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Author: solstice

Keanehan sumber air Zam Zam

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Post time 28-4-2012 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Ada ustad aku cerita, tapi aku tak sure tang mana nak google, aku try gak cari article ke apa, sapa  ...
esbok Post at 27-4-2012 14:18

   pernah gak dgr org cite.. dulu ada sorg terjatuh dlm lubang perigi zam zam tu..pastu penyelamat jengok kepala dlm perigi zam zam tu.. dorg kata dlm perigi zam zam tu
terlalu luas ... seolah lautan yg xbertepian..
ntah la.. sy hanya sekadar berkongsi apa yg didgr..

tp air zam zam mmg sedap di minum.. lebih2 lagi yg sejuk..
pada yg xpernah minum air zam zam.. pd permulaan mmg la xlalu sbb rasanya yg payau..
tp bila kita berkesempatan menjejak kan kaki di sana.. secara automatik.. kita akan berasa yg air zam zam tu
sgt2 lazat.. lg pown bila kita kat masjidil haram cuma ada air zam zam jew ntuk minum dan berwuduk..

Use magic Report


Post time 28-4-2012 11:25 AM | Show all posts
pernah gak dgr org cite.. dulu ada sorg terjatuh dlm lubang perigi zam zam tu..pastu penyel ...
anniez08 Post at 28-4-2012 10:46

   aku pun tak pasti dengan apa yang aku dgr, telinga aku pun bukan betul sangat. Kuat khayal

Use magic Report

Post time 28-4-2012 11:29 AM | Show all posts
[English Version]
Research by Tariq Hussain, Riyadh

Come the Haj season, and I am reminded of the wonders of Zum Zum water. Let me go back to how it all started. In 1971, a doctor wrote to the European Press, a letter saying that Zum Zum water was not fit for drinking purposes. I mmediately thought that this was just a form of prejudice against the Muslims and that since his statement was based on the assumption that since the Ka'aba was a shallow place (below sea level) and located in the center of the city of Makkah, the wastewater of the city collecting through the drains fell into well holding the water.

Fortunately, the news came to King Faisal's ears who got extremely angry and decided to disprove the doctor's provocative statement. He immediately ordered the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources to investigate and send samples of Zum Zum water to European laboratories for testing the potability of the water.

The ministry then instructed the Jeddah Power and Desalination Plants to carry out this task. It was here that I was employed as a desalting engineer (chemical engineer to produce drinking water from seawater).

I was chosen to carry out this assignment. At this stage, I Remember that I had no idea what the well holding the water looked like. I went to Makkah and reported to the authorities at the Ka'aba explaining my purpose of visit. They deputed a man to give me what ever help was required. When we reached the well, it was hard for me to believe that a pool of water, more like a small pond, about 18 by 14 feet, or 6 x 4.5 meters was the well that supplied millions of gallons of water every year to Hajjis and millions of gallons to visitors since it came into existence at The time of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S., many, many centuries ago.

I started my investigations and took the dimensions of the well. I asked the man to show me the depth of the well. First he took a shower and descended into the water. Then he straightened his body. I saw that the water level came up to just above his shoulders. His height was around five feet, eight inches. He then started moving from one corner to the other in the well (standing all the while since he was not allowed to dip his head into the water) in search of any inlet or pipeline inside the well to see from where the water came in. However, the man reported that he could not find any inlet or pipeline inside the well.

I thought of another idea. The water could be withdrawn rapidly with the help of a big transfer pump which was installed at the well for the Zum Zum water storage tanks. In this way, the water level would drop enabling us to locate the point of entry of the water. Surprisingly, nothing was observed during the pumping period, but I knew that this was the only method by which you could find the entrance of the water to the well. So I decided to repeat the process. But this time I instructed the man to stand still at one place and carefully observe any unusual thing happening inside the well. After a while, he suddenly raised his hands and shouted, "Alhamdollillah! I have found it. The sand is dancing beneath my feet as the water oozes out of the bed of the well." Then he moved around the well during the pumping period and noticed the same phenomenon everywhere in the well. Actually the flow of water into the well through the bed was equal at every point, thus keeping the level of the water steady. After I finished my observations I took the samples of the water for European laboratories to test.

Before I left the Ka'aba, I asked the authorities about the other wells around Makkah. I was told that these wells were mostly dry.

