Originally posted by LVgirl at 28-5-2007 01:26 PM
London selalu nyer bila start sale?Biasala orang perempuan kalau tak shopping tak sah namanyer
kalu dah start summer, mmg ade summer sale gile2.. kalu tak silap end of jun sampai le abis summer. Aku advise ko pulun shopping time tu sbb takleh dpt same hg kat m'sia for certain items. |
Boxing Day..lepas Krimas..26/12 |
berapa degree kat London sekarang ni? |
saff This user has been deleted
Reply #835 LVgirl's post
LVgirl boleh check dekat Yahoo Weather, rasanya dalam 15 darjah C skg ni, high 22, low 10
Saya dah confirm ke London pada mid Ogos ni.
Ada sesiapa pernah booking hotel kat Paris guna venere.com. Ok ke?
hostelworld tu agak mahal utk accomodation kat paris |
Reply #836 saff's post
hi Saff,I'm going to London tomorrow nite and after 1weeks I will go to Paris and will stay kat Saint Avargor Hotel.The price only Euro 250 for 3 night. |
hello everyone. just got back fm london last night. my children tak nak balik even after staying for 17 days.. maybe tak seronok sbb their father will still be in uk for the next 2 weeks kut. although sepatutnya dah summer but the bank holiday weekends, uk was colder than the arctic circle.
will update later... now dekat rumah parents.. |
boring aaahh balik msia..missing london very much.. 17 days kat sana kira sempat lah absorb lifestyle londoners.. tapi,.. huge damage to our wallets lah, living in london ni..
day 1 of my arrival, my husband terus drove us to Swindon factory outlet. ingat nak rest kat bilik dulu, but since he rented a car for that weekend rugi lah tak pegi jln2.. b4 going to swindon, a msian friend in wokingham invited us for lunch. So, off we went.. tapi sampai wokingham, we called his moblile so many times tapi tak
dpt. dekat 2 jam pusing wokingham tu with my husband's rusty memory of the directions to this man's house sbb dia pun baru pergi once shj & it was at night. so afer wasting 2 hours, we finally decided to leave for swindon. by the time we reached the outlet we had only about 2 hours to shop! 30mins dah wasted on lunch/tea sbb my kids were starving! in the end we all cuma sempat bought a couple of shoes & sandals fm clark's (none for my own feet!), a RL sweater for my daughter who's freezing. Finally, husband's friend called sbb wondering apsal we all tak sampai2 lagi rumah dia.. rupanya the mobile reception was very bad in his area. so, we had dinner at his home. lepas dinner, baru balik London. Midnight baru sampai. dah la letih, tgk bilik hotel pulak, alahai... mcm sarang tikus! can't believe the richest company in msia booked such hotel for its executives.. cheh!:@ |
day 2 - pagi2 dah keluar pergi wokingham lagi, sbb ada car boot sale! heheh.. best betul! tapi we were told that day, half vendors tak ada sbb previous weekend hujan lebat, so diorg takut the following weekend pun hujan, tak ramai org dtg so diorg pun tak menjual! beli lah a few toys yg hg murah2 & i bought a cute hooded winter jacket for my daughter for 1 GBP.! the best bargain i ever had! if i had known, i wouldn't have bought her the RL sweater that cost me 25GBP. damage! damage! |
cik muslyn, thx for your notes on the london trip. still cold ke? alamak, thot that by June dah okay...........![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif)
[ Last edited by ronnie at 6-6-2007 11:52 AM ] |
Ronnie, according to my husband, weather is getting warmer. but beware my friend!! for UK's wether is very unpredictable. Just spare a denim jacket or lightweight sweater for nightime in case temp drops to 12-15 celcius. that's not too bad kan? in my case, nasib baik sgt2 my sis in law insisted i borrow her peacoat & leather jacket! if not, menggigil I, coz when i was there, the temp dropped as low as 6 degrees at night!
btw, i must mention this to everyone that Emirates is really.. really good! not only it's cheaper by couple of hundreds, service is good! food is good! entertainment is excellent! i'm definitely going to fly again with emirates! walaupun kena transit kat Dubai a few hours, (in my case, 5 hours b4 connecting to london) but with only me & my two small children, 5 hours transit is nothing lah! tiba2 masa berlalu mcm tu je,.. sempat pegi toilet, sempat breakfast, solat subuh and.. ohh.. not forgetting, bergaduh dgn 'bibik' indon yg bodoh! (camana aku tak panggil bodoh, i tgh tunggu my daughter wee wee dlm toilet stall which just seconds b4 we went in tak de org, & seconds after, these 'bibik'2 indons pun memenuhi toilet tersebut, so i waited for her outside the stall, and this 'bibik' tiba2 potong queue diri betul2 depan pintu that her face mcm dah melekat kat pintu tu. So i said to her, " diri belakang sikit, kenapa diri depan2 pintu nanti org kat dlm susah nak keluar!" dia pun dgn blurnya ketepi sikit, pastu my daughter pun keluar, dia nak masuk dulu. aku pun bengang lah! i said, "saya masuk dulu! awak tunggu giliran!" bila aku masuk, tiba2 minah tu masuk sekali dgn aku dlm toilet! gila ke hapa dia nih? time ni aku dah hilang sabar lah, so i shouted at her " awak ni tak faham bahasa ke? kenapa awak masuk dgn saya! SAYA MASUK DULU! KELUAR!" dia pun tersengih2 mcm kerang busuk & went out! isshh tak paham aku! kat airport tu, ramai betul warga nih! about
60% of them kat airport dubai tu! dah lah bising mcm kat pasar, dlm ramai2 tu (ramai yg bertudung) i saw only a couple of them je yg solat subuh kat surau airport tu, & i was there from masuk waktu subuh sampai habis subuh. then we headed for MC D for breakfast sbb anak2 starving.. pastu, masuk waiting lounge dah..
