Originally posted by hyphrigian at 28-1-2008 02:54 AM
How Many Tears - Helloween
He He He Teringat kumpulan HELTER SKELTER dari Singapura. Lagu Tiada lagi Airmata dia punya intro sebijik solo lagu How Many Tears...
[ Last edited by highcastle at 16-2-2008 06:43 PM ]
Lagu Kumpulan Belantara pun okey gak...tapi tak popular langsung...
hungerstrike by temple of the dog.. awesome vocal performance by two of the world's greatest frontmen - eddie vedder and chris cornell.
mother love bone - chloe dancer/crown of thorns.. haunting song.. RIP andy wood..
perghh MOTHER LOVE BONE band lama ni..
perghh MOTHER LOVE BONE band lama ni..
Reply #66 huruhara's post
heh heh old.. but never forgotten
munajat cinta - the rOck feat ahmad dhani
Song for a sober Monday morning: The Pixies : Where Is My Mind.
Then, energize yourself with The Nightwatchman! Bet most won't know that Tom Morello can sing really well, let alone know who Tom Morello is.... Anyway, enjoy the vids & spread the words.
THE NIGHTWATCHMAN (Tom Morello) "Road I Must Travel"
tom morello - guitarist of RATM, audioslave..
sorry dude, u just hit the right note of all the music to my liking..
persembahan dari surga - dewa 19
lirik dier powe siottttttttt:2cool: :2cool: :2cool: :2cool:
x cam malaysia nyer lagu asik2 cinta:kant: :kant: :kant: :kant:
Reply #68 emOtsuXX's post
Reply #72 ahmad_dhani91's post
ahmad_dhani91, lagu seputih hati (melly goslow) tu lagu baru ker?
Reply #70 LostSoul's post
Let's raise the bar higher then.... How about this:
The MC5 - Kick Out the Jam:
Old?, this may be closer to home:
RATM: Kick out the Jam
Reply #74 Cretin.Penguin's post
well, both versions have its own strengths..
1st, would be appealing to rap/hip hop listeners... the 2nd have a twist of rock into it without losing its originality..
sorry to say this but zach can't sing, but i love his energy and originality anyway.. superb showmanship!
What about this, then? The originals will be appealing to Alleycats' fans... That is as old as me.... This may be closer to the one Zack envisions...
[ Last edited by Cretin.Penguin at 19-2-2008 06:23 PM ]
Reply #76 Cretin.Penguin's post
i gotta go back n listen to this..
my verdict: love RATM version the best! why? it is all about music n tempo.. n RATM gave the song its best tempo..
Wait a minute..... I thought you said Zack can't sing?! Hahahha... Anyway, lot's of MC5's fans feel offended by RATM's version; mainly cuz he made up his own lyrics. Given his charisma, I'm sure he would never sing as per the original anyway....
BTW, heard the version by Pearl Jam already?
Reply #79 Cretin.Penguin's post
not yet! pearl jam also did a cover for this song? whoaa...
btw, yeah.. zach can't sing, but he can jump and rock the stage! i saw him live once..