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Author: dinda_cute

Kurosagi aka the swindlers..

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Post time 28-3-2008 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by JUSTcircle at 27-3-2008 06:28 PM

promote nihongo yun-yun senpai...

atashi mo dapat A.. suker2!! sampai sensei dah kenal aku saper.. duksibuk asyik sms tanya apa maksud itu ini.. camner nak ckp camtu camni!!!

maki chan setengah jam jerk? ker aperhal!!!!! ni yg x best nih.. watak utama dapat suku jer ke scene dr 2 jam tuh?

I'm just telling them the truth, nothin' but the truth!!

no komen! tp aku tetap naks tgk gaks, despite what ppl said bout the movie!

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Post time 28-3-2008 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by forum_aje at 27-3-2008 07:22 PM

tu lah pasal.. korang ni buat aku teruja nak belajar nihon-go..setakat sepatah dua tu boleh le faham..
nanti dah ada kemajuan boleh le speaking ngan ko n JC eik..
nanti kim salam kat member online ko tuh..cakap..tq banyak2 eik..pastu kalau Kurosagi the Movie ada sub..bgtau le aku..mana tau nak joinse'parcel' ngan ko ker...

ok desu!

aahh.. InsyaAllah.. no worries! sharing is caring maahh.. ;)

Originally posted by forum_aje at 27-3-2008 07:36 PM

aku pu teringin nak pi Jepun..
lagi satu Korea..dua2 ni tak pernah sampai lagi..
buat ler trip together2 ke Jepun ngan gang2 sini..huhuhuhu....apa kata ko jadi mastermind..takpe..aku bg ko honeymoon suite..kita org bilik cikai2 je takpe...

atashi mo!! tp apa2 hal pun, priority aku tetap pada jepun lerr.. nie aku doks sibuk usha cousin aku soh dia further study kat sana coz dia dpt 9A 1B SPM last yr.. so dia plan naks buat chemical engineering.. dia pun mmg ada plan naks buat kat sana.. aahh sonok aku kalu dia jadik & dpt pi sana nanti!

tp masalah prob. nyer skang nie yg we all doks pk, boleh ke dia survive kat sana pesal dia 2 anak tunggal & dia anak mak!! dulu dpt masuk hostel kat putrajaya nie pesal result PMR dia bagus pun dia x leh doks.. niekan plaks naks pi jepun sana! padahal dia 2 bdk laki!!

hehe.. byk pandai aahh ko.. siap kasik title mastermind kat aku & siap dah plan naks kasik honeymoon suite laiks kat aku eks?? wei! kalu aku pi honeymoon, sah2 lerr korang x leh ikut!!!

P/S: bestnyer lahai suara & lagu2 roma tanaka nie, suka tul aku!! dahlah handsome, english berhabuks.. adoi hai.. :victory:

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Post time 28-3-2008 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kalchi at 27-3-2008 11:16 PM

waaa...aku da sampai humah bestnye..

takpe la..walaupun aku keciwa scene yamaki sket je  tapi aku akan tgk jugak la..sokongan penting

umah ko kat mana wei?? jauh ke dari "skolah" ko 2?? aku blk umah ptg nie..

hait! hait! setuju!! sep @ hi-5 skit?!

[ Last edited by  Yuni at 28-3-2008 11:23 AM ]

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Post time 28-3-2008 11:28 AM | Show all posts
alahai.. weekend nie ramai yg x lah kat cnie, x best!

JC - pi cameron & t'gganu, ada class trip (naks belek tanah2 kat situ! )

sam - blk kg., perak

fa - bz coz tgh exam


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Post time 28-3-2008 11:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #804 Yuni's post

wahh..bestnye JC pi tganu..nak pesan kopok leh

ptt la da lama xnmpak budak2 ni sume bz je..

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Post time 28-3-2008 11:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #805 kalchi's post

ko nie asyik naks memesan jerk!

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Post time 28-3-2008 11:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #806 Yuni's post

da nak pegi belum cuti skolah

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Post time 28-3-2008 12:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #807 kalchi's post

byklah ko "cuti skolah" eks??

