chy pass ngan korang la ye AM stanum kakzu kak sushi n those silent readers ;) for further update umah ni ye,klu ade interesting infos ke anything chy akan try kongsi kat cni
so fo now chy nak kongsi ni rsanya xde lgik kan cni,xsempat backlog..dah ader yg sub infinity challenge BB part 1 yahoo
annyeong chy...lama xnmpak? bz eh?
thx chy tepek link mf...lmbat r donlod gune mu
adikmanis Post at 23-5-2011 01:34 PM
annyeong!! a'ah bz mian sgt2 chy update news sal drg ni kat twitter je,nak kongsi cni slalu lupe xde mse etc2 yg bkaitan *ehems* korang take over la yer,tuan umah tu pon busy jaga anak ikan jerung sume umah
kan kan happy sgt drg upload kat mf,mu bru2 ni x memberi kerjasama lgsung wuuwu nnt rjin2 tgk site tu
annyeong!! a'ah bz mian sgt2 chy update news sal drg ni kat twitter je,nak kongsi cni s ...
Chynez Post at 23-5-2011 13:50
VIP sume mmg tgh bizi kot...(tmasuk la iols) nnti ada masa ada la yg update tuh susah r nk donlod MU gine berukben...ip kongsi2 kot.. ni iols tgh donlod pkai MF..xsabor nk nengok top jd leader
annyeong!! a'ah bz mian sgt2 chy update news sal drg ni kat twitter je,nak kongsi cni s ...
Chynez Post at 23-5-2011 13:50
annyeong chy!! comeyy nya avvy uollz! ahkak jeles okehh....ahkak cilok gambar ni wat desktop ekk..woot woot! sukanya ada Infinity Challenge BB eng sub! misi mendonlod akan diteruskan mlm ini..hehehe...
btw, BB pya tour concert at Japan dh abess kan? kalau x silap, next stop diorg is indonesia rite? then in July kat s'pore plak...apa nih?? bila nk dtg mesia nih???
VIP sume mmg tgh bizi kot...(tmasuk la iols) nnti ada masa ada la yg update tuh ...
adikmanis Post at 23-5-2011 01:59 PM
kan,chy pon xtgk sgt lg ingt nak beli la making big show nih,xnak sdot nak tgk kat tv bru best tpi kann ongkos nye
annyeong chy!! comeyy nya avvy uollz! ahkak jeles okehh....ahkak cilok gambar ni wat desktop ekk ...
stanum123 Post at 23-5-2011 02:07 PM
annyeong! first of all welcome! ehee nnt rjin2 ye updte cni chy xdpt dah nah catch up cni
ehee cilok je chy pon cilok nih kat tumblr
a'ah japan tour dah abes,risau ngan jidi nye injured tu,seb bek xla truk sgt hopefuly dier rawat elok2 jgn keje keras sgt mls nak komen ah drg x g cni kite g korea lak big show 2012 jom! ekeke
okeh chy nak out dlu nnt ape2 chy msok lgi ye VIPs hwaiting!
huhuhu...nanges la kita sesama AM...nampak gayanya, better la kita kumpol2 duit dr skang buat pegi tgk big Show 2012 kat South Korea nun..nak hrp diorg dtg sini, alahai...nan hado la jawabnya...
huhuhu...nanges la kita sesama AM...nampak gayanya, better la kita kumpol2 du ...
stanum123 Post at 23-5-2011 14:23
klau korang g korea,kem salam kt seungri oppa eh...nnti AM bekalkan rendang tok utk oppa
mak AM kompem xkasi pegi punye...nk2 arge tiket je da bape {:1_126:}
alololo..jgn nangeh AM...stanum pun verangan je nak redah sampai ke korea sana nun semata2 nk tgk BB..but, we never know rite...hikhikhik..amboi! nak bekalkan rendang tok tuh! musti melompat2 adik seungri suka!! hahaha...
alololo..jgn nangeh AM...stanum pun verangan je nak redah sampai ke korea sana ...
stanum123 Post at 23-5-2011 14:53
haha...takut die melompat2 tahan pedas je tetibe tebayang seungri jamah rendang tok
hari tu AM dgr mmg geng2 ni ada plan nk g korea taun bukan tgk bigshow ghasernye..xigt plak
(INFO) Halo! YG Day Dance Competition in Malaysia
KNUKEast is the official event organizer for this upcoming event, Halo! YG Day (in collaboration with Halo Music Malaysia and YG Entertainment of Korea). Halo would like to celebrate the official arrival of YG Entertainment into Malaysian shores by holding the abovementioned event as the ice breaker and for fans of YG Family to get together for a fun-filled day. During the event, there will be a dance competition for all K-pop lovers (with Terms and Conditions to be disclosed closer to date) and of course lots of attractive prizes to be won on the day itself.
Details will be updated!
Credit : Halo Music + @knukeast + 21Bangs
baru inform je...details pon xtau AM da tlebih excited
alahai chomelnyerrr jidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kalah pompuan oii! rasa nak kidnap je budak chumil nih...hihihi..owh! tak leh lupa dae sung pya watak dlm pSG parody...smell....smell...smell...
baru nak hupdate....tq AM, tolong hupdatekan
yg ni kita reramai wajib pegi. tak kira... ada meeting apa sekalipun, i'll be there!
nak nahnges...nak lompat...nak bergolek...sume ada skang ni...yippie!!!!!
(walopon YG artists takde, at least the aura of YGE dah ada tempias2nye kat malaysia...yay!)