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Author: seribulan


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Post time 17-8-2003 08:07 AM | Show all posts
satu lagi yg i nak kongsi ng member mencegah keganasan dan rampasan dlm kapal terbang..............china tlh mencipta pistol ( lupa jenis..nanti i check balik) utk air marshal semasa bertugas dlm kabin aircraft.....pistol nie menggunakan peluru sub-sonic dan kaliber kecil yg mana tidak akan menembusi dinding kabin dan jika mangsa terkena tembakan peluru tersebut juga tidak menembusi mangsa......dan tidak membahayakan penumpang lain dan pesawat.......

pasal tu la jugak unit khas polis dan tentera seluruh dunia menggunaka sub mesingan Hk MP5 dpd sub mesingan lain.....kerana beberapa keistimewaan yg x ada pada yg lain....diantaranya fungsinya closed bolt action.

[ Last edited by insignia on 17-8-2003 at 08:29 AM ]

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Post time 17-8-2003 08:31 AM | Show all posts


HK MP5/10

The MP5/10 SMG is a product-improved variation of the world-famous MP5 9mm submachine gun. Designed especially for the American Law Enforcement user, the MP5/10 is chambered for the potent 10mm Auto cartridge. Operation and functioning principles of the MP5/10 are identical to that of the 9mm MP5.
Numerous user inspired improvements have been incorporated into the design. A new bolt catch holds the bolt group rearward after the magazine is empty. A newly designed translucent (see-through) synthetic magazine allows the user to see the immediate status of the rounds remaining in the magazine. These magazines snap together without the need of an accessory clamp, providing the operator with sixty rounds of available firepower right on the weapon. Using a specially developed high strength polymer, these are magazines 30% lighter and impervious to corrosion.

The MP5/10 will come standard with HK's ambidextrous trigger group providing for single, 3-round burst and sustained (full automatic) fire modes. Optional trigger groups, including any combination of the above modes of fire, will also be available. The safety/selector switch is easily accessible by right or left handed operators and does not require operators to change their firing grip to take the weapon off "safe".

A high degree of interchangeability of parts, accessories, stocks and slings exist between the MP5/10 and the 9mm MP5. For low light/night use, HK's own Beta (tritium) self-luminous front and rear sights are available as an option. Replacing the standard forearm with an HK Tactical Forearm Light provides the user with an integral 15,000 candle power flashlight.

The MP5/10 is designed to meet the ever increasing call by U.S. Law Enforcement for a compact, accurate and reliable submachine gun chambered for a cartridge with increased terminal effects on target. The 10mm Auto cartridge provides up to twice the muzzle energy of the standard 9mm parabellum NATO cartridge, and still is easily controllable due to the unique roller-locked bolt system employed throughout the HK line of weapons. This perfect combination of weapon and cartridge puts the firepower, penetration and hard hitting potential of a .45 ACP Thompson SMG into a package identical in size and weight to the 9mm MP5!

As with all HK weapons, the MP5/10 fires from a closed bolt. The newly incorporated bolt catch holds the bolt to the rear after the last round is fired. Depressing the bolt catch release lever releases the bolt to chamber the first round of the loaded magazine. Reloading the MP5/10 under stress is quick and easy due to the design and location of the bolt catch, the ambidextrous magazine release lever, and the convenient way multiple magazines can be snapped together.

The combat proven recoil operation principle ensures excellent reliability under all conditions and surgical accuracy to ranges of 150 meters and beyond. The ability of the roller-locked bolt system to reduce the peak recoil impulse of the 10mm Auto cartridge translates into a very controllable, low recoiling weapon weighing less than 6-1/2 pounds. This combination of light weight and low recoil, make the MP5/10 an ideal weapon for all operators, whether large or small statured.

As a replacement or supplement for the shotgun, the MP5/10 increases the range, accuracy and penetration capability of the user. Its small size makes it easy to transport in and out of confined areas such as vehicles and buildings. Using a 30-round magazine of 10mm ammunition, the MP5/10 gives the user an undeniabl increase in accurate, hard-hitting firepower without the hazardous need for reloading. Ammunition for the MP5/10 is completely compatible with 10mm pistols used by many law enforcement organizations today. The MP5/10 will feed and function reliably with all types of 10mm Auto rounds, both high and low impulse, without modification.

