[090425/Kangin] Suju Kangin & Kim Byungman become MCs for "기막힌대결"
Gagman Kim Byungman and Super Junior Kangin have become the MCs for KBS's new variety show "게임쇼 기막힌 대결"
Kangin and Kim Byungman along with KBS's announcer Hwang Sookyeong and Han Seokjun have become the 4 MCs of the show for KBS's Spring reorganization. Therefore, it can bring energy to the show.
According to the production team, on the filming day, Kangin has showed people a gorgeous dance and also made a dance contest with Shiwon an Donghae
The show will aired at 10.55AM on April 26th
* "게임쇼 기막힌대결" : it can be literally "Gameshow stunned contest" but since I'm not good at translating title/name so I put the original Korean title and wait for the official translated name from KBS ^^
original article is here
translated by [email protected]
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits
[090424/SJ] Super Junior wins Music Bank monthly ranking
Everything is said in the title, I just realised it hadn't been posted anywhere news related and it needs to be. (and it's good for my 1000th post here ehe <3)
Super junior wins for the 2nd month in a row the monthly music bank charts, "crowned Kings of the Kings in April" with teary eyes.
I'm not translating the article because it's nothing new, but I loved the title so I just did that part xD <3
It basically says that they are very popular with their come back sorry sorry, blablabla, that they were in competition with SNSD Gee and Davinchi 8282 but Super Junior were the most popular (well, Gee was released in January, it would have been sad if they had won XD)
They say they proved once again their statut of great ido group etc.
SJ is like 'Platter of Nine Delicacies' (mixture of different food - Korean traditional). If we divide them up, they may seem to be plain, but put all together, they make a grand palace dish. Members work separately sometimes, but we never forget each other. SJ is not individual members, it's all 13 gathered together to complete the Platter of nine delicacies.
■ 려욱
나이는 제일 어리지만 ‘엄마’같은 존재다. 음식을 만들어 멤버들에게 먹이는 것을 좋아한다. 어떤 날은 ‘채소 베이컨’을 만들어 주며 말하더라. “형들이 야채를 너무 안 먹어서 어떻게 하면 골고루 잘 먹을까 고민하다가 잘게 썰어 베이컨이랑 섞어 봤다”고.
He's the youngest, but is a mother-figure. He likes to make dishes to feed our members. One day, he made a 'vegetable bacon' and said, "Hyungs don't eat vegetables, so I was thinking about how to feed them all the good things, so I chopped it up and mixed it with bacon".. (awwwwwwwww bless...)
■ 은혁
해물을 안 먹는다.
- Eunhyuk
Doesn't eat seafood. (so short and concise lol)
■ 강인
멤버 중 가장 미식가다. 맛있다고 소문난 집은 일부러 찾아가서 맛을 볼 정도.
- Kangin
The delicacy lover of the group. He even goes out to places where it's famous for that particular dish.
■ 동해
몸에 좋은 거라면 찾아서 챙겨먹는다. 별로 안 좋아하는 음식도 "이거 어디어디에 좋다더라"고 하면 못 이긴 척 하며 결국 맛을 본다.
- Donghae
He eats things that's good for his body. Even things he doesn't like, if he gets told that it's good for whatever part of his body, he'll get a taste of it (so cute....T_T)
■ 시원
식성만 보면 딱 뉴요커다. 에스프레소와 와플을 즐기는 그, 내가 봐도 좀 멋있다.
- Siwon
His tastes are like a New Yorker. He enjoys espresso and waffles. He looks cool, I think.
■ 이특
라면 1인분은 기가 막히게 잘 끓이는데 2인분은 못 끓인다. 신기하다
- Leeteuk
It's strange, he can make Ramen for 1, but not for 2.
■ 희철
야옹~. 뜨거운 음식을 못 먹는 전형적인 고양이 혀. 공기 밥도 그릇에 퍼놓고 식혀 먹는다.
- Heechul
Meow~ Has a typical kitten tongue. Can't eat hot (as in the temperature) food. He has to wait for his rice to cool down, even.
■ 기범
뭐든지 잘 먹고 많이 먹지만 운동 할 때는 엄격하게 식단조절을 한다. 자기관리에 철저한 편.
- Kibum
He eats a lot of everything, but restricts himself strictly when he's working out. He's really strict on looking after himself.
■ 한경
설렁탕에 깍두기 국물 부어 먹고, 라면 끓일 때 고춧가루, 파 넣어 먹는 거 보면 한국 사람보다 더 한식을 즐기는 것 같다.
- Hangeng
He pours kkakdukki sauce (kind of kimchi made with radish instead of chinese leaf) into 설렁탕 (type of soup).
When I see him put chilli powder and spring onion when making Ramen, it seems that he enjoys Korean food more than a Korean person.
■ 예성
조금씩 자주 먹는 소식가. 반찬을 집을 때 젓가락을 툭툭 터는 특이한 버릇이 있다.
- Yesung
He eats little, but often. He has a strange habit of tapping the chopstick when picking up the side dish. (lol my relatives do this too XD)
■ 성민
성격자체가 원래 남한테 잘 맞춰주는 스타일이라 먹을 때도 ‘형 먹고 싶은 걸로 먹자’며 양보한다. 취미나 식성 등 여러모로 나와 가장 잘 맞는 멤버이다.
- Sungmin
His character tends to be flexible, so he is more considerate to others when making choices. With food choices, he likes to concede his choice for me, so he says, choose food that Hyung want to eat. He is the member most similar to me with hobbies and tastes.
■ 규현
뭐든 잘 먹는다. 식성도 성격도 까다롭지 않은 편이다.
- Kyuhyun
He eats everything well. Not a fussy eater or a fussy person. (Aww Kyu... yes.. babies need to eat well lol)
translated by soundscape @ SJ-world.net
take out with full and proper credits, do not add your own credits.
rsnye neh dorg translate dr dong2
fail uri nampyeon bab msk2 neh
same cam minik die kekdahnyew
hehe nak tnye dgn korang nih..
tp sebab aku jarang dengar radio jadi nak tanye pernah xdengar lagu2 super junior kat radio dalam malaysia nih..
sebab dalam fikiran aku ni..
nak aje request kat radio2 yang sedia ade kat malaysia ni main lagu diorang..
tapi xsure boleh ke tak?
aku pun xpernah request2 kat radio nih.. babo
I made an audio rip for K.R.Y's performance of Toast at Chocolate, but the song is pretty nice and their vocals are good <3 (And I want it on my MP3 lol) Not sure whether it has been shared elsewhere, but it took me some time to rip one where the audio is somewhat decent ^^;
If anyone's wondering why the front part is a bit cut off, it's because I used CodeAnalysis's Youtube video to get this audio. Out of all the videos on Youtube that I've seen, his/her video sound is the loudest. It shouldn't matter much because only the part with the tinklish sound got cut off..?
I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to audio quality, I don't like it to sound too muffled on my MP3 player (especially if I have songs of good quality playing before or after it... it makes the rip sounds really bad D After experimenting with the different versions on my MP3 player, I found that CodeAnalysis' audio seemed to be the best (other than downloading a humongous HD Chocolate video, to which my hard drive scream NOooo)
harus la teukie blajo ckp bm senang nk berkomunikasi dgn in law die kang
pandai ckp apa khabar pn kre ok la...nnt me ajo perkataan len yg lebih bermakne