When I reached my office in Jeddah I reported my findings to my boss who listened with great interest but made a very irrational comment that the Zum Zum well could be internally connected to the Red Sea. How was it possible when Makkah is about 75 kilometers away from the sea and the wells located before the city usually remains dry? The results of the water samples tested by the European laboratories and the one we analyzed in our own laboratory were found to be almost identical.

The difference between Zum Zum water and other water (city water) was in the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of these was slightly higher in Zum Zum water. This may be why this water refreshes tired Hajis, but more significantly, the water contains fluorides that have an effective germicidal action. Moreover, the remarks of the European laboratories showed that the water was fit for drinking.

Hence the statement made by the doctor was proved false. When this was reported to King Faisal he was extremely pleased and ordered the contradiction of the report in the European Press. In a way, it was a blessing that this study was undertaken to show the chemical composition of the water. In fact, the more you explore, the more wonders surface and you find yourself believing implicitly in the miracles of this water that God bestowed as a gift on the faithful coming from far and wide to the desert land for pilgrimage.

Let me sum up some of the features of Zum Zum water.

  • This well has never dried up. On the contrary it has always fulfilled the demand for water.
  • It has always maintained the same salt composition and taste ever since it came into existence. Its potability has always been universally recognized as pilgrims from all over the world visit Ka'aba every year for Haj and Umrah, but have never complained about it. Instead, they have always enjoyed the water that refreshes them.
  • Water tastes different at different places. Zum Zum water's appeal has always been universal.
  • This water has never been chemically treated or chlorinated, as is the case with water pumped into the cities. Biological growth and vegetation usually takes place in most wells. This makes the water unpalatable owing to the growth of algae causing taste and odor problems. But in the case of the Zum Zum water well, there wasn't any sign of biological growth.

Centuries ago, Bibi Hajra A.S. searched desperately for water in the hills of Safa and Marwa to give to her newly born son Hazrat Ismail A.S. As she ran from one place to another in search of water, her child rubbed his feet against the sand. A pool of water surfaced, and by the grace of Allah, shaped itself into a well which came to be called Zum Zum water.

*kesahihan cerita ni wallahualam.

source :



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Use magic Report

Post time 28-4-2012 11:34 AM | Show all posts
[Malay Translation]
Research by Tariq Hussain, Riyadh

"Setiap kali tiba musim haji, saya pasti teringat akan kehebatan air zam-zam. Marilah kita sama-sama mengimbas kembali bagaimana hal ini boleh ianya terjadi.

Pada tahun 1971, seorang doktor dari Mesir telah menulis surat kepada European Press, sebuah agensi akhbar Eropah, yang mana antara kandungan surat tersebut mengatakan bahawa air zam-zam tidak sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai air minuman.

Kenyataan doktor ini adalah berdasarkan andaian bahawa Kaabah berada di tengah-tengah Makkatul Mukarramah, yang merupakan sebuah lembah yang terletak di bawah aras laut, dan ini menyebabkan semua air kumbahan akan memasuki ke dalam mana-mana takungan air atau perigi.

Secara spontan saya menganggap surat ini tidak lebih dari salah satu usaha untuk memperkecilkan kaum muslimin.

Walaubagaimanapun berita ini telah sampai ke pendengaran pemerintah arab, Faisal Shah, yang amat murka terhadap tuduhan tidak berasas doktor tersebut.

Baginda telah mengarahkan Kementerian Sumber Air dan Pertanian supaya segera menjalankan siasatan dan menghantar sejumlah contoh air zam-zam kepada makmal-makmal di Eropah untuk mendapat jawapan tentang kesesuaian air zam-zam sebagai air minuman.

Kementerian telah mengarahkan Unit Penulenan dan Tenaga Jeddah untuk melaksanakan kajian tersebut.
Ketika itu saya bertugas sebagai Jurutera nyah-garam( iaitu Jurutera Kimia yang bertanggungjawap terhadap proses menukarkan air laut kepada air minuman). Saya telah di lantik untuk melaksanakan tugasan ini, dan saya masih ingat, saya tidak punya sebarang gambaran langsung bagaimana rupa-bentuk perigi zam-zam ini.

