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Dr Norleen, Darul Ehsan Medical Centre
(eh, ada lagi ke dia kat situ?) |
Dr Fatimah Najla
Kelana Jaya Medical Centre |
mine dr teresa chow, gleneagles, suke sgt sbb very, very caring.
tapi suka doctor je, hospital nye tak suka. |
DAtuk Dr Siti, orangnya teramat lah busy sangat. Tapi kedua dua doctor ni pun baik orangnya dan juga dlm kerjanya. |
hi saya br join..
sama la masa my first baby dulu. nak bersalin kat AP takut kena sect lak, xlarat nak bayar. coz company cover rm2500 je.
check kat naluri n bersalin kat kuantan, rm1500.00 je. tp masa i DNC kat AP kena rm1800 duduk satu mlm je. |
Originally posted by Syd at 2-3-2006 05:32 PM
Dr Fatimah Najla
Kelana Jaya Medical Centre
sama la... tp dgn dr. ummul wahiy... tp my doter dr. fatima najla yg sunatkan... |
mummytobe This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Tillingtan at 3/2/06 10:23 PM
DAtuk Dr Siti, orangnya teramat lah busy sangat. Tapi kedua dua doctor ni pun baik orangnya dan juga dlm kerjanya.
ic... both ok ye.. hmm.. TILLINGTAN ada experience deliver ngan dia ke? Does it means kalau kita
nak Datuk yg sgt buzy tu sambut baby kita getting harder? |
i pulak both my daughters i delivered kat gleneagles. if u ask me abt gynae's consultation charges...dr tan lay seng is the most reasonable. dtk dr nik memang mahal sgt. dr jane woo pun mahal jugak...my fren guna dia, sekali consult, abt Rm200. but she's an expert in foetal abnormalities. so explanation dia panjang lebar pasal ur baby in the tummy.
dr iean is good but dia ni tak friendly sgt. if dpt dia masa deliver, memang baby's charges mahal sikit pasal dia ni rajin melawat baby kat nursery. sekali jenguk, kena bayar. dr patrick is very friendly and bubbly. my 1st paed is dr iean, my 2nd baby is dr patrick.
service to me, very good la. the labour room is spacious with tv lagi..but of course tak dan nk tgk tv la. and yg deliver kita is our own gynae, to me that's very important. unfortunately, my 2nd baby, dr jane woo yg delivered pasal dr tan on hols. so jahitan tak secun dr tan. nevertheless, the doc's charges similar to dr tan's so ok la.
this hosp really encourages breastfeeding. they will ask u if u want to bf, if u said yes, then the baby will be sent to u for her feeds. and sleeps with u also. but tukar lampin ke apa ke, u just beep for the nurses, and they will do it for u. if u wish, tukar ur pads n clean u up pun the nurses will do for u. semua toothpaste n toothbrush, dia readykan.
the 1st delivery i took epidural, tak ingat the total cost but epidural alone was RM600/800. baby's nursery charges mahal sikit pasal dr iean was the paed.
2nd delivery no epidural, dr patrick the paed...from RM2k to 3k. definitely not more than 3k.
both single room. |
dr habibah kat pusrawi nw hspitl psrawi, jln tun razak,kl..2nd baby ni pn amik ngn dia gak.. |
Originally posted by katak_kiut at 2-3-2006 04:00 PM
selalu check up ngan dia kene bape???
his consultation is RM35-45. average check-up...urine test n scan...RM70. |
Originally posted by yela at 3-3-2006 10:55 AM
i pulak both my daughters i delivered kat gleneagles. if u ask me abt gynae's consultation charges...dr tan lay seng is the most reasonable. dtk dr nik memang mahal sgt. dr jane woo pun mahal jugak ...
consider murah jugak kan with epidural cuma cost u 600/800.....sbb i tanyer my fwenz yg amek epidural di pantai, dr nora charge her extra 1k pluss for epidural...... |
Originally posted by yela at 3-3-2006 10:59 AM
his consultation is RM35-45. average check-up...urine test n scan...RM70.
i think this is a normal price kot?
becoz my monthly cechk up with urine test and scan pon normally within that range.... |
Originally posted by yela at 3-3-2006 10:59 AM
his consultation is RM35-45. average check-up...urine test n scan...RM70.
lorr...murah jek
ish kut tau aku pi sana
pasai ngan klinik yang cikai nih pon aku kene that amount gak |
update pasal hospital serdang..
semlm dh gi check out hospital nih..
1st class wards belum siap.. 2nd class ade-tp buat mase skrg dah ramai org..
doktor ade 11 org-hanya seorg lelaki.. tu pun doktor specialist
just dtg saje bwk kad merah and GL.. check in and beranak.. |
Originally posted by tina^^ at 3-3-2006 11:00 AM
consider murah jugak kan with epidural cuma cost u 600/800.....sbb i tanyer my fwenz yg amek epidural di pantai, dr nora charge her extra 1k pluss for epidural......
and dr chong ws the anesthetist...tak sakit masa dia buat. rasa mcm kena tolak aje. actuallynya, byk drs from AP yg pindah ke gleneagles. in fact, my gynae pun was from there jugak dulu. |
tu la..for a gynae kat specialist hosp, charges dia memang reasonable compared to his colleagues kat situ. and my fren yg introduced me to him. my fren ni pulak ingat for her 2nd baby nk gi cari gynae lain. so she went to one and when the gynae found out that she was using dr tan before, the doc told her to go back to him pasal he said dr tan ni memang bagus. in fact he teaches other docs lagi. and he's very up-to-date with the jahit menjahit trend. masa i delivered my 1st, dia siap cakap kat my hubby, "I'll sew her up nicely for you." and he went on to tell me and this is the latest method, he sewed from the inside. and memang i rasa sore je kat situ masa tgh pantang, tak rasa pedih luka masa i cuci hari2 dgn air garam. masa dgn dr jane woo, i rasa pedih luka. tu yg i frust sikit tu. |
aku penah keno consulation fee ngan paed surgeon..rm70-80..no medication..air liuq only... |
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 3-3-2006 11:41 AM
aku penah keno consulation fee ngan paed surgeon..rm70-80..no medication..air liuq only...
dr iean paed kat gleneagles pun about RM80 dah consultation fee dia. dulu Rm70 aje. now pun dah jadik Datuk. |
dr delaila is d best.walaupun layan kita nmpak mcm tegas,tp die handle kita mmg bagus.
dr siti..hmmm..my sister ade bad xperience with her.sorry la x boleh nk citerla..nnt mcm buruk2kan nama die pulak.anyway...i suggest go to dr delaila la |
Reply #14 mummytobe's post
tolong reply jap for tilingtan..
my friend's experience with dr siti ni, dia busy maksudnye, kalau checkup tu, penuh la clinic dia, and normally almost a day lah u have to wait for her. sebab ramai sangat patients. |
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