Salam..gud moning VIP semua!! stanum ada ronda2 kat website ibigbang semlm..kecoh plak para VIP igt ...
stanum123 Post at 26-5-2011 09:33
wsalam sis tu la pasal kan..tetiba meroyan...yg VIP indonesia pun bajet2 nk turun..weh,BB wat concert kt Indon r kt sini lagi la BB xdtg...pastu nk jeles2 bagai...tah pape motipp sgt BB nk dtg juz 4 dance competition
Reply 901#adikmanis
Khenn...sibuk ajer...event kecek cemetot ni pun derang nak dtg..agak2 la..kecian kat VIP mesia yg berjanggut tggu BB least ada event ni, terasa sket aura BB berkembang kat sini kan (pinjam ayat sushi..hihi)...wah! curlast kau dah tukar avvy jidi dgn VI tuh! jelesss...
Reply adikmanis
Khenn...sibuk ajer...event kecek cemetot ni pun derang nak dtg..agak2 la..kecian ...
stanum123 Post at 26-5-2011 11:59
setelah AM moyan xdpt tukar avvy,akhirnye dtg savior tolong AM memula nk ltak avvy seungri tp besar letak lak avvy ni...hehe..
tu la pasal...BB xdtg,rep from YG pon jadik la..diorang tu dpt g concert pon xpuas2 lagi
cha seung won is currently acting in ‘Best Love/Greatest Love’ and he’s heartbroken since the girl he likes doesn’t like him back so when he hears GD’s “Heartbreaker” he starts singing like he’s drunk
~alee ibigbang
lawak gile cha seung won
adikmanis Post at 26-5-2011 12:19 PM
kekeke chy folo drma ni,mmg happy giler gelak guling2 la mse dgr dier bwa lgu heartbreaker ni
chy dah teka dah,mesti ade selit2 skit YG-ish dlm drma nih sbb yoo in na ader blakon dlm ni kan mcm secret garden nmpk bb jek slalu nyelit
btw sal Halo! YG dance tu korang g rmai2 weh,mne tau ader suprise artis YG ke yg kot2 jae ke teddy ke
dlm msa yg same papa YG nmpk la sokongan pdu MVips ni,kot2 mimpi drg dtg cni tmakbul sape tau kan! mybe ni salah satu strategi halo & YG nak tgk sambutan fans kat msia ni,klu berbaloi bru sebok nak dtg,untung dah pasti bru nak mai mcm xtau our troll papa kan so go go go!
kekeke chy folo drma ni,mmg happy giler gelak guling2 la mse dgr dier bwa lgu heartbreaker ni :l ...
Chynez Post at 26-5-2011 23:59
hye chy best ke drama tu?xpenah tgk cha seungwon blakon AM baru tau yoo in na tu under YG pas tgk photoshoot nikon reramai tu
jom2 g tgk cmpetition tu...the more the merrier hakak stanum nk jadi ketua rombongan tu plz papa...pcayalah mVIP sangat ramai...papa je yg xtau angkutla BB barang skali dua ke msia yer asek2 spore je
hye chy best ke drama tu?xpenah tgk cha seungwon blakon AM baru tau yoo in na t ...
adikmanis Post at 27-5-2011 12:13 AM
chy confirm2 ah xleh g tunggu abg naga dtg bgik kapal selam suka hati miahaha
enjoy2 ah korang sume g lah miya! kak zu,kak stanum kak suhsi go go go!
chy pon tau psl yoo in na under YG mse tgk show heroes tu,ep1 dier yg invite taeyang wat performance i need a girl tuk charity gtu,ala yg scandl IU g kisu bae kat pipi tu haa show tulaa mse tu chy bru tau YIN ni under YG,bru je msuk ader ep bape ntah tu drg kne call artis yg drg rapat YIN kol jidi huwaa siap kate mmbr heroes dier pling suke YIN huwaa jerit sakan YIN
OT jap kekee,sal drama tu bgik chy best jeh sengal mcm tu ekeke..chy pon bfo nih tgk ch seung won blakon citer seyes action gtu,tkjut gak tgk dier blakon lam cite romance comedy gtu,tgk la best je lyn YIN jdik jahat kat cni tpi lawa
Reply 913#adikmanis
wah! camner plak la ahkak tetiba jadik ketua rombongan ni dek non??? hohohoh...malu I..I kan budak br belajar...kene la bg noona2 jd leader...I follow......jom jom jom!
tepek dulu b4 tgk TOP is awarded the BEST NEW MALE ACTOR of the Year and Popularity Award at the 47th Baeksang Arts Awards
TOP is awarded the BEST NEW MALE ACTOR of the Year and Popularity Award(Movie) at the 47th Baeksang Arts Awards held on 26 May 2011. He was nominated for his acting in the film 71-Into The Fire
Red Carpet
Actor Choi Seung Hyun (TOP) wins Best New Actor in the movie category at the BaekSang Arts Award.
Choi Seung Hyun won the award for Best New Actor for his role in the movie, ‘Into the Fire’ at the 47th BaekSang Arts Award held at Kyung Hee University in Seoul on May 26, 2011.
Choi Seung Hyun said, “I’m very thankful. The movie, ‘Into the Fire’ gave me a lot of chances so I’m very thankful. I also have to thank President Yang Hyun Suk, the director for ‘Into the Fire’, Kim Seung Woo, Kwon Sang Woo, Cha Seung Won sunbae-nims, and to all the student soldier sunbaes who gave me endless advice. It made me work hard to not fall behind, and aspire myself to become a better actor.‘
After winning Best Male Rookie in the 31st Blue Dragon Film Awards last November, Choi Seung Hyun’s challenging role as a student soldier in his first movie, ‘Into the Fire’ also earned him a second award tonight for Best New Actor. He also showed charisma acting in the hit TV series, ‘Iris’. This confirms Choi Seung Hyun’s number one popularity in both acting and singing.
News about winning Most Popular Award
After winning his second award of the night, Choi Seung Hyun said the following in his thank you speech, “I also want to thank my BIGBANG members, as well as all my friends in my fan club who give me enormous amounts of strength. This award is also dedicated to you.”
credit: mystifize@bbupdates,UnknownCarrot170 + gilbakk2010 @ YT/ tvpot PD @ Daum via iBigBang, ElectricLoveBB1 via BigBangUpdates