see? 5 hours transit rasa sekejap je if you keep yourself busy, in my case, jaga anak2 drp hilang kat airport pun dah cukup handfull. |
continue with day 2, lepas car boot, we drove to oxford which is about an hour journey fm basingstoke (tpt car boot sale) dah sampai oxford, masalah pulak! tak tau mana nak park! we didn't have oxford map so main redah je.. in the end, instead of sightseeing by foot, jadi sightseeing fm the car window je! dah lah traffic jam plak kat oxford. dekat 2 jam masa terbuang mencari jln, & mencari tpt nak park + sesat! last2 dpt snap pictures sikit2 je.. tu pun my husband terpaksa wait in the car sbb my son tgh tidur. luckily, hari tak panas to wait in the car with engine off. kalau kat msia,.. krim slm laahh...
after a long walk & sore feet + a few snaps, wel left oxford & headed to Warwick castle. disebabkan sesat kat oxford bila nak cari jln keluar ke motorway M bpa ntah, we arrived warwick castle just an hour b4 it closed! hmm jln jauh jugak.. budak2 dah start buat perangai, whinning & whinging etc.. so we took pictures at the entrance of the castle! how pathetic is that! tak nak waste time, my husband ajak pergi cotswold jugak the same day, though i thought nak ke cotswold during the long bank hliday weekend the following week. tapi takut tak sempat or maybe plan bertukar, pergi jugak cotswold. the best region is the gloucestershire. off we went.. headed to Chipping campden via stratford on avon, the birthplace of william shakespear. kira kampung aahh.. cotswold ni, is where the time stood still. mcm mana rumah2 & kampung2 looked like a few hundred years ago, mcm tu lah jugak sekarang.. with thatched roof cottages, honey coloured stones buildings.. tu lah ciri2nya... the sceneries are simply breathtaking.. mana2 spots yg we all rasa cantik, we stopped to take pictures.. we didn't have much time to lepak2 at cotswold or to explore beautiful villages in the region. sempat stop at chipping campden shj.. sunyi betul kampung nih.. i rasa my family lah yg memcahkan kesunyian situ with our laughter, & my scream to the children.. wonder the locals offended ke tidak dgn kitorg but we hardly seen anyone on the street that day..
matahari pun almost setting..& we all tak solat zuhur-asar lagi.. so we stopped at the service centre & prayed in the car. after that, balik hotel at queens garden, not to far fm bayswater & paddington. I pun cari lah Taza kebab yg forumers kat sini dok recommend.. tapi, i musykil sikit sbb dia tak letak halal sign kat kedai dia.. so, my husband's collegue & i masuk lah kedai & asked the kebab guy if their kebab is halal. here's how he responded..
me : ahem.. ahem.. is your kebab halal
quite-good looking-kebab guy : are you muslims?
collegue : (dgn 'baik'nya jawab) yes (duhh!! why would we wear hijabs if we're not muslims? apa punya soalan)
qglkg : don't worry! they are halal? what would you like?
collegue : bla.. bla.. bla..
me : i'll have bla.. bla.. etc...
qglkg : where r u fm ? (winking at me)
me : msia.
qglkg : is this your 1st visit?
me : actually this is my 2nd time. 1st time was ten yrs ago.
qglkg : ten yrs ago? you must be 'this' small (gesturing his hand)
me : oh no! not at all! same height, just 10 yrs younger! ( sending a msg that i'm not as young as you thought!)
and.. the conversation led to queries as where i am staying,.. bla..bla..bla.. & would like to see me again.. gila ke mamat nih! kawan i dah tergelak2 tgk drama kedai kebab ni..
verdict : kebab dia tak lah sedap as i expected but sedap la jugak. my favourite kebab is still the kebab i had in sydney & my uni town,.. both turkish kebabs! in my opinion, turkish kebabs taste better than lebanese kebab. but there's another kebab dekat paddington, (dekat dgn Nahar cafe) called lolita kebab. i rasa kebab situ sedap lagi.. serving lagi byk.. satu lagi kebab i tried ialah dekat camden. dekat dgn camden tube station. so far i like this one best!
if you;re craving for msian food, nahar pun sedap jugak. but my husband said satay house lagi sedap. both at sussex garden.
we also tried indian restaurant called Khan's. area bayswater jugak tapi dekat Westbourne grove. i like the restaurant sbb they say " only halal food is served here" kat restaurant dia. in addition, diorgn bg small gifts to children.. hehehe..
kat edgware road tu dah rupa mcm ala2 madinah or dubai je.. penuh org arab & kedai arab. ada kedai pizza yg halal kat situ yg sedap sgt & serving dia besar. boleh share 2 org.
tok sah mkn kat noodle bar kat Queensway.. bau sedap dr luar kedai tapi rasa tak sedap. well, noodle dia ok lah i think. make sure you all beli satu je & share 2 org sbb byk sgt! & make sure mintak cili potong ke, cili api ke.. if not, cepat jemu food dia..
