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Reply 821# adikmanis
ya lorr....video mujik & concert cut time tahun 2007 tuh..tp akak suko!! tgk byk2 kali pun x jemu..especially lagu Geotjimal tu..berhantu..hehehe... |
latest news...dengar kata gd injured pas concert semalam. kaki berbalut, braced. shiannya dia..... |
Reply 826# luvsushi
Owh..so true! but BB was on hiatus for 2 years, rite..so mayb dat's why x byk promo psl derang sblm ni..takpe2..2011 gonna be their year for sure..adeh, bila BB nk dtg mesia nih..uwaaa.... Gambatte Big Bang! Big Bang hwaiting! |
Post Last Edit by nzhass79 at 15-5-2011 16:30
More Updates on G-Dragon's Leg Injury!
It's actually worse than it seems..especially after he kept running & jumping during the concert last night. fans saw him on the escalator and it looked like he could barely walk properly...not only was it bandaged but there was a brace on it..GD was wearing crocs on his left leg/foor with the bandage on.
Ok so according to a JVip GD injured leg its not that bad and he looked great and without pain in the last concert..
Original tweet :
ビッ ベン会場内にいてライブ始まるの 待ってた時、2階関係者通路を車椅子で通るジヨンを見た(TT)結構気づいてる人いてざわざわしてみんな心配してたけど、ライブが始まったら足の怪我を全 く感じさせないくらいパワフルに動き回って最高なステージを作ってた。ジヨン先生・・・感動したよ(TT)
Translation: (@happypig_jp)When we were waiting for the start of the concert, I saw GD on a wheelchair was passing the 2nd floor. Some people found it and we're anxious about him. However, once the show started, GD made a powerful stage that the injury of a leg was not felt.
#1 : During the concert, Jiyong seems to have problem walking he was walking while dragging his leg. His expression shows that he's in pain..
Shared by Trisya+KwonLiyon@BigBangWORLD
omooooo...... wat heppen... even atas wicha pon sblm tu. tp ms perform ttp bg yg terbaik... |
Boragu?? Andwae!! Our Ji-Yong dh injured???!! However, I'm not surprised how he can still performed to the max eventho kene usung atas wilcha! (marah usop wilcha ni kang..)..kan ker perfectionist si G-Dragon nih.. |
he might probably be advised to be seated atas wilcha and pakai all those bandage and brace utk elakkan sakit dia melarat. but on stage mesti dia tahan sakit gila2... all for the love of JVIP. shian GD...sob! sob! |
Reply stanum123 & Reply luvsushi
kannnnn... sian dia... sure JVIP terharu giler kan?? demi VIP gitu.. ni yang sayang neh  |
Reply 832# adikmanis
Hi AM.. alamak..malunyer I...skang br nk hegeh2 minat BB..hihihi..stanum dh ketinggalan ketapi la..tapi stanum ni perasan je VIP ..takde la sampai beli merchandise bebagai..mcm x sesuai je dgn umor stanum yg dh mencecah 3 series thn ni..hikhik..owh, mmg tgh gigih gali ni..broadband usage pun almost maximum asik tgk youtube psl diorg ni..warghh...stanum pun dh jadi follower bigbangupdates..and a few other VIP's blogs all around the world..gile kentang la diorg ni..mcm2 diorg tau pasal BB wp beribu batu jauhnye dari korea tu..
p/s: AM, dun worry....ji-yong tu injured sket jer..bukan teruk mcm yg kita sangka..stanum baca kat allKpop semlm..GD hwaiting! |
Reply 835# adikmanis
AM, pada stanum kan each member is unique la..so wat ms ni stanum suka all 5 of them!
GD-music genious, leader, fashionista, controversial (seram sejuk tgk aksi lagu "Breath" time concert ), mcm sombong sket, tp bila dia senyum mak oi sgt chomelllllllllllllll!!! ahkah sukerr!!
Taeyang-power dancer, suka sgt tgk muka dia..mcm baik jer mamat nih...hahaha..
Dae sung-mamat selamba yg mmg tak control, tp suara mantops gilos weh!
TOP- what can I say..Power rapper & beatboxer..mmg standard omputeh rap dia dia nih..
Seung-ri- uri maknae! juru cakap BB..makin petah maknae kita sejak akhir2 ni kan..dia ni all rounder..dancei ok, nyanyi ok, friendly dgn fans, image pun so far blom tercalar lagi..suci gittew..
sekian review dari cik stanum.. |
Reply 839# adikmanis
Alamak! Seungri pun pnh ada controbersi ker?? {:1_126:} nmpk sgt la ahkak x cukop gali lg... selalu stanum dok tgk dia ni hyper & nakal je..i mean, dia suka mengenakan hyung2 BB dia..sampai papa YG pun bising..hehe..AM, apa kes si maknae ni dulu??? cer citer..cer citer.. |
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