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Author: mk

GLASS SHOES - Kim Hyun Joo, So Ji Sub, Kim Ji Ho

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Post time 18-11-2003 10:20 AM | Show all posts
kite pun suka sangat tengok Chul-woong semalam...terharu je rasa...masa Chul-woong bagi Sun-woo 'rantai tali kasut'+cincin tu, terus Sun-woo cakap, 'I hate you' & lari keluar sambil menangis...lepas tu dia stop & lagi sekali dia cakap dia bencikan seems to me that she's trying very hard to convince herself that she 'hates' Chul-woong, probably...

kesian jugak tengok Tae-hee semalam...eventhough nampak macam Jae-hyuk tak sengaja cakap macam tu kat Tae-hee, but it really has a big impact on her, judging from her hurt-looking face...but unlike other 'teary-eyed' heroines, Tae-hee tetap nampak cool & hanya menangis senyap2 lepas tinggalkan Jae-hyuk...nampak comel pulak dia ikat rambut dia sikit macam tu...

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Wonyee This user has been deleted
Post time 18-11-2003 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Hi All!

Guess what? Radio RFM 988 is telling the same "Glass Shoe" story at the moment...don't know whether it will have the same ending or not...hopefully not coz I've heard that the TV version ending is not satisfying....have to wait & see then :re:

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Post time 19-11-2003 02:29 AM | Show all posts


Walaupun she was caught red-handed sampai terketar-ketar & menangis-nangis tapi masih boleh menipu lagi. Sanggup rahsiakan siapa Sun-woo daripada Mr.Kim, kononnya cucunya tu dah lari dari rumah. Kalau dah memang licik.....

Drama ni baru je episod ke-20, ada lagi 20. Apa lagi Seung-hee tu nak buat pada Sun-woo? Takkan dia nak lepaskan begitu saja, kan? Lagilah dia dengki dengan Sun-woo.....

Jae-hyuk pula memang nak 'menjauhkan' diri dari Tae-hee. Mungkin sebab what he had planned for Mr. Kim dan dia tak mahu Tae-hee 'tersepit' in the conflict. Kesian dengan Tae-hee, being rejected by Jae-hyuk time and time again. Dahlah tu jealous dengan adiknya sendiri (the real one).

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Post time 19-11-2003 02:38 AM | Show all posts

Drama radio

Originally posted by Wonyee at 2003-11-18 02:15 PM:
Hi All!

Guess what? Radio RFM 988 is telling the same "Glass Shoe" story at the moment...don't know whether it will have the same ending or not...hopefully not coz I've heard that the TV version ending is not satisfying....have to wait & see then

Wah, rajin Radio RFM 988 ni buat program storytelling ni, ya. Probably due to the fans yang tak puas tengok di tv and vcd. Will it be like Beautiful Days, the ending being made more dramatic to suit the fans? Hmm....

Btw, this radio version GS dalam bentuk drama or just a narration by the DJ?

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Post time 19-11-2003 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 19-11-2003 02:29 AM:
Walaupun she was caught red-handed sampai terketar-ketar & menangis-nangis tapi masih boleh menipu lagi. Sanggup rahsiakan siapa Sun-woo daripada Mr.Kim, kononnya cucunya tu dah lari dari rumah. Ka ...

sempat lagi si Seung-hee ni menipu...nampaknya si Kim Min Sun telah berjaya membawa watak jahat ni dgn baik...tak hairan la kalau statusnya dah di'elevated' sbg heroin dlm drama2 yg latest...

Jae-hyuk pula memang nak 'menjauhkan' diri dari Tae-hee. Mungkin sebab what he had planned for Mr. Kim dan dia tak mahu Tae-hee 'tersepit' in the conflict. Kesian dengan Tae-hee, being rejected by Jae-hyuk time and time again. Dahlah tu jealous dengan adiknya sendiri (the real one).

memang Jae-hyuk sengaja nak 'menjauhkan' diri dr Tae-hee...dia pun serba salah gak sebenarnya sbb Tae-hee tu guess is, kalau Tae-hee tu bukan cucu Mr. Kim, he would have fallen for her...

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Post time 19-11-2003 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Wonyee at 18-11-2003 02:15 PM:
Hi All!

Guess what? Radio RFM 988 is telling the same "Glass Shoe" story at the moment...don't know whether it will have the same ending or not...hopefully not coz I've heard th ...

after this drama ends at ch9, maybe you could provide us the 'alternative' ending for this drama if 988 gives a different ending?