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Post time 28-3-2008 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Yuni at 27-3-2008 05:23 PM

aarrgghh.. aku doks giler baca pesal theories & analyses yamaKi's fans pesal "peel" yamaKi nie dari dulu-skang & obvious lately nie lerr.. suka! suka! suka!

ok! so sapa naks tgk & tau?? sila tonjolkan diri anda!! mcm2 citer @ pendpt & komen kuar & ada, which is all true I believe & I agree with them..

oklah.. memandangkan x sapa yg sudi menonjolkan diri, biarlah aku dgn sukarelanya menepek those yamaKi's fans theories /  analyses / comments / opinions pesal "peel" yamaKi nie dari dulu-skang & obvious lately nie eks?! laiks pun pesal dah promised ngan JC be4 tis!

sumer vids / clips nie mmg aku dah tgk & ada dlm collection aku! 2 pesal aku leh kata yg aku percaya & setuju sesgt dgn apa yg diorg doks discussed nie!!

1 - [TV] 04.14.06 Hanamaru Cafe - Maki Horikita

I won't say that they're together in the real life, because they didn't say it. But, there's a big possibility.

What I mean is... Did you ever saw them in TV shows and all that stuff (Hanamaru Cafe, Ousama no Buranchi, 2Ji Pita!...)? Well, I think that everybody has already seen a TV show with Pi and Maki. They are very accomplices. As you can see, Maki is very shy in TV shows and Pi is always there to make her laugh and relax. Sometimes they don't stop laughing so they can't really let the journalists ask them questions (I especially think about the tests of Buranchi). A thing I won't forget is Maki in Hanamaru Cafe. She was talking about Kurosagi with the two journalists and suddenly the woman stopped her, saying Pi had a message for Maki. He appeared on the screen and said, joking, "Yesterday was my birthday, I had many presents... but! Maki-chan, you didn't even said"Happy Birthday" to me! I'm so vexed! Just because I'm not in Tokyo but in Kyoto... And, I really liked to play in Kurosagi but I remember your NG in the episode 2 when I got my playboy's outfit, you just laughed off-screen! I was very serious so, next time, be serious too please!"No lying. It's what he said. The video was on YouTube but Tokyo Broadcasting System removed it -___-"...

In Japan, interviewers don't stop asking them if they're a couple. My senpai and a friend of mine just translated me some interviews in mags. I've already posted my senpai's translation in the "Yamaki rumor" topic. Pi said that he can'treveal anything about them but only that they're very close and that they see each other very often. My friend told me that another interviewer asked Maki almost the same question. The interviewer asked what it feels to be in front of Yamapi, if her heart beats faster when she sees him. Maki only replied "Yes, Yamapi is very handsome, but he's only a colleague." Then, the interviewer asked why they're always seen together in shops or in karaokes. Maki said she won't reply.

I first thought it was a stupid rumor, that's why I'm asking for the scans of the mags, but I know my friend and my senpai very well and I know they're not joking. I just have to wait and see (even if my Japanese reading is not so good xD, I want to see the proofs).

2 - Ousama no Brunch - Maki + YamaPi Personality 4th Test

[quote]Tsucchan, those are interesting observations you抳e made. I抳e made some observations as well that led to these hunches. Though I could be wrong about them or it抯 just me. I noticed that Maki-chan is very comfortable with Yamapi now. I think she抯 gotten used to him. When they were filming Nobuta, Maki-chan seemed more at ease with Kame than Yamapi. I saw one of her Nobuta interviews in the past, in which they asked her about Kame and Yamapi. She was cheerful and quick to describeKame. But for Yamapi, she seemed to turn a little serious and actually took a moment to think. I guess she was very shy back then and Yamapi probably acted too cool and unapproachable as compared to Kame who seemed to joke around a lot more than Yamapi. I also saw the Kurosagi promotions and interviews that you抳e mentioned. Maki-chan seemed more confident and has a friendlier relationship with Yamapi. They抳e become good friends to the point that she抣l tease him and laugh at him.Remember she made fun of him when they played that quiz game and he got Akasagi and she said it抯 because of that T-shirt he worn?  And she laughed at him when he worn a wig for one of the Kurosagi disguises. I noticed that Yamapi is still shy around Maki-chan. When Maki-chan talks to Yamapi, she actually turns her body to face him and looks at him,whereas Yamapi would usually look at her for no more than 2 seconds. He would face the reporter or the camera most of the time. When I see that and it irks me, I say in my mind, 揧amapi! Can抰 you look at Maki-chanfor a little bit longer?

