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Author: lbslbs

Satu bukti Cina & India Rakyat 2nd Class

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Post time 4-1-2010 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by super_nova at 4-1-2010 23:11

80% pembayar cukai Chinese?  99% anggota keselamatan dari Polis dan askar (Askar Melayu) banyak terbunuh mempertahankan malaya dalam WW2 dan Komunis...sapa yang banyak jadik komunis?? melayu ka??hahahaha...
askar dan polis melayu banyak mati dalam keganasan Komunis Cina, bila komunis lenyap, ekonomi pulih dan bisnessman Cina selesa nak berniaga, then pertikaikan derang paling banyak (80%) bayor cukai...ada ka patot????? 80% tax payer is chinese tu langsung x da nilai hatta utk. 1 nyawa askar/polis Melayu yang terkorban angkara komunis....ching pen ziii btoiiii...

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Post time 5-1-2010 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kaikaibaby at 5-1-2010 20:55
mereka sendiri yang rela datang ke sini untuk mengubah nasib mereka yg kurang baik ditanah tumpah asal mereka zaman kekacauan dahulu walhal disini dah ada leader/Malay Power/ketuanan Melayu nya...
super_nova Post at 4-1-2010 22:54
banyak drp mereka ditangkap & dijual ke sini, bukannya semua tapi ade...

1.macamana plak melayu yang jadi 3rd. class kat singapore?
2.melayu yg jadi 2nd class kat thailand?
3.muslim yg jadik 2nd class kat India,China dan negara2 lain?

1.bila dah undang2 singapore kata melayu itu 3rd class/ bagi treatment yg lebih baik kpd kaum lain?
2.thailand tuh saya tak pasti sbb pengetahuan tak cukup luas
3.muslim bila dah jadi 2nd class kat china?? setahu saya muslim lebih mudah masuk university/ dpt kerja kerajaan etc kat china... kan kaum han jugak native?

x dak plak aku rasa 2nd class sebab aku BUMIPUTRA.......hahahahahaha
mana adil cam tuh?
yg mmg bukan bumiputra pon bleh dpt status bumiputra...

kita lihat kesannya wujud kuota bagai
1.graduan universiti tak berkualiti
2.kaum boleh dikategori ngan industri - melayu kakitangan kerajaan, cina peniaga/ pekerja swasta, india pekerja ladang/ bekerja ngan syarikat swasta
3.melayu semakin bergantung pada subsidi kerajaan
4.persaingan tak adil
5.perasaan benci antara kaum

hanya 1 yg saya nak minta skrg, iaitu suasana persaingan yg adil... hapuskan kuota bagai tapi bagi banyak kebajikan kpd org miskin & bagi latihan kpd mereka yg kalah dlm persaingan...

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Post time 8-1-2010 06:58 PM | Show all posts
welfare receipient for what area?? 80% of tax payer is chinese...

kaikaibaby Post at 2-1-2010 19:05

Thats right. Keep on dreaming. Its all you hopeless backward chinese can ever do

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Post time 8-1-2010 07:05 PM | Show all posts
62# kaikaibaby
Mana lu tau graduan malaysia tak berkualiti ?

Pelabur asing berduyun-duyun datang malaysia semua puas hati dengan pekerja mahir malaysia.

Engko pulak pandai-pandai nak kritik . Lu ingat lu siapa ? Boleh blah la woi. Sampah

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Post time 8-1-2010 10:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kaikaibaby at 8-1-2010 22:06
62# kaikaibaby
Mana lu tau graduan malaysia tak berkualiti ?

Pelabur asing berduyun-duyun datang malaysia semua puas hati dengan pekerja mahir malaysia.

Engko pulak pandai-pandai nak kritik . ...
BotakChinPeng Post at 8-1-2010 19:05
hahaha... klu graduan berkualiti, nape ranking um boleh jatuh dari top 100 ke 260++?? ranking dah turun banyak tahun & skrg baru nak naik.... saya kritik utk kebaikan semua... bukan kritik semata2 nak cari pasal...