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Post time 19-11-2003 11:51 PM | Show all posts
mmg ending citer nie tak best sad :cry: sikit c-mei dengar ending dier soh ji sup tue mati waktu nak kawin ngan kim hyun joo sorrylah yek aku tak ingat namer watak dier...tapi aku sbenarnyer nak lepaskan geram :agr: jer nie tadi aku tengok citer nie menyirap betul darah nf: aku dekat si yoon hee tue saper yg jadik adik palsu pada kakak kim hyun joo dlm citer nie...:stp:
aku makin suker plak kat soh ji sup yg jadi samseng tue...walaupun dier samseng but he's very caring about he's girl... dier niepun ader blakon ngan chae rim kan dlm ntv7...aku pun tengok citer nie best gak klakar dier ngan chae rim asyik gadoh jer...

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Wonyee This user has been deleted
Post time 20-11-2003 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 2003-11-19 02:38 AM:
Wah, rajin Radio RFM 988 ni buat program storytelling ni, ya. Probably due to the fans yang tak puas tengok di tv and vcd. Will it be like Beautiful Days, the ending being made more dramatic to sui ...

The radio is a drama version by various drama artistes and even the dialogues are quite similar to the TV version. But I think the radio is a few episodes behind the tv version....:re:

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Wonyee This user has been deleted
Post time 20-11-2003 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 2003-11-19 10:09 AM:
after this drama ends at ch9, maybe you could provide us the 'alternative' ending for this drama if 988 gives a different ending?

Hi whitedove! Sure no problem if the ending is now I've to glue to the tv and radio as!

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Post time 20-11-2003 03:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by c-mei at 19-11-2003 11:51 PM:
tapi aku sbenarnyer nak lepaskan geram  jer nie tadi aku tengok citer nie menyirap betul darah  aku dekat si yoon hee tue saper yg jadik adik palsu pada kakak kim hyun joo dlm citer nie...
aku makin suker plak kat soh ji sup yg jadi samseng tue...walaupun dier samseng but he's very caring about he's girl... dier niepun ader blakon ngan chae rim kan dlm ntv7...aku pun tengok citer nie best gak klakar dier ngan chae rim asyik gadoh jer...

memang geram kat si Seung-hee tu...nampaknya c-mei pun tengok Cheers For the Women jugak...memang lain betul watak SJS dlm citer tu & dlm Glass Shoes...dlm CFTW, dia ego, berlagak & cepat kecik hati...agaknya nak sesuaikan dgn watak dia sbg anak org kaya yg belajar kat oversea...sbb tu si Chae Rim geram betul dgn dia...

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Post time 20-11-2003 04:18 PM | Show all posts

Glass Shoes Ep 21

Jae-hyuk: Samseng seperti awak tak sepadan dengannya.
                  Dia mempunyai masa depan yang cerah.
                  Kalau awak tak halang dia, masa depannya akan lebih cerah.

wah, pedih betul kata2 Jae-hyuk kpd Chul-woong semalam...sampai terkedu kawan tu...nampaknya keadaan inilah yg menyebabkan Chul-woon berubah arah & betul2 jadi samseng...

btw, sapa perasan semalam masa intro/montage, nama Soh Ji Sup dah naik ke atas nama Han Jae Suk? montage dia pun dah bertukar, for the second half of this series maybe...

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Post time 20-11-2003 07:21 PM | Show all posts
aah.. c-mei pun tengok gak CFTW bestkan citer tue...sesuai gak dier 2 org act as couple dlm citer nie...apasal ari nie takder yek glass shoes c-mei baru nak tengok sambungan dier ari nih...nie bagi saper2 yg tak taulah...that  soh ji sup yg jadi gangster tue b4 this couple ngan kim hyun joo in real life so ader rumours kater diorang dah breakup coz family diorang tak restu hubungan nie and ader jugak kata yg diorang dah bersama balik maner yg betul aku pun tak tau..

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Wonyee This user has been deleted
Post time 20-11-2003 09:08 PM | Show all posts
Yeah, I've heard that too, that they used to be a couple for 3 years and separated. After filming of "Glass Shoe" they got back again....memang sepadankan!

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Post time 21-11-2003 10:54 AM | Show all posts

Soh Ji Sup & Kim Hyun Joo...together in real life?

memang kite pun pernah dengar rumors ni...dengarnya lepas shooting Glass Shoes, diorang couple balik...ada kat satu website ni kite terbaca pasal diorang sorok2 keluar dating, siap pakai spek & topi lagi...tapi tengok gambar kat website tu still boleh cam lagilah tu diorang...

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Post time 21-11-2003 01:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 19-11-2003 02:29 Drama ni baru je episod ke-20, ada lagi 20. Apa lagi Seung-hee tu nak buat pada Sun-woo? Takkan dia nak lepaskan begitu saja, kan? Lagilah dia dengki dengan Sun-woo........

hai harap-harap dapat tengok drama ni habis sebelum cuti habis. tapi nampaknya tak sempat. ada 20 episod lagi tu nak follow. tak taulah kalau kat kolej boleh dapat channel9 ni.