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Post time 28-3-2008 01:56 PM | Show all posts
The interviewer asked what it feels to be in front of Yamapi, if her heart beats faster when she sees him. Maki only replied "Yes, Yamapi is very handsome, but he's only a colleague." Then, the interviewer asked why they're always seen together in shops or in karaokes. Maki said she won't reply

eleh sape yg tak tergodaz bila ngn Pi drg ni pernah beberapa kali di spot kua together gether ke

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Post time 28-3-2008 02:06 PM | Show all posts

3 - yamaKi as guest artists in Oshyamanpou show [in NwP DVD Extra - Ending Special Part 1]

Neways , surprsing enough , I had noticed the same things too!!!

it's always so interesting to see anything at all that involved those two.
One more thing that I noticed is that during filming of Nobuta , Maki , Yamapi , Kame and their teacher had played a game where they passed around a fake bomb.Maki was the one holding the bomb when it went off.Later , after , the game ended , Maki suddenly gave the bomb to Yamapi. I don't exactly knw wat the host asked or wat they say but that part was always very interesting to watch..LOL..

Another one was during the personality test. Yamapi said , "Maki will say after some time , Yamapi has grown up.." and Maki will say , "He was cute then with his gold hair..I was praising him..It's like he's older now..That kind of feeling.."

It's like they have so much chemistry u get me? And the fact that they watched the re-runs drama together showed that they did spend lots of time together..

My Japanese is still bad but I understood that since the bomb went-off, she had to give it to someone for this person to confess/to say something about the filming or the other actors because the first time the bomb went-off, Maki was holding it so she had to say something about the filming. She explained a NG with Yamapi (when she hitted his head and Kame came too late and saw her hitting Yamapi and not Mariko with Akira xD) so next time she had to gave the bomb to someone else since she already said something. She gave it to Yamapi and he said something about another actor who played their teacher.

I must be mistaking, but yes, the fact is Maki gave the bomb to Yamapi! *evil laughs xD*

[ Last edited by  Yuni at 28-3-2008 03:58 PM ]

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Post time 28-3-2008 02:45 PM | Show all posts

4 - Maki-chan on Kuchikomi

[quote]To keep the fire burning, do u guys remember when Maki-chan appeared as a guest on a talk show and wore a kimono? During that interview, they showed a clip of Maki holding the camera and interviewing Yamapi during the Kurosagi filming days. When she entered the room to interview him, he was kneeling down and in the middle of watching a TV show, Tokyo Friends Park. He was actually watching Maki-chan and Yui-chan appear as guests on that show. Did he do that on purpose, knowing that Maki was coming to interview him? Was he trying to tease her by saying that she did poorly on the games of that show? Was it mere coincidence? Was he trying to say he regret not being there to play those games with Maki?  Hhhmmmm

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Post time 28-3-2008 02:54 PM | Show all posts

5 - [2 ji bita! 23.06.06] Kurosagi

Ah sou! I forgot I had some things I wanted to point out in lieu of all the discussions of yamaki interaction!

Eto, does anyone remember in the same special that the bomb game was in, before that there was a section where Maki and Yamapi were actually together (and alone) for an interview about Nobuta. Now, I only know Japanese from watching too many dramas/anime but there were talking about cases for each of the three main characters, and the first was Akira's love. And I think they asked Maki about Yamapi and Kame or Nobuta's feelings or something. I'm not sure but I'm interested in what her reply was since I couldn't make much out of it. (Yamapi also looked interested in her answer though? /delusions)

There was another thing I noticed, in the making of special for Kurosagi, I think? When they were filming the ending "bang" scene. After they took one shot of Maki's "bang" and cut, Yamapi looked towards the camera and held his hand over his heart. xDDD He was did it jokingly but I still thought it was too cute.  And right afterwards in the clip, I think maybe Yamapi kept laughing during the shoot or something and the director told him to calm down (?), but when the camera goes to Yamapi again his hand is still over his heart. xDD Maybe cause he's trying to calm down...or maybe Maki chan just really hit him in the heart in that scene.

N = Narator  M= Maki Y=Yamapi D= Director

N: Here they(tsurara and kurosgi) meet again.

M: One day, i will definetly become a prosecutor!

D: 1,2 Action

N: Somhow something has change their(tsurara and kurosagi) relationship.Both of them use their fingers to represent their   feelings, showing theconnection between them in this sence.

M: The eyes expression is somehow not right.

D: OK! CUT! OK it has end. Let's check

Y: yay. it has end.

D: if it's really funny just laugh. it's best not to fight it. Just laugh out loud.

D: Ready!? Action!


Y: I'm so sorry about this.

[ Last edited by  Yuni at 31-3-2008 01:08 PM ]

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Post time 28-3-2008 03:55 PM | Show all posts

6 - NwP DVD Extras [Behind the Scenes 1, 2 & 3]

Since we're on the topic of YaMaki moments, did anyone view the Nobuta DVD Special, behind-the-scenes? There are quite a few YaMaki moments, although since no one has subtitled the video before, I have no idea what they're saying.

First there's the scene where they're filming on the rooftop and Yamapi and Maki are eating, when Yamapi suddenly mentions Maki-chan (no idea WHY though) and she walks away so he finds himself pointing at no one, which is really cute.

Then there's the moment with the whole class when I think Maki-chan chooses between Shuji and Akira and she says Akira.

And Maki films Yamapi, which is really cute too because Yamapi looks awkward, like he's too shy to look at the camera. And Maki zooms in, too.

All really cute moments, but because of the lack of subtitles, I can't enjoy them. Can someone translate please?

Let's keep up the gushing for YaMaki!

*forgot to add that you can watch the special on under dramas, Nobuta Wo Produce.*

Omg you're right, there are so many cute yamaki moments in this! It makes me so giddy, because Maki is like, never in the interviews and promotional stuff for Nobuta. The moments you pointed out were so cute.

I also love that Yamapi is writing down stuff for her to say when Kame is filming her in the beginning, because she looks so lost and embarassed, but he kind of makes her laugh and helps her loosen up. And yeahh, I noticed that too. Even back then Yamapi wouldn't look at her too much, even when she had the camera in front of him! Haa, what's up with that? xDD

I'm just as bad, or probably worse, in Japanese than you because all I know is fangirl Japanese so I can't really translate... but in rewatching it (again and again), I think they're talking about who sings the seishum amigo song (during karaoke I'm assuming) and I think Kame asks which part Maki usually sings and she says, "Akira's" xD But Kame's reaction was so cute/funny. xDD aw!

It's so cute that they kept falling asleep during filming too. Uwahh.. xDD <33 I also love that the last scene that was filmed was when they were all still together. I was wondering who would give flowers to who but this makes me happier since Nobuta ended with the three separated, but the last scene filmed was still the three of them together. And then the ball thing with the confetti was such love. <3 (By, the by, there were KameErika fans here, no? xDD I love that he was the one to give her the flowers--even if he was the only person who makes sense to, it's still cute. 8D)

Ahhh, when I get giddy I type too much.  But did you notice that even back then Yamapi called her "Maki chan" while Kame called her "Horikita san"?? I was like....uweeeh?? I figured it would have been the other way around because Maki seemed to warm up to Kame quicker...and he seems more approachable in comparison to Yamapi. And it can't be because he's her senpai because Kame is still 3 years older than her too. xD; Maybe Kame is just more polite? :X

luve Maki's voice, so feminine, tender & really sweet , omg!

Now u say it, Pi reacts really funny in front of Maki's camera, he looks bit shy  & embarrass , cute  and how she zoom in his "chubby" face LOL haha

haha she looks so damn cute  when Kame films her lol

and most of all when Kame asks Maki if she sing Seishun amigo at karaoke, she responds yes, then he asks which part she'd like to sing, she said "Akira desu"

Another thing I noticed is that do you guys knw the Wasabi game that consists of Maki , Yamapi , Kame and Erika??Yeah there are YamaKi moments in there too..If not so big but very meaningful to me..

