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Korg mmg confirm gi big show ke? Gi just utk big show or jln2 sekali? Agak2 bajet bape?
amemiya Post at 11-1-2012 08:38 
meh melawat thread ni utk mengira budget http://mforum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=625476&extra=page%3D1
kehkehkeh... aku tetiba mencelah... uiskkkhh nak gi ke aku big show ni?? |
Reply 780# nzhass79
tak leh blah btol signature... hahhahaha |
meh melawat thread ni utk mengira budget ;extra=page%3D1
kehkehkeh... aku tetiba mencelah... ...
eyka Post at 12-1-2012 13:20 
ahaha..thanks!  |
Reply 783# amemiya
jd banyak sbb tiket flight jer... kalau 2k tu mmg cukup-cukup kot.. utk semua sekali. just standby utk emergency ker shopping merchandise ker hehe |
Reply nzhass79
tak leh blah btol signature... hahhahaha
eyka Post at 12-1-2012 01:21 PM 
itu je aku mampu eyka....
@nae yorobunnnn
Big Bang to do it big in 2012!
Big Bang is aiming to make a big comeback in 2012.
The group will release an album in February, followed by a set of concerts titled Big Show in Seoul from March 2-4.
It is undecided whether the new album will be a full studio album or a mini album, but the Big Bang members are currently working hard on their new album and preparations for their concert. With the new set of promotions, Big Bang will attempt to rebound higher after slipping up with Daesung’s car crash and G-Dragon’s drug scandal.
The five members of Big Bang previously forewarned their comeback by coming together at the 15th Anniversary YG Family Concert held on December 4. The group also performed in Osaka from January 7-8, and will continue with a performance in Saitama on January 21-22.
The reason why the March concerts mean more than the YG concerts, however, is that they will be exclusive Big Bang concerts. As two of its members had to go on a sudden hiatus, the group was previously unable to emerge in front of the public, but in 2012 it will be hitting the K-Pop scene yet again with an active line of promotions.
Because the concerts will be held for three days with 40,000 fans, they are expected to refuel Big Bang’s popularity. The group is also expected to land activities not only in Korea, but also overseas, as it stood at the center of the Korean wave. harap2 termasuk Malaysia sekali {:4_189:}
Big Bang plans to use the year 2012 as a foothold to step up again in Korea and the world. {:4_182:}
Source: BBupdate
enewsworld |
Reply amemiya
jd banyak sbb tiket flight jer... kalau 2k tu mmg cukup-cukup kot.. utk semua sek ...
aznee85 Post at 13-1-2012 07:47 
tu la pasal..lain kali YG ni pon gi tahu la awal2 kan..senang nk carik tiket flight murah.. |
waaaaa....setelah lama tak masuk sini, i nak mencemar duli dgn post ni dulu.
hehehe...seterusnya u know where to read this
Reply 791# luvsushi
sushi.. tergelak n speechless haha so DSAI at least dah tahu psl BB.. nice hehe~ |
waaaaa....setelah lama tak masuk sini, i nak mencemar duli dgn ni dulu.
hehehe...seterusnya u know ...
luvsushi Post at 16-1-2012 12:01 AM 
i think my hubby shud know bout thissss... hahaha,.. mestiii..mestiii...
ohoiiiiii tuan jeneral... ur DSAI share his interest with ur wife... so, pls give me permission to attend another BS... btol ke omputeh koyak akak neh  |
Reply 795# stanum123
chingu yaaa....terer la u! sampai ke situ u investigate two thumbs up! i dah agak dah...bebudak muda-remaja yang ngantor post2 gini. tapi berani jugak ek...kat wall FB DSAI dia post Love Song nye vid. ce dia letak kat Najib lak. agak2 Najib layan tak? teehee! |
eh, ade dgr cite tak yang choreographer Laurianne Gibson (ex-choreographer Lady Gaga yang panas baran kat MTV Making the Band tuh) tu kekononnya jadik BB nye cikgu tari?
she's good. but i tak tahan dengan perangai dia.
however, dengar kata shaun evaristo masih lagi jadik main choregrapher. i think this is true sebab i baru baca kat kanauru's (movement lifestyle) FB that shaun is flying back to korea to participate with BB's comeback. yippie! |
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