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Wonyee This user has been deleted
Post time 23-11-2003 08:35 AM | Show all posts

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to all the Muslim friends here, a great and safe holidays for everyone too! Hmmm....lots of ketupat, satay, rendang, cookies....delicious :lol :;) and don't forget to get lots of 'duit raya' too! ;)

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Wonyee This user has been deleted
Post time 23-11-2003 08:36 AM | Show all posts

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to all the Muslim friends here, a great and safe holidays for everyone too! Hmmm....lots of ketupat, satay, rendang, cookies....delicious :lol :;) and don't forget to get lots of 'duit raya' too! ;)

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Post time 25-11-2003 07:33 PM | Show all posts
nampaknya, ch9 tetap setia menayangkan citer ni walaupun dah raya...unfortunately, kite dah tak dapat tengok citer ni sbb kat kampung tak dapat, ada ke sesapa yg boleh recap episod minggu ni? bagi gist pun jadilah....

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Post time 26-11-2003 07:12 PM | Show all posts

The gist of GS, more or less...

Lebih kurang...

Tuan Kim had his suspicions towards Jae-hyuk jadi dia suruh his driver (Mr. Park) pergi menyiasat rumah Jae-hyuk when the latter is at work. Masa di situ, Mr. Park dapat tahu yang Jae-hyuk ni cucu Tuan Jang (kawan Tuan Kim dulu, and Mr. Park pula pernah bekerja dengannya) dan dia ambil diari Tuan Jang yang disimpan Jae-hyuk. Kebetulan Jae-hyuk balik rumah dan terjumpa Mr. Park di situ. Now that his identity is known, Mr. Park nasihatkan Jang-hyuk to think over his plan for revenge sebab there're more to the whole story and also a lot is at stake e.g. Tae-hee. Flashback, Jae-hyuk remembered how his grandfather was 'forced' to sell his company to Tuan Kim and that he passed away soon after that.

Bila Mr. Park jumpa Tuan Kim, dia kata dia tak jumpa-jumpa apa-apa bukti di rumah Jae-hyuk and Jae-hyuk tak ada kena-mengena dengan pembelian saham syarikat. So, Tuan Kim pun mula layan Jae-hyuk dengan baik, saying that his only wish is to see Tae-hee happy and well. Lagipun Tuan Kim kata dia tak punya banyak masa dan dia sering rasa susah hati mengenangkan perkara yang berlaku pada kawan karibnya dulu. Jae-hyuk bila dengar tu mula ada second thoughts about getting the company.

Jae-hyuk suruh assistant dia tangguhkan dulu pembelian saham syarikat tu sebab Mr. Park dah tahu pasal dia. Tapi assistant dia tak setuju. Walaupun Jae-hyuk beri arahan suruh tangguhkan dulu, dia tak ikut. Instead he told Mr. Lee (the gangster guy) to act immediately.

Tuan Kim beritahu Seung-hee, suruh dia teruskan dengan her impersonation as Tae-hee's sister. Tuan Kim is preparing Tae-hee to be his heir and the company president. Jadi dia tak mahu perasaan Tae-hee terjejas. Seung-hee diarah to keep quiet and continue with her charade as "Yun-hee" so that Tae-hee akan terus gembira dan Tuan Kim pun tukarkan hakmilik kedai makan tu atas nama mak Seung-hee. Personally, I think.....walaupun tujuan Tuan Kim ni baik tapi can't help thinking that he's making a deal with the "devil". :sp:

Finally Jae-hyuk beritahu Tae-hee yang dia sememangnya gembira bila bersama Sun-woo. Tak macam bila dia dengan Tae-hee. He used to think that he was going to marry her but not anymore. Bila bersama dengan Sun-woo, Jae-hyuk rasa happy and full of life. So, they finally break up. Even before that, Sun-woo dah cuba rapatkan balik Jae-hyuk dan Tae-hee tapi tak berjaya.

* recaps for Monday & Tuesday's episodes. whitedove, episode hari Rabu, nanti dulu....

[ Last edited by katt on 27-11-2003 at 03:30 PM ]

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Post time 26-11-2003 08:23 PM | Show all posts

I'm sorry, I really love him...(Lee Sun Woo)

what did she mean by saying that "I'm sorry, I really love him"? Selepas dia bagi tau Chul-woong yang dia suka kat Jang Jae-Hyuk. Masa Sun-woo cakap kat Chul-woong rasanya macam kejam je. He really in love with her. Dia ada cakap yang daia hidup kerana Sun-Woo dan mati juga kerana Sun-Woo. Well it's really pain to hear that from Sun-Woo how much she love Jae-Hyuk.

Kesian Chul-Woong :cry:

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