Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te
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dani-rox replied at 23-6-2019 11:36 PM
"Her marrying an ugly white prince is all it took for people to become die-hard fans." - kata acik L ...
walhal ramai lg prince hansem dan kaya |
masalahnya takda prince hensem dan kaya nakkan Rachel. Prince Harry tuh umpama rezeki terpijak... mesti MM tak sangka ropa2nya PH lebih desperado drpd celebs gred z UK buruannya selama ini. low hanging fruit, bak kata omputeh 
emptybotol replied at 23-6-2019 04:30 PM
ni mcm ugutan bunuh jaa utk family cambridge.
gila dah suku sakat meggot nih |
chooiiii.... dia memang lawyer okay. loyar buruk 
dia masa kawen trevor engelson da mengaku dia lawyer... pastu jadi aktres. ni la orang kata... meggot ni ikut sapa laki dia. laki 1st lawyer, dia pon jadi lawyer... laki no.2 director dia jadi aktress, la ni laki no.3 prince... dia pon jadi princess of UK she has no identity of her own. agama pon convert ikut laki... feminist apa cenggitu 
Rachel's Bio (https://www.mylife.com/rachel-en ... p;ct=clnk&gl=my)
Rachel Engelson is 37 years old and was born on 08/04/1981. Rachel's Reputation Score is 3.60. Rachel Engelson currently lives in Beverly Hills, CA; in the past Rachel has also lived in Los Angeles CA. Other names that Rachel uses includes Rachel Markle, Rachel M Markle and Rachel Meghan Markle. Right now Rachel is an Attorney at Pansky and markle. We know that Rachel's political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; ethnicity is Other; and religious views are listed as Christian. Rachel is now married and has no kids. Rachel's personal network of family, friends, associates & neighbors include Yvonne Rasmussen, Trevor Engelson, Thomas Markle, Doris Markle and Catherine Schweizer. Rachel's annual salary is between $50 - 59,999; properties and other assets push Rachel's net worth over $50,000 - $99,999.
Birthday: 8/4/1981
Political Party: Democrat
Ethnicity: Other
Religion: Christian
Income: $50 - $59,999
Net Worth: $50,000 - $99,999
Relationship: Married
Kids: Info Pending...
I x rasa suxsex nnti ada foundation sendiri yg mcm kate will and charles camilla
diaorg minor royal jah pun |
judicata replied at 24-6-2019 09:16 AM
chooiiii.... dia memang lawyer okay. loyar buruk
Bukankah dia feminist? Kenapa tak fight her ambition sendiri? Kenapa follow the husband's? Aiyoo |
eva replied at 23-6-2019 11:33 PM
defo sis... I bc somewhere c meggot ni recruiters utk yatching in other word mak hayam gak...
If only there’s a concrete evidence that she really did recruited innocent girls, mmg that’s a checkmate for her. Fight for feminist my foot lah kalau betul.
I reall cant wait for her to be doomed actually. Geram dgn stans dia some more. |
mrsjones replied at 24-6-2019 09:13 AM
ni mcm ugutan bunuh jaa utk family cambridge.
gila dah suku sakat meggot nih
Ugutan bunuh utk cambridges ni dah lama dah. Wayyyy before little archie ada lagi. Like dia punya stans mmg crazy |
dani-rox replied at 23-6-2019 11:09 PM
kalau tak berfantasi kematian Cambridges, sugars ni akan doxxing dan ada yg cuba hancurkan real li ...
Kannnnn. Crazy attracts crazy. Yes sis dani. Nasib baik twitter bertindak.
For me, i rasa mmg MZ ada perjanjian dgn MM ni kot. Sbb every hate pages yg kutuk the cambridges, bila report, like ages lah diorg nak take actions. I dah pernah reported a few pages, siap diorg reply those pages tak langgar guidelines diorg. Anyhow, i respect twitter sbb tak termakan umpan MM. Kalau tak, mau twit handle sussexroyal tu diorg dah bagi kat MM like how MZ bagi kat SR. |
emptybotol replied at 24-6-2019 08:34 PM
If only there’s a concrete evidence that she really did recruited innocent girls, mmg that’s a c ...
kan.. sgt la doom..
anyway yg satire psl meggot nak cut Kate tu.. hehehe mana ada kecoh mcm sugar kata dia buat cam lawak je..
question.. do have sister.. next question pls  |
the last time Kate pergi Asia Tour.. masa tu ngandung Lottie..
bygkan dia nak ke Asia Tour lagi... ntah ntah dia mmg berisi  |
dani-rox replied at 24-6-2019 12:43 AM
masalahnya takda prince hensem dan kaya nakkan Rachel. Prince Harry tuh umpama rezeki terpijak... ...
itu je yg mampu dia capai..
at least angela diam diam dpt billionaire prince hahahah meggot dpt skint prince haahahaha |
kosukeconan replied at 24-6-2019 09:44 AM
I x rasa suxsex nnti ada foundation sendiri yg mcm kate will and charles camilla
diaorg minor roy ...
minor mcm andrew, anne and edward ada trust sendiri.. tp ph nak ngada ada foundation.. gross kan hehehe |
Edited by eva at 24-6-2019 10:43 PM
spitting image of Diana, PC, PW and PH

eva replied at 24-6-2019 10:41 PM
spitting image of Diana, PC, PW and PH
Kelakar sioy...besar telinga pun   |
atie77 replied at 24-6-2019 10:50 PM
Kelakar sioy...besar telinga pun
sib baik PW handsem ngan kacamata... harry mmg besar telinganya  |
eva replied at 24-6-2019 10:41 PM
spitting image of Diana, PC, PW and PH
Harry buruknya adoi |
Cenderakirana9 replied at 24-6-2019 11:53 PM
Harry buruknya adoi
inherited dr PC |
kylie buat kat twitter 
how sweet.. PW lahir on their 2nd Anniversary 
| |