The safety of the MP5/10, like HK's 9mmSMG, is assured due to its positive safety/selector switch, closed-bolt operation and roller-locked bolt. Series production of the MP5/10 is slated to begin in mid-1991. A .40 S&W caliber MP5, termed MP5/40, is undergoing development and testing and is expected to enter series production in late 1991. Other than caliber, the MP5/40 will be identical to the MP5/10.

MP5/10 Technical Specifications Caliber 10mm Auto
Operation Recoil operated, delayed roller-locked bolt system
Ammunition Feed Straight, translucent, synthetic magazine; 30-round capacity
Modes of fire Semi-automatic, 3-round burst, and full-automatic
Rifling 6 Groove right hand twist, one turn in 15 inches
Mechanical sights Rotary aperature rear sight adjustable for windage and elevation; Hooded post front sight
Optical sights Any telescopic sight or aiming device compatible with HK claw-lock mounts; HK PULSE BEAM laser aimers mounted on cocking tube
Weight: with A2 (fixed) stock 5.88 pounds (2.67 kg)
Weight: with A3 (collapsible) stock 6.23 pounds (2.85 kg)
Barrel length 8.85 inches
Overall length: with A2 stock 26.77 inches (680mm)
Overall length: with A3 stock extended 25.98 inches (660mm)
Overall length: with A3 stock collapsed 19.29 inches (490mm)
Sight radius 13.38 inches (340mm)
Width 1.96 inches (50mm)
Height 8.26 inches (210mm)
Standard features Bolt hold-open catch, ambidextrous trigger group & sling attachmentpoints, translucent synthetic magazines
Optional features Tritium sights (front & rear), semi-automatic fire only, 2-round burst, 3-round burst, and fully automatic fire trigger groups

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Post time 17-8-2003 08:35 AM | Show all posts


Uzi, a 1950s Israeli design. In common with the Czech CZ2x series, Italian Beretta M12, it uses a bolt that wraps around the barrel, reducing the gun's overall size and preventing debris (or fingers) from entering the ejection port.
In Israel, Uzi submachine guns are usually carried by off-duty soldiers and civilians. Their low recoil and safety features make them a natural for non-military users. In the US they had long been used by the Secret Service to protect the President. Naturally, regular Americans need to jump through much red tape and pay extra for the privilege of owning one of these "eeeeevil assault weapons".

This weapon is the current choice of the Secret Service. HK MP5 is an unusual German design that fires from a closed bolt, much like a semi-automatic rifle. It gains accuracy at the theoretical expense of sustained fire capability (open bolt designs facilitate faster barrel cooling). This weapon and the larger caliber UMP45 have become common with the American police departments.

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 Author| Post time 17-8-2003 10:14 AM | Show all posts
woww...complet n concise...thanx, mate....

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azzacke This user has been deleted
Post time 18-8-2003 01:50 AM | Show all posts
Terdapat beberapa pasukan khas dari Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dan Polis DiRaja Malaysia yang akan bertindak dalam jangka masa 24 jam sekira terdapat ancaman hijack pada pesawat awam atau kapal yang melalui perairan negara. Di antara unit-unit tersebut adalah Rejimen Gerakhas dari Tentera Darat DiRaja Malaysia, Paskal dari Tentera Laut DiRaja Malaysia dan unit UTK (Unit Tindakkan Khas) dari Polis DiRaja Malaysia.(UTK telah dibubarkan dan dibentuk Unit Gerakhas PDRM)

Gerup Gerakhas (Comanddo) mempunyai satu unit khas yang dipanggil Unit Lawan Keganasan (ULK) yang mengkhaskan pembabitan mereka di dalam menangani usaha ancaman rampasan kapal terbang, kenderaan awam dan bangunan. Semua unit khas ini dianggotai oleh mereka yang pakar dalam pertempuran jarak dekat atau 'Close Quater Battle',Urban Warfare' dan menyelamat tebusan manakala usaha menanggani rampasan kapal di perairan negara dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Pasukan Khas Laut atau Paskal.

