Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te
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chip92 replied at 21-6-2019 08:10 PM
Kiss light2 sudah, takpayah nak french kiss bagaiii. Bukan nak bikin film punnn
and he knows kat mana that mouth dah landing.. kat someone's salad  |
Edited by eva at 21-6-2019 09:07 PM
got this from skippyv20
Down the rabbit hole?
Hi Skippy! Devoted fan here! So thankful for everything you do to support HMTQ and the RF!
Hypothetically, of course, I believe there could be dots to connect between what is happening now and a peculiar post made late last summer by a certain “strong” twitter account and wanted to run this by you and your fabulous anons & helpers.
The twitter account stated (paraphrasing this first bit, as unfortunately I did not take a screen shot): the British print and TV media must immediately begin to show more respect to a certain Duchess OR ELSE high profile U.S. celebrities—such as TOM CRUISE AND WILL SMITH (these were the only two celebrities specifically cited in the post)—would refuse to do any and all future interviews with these British media outlets.
I didn’t think much of it at the time, but it has stuck with me. And now, with a certain U.S. “church” making headlines, it occurs to me that both of the celebrities highlighted in that twitter post are known or speculated to be part of this “religion”. Recently, high profile former members of this “church” have alleged that the “church” conducts VIDEOTAPED ‘audits’, where the member confesses (in detail) all activities considered sinful. The “church” allegedly also compels its members to completely ghost anyone (including parent & siblings) who are not part of this “faith”.
Perhaps I’ve lost the plot, but do you think it is possible that operating under the guise of this religion, a certain Spongey someone attempted to “recruit” a beloved Prince, who then made the huge mistake of participating in an “audit”??? She could then claim that her own “audits” (as well as his) would be exposed if the prince didn’t “save” them both by marrying her, so that the “church” would have high level access into the RF. I know this sounds really out there, but I could never get past why the prince would actually marry someone who is blackmailing him (especially since blackmail is a crime, subject to serious jail time if guilty). In this hypothetical scenario, the prince (falsely) believes that the woman loves him and they are BOTH victims of blackmail. That is, until…a State Visit brings the Trump card…perhaps wiretapped conversations from a certain NYC hotel suite, which would also explain why the RF allowed that baby shower extravaganza even though the PR optics were terrible Thoughts??? Thank you so much in advance for indulging my hypothetical meanderings!
jwpn skippy :
Very interesting! Actually I have said numerous times this is all the same set up as Church of Scientology. How and I feel they tie into this I doubt it. But certainly many of the same “steps”. This has always been a out more than Harry. She cocerced this marriage because for her, the agenda was all about revenge. The backers just wanted an in to get the BRF attention. That was her purpose…but like I said…she was driven by revenge. I don’t know if we will get much background info about any of the goings on, but we have received great info from our “helper” anons. I will grab London Scoop who did give us important info on the background goings on….thank you so much! Happy to have you with us.
klau betul..OMG |
Lottie first TTC

sib baik Kate betulkan baju Lottie 
DandelionW replied at 9-6-2019 07:27 PM
Kosong lagi rumah ye sis Joy.......iols tak pandai tepek.tgu yg lain la bawa masuk bahan rujukan..
Yeayyy da ade. Check in lu |
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 01:32 AM
Look up, kata Harry
Muke tak puas hati meggot hahaha |
sengaja... dia nak mengingatkan rakyat marhaen, wpun tgh sarat dia masih mampu kelihatan seksi 
tak psl2 hadirin yg dok kat bwh nampak spender dia. Ke bekas yachter memang takda rasa malu? hahaha
tingat ai pernah post psl undang2 buat surat beranak UK dlm lepas2. Kalau ikut perkiraan 42 hari lepas Archie lahir, so pertengahan bulan Jun dia dah ada surat beranak, yg rasmi hokeh bukan print out dari gugel image
kalau ikut logik sugars, bole jah. Meghan pakar yoga katanya 
biasalah... majalah sis, guna edit terlampau. kekadang tu sampai tak sama dgn muka asal retis.
Bnyk isu2 yang tak sedap didengar harry buat dr muda sampai ler beranak pinak. Kawin lak dengan megan. Tak habis2 masalah harry ni yerr |
the Cambridge atau lebih spesifik, Catherine Middleton? blog lama MM, the Tig pun byk sindir2 Kate.
MM is a narc, everything is a competition. Lebih2 lg Kate memiliki semua benda yg diimpikannya.
dani-rox replied at 21-6-2019 11:36 PM
sbb perut pernah melurut tiba2
Hurmmm.. I x sabar nak tau si archie ni betul2 wujud ke x... Lama sgt dh tggu game overnya.. Dr puasa sampai nak hujung syawal ni |
archie tu wujud, kalau tak masakan MM berani berlakon preggy hahaha... cuma PH dan MM patut come clean yg baby tu datang drpd surrogacy. byk sgt benda pelik dan tak masuk akal berkaitan dgn the suseks.
dani-rox replied at 22-6-2019 12:42 AM
archie tu wujud, kalau tak masakan MM berani berlakon preggy hahaha... cuma PH dan MM patut come c ...
Kan... Xsbr nak tau pengakhiran MM ni mcm mana... |
dani-rox replied at 22-6-2019 12:05 AM
the Cambridge atau lebih spesifik, Catherine Middleton? blog lama MM, the Tig pun byk sindir2 Kate ...
sindir Kate sbb dpt William...
dia kena scarf je oleh Will... itu sbb dia sakit ati kot.. cinta x berbalas  |
eva replied at 21-6-2019 05:21 PM
iyer.. wahhh... abis la dia.. lepas nie krna korek la sapa dalang2 dia..termasuk la kwn baik Hana ...
Elok jer trump balik terus kuar berita dah. Info2 yang you provide tu ada banyak yang betul nya. Keep giving info here . Tq .  |
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