the gang of deception in YTL
JK's Digest No. 21 of December 2007 (367-387 of 2007) We can cry over these items.
21 items to save email capacity.
1) How quickly have the Police acted?
In the case of Bersih and Hindraf, the Police seems to have acted quite fast but in the intention of another kind.
In the case of my 18 Police Reports, nothing much is visible. Why? The Police thinks I am against the Government, but I am against the illegal Governments (State & Federal)? Sad to say that the Police also likely illegal (in the way it is behaving) is bias to the illegal Government.
2) The Judiciary is incapable to rise up from the dust of criminal injustice of 1988 even with the latest Royal Commission of Inquiry over the exposed scandal of Lingam Video Tape done in 2002 but made known in 2007. When the heads are rotten, how to say the rest of the bodies?
3) Malaysia despite always claiming different from other countries are not signatories to several major conventions in the UN. I don't know how many departures are there? I know at least two namely the UNHCR and the ICC. After 50/44 years, the questionable refugees are allowed to stay in Sabah despite no more wars after three decades. In violation of UNHCR, refugees of all sorts are allowed to be 'protected' in Sabah. By avoiding ICC, it does not give Malaysia to commit crimes against humanity in two counts namely ethnic cleansing and apartheid for 44 years. Do we need criminals to agree to certain terms and conditions before they are taken to tasks in an International Criminal Court?
4) Special Complaints Commission (SCC)
What is the point of most commissioners of the SCC be appointed by the Prime Ministers when the illegal Government is known to be bias in many issues likely to do their own destructions for 50/44 years. I have seen enough of stalemate in Police, Anti Corruption Agency, Public Complaint Bureau, Suhakam, Judiciary, Election Commission, Parliament Select Committees, and others. So SCC would be another sort of white elephant.
5) Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum said "We will keep on firm in this matter. There will be no compromise on anything that involves national security,"
How good is this kind of statement with the exposed selective action? Was there an element of malice in the earlier prosecution of some demonstrators? I wish the same action or intention are adhered to in Sabah where the security and sovereignty is very much threatened for 44 years.
6) The floods - the latest round - in the few States in Peninsula Malaysia must wake us up when we cannot do anything about that kind of natural disasters because we keep on ignoring the signal of destruction in the nation. There are always proud of the costly building efforts in the nation but the inevitable destruction - year in and year out - does convey a message of doom for the people and nation. How much would such floods cost the nation? How much would be needed to take care of the dogs in the nation? Although unconnected, the dogs and the floods are items natural and when human intervened in undesirable approaches over the dogs for a known reason, do you think the Creator is happy? With excessive logging and replaced oil palm the face of the earth is defaced, do you think God want to stare at an aging or bald earth full of deserts, grey hairs, and missing natural rain forests? Yet the Astronauts supposed to be nearer to God said the earth is beautiful despite the degraded face?
7) I have lodged 21 Police Reports (2004-2007) worth many trillions of Ringgit and yet most people thought that was useless. It is their opinion be it right or wrong. A very prompt action was taken on one of the Police Reports. That report is about the foreign banks' accounts of RM1 billion. I received that email in 1999 and never exposed it. As those accounts relate to a top family and its cronies, the Police is concerned for a different reason. I think the Police at the higher level knew about that. There was a case of a Royal family member who was in trouble for going to a nation banned in Malaysia. How long do I have to wait to disseminate those bank accounts when the Police may remain quiet?
8) Do you think Malaysia is a separate new nation in 1963? Was it just an extended Malaya with a slight change of name despite the massive amalgamation exercise of two or three other areas like Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak? I think Sabah was attracted to be part of Malaysia when Singapore was positive about the new nation. So when Singapore was negative about the nation in 1965, why was Sabah still positive about that doom thing? So it is important that we handle the concept of 50/44 years in terms of rights and obligations subject of the Malaysia Agreement.
9) What do you understand by this paragraph over the memorandum by CASH to the nation on 10th December, 2007 - the International Human Rights Day?
"While we have yet to recognise those two demonstrations as 'time bombs' in the 50/44 years of Merdeka, we are indeed worried by the likely possibility that in neglected Sabah loaded with dubious citizens and illegals in 1-2 millions as verified by various researches, a similar 'uprising' in street demonstration could happen in Sabah. Poverty of oppressed cum deprived people must be addressed and managed to avoid public expression which may disturb some people in complacency."
Is that kind of expression to be misconstrued as sedition to be investigated for ISA?
10) I received an email which may be considered sensitive for its content - no harm to receive such normal items - and I did not re-send to anybody for whatever reasons. But I did not inform the Police in 1999 for obvious reasons as who want to deal with bias people then? Now scenario is slightly different in 2007 especially for me and so I decided to tell the Police about the email. This is strangely confirmed by the extended IGP that it is alright to ask the Police now. I hope there is no further action (NFA) on the whistleblower but that a full investigation be done on the details of the email.
11) If we are fed up with so many dramas in society, it is good to see different kind of dramas in the Sabah Zoo at the Lok Kawi. It is worth to visit the Sabah Zoo in an undulating landscape and maybe you can see how the animals perform especially in the Animals Show at 11 a.m.possibly presented when there is an audience of many visitors. I had a memorable first visit to the zoo in November 2007 for a free trip with transport and lunch.
12) Would you want to believe this happening in the oil palm plantation? This kind of things may be happening elsewhere when there are human beings in action. But the difference is that in the plantation, there maybe less distractions in jungle and many young working people's lives there can be destroyed by sorcery or simply love charms using a natural item unusual as it may sound but the impact is devastating in unusual social ills of mismatch in marriages with illegal foreigners who would need sponsorships annually to be in Sabah. I heard the rewards for working in the jungle or remote areas are very good but the price of many of such workers are their own lives as endangered.
13) So I was told in yesterday Seminar on Climate Change in UMS that Sabah is top in many health hazards like Cholera, Tuberculosis, Dengue fever, Malaria, etc attributable to global warming. Where are we heading to when such scenario is a mixture of land abuses, people abuses, and rights abuses aplenty?
14) What happened to the illegal people who were occupying the Sri Tanjung squatter area in the KKIA? It was earlier reported that a public statement were forthcoming and that is more than 6 months ago.
15) The Gunsanad episode is not dead after a visible letter to the Forum of the Daily Express. How are those dubious people get themselves involved with the Gunsanad clan and yet keep quiet? Who can award the State's title? If we do not have the good spirit ourselves, then it is alright to deal with the long gone spirits and that is how Keningau got its first ever greg storm in the land below the wind on 26th December 1996 and now beware another one may come on 26th December 2007.
16) If you want to complain about the self censorship in the newspapers, then you must also complain about the same treatment in the Internet. We are one people on one earth and yet we are forever so divided on very important issues like the illegals fighting on one side against the legal people on the other. Who are the masters or masterminds of such doom system?
17) Like in previous years, I had been listening to the radio programmes over the Government's channel, and very few broadcast of songs for the Christmas seasons. There was a DJ who got himself sacked for playing genuine Christian hymns even on Christmas eve. I think discerning listeners would know the difference. In the year of 50/44 of Merdeka, several new creations of songs and national hymns sung by new choirs are emerging and I do not know the impact as I just switched off. How much public fund had been incurred for those new programmes? How much does it cost the radio stations to play those Christian items over the air? Some parts of the world has changed the Christmas seasons to holiday or winterval as doom is nearer?
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Category: Belia & Informasi