |
Originally posted by AwangAli at 4-12-2007 03:22 PM
molek jugak..
nanti buleh jadi referance untuk org yang tak tau macam aku..
ke aku sorang je tak tau..
1) space nak thumprint tu..kat signature join holder ker..space macam kecik jer..
kalu bwh 18thn tak payah.. cuma mykid dia kena photostat...
[ Last edited by edypublicmutual at 4-12-2007 03:28 PM ] |
Awang, mu punya baharom suboh dah dapat..
Next time kena tulis....
Baharom subuh.IC 4329887,,(Awang Ali).. |
Originally posted by kirawang at 4-12-2007 03:24 PM
baru balik appoinment...Balik berehat jap, psl souviniers dalam kereta dah habis..lupa nak replenish. Jap lagi ada appinment lagi..
Total collect cheque dan bank draft ...
humanggg aiii.. RM 160 000.
thank bohh..checking dah dapat..
[ Last edited by AwangAli at 4-12-2007 03:37 PM ] |
Originally posted by edypublicmutual at 4-12-2007 03:27 PM
kalu bwh 18thn tak payah.. cuma mykid dia kena photostat...
thank bro.. |
1. Workshop..Presentation skills..How to make presentation skill. We learn from seniors and Junior consultants
2, Motivation Talk by Humaidi..
Potential consultants yang interested, untuk sesi brirfing, sila hadir jam 8-30 malam.
Sila call my Handpone no 012 3811974
[ Last edited by kirawang at 4-12-2007 03:54 PM ] |
Originally posted by kirawang at 4-12-2007 03:44 PM
wuii market sudah tinggi aaa.... |
muningggggggggggg kemuninggggggggg hehe
lapoooooooooooooooo |
Salam Bohh..
sales untuk bulan(g) november tak update lagi ker kat web univestgroup..yang ade kat situ sale untuk bulan(g) sept. je..
nak jugak tau sale geng2 lain boss.. |
ko nak tau sales ker commission awang........ |
nak tanya lagi....la ni pasal dividen/distribution plak.
setahun berapa kali declare? sekali (final) atau 2 kali (interim n final)?
semua fund sama...or depends? |
Kat kelas CUTE semlm, dorang cakap by next year nak apply jadik PDUT strict skit procedurenyer sbb PM tak nak appoint PDUT 'tido'! (mudah2an tak termasuklah dlm golongan tuh.....)
Pastu, sib baiklah exam dah set on 5/1/08. If lepas date nih, ada perubahan dlm manual FMUTM. Kena keep updatedlah!
Formula utk calculation payah gak ek Suspen gak nak sit for exam nanti..... |
Public Mutual declares distributions for 8 funds
Public Bank抯 wholly-owned subsidiary, Public Mutual declares distributions for eight of its funds. The gross distributions declared are for financial year / period ended 30 November 2007:
Public Ittikal Fund - Gross distribution of 10.00 sen per unit
Public Dividend Select Fund - Gross distribution of 3.75 sen per unit
Public Islamic Equity Fund - Gross distribution of 5.00 sen per unit
Public Far-East Select Fund - Gross distribution of 4.00 sen per unit
Public Regional Sector Fund - Gross distribution of 3.50 sen per unit
Public Far-East Dividend Fund - Gross distribution of 2.00 sen per unit
Public Balanced Fund - Gross distribution of 10.00 sen per unit
Public Islamic Balanced Fund - Gross distribution of 2.25 sen per unit
Public Mutual抯 Chairman Tan Sri Dato |
Reply #9655 syeffy's post
jgn wisau sheffy....akak takkan bg sheffy 'tido' nya.
* tgh cekak pinggang smbil pegang rotan nih
Reply #9657 Jelita's post
Wakakaka.........ish, takutnyer....... |
dividend/distribution declares once or twice a year?
tanya k.jel..selalunya dapat jawapan segera...efficient n effective. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi