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Author: gf_princeshin

SNSD 소녀시대 / Girls Generation

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Post time 11-1-2009 07:24 PM | Show all posts
taengoo nmpk epi arini..pastu yuri,since semlm die xsht n nmpk muke die tahan sakit~
yuri a~tk care.....
yg len,seme kiut~
oh,tiff nk peyut buncit..hehe..len seme selim melim belake~

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Post time 11-1-2009 07:25 PM | Show all posts
gee gee gee baby baby

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Post time 11-1-2009 08:59 PM | Show all posts
much2 better than yesterday

sOnes nye cheers lebih kuat tang laki

lebih kurg cam wonderful nye chants je

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #803 wordlife's post

yup..mmg improve gle than semlm....
seme yg duk stage dpn laki belake

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #803 wordlife's post

dah nam grup yoja.. len la cam kita nih.. dorg nyanyi selit sore me jerit skali hahaha.. me tgh loading dua2 perf.. x sabo nk tgk^^

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:15 PM | Show all posts
[Perf][090111] SBS Inkigayo - Interview, Him Nae, & Gee, 60F AVI | MF

MF: 001 || 002 || 003

Credits: Sosiz | Soshified

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #804 cajAzhari's post

nmpk ke?

ak xnmpk pn


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Post time 11-1-2009 09:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #807 wordlife's post

aishh..nmpk....kepale je la...

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #801 cajAzhari's post

nae, aku pun pasan dr mula tgk MV gee tuh lg, aku nmpk mcm bdn tiff mcm dh naik skit jer... kalo ko tgk pinggang masing, mmg slim.. tp pinggang tiff mcm nmpk obvious lain dr dorg2 sumer!!

komawo for the link!! tmpg sedut ek!!

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #809 rukiaichigo's post

aah..mmg agak obvious~
pasni kurus skt kot..byk bergerak...

sedut,jgn xsedut~

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Post time 12-1-2009 11:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #806 cajAzhari's post

dh sedut!komawo^^

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Post time 14-1-2009 09:04 PM | Show all posts

GomTV, withing one day, 1,000,000 views

So Nyuh Shi Dae's "Gee" has surpassed the Wonder Girls' "Nobody".

Onthe 9th on GomTV (, within one day of the release of SoNyuh Shi Dae's music video for "Gee", the number of visits was above1,000,000 - setting a new record for GomTV's music channel service.

Onthe 7th GomTV set up a music channel for So Nyuh Shi Dae, and was thefirst to release the teaser video and music video for "Gee".

Viewersshowed an explosive interest in So Nyuh Shi Dae by visiting over1,000,000 times Within one day of the "Gee" video being released solelyon GomTV. So Nyuh Shi Dae fans as well as normal GomTV users areshowing a high amount of interest in the girls. This far exceeds thestatistics of the Wonder Girls' "Nobody" which was released lastSeptember.

Gretech Media Co.'s Seo JungMin stated that, "thiskind of interest where people view, watch, and respond online shows anew style of form of viewing music, and record of 1,000,000 views in 1day set by So Nyuh Shi Dae's "Gee" is a record that will be hard tomatch on GomTV or any other music chart."

Meanwhile, on GomTV'sSo Nyuh Shi Dae channel, there are boards for each member of SNSD whichhave been updated with a communal function where fans can freely uploadonline pen letters. Also, there is currently an event where individualswho watch the music video and leave a response have a chance of winninga So Nyuh Shi Dae signed CD.

credit: aseo @ soshified forums

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Post time 14-1-2009 09:13 PM | Show all posts
                                [13.01.09] SNSD wants _____ to listen to their mini album

SNSDhas returned. Nine member girl group SNSD has released their 2nd albumGee on the 7th. It is a mini album with five tracks on it, releasednine months after their first album. They have gathered immenseinterest and anticipation, after their first album sold over 100,000copies, confirming their status as a symbol of excellence in the musicindustry. Less than a day after its release, the title track Gee hitnumber one on all the online music charts. On the morning of the 9th, Imet with the girls at their Kangnam SM Entertainment office, andalthough their faces may look young, their maturity showed during theinterview, with Tiffany saying "We're so thankful that people like itand so we're even more careful and anxious" and Sooyoung added "Wepoured ourselves out for these five tracks on the album."

I asked them who they would want to listen to their mini album.

-Yuri: "To oppas and unnies tired and exhausted from work"

Geeis a bright and cheerful song. Today's market is not good and there aremany people having hardships. The people going to work have alot ofstress. I hope that this song can give them energy and strength

-Sunny: "To my sister, who is going to be a mother soon"

Iam soon going to be an aunt. My sister, who is 15 years older than me,is going to give birth soon. My unnie still seems like a girl. I guessall women are like that. We may call them grandmother or ajumma(middle-aged lady), but in their hearts, they're all girls. As youlisten to Gee, I think everyone becomes a girl in that moment.

-Jessica: "To my friends studying abroad that are lonely"

Mostof my friends are all abroad studying. It's very lonely and difficultfor them to be living apart from their parents at such a young age.There is a part in our second track called "Him Nae!" that says "Havestrength! You've already come this far! This is nothing at all". I wantto send that song to all my friends.

-Yoona: "To the college students that will be entering their first year with me"

Irecently got accepted to Dongook University, and I'm excited andnervous. I guess all college freshmen feel like this? Our second albumhas alot of tracks dealing with starting a new love, but I think thatfeeling could also be similar to how it feels to start college as well.

-Seohyun: "To old couples wanting to find that feeling again"

Theysay that old couples lose their feelings after a long time. But, Ibelieve that they always are wanting to have that excitement andnervousness. Even as you grow older, I don't think you ever want tolose something that precious. I want to give those couples our song astheir background music.

-Hyoyeon: "I want to give it to overseas singers Chris Brown and Beyonce"

Ijust suddenly thought of those two singers. Maybe its because they'remy favorite singers. Although they won't understand anything, I wouldbe happy if they just thought to themselves "Oh there's really cutesingers in Korea." If it comes out that they've heard our songs, Iguess alot of attention would be gathered to us as well. Was that tooselfish of me? hehe..

-Sooyoung: "To my mother who is always believing in me and watching over me"

Aswe were recording our third track "Dear Mom", all of the members criedso much. Every single one of the lyrics is our story. I think of thisone line that says "Without a word, you watched over me from afar". Ilove you, mom.

-Taeyeon: "To people starting out on a new path"

Aswe were preparing for our album, all the members shared alot of storieswith each other. I remember we said to each other "Let's not forgetthis heart as we start anew". There's probably alot of people that arepreparing to do something new in this new year. We send you this songso we can all start strongly together.

-Tiffany: "I... just want to listen to it together with everyone''

Asong becomes a song from the moment someone listens to it. Depending onyour circumstance, the songs may have different meanings for you. Justas how us nine brought our voices together and made it, I want everyonewho has love in their hearts to come together and listen to it with us.That is when our music truly begins.

credits to Donga and [email protected]/forums                                                                                                                       

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Post time 14-1-2009 10:02 PM | Show all posts
SCHEDULE UPDATE (January 10th - 18th)

(new ones in bold)

01-10-09 (Saturday)
[Broadcast] PM 04:20 MBC Show! Music Core (Venue: Ilsan MBC Dream Center - Gonggae Hall) - Comeback Stage <Gee + Him Nae!>
[Broadcast] PM 05:15 SBS Because I Like <Tiffany, Yuri>
[Broadcast] PM 07:30 YTN STAR LIVE POWER Music (Recorded on 12-27-08)
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)

01-11-09 (Sunday)
[Broadcast] PM 04:10 SBS Inkigayo (Venue: SBS Deungchongdong Gonggae Hall)
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)

01-12-09 (Monday)
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)

01-13-09 (Tuesday)
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)
[Radio] PM 10:00 MBC Standard FM Park Kyunglim Starry Starry Night Radio (95.9MHz)

01-14-09 (Wednesday)
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)
[Radio] PM 10:00 KBS COOL FM Super Junior Kiss the Radio Season 2 (89.1MHz)

01-15-09 (Thursday)
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)

01-16-09 (Friday)
[Broadcast] PM 06:35 KBS 2TV Music Bank (Venue: KBS Shingwan Gonggae Hall)
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)
[Radio] PM 12:00 SBS POWER FM Choi Hwajung Power Time - Super Special Show (BORA / 107.7MHz)

01-17-09 (Saturday)
[Broadcast] PM 03:10 MBC Show! Music Core (Venue: Ilsan MBC Dream Center - Gonggae Hall)
[Broadcast] PM 06:30 SBS Star King <Sunny, Tiffany, Yuri, Sooyoung>
[Recording] PM 07:00 LIVE POWER Music
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)

01-18-09 (Sunday)
[Broadcast] PM 04:10 SBS Inkigayo (Venue: SBS Deungchondong Gonggae Hall)
[Radio] PM 08:00 MBC FM4U Kangin Taeyeon ChinHanChinGu Radio (91.9MHz)

credits: + [email protected]/forums

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Post time 14-1-2009 10:12 PM | Show all posts
090113 PKL's Starry Night Radio

Kekeke... "BABO!"

"No, No, No, No, No!"


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Post time 14-1-2009 10:29 PM | Show all posts
aku tgk sukira tup2 dak2 SNSD ada kat situ peh tuh nyanyi lagu Gee hehehehee

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Post time 14-1-2009 10:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #816 miss_mulan77's post

aah..arini diorg kt sukira..mesti kiut jew~

hay,apela teukie men ngan kanak2 ni e..

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Post time 14-1-2009 11:03 PM | Show all posts

c: astagged
wow, each other~

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Post time 15-1-2009 02:44 AM | Show all posts
me nak wat keje jahat sedut klip snsd kat opis muahahaha
kat umah pc me keje keras sedut klip sundae ngan hoobae dorg

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Post time 15-1-2009 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 14-1-2009 10:29 PM
aku tgk sukira tup2 dak2 SNSD ada kat situ peh tuh nyanyi lagu Gee hehehehee

[140109] Sukira (Gee - SNSD)


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