[ Last edited by muslyn at 6-6-2007 07:09 PM ] |
one of the gardens in cotswold
![](http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q161/KatBen1/CotswoldsGardensmall.jpg) |
london....errrrr, sesapa baru 1st time nak visit...tolonglah ambik touring bus tu...byk jimat masa dan duit...tolonglahhh...kekekekek
sesapa yg byk duit, pi lah duduk kat belakang oxford street tu,,,senang nak shoppp![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Reply #846 my-alja's post
masa shopping kat oxford street tu memang tak hengat apa2 dah.....
masa lak rasa cepat jer berlalu....gila sangat bershopping...he..he..he..![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #848 my-alja's post
marissa ni suka kalo gi mana2 pon suka beli
& kumpul...
brg2 mcm miniature...tea set...
satu set jer dah 15 - 20 pounds...huh...yg lain2 tu biasalah...
handbag/kasut (clarks)...clothing (mark & spencer)...flowers
...fridge magnet...choclates & biscuits...
mostly me beli brg yg x der kat m'sia or lebih murah kalo
nak dibandingkan dr m'sia...
hubby lak shopping brg2 berat mcm set glass...cutlery set (with bag) sampai 2 set sekali beli...memang murah dah check price kat sogo & metrojaya lagi mahal sbb + tax...
perfume beli kat airport murah...
apa lagi yer...dah x hingatlah...yg ingat memang penatlah jln2 sambil
shopping ni...kalo bole sumer kedai nak masuk...
my friend gi sana tukar duit m'sia RM7 ribu licin...he..he..he..lagi
teruk dari marissa...he..he..he..
[ Last edited by marisa_anuar at 8-6-2007 11:30 AM ] |
sepnjg2 oxford st tu i only bought a dress for me & terpaksa bribe the children with toys from Disney store yg overpriced tu! nampak mcm best kat oxford st but knightsbridge is better. it was not on sale tapi primark selalu penuh! nak byr for a couple of undies & socks pun pjg beratur!
M&S, Clarks, MOthercare, Next, GAP, & sewaktu dgnnya tak la murah sgt compared to Msia. about the same price je..
I think the best is still Harrods..cuma tak cukup kaya to shop sakan je.. the things there mmg tak de kat tpt lain. Harrods carries the latest style, model segala benda. I saw the Samsonite luggages punya la cantik that i've never seen them anywhere else.
But we had quite a great time shopping at several designer outlets in Swindon, Ashford & bridgen in Wales. Lagi murah compared to Oxford St price. i like to shop for children's clothes. baju budak2 mmg cute gila kat London, kan? siapa yg ada baby in London, baby girl pulak, lagi lah seronok shopping baju girls..
I love the Portobello market. Dpt byk knowledge on antique china back dated as far as late 1800s. tapi tak boleh nak spend sgt lah sbb i dah spent 80 pounds on theatre tickets alone for phantom of the opera. Kalau i tak pergi, i mungkin beli those antique fine bone china. many ppl suka beli royal doulton or royal albert but i don't like to buy what others buy. Nasib baik pergi Portobello market. they have famous antique fine chinas so now that my husband masih ada in Wales, i''ll buy them fm Ebay UK & have them sent to my husband's hotel. eiii.. can't wait to own chinas yg berusia 100 yrs old! i can't imagine kalau pecah camana! mau meraung as they're irreplacable!
My-alja, i pun tak tau apsal org sibuk sgt shopping London. if during sales, i understand lah! kalau ckp pasla fashion baju, i tgk sama je dgn KL. Kalau kedai yg bukan designer brand tu, sama je mcm Sg Wang, or baju2 retro2 yg jual kat luar2 Carrefour tu. . The 80's fashion dah hit London.
if you ask me what i like to shop, i suka stuffs yg tak de langsung kat KL. mostly for the home & kitchen lah..
I also like Octopus store. Very quirky & unique. fancy umbrellas, hairbrush etc.. tapi mahal but i think they're worth is sbb cantik, cute & tak de kat msia!
Dlm byk2 bry i shopped, ada 3 items je kut for my self. yg lain semua utk anak2 & for close family members. |
Reply #850 muslyn's post
ooo...korang nie suka kumpul benda2 pelik cam tu ekkk, padanlah suka sgt dtg london....kekekke
harrolds?...whaaa..whaaaa..me mampu tgk ajelah, nak pegang pun takut...
seingat me, kalo pi jalan...i love to be in fancy restaurant kalo kat town...shop memang kurang sgt....![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
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