E.g , In the second round , Yamapi puts his hand at the back of Maki's chair..And another one is the third round , when Kame chosed to eat ootoro instead of eating another squid and Maki was , "Nande toro??" She said why dont you just eat all the squid and Kame was like "Huh??" and you can see Yamapi next to her looking at her for a while and turn to Kame.. "She wants to eat it.."he said.. And it was then that Kame undersood.

tHIS is obviously nothing but the fact that Yamapi seems to know that Maki wants the ootoro without her having said it , for me , it's something...   

Aww, I adore and love Yamaki couple. They both so cute together.
Wow, I love everybody's observations, it's making feel all happy and excited.

So, I also want to join all the fun and add another Yamaki moment.
Doesanybody remember a nobuta promotion clip where they surveyed 50 male student and Yamapi, Maki and Kame had to guess the top answer ( Ithink)? I forgot the question but Maki's answer was "wink" and theytold her to do it. And when she winked, Yamapi and Kame was spazzingout, lol and then Yamap quickly changed his answer to "wink". Anyways,I thought it was kawaii, ^.~.

ehhhh?? Rewatching it (because I always do that with yamakiinteraction.  ) the question seems to be what 50 guys think is the mostattractive thing for a girl to do, ne? So then...did Yamapi change hisanswer because of Maki's demonstration? Because at first I just thoughthe might have agreed because her answer was better than his but...



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Post time 28-3-2008 05:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kalchi at 28-3-2008 01:56 PM

eleh sape yg tak tergodaz bila ngn Pi drg ni pernah beberapa kali di spot kua together gether ke

pesal yamaKi nah kuar 2gether2 2 aku x dpt lerr naks confirmed kan, kan?! gomen! tp pesal NwP lerr yg diorg nie sumer leh jadik baik.. siap ada gossip laiks dulu yg kame kuar deto ngan maki-chan! tpskang nie issue pesal yamaKi nie mmg ngah HOT lerr memandangkan cara& gaya both of them menyoal @ meng'interview' & menjwbinterview msg2 dlm mag. Myojo May 2008.. aku dah tepek dah kat cnie, go & read, in case u haven't read it yet!! mmg mcm ada hidden agenda jerk bet. both of them!

besides pesal interview 2, adalah gaks a few issues yg di discussedpesal kemusykilan yamaKi nie.. later aahh plaks aku tepek cnie,InsyaAllah! yg nyatanya, mmg bila aku tau & baca, aku teramatlah sukanya!!!

btw, nie pic. yg aku dah promised naks tunjuk kat JC be4 tis! JC! sila komen eks nanti?! yg lain2 naks komen pun boleh, no hal.. douzo.. douzo..

P/S: ada org kata pompuan dlm pic. above is yuu abiru, di antarapompuan liar yg nah digossipkan ngan P be4 tis.. tp mostly ramai yg xcaya, including me! camner naks percayakan, ko tgklah sendirik muka pompuan 2 camner?! seijibik maki-chan siot!!!

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Post time 29-3-2008 10:32 AM | Show all posts
alamak.. byknye nk baca..

ehehe.. masuk kejap.. 3 papers done.... 2 more to go!

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Post time 30-3-2008 07:12 AM | Show all posts

Reply #816 fa_stellar's post

baca, jgn x baca plaks, penting nie!!

so lepas nie ko merdeka lah eks?? cuti brapa lama plaks be4 result kuar nanti?

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Post time 30-3-2008 04:21 PM | Show all posts
aku merdeka 5 april kang...cuti lama...3 bulan... tapi aku practical.hahahha! x kezzzzah! sbb aku dok umah pon..malam2 bulih layan cd sampai lebam! pastu x yah risau nk baca2 buku..ahhhhhaaaakkkkss! :pompom:

lagi 2 paperrrr!

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Post time 30-3-2008 06:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #818 fa_stellar's post

kalu ko x kesahlahkan, aku naks tanya ko nie memandangkan honestly aku mmg suka meng'interview' org! actually ko:

1. study kat mana?
2. amik course apa?
3. buat dip. / deg.?


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Post time 30-3-2008 07:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #819 Yuni's post

1.uia (terletak di kaki genting highland)
2.economics (concentration: islamic+finance... last sem aku wat term paper english on "Muslim Businessmen Should Adapt Japanese Management Culture" ahahaha! Inspirasi lepas tgk cite kimutaku) (lg satu sem abis. :pompom

ehehe..detail tak?

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