mak aih...bestnya tgk pic..rajin tol korg tampal pic
dgn lajunya aku telah mengsave(halal ye)
mm...memg aku suka dgn sume pasal twilight
kekdg aku mcm x normal plak
umur dah 28 tp minat cite n novel ni mcm bdk belasan tahun
agak2 korg2 fanatik twilight ni muda ke tua dr aku?ihihihih |

Skinny Jeans ke si Rob pakai???  |
Reply #864 kuntakpindek's post
ramai org tua yg minat twilight series ni actually. harix2 naik train ade aje nampak org baca buku twilight series ni. ade satu mamat in his lates 20 pun minat jugak.
so not only for teens.
lepas the released of the movie, makin ramai org lak yg baca buku ni.
[ Last edited by baduglyu at 9-1-2009 09:31 PM ] |
halu...sume...lame da xjengok thread nih...thread t'aktif dlm bod movies...hehe...credit to all twilighters....
btw,ak br pas abis m'donlod torrent muvee twilight neh...
so,skrg tgh dok m'hayati la aksi2 RobSten.....
adeh...duk teruje n sengih sorg2....naseb la duk sorg2...kalo x mesti org pelik tgk gelagat ak...
neway,yuni....da dpt ke 'the Twilight movie companion' 2?tebal x?rege die bley tahan mhal eh...
abeh la duet scholar ak cemnih...huhu |
Reply #856 Yuni's post
buku ni setakat gambar2 je ke?
tak menahan tgk |
Reply #862 Yuni's post
if rob playing that guitar wif kristen, mesti duduk dekat2 kan. wif eye contact n body language n all.. lain mcm jer..tak mcm bila kris dgn michael angie ni |
Reply #868 fzmm's post
yup ni mmg thread paling active kat board movie. harix2 ade aje update (mostly gambo rob dgn kristen).
soon thread new moon lak yg aktif. tak lama lagi berpindah la twilighters kat forum ni ke thread NEW MOON since shooting dah nak dekat start. ah start la korang letak lagi banyak gambo. makin active la nampkanya. |
Reply #862 Yuni's post
rm69.90??alamak...Budget dh lari..haha..Cz kt reserved the box set..So 2 add another 1,it will b a big NO frm my dad!huhu.. Nvm..Tunggu kt blk nanti..Mudah2han msh ade..huhu.. |
Reply #859 ladydolph's post
really?best nyer!nvm..When i'm bck in Kuching,mek carik ktk..Pnjm 4 fotostate.. opps..Kluar plak bhs s'wak..Sorry..=) |
Reply #862 Yuni's post
Ah!This pics!Pnh tgk..But x ingt plak kat mana..hehe...MA ni pandai gak ker main guitar?or juz pose2 gitu jer? |
Reply #865 .N.A.'s post & Reply #869 arisa_imamura's post
it's twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion aka twilight story + photobook ; price - RM69.90  |
Originally posted by fzmm at 9-1-2009 09:43 PM 
halu...sume...lame da xjengok thread nih...thread t'aktif dlm bod movies...hehe...credit to all twilighters....
btw,ak br pas abis m'donlod torrent muvee twilight neh...
so,skrg tgh dok m'hayati la aksi2 RobSten.....
adeh...duk teruje n sengih sorg2....naseb la duk sorg2...kalo x mesti org pelik tgk gelagat ak...
neway,yuni....da dpt ke 'the Twilight movie companion' 2?tebal x?rege die bley tahan mhal eh...
abeh la duet scholar ak cemnih...huhu
ya! online jugak ko eks AKHIRNYA? :pompom: mana link YT utk cik tembikai_bulat kita? :re:
oh! ko dah d/load eks? ada bdk kat cnie mentioned yg dia d/load kat torrent gaks, tp scene @ part yg kissed 2 katanya gelap? aku x koselah naks men'torrent'2 nie aku d/load DDL jerk, skang nie ngah d/load Part 02 out of 04 nanti naks carik gaks lah dvd twilight nie kat s&m, kotaraya (hehe..), sementara tunggu the ori. dvd released yg x tahulah bila?!
aahh dpt dah, suka tul aku!! altogether ada 141 m/s.. smlm x sempat tgk, baca & belek habis pun.. tup2 aku dah tertitun! tp ko mmg kena belilah beb, WAJIB! nanti yg bln 9 nyer, yg ver. stephenie meyer rega RM79.90.. so kalu rasa2 naks beli, silalah mula menyimpan dari skang eks?!  |
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