Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te
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Kalau i tulis typo maaf yea...sebab tengah type iklan macam2 keluar. Sampai tertekan macam2 ni. |
eva replied at 20-6-2019 04:47 PM
dia sendiri suka media coverage abt him.. dia tengok mak dia mcmana kan.. tp iya la perangai PH ni ...
Padan la dengan MM. Masing2 nak popular. Match made in heaven gitu |
Edited by airisa at 20-6-2019 05:05 PM
tadi baca online news hello pasal lily james (uk born actress citer cinderella & mamma mia 2 here we go again)... citer pasal her appearance utk premiere cite yesterday kat london. among others, it mentioned, she uses meghan markles hairstylist ... pastu i termenung sebab rambut lily james yg hairstylist tu buat sgt kemas & cantik ... taaapppiii bila MM punya time.. what happened?? i tak leh nak pikir
airisa replied at 20-6-2019 05:02 PM
tadi baca online news hello pasal lily james (uk born actress citer cinderella & mamma mia 2 here we ...
lily james rambut betul sis.. meggot rambut pelsu  |
Pasal baby i dah malas amek kisah tu baby dia ke baby org lain ke baby tipu. Sbb semua baby rupa nak dekat sama 
huehue replied at 20-6-2019 08:43 PM
rambut pelesu gituler. Susah nak manage. Tapi pelik juga. Dah beli rambut pelesu mahal pun ...
Mekgan kena belajar guna rambut pelesu dengan primadona erra  |
airisa replied at 20-6-2019 05:02 PM
tadi baca online news hello pasal lily james (uk born actress citer cinderella & mamma mia 2 here we ...
Eh MM masih ada hairstylist ? Ingatkan dah lari juga macam staff lain |
chip92 replied at 20-6-2019 06:41 PM
Pasal baby i dah malas amek kisah tu baby dia ke baby org lain ke baby tipu. Sbb semua baby rupa n ...
bg I dia curi gmbr org.. anyhow kat media dah bising dah anak ni serupa ngan anak pelakon drama UK.. mendpt la makcik tu klau betul yg ni anak pelakon Eastenders  |
huehue replied at 20-6-2019 08:43 PM
rambut pelesu gituler. Susah nak manage. Tapi pelik juga. Dah beli rambut pelesu mahal pun ...
kalau dah pelsu.. dandan mcmana pun tetap pelsu walau harganya sebijik rega harga Renault Clio Sport firsthand
kalau dah x asli..maka kepalsuannya terserlah haha |
tp tang hidung mcm tak sama jah, sis eva.
gitu sekali ai tingin nak baby MM menyerupai atok Markle nya kan
MM dan penipuan berpisah tiada 

Muka Doria tp body shape ikut belah apaknya

dani-rox replied at 20-6-2019 10:26 PM
Muka Doria tp body shape ikut belah apaknya
Hmm takdelah gelap mana dia ni... Original skin nampak cantik |
Just when you thought the talk of a feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton had finally died out, along comes yet another report of Meg rocking the boat.
Yes, get ready to be annoyed by fussiness over an outdated institution, ladies and gentlemen, because we have new accusations that Meghan is violating royal protocol!
In the past, we've heard allegations of Meghan failing to curtsy properly and just generally eliciting widespread pearl-clutching across the UK.
Now, it seems like the stuffiest royal traditionalists might want to hold on to their heart meds and prepare to pop their monocles, as Meg has reportedly arrived at the very obvious conclusion that the entire concept of a royal family is, in fact, quite dumb.
Or at the very least, she's fed up with abiding by rules that infringe on her individuality.
According to a new report from Radar Online, the Duchess of Sussex is sick of being the low woman on the totem pole and she's now “fighting for equality” within the Windsor clan and refusing to “bow down” to her superiors.
We're guessing that means Kate and the Queen because that's usually how these stories play out.
“Meghan and Harry feel that the rules and regulations in connection with royal protocol are antiquated to forward-thinking millennials,” says one insider.
“Meghan and Harry respect tradition but want the freedom to do their own work and promote their causes without being held back by any constraints.”
First, they came for breakfast cereals, mortgages, and bar soap, and now millennials are killing the royal family!
Though it sounds like Meghan is locking horns with her in-laws, the insider insists her objections have more to do with the work she plans to do going forward:
“It’s not a competition to Meghan, it’s about working hard and delivering results and that is what she is laser focused on,” says the insider.
“Expect her to make a huge comeback after her maternity leave ends. You will see her everywhere and she is already booked out through 2021.”
We suppose we'll just have to wait and see what Meghan has in store.
It's probably some sort of laudable philanthropic endeavor, but we're deeply petty people, so we're sort of hoping she announces a Most Popular Duchess contest and starts barnstorming all over the British empire.
Ai harap ni gusip semata2 sbb Meghan Markle sgt2 suka menikmati privileges sbg royal yg tinggi darjatnya dari manusia lain, ber HRH ke hlu ber-Princess ke hilir dan menerima curtsey wpun dia sekadar bed warmer prince himbo. Bila part dia laki bini terpaksa bow dan curtsey royal lebih senior, tetiba teringat hak saksama. Pegi mati la 

dani-rox replied at 20-6-2019 10:16 PM
tp tang hidung mcm tak sama jah, sis eva.
gitu sekali ai tingin nak baby MM menyerupai atok Mark ...
aok.. tapi dagong nya sama.. and some part belah kanan palaknya sama dani.. idung ya ada gmbr sipi sebijik idong markel.. |
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