Pasukan ini telah dilatih khas untuk menghadapi ancaman konvensional dan bukan konvensional serta latihan di dalam peperangan nuklear, biologi dan kimia (NBC Warfare). Selain itu unit wajib menjalani latihan tempur jarak dekat secara intensif, latihan rutin yang keras dan rumit yang melibatkan teknik dan tektik terbaru, latihan menggunakan letupan khas, menguasai bahasa isyarat CQB serta latihan 'Martial Arts'. Malah, pasukan khas negara ini juga telah menjalani latihan bersama pasukan khas dari U.S, Britain, N.Z dan Australia.

Pelbagai kelengkapan dan persenjataan dilengkapkan pada unit ini termasuk senapang penembak tepat (sniper) L96A1 7.62mm, pelbagai variasi SMG HKMP-5, raifel pertempuran M-16 Carbine, Steyr AUG dan pistol Vektor SP1. Unit ini turut dilengkapkan dengan peralatan teropong pandangan malam, peralatan pembayang haba(Thermal Image), peralatan komunikasi jarak dekat, baju dan helmet kalis peluru, alat perlantak, baju anti pembiasan haba dan kenderaan khas yang dilengkapi peralatan peninjauan, arahan dan kawalan bersepadu.

Setiap ancaman yang berlaku akan dinilai dan dihalusi dengan teliti sebelum menentukan teknik tempur dan menyelamat tebusan, selain menanggani bentuk ancaman kerana setiap ancaman yang berlaku juga memerlukan peralatan dan persenjataan yang tertentu. Misalnya, jika pihak musuh telah merampas bangunan dan mempunyai melebihi 2 anggota sniper maka ULK akan bertindak untuk menambah anggota yang dilengkapi senjata anti sniper yang lebih berkuasa seperti Barret dan Harris yang berkaliber 0.50.

ATM dan PDRM dan pihak lain seperti biasa akan mengkoordinasikan setiap prosedur standard yang ditetapkan oleh kedua-dua pihak seperti penggunaan helikopter dan kenderaan berperisai, kawalan persekitaran di kawasan ancaman, penyediaan makanan, perubatan, anggota perunding PDRM, pihak Bomba,Telekom, TNB dan pihak berkuasa lain yang terbabit   

Oleh yang demikian, kita tidak perlu bimbang dengan ancaman yang sedemikian kerana kita memiliki pelan koordinator yang baik dengan semua pihak termasuk polis interpol, unit intelligence dan pasukan tempur dan menyelamat yang mampu menanggani dalam apa bentuk ancaman dan di mana sahaja.

[ Last edited by azzacke on 18-8-2003 at 12:24 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 18-8-2003 01:53 AM | Show all posts
ni mesti polis nih....tq...

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azzacke This user has been deleted
Post time 19-8-2003 12:15 PM | Show all posts


Janganlah serkap jarang...tak baik......:re:

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2003 12:18 PM | Show all posts
bukan ker..sori...tgk cam berpengalaman jer...sori mori zori...

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Post time 19-8-2003 04:51 PM | Show all posts
hehehee... serkap jarang lagik...hiksss....

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2003 12:02 AM | Show all posts
ooo...gelak kita lak tok aki nih...

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Post time 20-8-2003 12:05 AM | Show all posts
aisyeh.... jan mara ler... gelak siap tutup mulut ni.....hikssss...
p/s jan cetar kat owang....tak per nek wan....diaorang paham....

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2003 12:47 AM | Show all posts
apa citer yg nak dihijack la ni???

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Post time 20-8-2003 06:50 PM | Show all posts manyak bagus ler...ahaaaaksss....

who dares win......