Thats right. Keep on dreaming. Its all you hopeless backward chinese can ever doBotakChinPeng Post at 8-1-2010 18:58
huhuhuhuh... we're also aware that malay are getting better nowadays... unlike some malay (not all) still with mindset "melayu dah banyak berkorban utk kaum lain"... masih tak boleh pandang ke hadapan, tiap2 hari dok kata "sejarah tetap sejarah"... the primary school teacher, our parents, our neighbors & every non malay around us always tells us that we must be tough & show that we can success even without the help from govt... we must prove that we will survive without subsidy from govt & even live better than those who get the subsidies...... that's why we're richer/ wealthier than others...

so, nowadays, kanak2 skolah rendah diajar bahawa mereka kena lagi rajin/ tough drp generasi yg lalu/ generasi ibu bapa mereka sbb zaman skrg persaingan smakin kuat... budak2 skrg, ibu bapa mereka selalu kata "dulu zaman kami takde persaingan yg kuat & senang jadi kaya, skrg zaman dah berubah & ko kena lagi rajin drp generasi kami supaya dpt survive"

over 90% of total income tax the govt get each year is paid by chinese... this is what mahatir said... i dont agree to differentiate politicians, tax payers, electoral district etc according to race but its what y'all have done... so we're just do the same thing to y'all...

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Post time 9-1-2010 12:34 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by BotakChinPeng at 9-1-2010 00:40

If your backward ppl are richer why are they

living in rat infested habitats ?

tortured by ah longs like animals ?

selling their own custards just to make a buck ?

depending on charityf or free meals ?

demand more and more subsidies?

receive financial aid from govt and malay welfare organisation ?

There are even chinese squatters being harased by thugs working for malay land owners. LOL

Post Last Edit by kaikaibaby at 8-1-2010 22:06
huhuhuhuh...we're also aware that malay are getting better nowadays... unlike somemalay (not all) still with mindset "melayu dah banyak berkorban utkkaum lain"... masih tak boleh pandang ke hadapan, tiap2 hari dok kata"sejarah tetap sejarah"... the primary school teacher, our parents, ourneighbors & every non malay around us always tells us that we mustbe tough & show that we can success even without the help fromgovt... we must prove that we will survive without subsidy from govt& even live better than those who get the subsidies...... that'swhy we're richer/ wealthier than others...

so,nowadays, kanak2 skolah rendah diajar bahawa mereka kena lagi rajin/tough drp generasi yg lalu/ generasi ibu bapa mereka sbb zaman skrgpersaingan smakin kuat... budak2 skrg, ibu bapa mereka selalu kata"dulu zaman kami takde persaingan yg kuat & senang jadi kaya, skrgzaman dah berubah & ko kena lagi rajin drp generasi kami supaya dptsurvive"

over90% of total income tax the govt get each year is paid by chinese...this is what mahatir said... i dont agree to differentiate politicians,tax payers, electoral district etc according to race but its what y'allhave done... so we're just do the same thing to y'all...

kaikaibaby Post at 8-1-2010 22:01

After making some whacky claims in here you can only back them up with comments by a weakling Al Gore whipping boy like mahathir. Hahahahahaa.What a freakin joke.

mahathir didn’t say 90% income tax are from chinese la bodoh. He said 90% of all tax are from your downtrodden chinese ppl
Let me ask you something kaikaibab ;
if 90% tax are from ethnic chinese does that mean petronas, felda and all foreign investors make up less than the remainder ? or are they all owned by the chinese ?

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Post time 9-1-2010 12:41 AM | Show all posts
If your backward ppl are richer why are they

living in rat infested habitats ?

tortured by ah longslike animals ?

selling their own custardsjust to make a buck ?

depending on charityfor free meals ?

demand more and more subsidies?

receive financialaid from govt and malay welfare organisation ?

There are even chinese squatters being harased by thugs working for malay land owners. LOL
BotakChinPeng Post at 9-1-2010 00:34
do you think all chinese are rich ones?? impossible... who demands more subsidies?? lol... we want all the poors, regardless of race, can get the subsidies while the rich ones, also regardless of race, won't get any subsidy... that's all...

f 90% tax are from ethnic chinese does that mean petronas andall foreign investors make up less than the remainder ? or are they all ownedby the chinese ?
maybe he's talking about personal income tax, paid by locals... and you can't deny chinese pay more income tax than malay...

and someone like you is the true squatter of msia...
org yg berfikiran feudal = squatters...