Saya ke Mekkah, lalu melaporkan diri kepada pihak Penguasa/penjaga Kaabah, tentang tujuan saya di situ. Pihak tersebut telah memberikan saya seorang pembantu bagi meringankan usaha-usaha ini.

Kami tiba di perigi Zam-Zam, memang mengkagumkan dan amat sukar untuk mempercayai bahawa ianya hanya seluas sebuah kolam kecil iaitu kira-kira 18 kaki xi 14 kaki ( 600 meter kali 470 meter..*****a setengah keluasan kolam renang saiz olimpik) Kolam kecil inilah yang telah membekalkan berjuta gelen air setiap tahun sejak ianya wujud pada zaman Nabi Ibrahim a.s, beratus tahun dahulu.

Saya memulakan penyiasatan dengan mengambil ukuran perigi tersebut dan meminta pembantu saya agar menunjukkan kedalaman perigi tersebut. Lalu beliau terus mandi dan berenang sebelum menegakkan badannya, paras air menunjukkan setinggi paras bahu beliau. Ketinggian beliau hanyalah 5 kaki, 8 inci atau 200cm.

Kemudian pembantu saya bergerak dari satu sudut ke sudut yang lain (beliau berdiri setiap masa, kerana tidak dibenarkan menyelam) dalam usaha mencari punca-punca air di dalam perigi, walaubagaimanpun usaha ini ternyata gagal.

Saya terfikir satu cara, iaitu dengan menyedut keluar air secara berterusan ke tangki air dengan bantuan mesin pengepam air yang terdapat di sebelah perigi zam-zam, sudah pasti paras air zam-zam akan berkurangan dan ini akan memudahkan kami mengesan punca air.

Amat mengejutkan kerana tiada apa-apa yang terjadi, biarpun saya pasti cara ini pasti berkesan. Saya melakukan cara ini sekali lagi, tetapi mengarahkan pembantu saya berdiri tetap di suatu tempat, dan memerhati apa sahaja yang mungkin berlaku di dalam perigi.

Tidak berapa lama kemudian, pembantu saya menjerit “alhamdullilah, saya telah menemuinya. Pasir di bawah kaki saya bergerak serentak ketika air di pamkan keluar”. Beliau bergerak di pelbagai sudut perigi, perkara yang sama juga berlaku di semua sudut.

Sebenarnya, air yang memasuki ke dalam perigi ini, adalah sama dengan yang sedang dipamkan, menyebabkan paras air dalam perigi ini tetap sama.

Saya menamatkan pemerhatian saya dengan mengambil contoh air zam-zam untuk dihantar ke makmal-makmal eropah. Sebelum keluar dari Kaabah, saya bertanya kepada pihak berkuasa,
adakah lain-lain perigi di sini? Jawapannya ialah kebanyakannya telah kering.

Sekembali ke pejabat, saya melaporkan penemuan saya kepada ketua jabatan, yang mendengar dengan penuh minat, tetapi memberikan komen yang agak kurang menyenangkan, iaitu, mungkin perigi zam-zam berpunca dari Laut Merah.

Mana mungkin sebuah perigi berpunca dari Laut Merah, yang jaraknya kira-kira 75 km dari Mekkah dan hampir kesemua perigi di situ kering?

Hasil penyelidikan yang dijalankan di makmal-makmal eropah dan di makmal kami sendiri didapati serupa.

Perbezaan di dalam air zam-zam dengan air biasa di Mekkah adalah kandungan garam kalsium dan magnesium yang lebih tinggi bagi air zam-zam. Ini didapati merangsangkan badan jemaah haji yang keletihan.Yang lebih menarik ialah kandungan florida didalam air zam-zam mempunyai kadar efektif penyah-kuman.

Tetapi yang penting ialah kenyataan makmal eropah antara lain menyatakan air zam-zam sangat sesuai untuk dijadikan air minuman seterusnya menafikan penulisan doktor dari Mesir.

Apabila penemuan ini di serahkan kepada Faisal Shah, baginda amat gembira lalu mengarahkan hasil penyelidikkan ini di siarkan oleh European Press.

Itulah hasilnya, penyelidikan yang diambil bagi menunjukkan struktur kimia didalam air zam-zam.

Sebenarnya, lebih mendalam kejian dilakukan, anda akan menemui lebih banyak keajaiban yang akan ditemui, dan menyedarkan kita akan kekuasaanAllah s.w.t. dan pemberianNYA kepada hambaNYA yang menunaikan haji.

