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kyaaaa... bigbang nak ke vietnam!!! confirm ke tu???
mai la singgah malaysia.... dah dekat dah tu...
Reply 900# stanum123
ERGH! saya gi vietnam dgn family 20-22 april! ala melepas! -_____-" ohokhokhok |
aik ke vietnam jer? meh la singgah.. |
[NEWS] 120206 BIGBANG is coming to Vietnam for Coca Cola Sound Fest 2012!!!
The event is said ...
stanum123 Post at 6-2-2012 15:38 
melesia mana melesia?? :@:@ kt peta diorang ni mesia da tpadam ke??  |
[TRANS] TOP, blue hair is only the beginning… Other members’ hairstyles “far more shocking”.
With their comeback nearing on the 29th, Big Bang TOP’s teaser photo was released. It revealed the shocking new transformation and concept, leaving it up to netizens to foreshadow that the rest of the members’ hairstyles will be just as big of a transformation.
On the 6th, TOP revealed a photo of himself on the YG Entertainment blog where it showed his bright sky-blue hair and intense masculine beauty. As this photo first reached out to the online public, many fans began posting on their personal online blogs and/or SNS accounts saying, “TOP’s eyes and hair are so overwhelming and powerful” and “First the silver hair and now the blue hair, he can pull it off perfectly”.
But apparently, YG says this is only the beginning. During a phone call on the 6th with OSEN News, they garnered much more anticipation when they stated that, “The other members have most definitely taken the risk to transform into something just as shocking as TOP has. They have especially put forth a lot of effort in their hair to better surprise their fans.”
In addition, they have also added that, “A diverse spectrum of fashion for each member will also be seen throughout this new album,” and “Not only have we stressed on showing off the masculinity like we did with TOP, but we have also been planning many different concepts to reveal as well.”
Irrelevant information omitted.
Source: Stoo.com
Translation: swaggalevel-1000.tumblr.com
sape excited sile goyang2 badan!!      |
Reply adikmanis
tabi..kau kenapa?? rambut biru...oksigen siap..asthma ker??
skymania Post at 6-2-2012 11:06 AM 
katanyer nk berkonsepkan oxygen bagai... tp camne ek nk kaitkan rambut kaler biru tu ngan oxygen yg dia pegang tu???
ape konsep sebenarnye neh?? (sorry soklan yg sangat tidak bijak dari seorg VIP yg cam biskut cam iolzz neh  |
Reply 911# skymania
naked keseluruhannya? 
Waaa...ada gang baru!! annyeong idadae!!
hehe..welkam to BB's mansion..saya cik stanum a ...
stanum123 Post at 6-2-2012 11:59 AM 
cik stan bab2 spazzing sal bdk2 BB ni mmg no.1 .. ai like...
thanks ye sbb sudi bkk dn jaga umah ni tanpa masalah  |
Reply 915# nzhass79
tapi jarang nampak TOP pakai baju yg exposing skin.
ke sy je yg jrg tgk?  |
Reply nzhass79
tapi jarang nampak TOP pakai baju yg exposing skin.
ke sy je yg jrg tgk? ...
ah_mao Post at 6-2-2012 11:32 PM 
ah mao, sebenarnya saya pon rasa cam u rasa... sbb saya sendiri pon mmg tak pernah jumpe dia pakai baju2 cenggitu..
takpe.. kita tgk nanti vip lain plak camne... kot la sye je rasa tak pernah tgk... VIP cam biskut cma saya ni mmg seme mende tak tau hehehehe.... |
Reply 918# nzhass79
vip biskut? hihi kalau kak ida camtu, sy ni dah tahap vip ape la pulak ye. haha. tapi betul la. rasa mcm pnah gak dengar one of my friends yg ckp mmg top tak suka dedah2kan skin dia ittew  |
Reply 917# skymania
tido menghadap muka diorang, sambil membayangkan mereka dlm keadaan yang.. dan teruslah bermimpi.
hahahahh.kalau pakai proper pun semua merembes, mcm mana lah nanti harus pengsan semua vip |
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