[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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Jenis yg tak boleh diajar mmg iya, jenis dia aje yg betul pun iya...
bak kata arwah nenek I, Smeg ni jenis pompuan yg ketegaq bijik!
misteri si Archie pun tak resolve lagi, now misteri si Betty pulak - 2 phantom kids
Ohh u suka floral smell ekk, I pulak suka fruity perfumes, sweet-smelling scents.
Joe Malone tu overpriced, tak mampu satu hal, dan tak worth the money jugak. Kalau u enter kedai diaorg pakai ripped jean wt T-shirt & sneaker, salespersons diaorg layan ala kadar je, mcm sial
Smeg nye veneer tu tak well fitted, secara tak sedar dia akan always adjust it. I rasa laaa
snazzydaisy replied at 12-8-2021 08:55 PM
I have a bad feeling yg Smeg ni will not be held responsible for all her actions. Segala tindak-ta ...
Tak kena mana mana terowong pulak kn Megot nie? Mcm Lady D kena dulu terowong kat Paris .. ke paparazzi malas na kejar sebab xde pekdah
hehehehe, maybe Smeg pandai elak terowong kot, guna open roads yg well equipped dgn traffic cams aje, tunnel strategy tak mungkin akan digunakan on Smeg, it will be too obvious, dan ada pihak tu takut sgt dgn racism backlash if Smeg being eliminated...
mesti ada sebabnya Smeg ni dibiarkan hidup, if pihak tertentu nak dia mati, dah lama dah mati, jgn memain dgn British intelligence...
Dan Wootton - Will Harry and Meghan Destroy the Royal Family?
40s acting like 20s
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Meghan & her PR ni mmg desperate, Kate nye wedding dress tu lagi iconic kot!
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Lies, lies and more lies.
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Connection between SoHo & the Yorks...
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Meghan Markle FIGHTS Crew In Leaked Oprah Footage - Part 2
I love this dude!
Post time 16-8-2021 12:38 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 15-8-2021 05:12 PM
Meghan Markle FIGHTS Crew In Leaked Oprah Footage - Part 2
I love this dude!
Ok this is funneh ....harry tu mmg x nak cerai ke bini dia yg overpandai ni
Match made in Montecito hell, most probably takkan bercerai dlm masa terdekat...
Dear Harry & Meghan,
Pls stay speechless as long as you possibly can!
The World.
2 mangkuk ni mmg bitter gila!
Scooby Doo yg bohong!
Well said Mercy!
Obviously kene ghosted dek Obamas, padan muka!