Secara keseluruhannya, kelebihan air zam-zam ialah:

Perigi ZAM-ZAM tidak pernah kering, ianya akan senatiasa dipenuhi dengan air bagi memenuhi permintaan. Kandungan garam galian dan rasanya tetap sama sejak kewujudannya Kesesuaian air minuman zam-zam ini diiktiraf oleh jemaah haji seantero dunia yang mengunjungi kaabah tanpa
sebarang keraguan.
Air ini tidak pernah dirawat atau diklorinkan, tidak seperti air-air di tempat lain. Kewujudan biologi dan lumut biasanya akan berlaku di kebanyakkan perigi, yang mana akan menyebabkan air di dalam perigi tersebut tidak sesuai untuk diminum kerana rasa dan baunya berubah. Tetapi bagi perigi zam-zam tiada sebarang petunjuk kewujudan biologi tersebut

Pada abad lalu, Ibu Hajar berusaha keras mencari air di antara Bukit Safwa dan Bukit Marwa, bagi diberikan kepada Ismail a.s. yang baru dilahirkannya. Semasa Ibu hajar berlari di antara bukit tersebut, anaknya telah mengosok-gosokkan kakinya ke tanah. Punca air wujud, dan dengan izin Allah, lalu membentuk sebuah kolam dan kini di kenali sebagai telaga Zam-Zam.

Diambil di ... ir-zam-zam-t449.htm
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Use magic Report

Post time 28-4-2012 01:25 PM | Show all posts
[Malay Translation]

esbok Post at 28-4-2012 11:34

    good info......

Use magic Report

Post time 29-4-2012 07:47 AM | Show all posts
Mesti ramai yang tak paham konsep aquifer well ni.....

Use magic Report

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Post time 29-4-2012 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 42# nad014

ramai pencuri kat sana termasuklah pencopet yang menyamar jadi pengemis. handphone dalam poket jubah pun boleh kena curi, kisah benar yang berlaku kat kawan saya tahun lepas

Use magic Report

Post time 29-4-2012 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply 52# esbok

mungkin juga. pernah dengar ustaz cerita katanya kalau air zamzam tu tidak digunakan (minum dan seumpamanya) nanti boleh berlaku banjir

Use magic Report


Post time 29-4-2012 12:08 PM | Show all posts
[Malay Translation]

esbok Post at 28-4-2012 11:34

wah info yg menarik terimakasih...tebaikkkk

Use magic Report

Post time 14-5-2012 11:37 AM | Show all posts
"the reason telaga tu ditutup pasal org slalu tido kt kawasan tu sebab dia,instead of taking the water from the well itself.derang dh transfer air zam-zam tuh dlm water bucket yg diletakkan sepanjang walkway dlm masjidilharam."-ari7

aku terserempak dgn post ni, saja share. betul ke tak betul wallahualam

Use magic Report

Post time 14-5-2012 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Subhanallah.. good info..

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2012 01:01 AM | Show all posts
terima kasih medang

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2012 07:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kuncirezeki at 16-5-2012 07:24

molekul air zam-zam

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2012 07:26 AM | Show all posts

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2012 08:51 AM | Show all posts
tq for info...

Use magic Report

Post time 19-6-2012 12:33 PM | Show all posts
Reply 64# esbok

thnks for sharing~

Use magic Report


Post time 19-6-2012 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply 3# prettyuglybabe

ya ke? saya pulak rasa manis. Masa first time jer dulu memang rasa payau. Tapi sekarang nie,bila ada hamba allah sedekahkan air zam zam, memang manis....berbeza sangat dengan air mineral.....

Use magic Report

Post time 19-6-2012 01:59 PM | Show all posts
thank u for the infooo

Use magic Report

Post time 19-6-2012 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by prettyuglybabe at 19-6-2012 14:14
ya ke? saya pulak rasa manis. Masa first time jer dulu memang rasa payau.  ...
Luckman Post at 19-6-2012 01:52 PM

babe rasa payau jah. kena tunggu orang bagi lagi ni untuk rasa. mungkin masa minum dulu tu kurang menghayati

Use magic Report

Post time 19-6-2012 02:26 PM | Show all posts

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