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Post time 9-1-2010 12:53 AM | Show all posts
and you can't deny chinese pay more income tax than malay...
kaikaibaby Post at 9-1-2010 00:41

Of course i can. Your ppl are poor. So they pay less taxes. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out.{:1_125:}

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Post time 9-1-2010 11:36 AM | Show all posts
Of course i can. Your ppl are poor. So they pay less taxes. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out.{:1_125:}
BotakChinPeng Post at 9-1-2010 00:53
so, just keep on dreaming... i don't deny that financial situation of malay is getting better nowadays... but chinese are still richer & paying more income tax currently...
lets look it this way,
chinese consist of 22% of malaysian population
malay is about 60%

if chinese pay 30 %, while malay pay 50% of the total amount that the govt get, then chinese is paying more than malay...

however, tax payers should not be differentiate by race...

i demand that the rich ones, regardless of race should get rid of any type of subsidies as they're capable to compete with others..

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Post time 10-1-2010 05:57 PM | Show all posts
chinese are 26 % of malaysians la bodoh. Malays approximately 53%

chinese consist of 22% of malaysian population
malay is about 60%

if chinese pay 30 %, while malay pay 50% of the total amount that the govt get, then chinese is paying more than malay...
kaikaibaby Post at 9-1-2010 11:36

If chinese were paying proportionally more taxes than malays, the govt would have trumpeted it a long time ago.

Their silence in this issue is a clear sign that they are trying to hide malay economic superiority.

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Post time 12-4-2010 11:37 PM | Show all posts
senang cerita, nak pinda artikel 153 (hak istimewa bumi)...non-bumi kena accept pinda artikel 152 (hak belajar dan guna bahasa selain bahasa kebangsaan)

kalau sungguh mau jadi rakyat Malaysia yg dapat hak sama rata, kena mula dengan pendidikan satu aliran...silibus yg sama, bahasa yg sama.

hak org mau minta...hak sendirik tau tanak lepaskan...apa kess

fully agreed...berterima kasih lah pd org2 mlayu yang sanggup terima kaum bukan bumiputera di tanah ketuanan melayu..

dorang ni patut kna ajar sejarah malaysia smpai paham...

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Post time 15-4-2010 09:36 PM | Show all posts
lansinya yang cakap kalau takde mereka negara Malaysia akan melungkup

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Post time 2-6-2010 10:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply 72# ketupat79


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Post time 11-6-2010 06:34 PM | Show all posts
this is tanah melayu...

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Post time 16-6-2010 06:13 PM | Show all posts
wahai melayu..sedarkah akan kamu bawah tanah melayu realitinya hanya tinggal nama?..ekonomi skrang sape pegang der? xyahla nk gado2 sape 1st class n 2nd class ..wat malu ke org je...kalau ye 1st class pun tp tin kosong apa cer?

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Post time 28-6-2010 08:33 PM | Show all posts
Sudah lah. Jangan gaduh-gaduh lagi.

Melayu pergi cari kontrak.

india pergi jual ginjal masing-masing.

cina kaum miskin pemalas pula
fikirkan bagaimana untuk lepas dari buruan along.

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Post time 28-6-2010 10:01 PM | Show all posts
wahai melayu..sedarkah akan kamu bawah tanah melayu realitinya hanya tinggal nama?..ekonomi skrang s ...
BlackGold Post at 16-6-2010 18:13

tanah melayu hanya tinggal nama sbb gerannya dah milik singapura.

org melayu mesti kembali menjiwai islam, jgn terlalu mudah dibakar hasad perkauman. rasanya takde masalah kalo pemimpin kita terdiri dari pelbagai bangsa cthnya ustaz farid ravi ke, ustaz Dr. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah ke.

bersama kita promosikan keindahan islam dimata kaum2 lain.

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Post time 28-6-2010 10:26 PM | Show all posts
tanah melayu hanya tinggal nama sbb gerannya dah milik singapura.

bangcak Post at 28-6-2010 22:01

Lu mabuk samsu ka ?

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Post time 15-9-2010 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# lbslbs


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Post time 15-9-2010 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply 78# BotakChinPeng

    Samsu Masam

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