The SAS is one of the best know and must respected elite forces today. Until the May
5th 1980 not many people knew of the SAS' existence, but after SAS assulters armed with MP-5 sub-machineguns, live on TV stormed the Iranian Embassy. The Embassy had been sieged by six masked Iranian terrorist and 21 people were held hostage. Only one terrorist, who hid among the hostages, survied the attack by SAS.

The SAS was thought of Captain David Stirling, who was hospitalized because of a parachute accident. While in Hospital Cap. Stirling evolved the idea of small 4 to 5 men raiding teams, instead of 50 men big commando units. The new small units could be dropped by parachute or infiltrated by jeeps or small boats, deep behind enemy lines to carry out sabotage or reconnaissance missions. When Striling got out of hospital he persuade his General Sir Claude Auchinleck, commander-in-chief of Western Desert North Africa, to create small raiding units.

Since the WWII has SAS seen action in Malaya, Borneo, Oman and Vietnam. The british goverment deny that british SAS soldiers has fought in the Vietnam War during a exchange program with US Special Forces. Officially is it only Australian and New Zealand SAS troops, who have been involved in fighting in Vietnam.

In January 1976 was the first full squadron SAS soldiers deployed in Ulster. Some of their missions in Ulster included setting up OPs for surveillance of IRA hideouts, and protection of IRA targets.

During the Gulf War were SAS inserted deep inside Iraq to search for mobile Scud launchers. The SAS was very successful, they managed to stop the Scud Launches from their patrol area. One of the SAS patrols, BRAVO-2-0 was hit with accidents right from the start. They had been given the wrong frequencies for their radio, so they couldn't communicated with their HQ. They also experienced the worst weather in the region in 30 years. Only one of the eight-man team made it to safty, four were captured and 3 were killed.

Stationed: Hereford, England
Weapons: H&K MP5, MP5SD, MP5k; H&K G3 assult rifle; Sig-Sauer P226 Handgun, M16 assult rifle w/M203 grenade launcher; Browning High Power 9mm handgun and many others.

Picture: SAS troopers dressed in CT kit, using ladders to gain entry to their "Kill House".

[ Last edited by insignia on 20-8-2003 at 10:26 PM ]

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Post time 20-8-2003 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Grup Gerak Khas : History

In handling the problems arising from the Confrontation in 1965, the Honorable Tun Abd Razak bin Dato

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Post time 20-8-2003 07:08 PM | Show all posts

Grup Gerak & lencana

The blue color symbolizes close relationship between the Malaysian Special Service Group with 40th Royal Marine Commando (British) . The formation of Malaysian Special Service Group (MSSG) was initiated by 40th Royal Marine Commando which was also responsible for the training and imparting of specialized skills to these selected personnel. Personnel of 40th Royal Marine Commando and Special Forces Units wear the traditional blue lanyards.

All qualified personnel of Special Forces are awarded the green berets. Green beret is also a commonly worn headgear of the other Special Forces in the world. The green color also symbolizes the Islamic color - the official religion of Malaysia.

Tiger denotes bravery. The mean and unwaning features of the tiger potrays ferocity and might. These characteristics are to be possessed and portrayed by personnel of the Special Forces.

The dagger symbolizes the essence of decisiveness, steadfastness and inherent ability of rationalization possessed by personnel of the Special Forces. The unsheathed dagger portray the status of combat readiness of the Special Forces Units which are ever ready for all eventualities at all times. Its vertical alignment denotes the spirit and aspiration of the Special Forces personnel.

Cepat dan Cergas.
The slogan 慍epat Dan Cergas

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2003 11:28 PM | Show all posts
good info insignia..roger n out...

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Post time 21-8-2003 11:17 PM | Show all posts
hehehe... roger n out jer....wooit nek wan maner kerpok nyer....

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2003 07:16 PM | Show all posts
nek wan..mogok lapar...goreng sendiri...

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Post time 22-8-2003 09:52 PM | Show all posts
jgn ler mogok ......kesian kita org nak makan......ahaakkkkssss

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2003 10:30 PM | Show all posts
la cucu lapar...meh nek wan goreng..jgn kasik tok aki tuh tau...

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