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Author: TipinTakTipu

[Komunikasi] Italiano

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2007 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Grazie tutti cari amici.
caro = dear
amico = friend
amici = friends (pl)

Farinata.. si si, io ricordo che' tu abiti a Milano alle cinque anni. Bravisima!! Meh la kongsi ilmu.

payah gak italiano nih.. harap2 tak caldo caldo pollo merda (hot hot chicken sh*t)

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 12:11 AM | Show all posts
The basic form of the negative is obtained by inserting the word "NON" in front of the verb.

Io non sono (I am not)
Io non lavoro (I don't work)

CHI ?  (WHO)

[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,303]CHI E' LEI? (Who is she?)
[/td][td=1,1,313]CHI E' LUI? (Who is he?)
[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,303]Lei si chiama Venere
[/td][td=1,1,313]Lui si chiama David

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 12:15 AM | Show all posts
Per chi lavoro tu? ( who do you work for?)
Io lavoro per .... (I work for

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 01:14 AM | Show all posts
VERBO FARE (to do, to make)

Io faccio  -  I work as a.. / I am a 匸/font]

Tu fai   -   You are 匸/font]

Lui/Lei fa  -  He/she is 匸/font]

Che cosa fai? (What do you do FOR A LIVING?)

Leonardo da Vinci : "Tu che cosa fai?"
Michelangelo : " Io faccio il pittore, lo scultore e l'architetto. E tu che cosa fai? (painter, sculptor, architect)
Leonardo : "Anch'io faccio il pittore, lo scultore e l'architetto. Ma io faccio anche l'inventore." (inventor)

Colombo : "Tu che lavoro fai?"
Dante: : " Io faccio il poeta e lo scrittore. E tu che cosa fai? (poet, writer)
Colombo : "Io faccio il marinaio, il navigatore e l'esploratore." (sailor, navigator, explorer)


lo scrittore

(by the way, "poeta" is masculine even though it ends with "a";)

LO is used in front of masculine nouns or adjectives that begin with the letter "S" followed by another consonant (such as sc-, sp-, st-, sr-, etc.). It also goes before nouns that begin with "Z".

L' (which is the abbreviated form of "lo") is used in front of masculine nouns and adjectives beginning with a vowel.

IL, the most common, is used in all the other cases, namely, nouns and adjectives that begin with a consonant.


LA is used with feminine nouns and adjectives that begin with a consonant

la cameriera

L' (which is the abbreviated form of "la") is used in front of feminine nouns and adjectives beginning
a vowel.

l' impiegata

More Definite Article topic to read匸/size]

In English the definite article (l'articolo determinativo) has only one form: the.

In Italian, l抋rticolo determinativo has different forms according to the gender, number, and first letter of the noun or adjective it precedes.  

i ragazzi e le ragazze (the boys and girls)

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 06:22 PM | Show all posts
IL LAVORO -  job, profession, work
LAVORARE  - to work

Io lavoro
Tu lavori
Lui lavora
Lei lavora

Idiomatic expressions

In the appropriate context, to indicate someone's profession, you can use the verb FARE  followed by the DEFINITE ARTICLE (see below) and the profession:

Che cosa fa Michelangelo? (What does he do?)
Michelangelo fa l'architetto.

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,327]Il lavoro e

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 06:36 PM | Show all posts
Com'e' il lavoro di .... (How is the job of

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 06:46 PM | Show all posts
VOLERE  (to want)

Io voglio

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 06:57 PM | Show all posts
Il Plurale (The Plural)

Il fratello  (a brother)       =>        I fratelli  (brothers)
La sorella  (a sister)          =>        Le sorelle  (sisters)
Il genitore  (a parent)      =>        I genitori  (parents

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 06:58 PM | Show all posts

Mio padre fa il pittore. Che cosa fa tuo padre?
La mia famiglia abita a Firenze. Dove abita la tua famiglia?
Mio padre fa lo scultore.
Anche la mia famiglia abita a Firenze.
Tu hai fratelli o sorelle?
No, io sono figlio unico (" the only child")


Let's talk about your family.

Come si chiama tuo padre? 厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 07:12 PM | Show all posts

Come si dice "children" in italiano? (How to say children in Italian?)

Let's think about it:

"male child" is "figlio,"

"female child" is "figlia".

The plural, therefore, is.....
"Figli", masculine, means "male children," and "figlie" "female children".

However, "figli" also means "children" in general.
Why? Because in Italian when a plural count noun refers both to masculine AND feminine nouns, the MASCULINE form prevails.
Therefore if you want to say that you have two children, without specifiying the gender, you will say : "Ho due figli."

As we saw, FIGLI also means "male children," but if you want to be specific about their gender you will have to say : "Ho due figli maschi," otherwise the gender will be left unspecified.

However, if you have two daughters, all you have to say is: "Ho due figlie".

FIGLIE is only and esclusively referring to a plural feminine, as are all feminine nouns.

The same applies to "zio" and "zia": plural "gli zii";  (uncle and aunt)

"nonno" e "nonna" is "nonni".  (granny)

But this goes even further:

What do you suppose "fratelli" means?
It means "brothers" as well as ""brothers and sisters".

Thus, the very common question: "quanti fratelli hai?" doesn't ask how many males brothers you have, but how many "brothers and sisters."

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2007 07:22 PM | Show all posts
QUANTI ANNI HAI? (How old are you?   Literally: How many years do you have?)

Venere :
Year born : 1485  -  mille quattrocento ottanta cinque

David :
Year born : 1504  -  mille cinquecento quattro


Venere  :  "David, quanti anni hai?"
David    :  "Io sono molto vecchio. Io sono nato nel 1504. Io
ho quasi 500 anni. E tu, Venere, quando sei nata?"
Venere  :  " Sono nata nel 1485. Io ho
piu' di 500 anni. Anch'io sono molto vecchia."
David    :  "
Quanti anni ha Miss Liberty?"
Venere  :  "Oh, lei e' giovane,
quasi una ragazzina. E' nata nel 1876. Ha circa 122 anni."

Quanti / quante ?  



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 Author| Post time 13-5-2007 06:27 PM | Show all posts
A SCUOLA (at school)

L'interrogazione (oral test)

Il professore interroga....  (the teacher asks)
La studentessa risponde..... (the sudent responds)
In che anno  e' nato Giulio Cesare?
E' nato nel 100 avanti Cristo. (before Christ)
E in che anno e' morto? (died)
E' morto nel 44 avanti Cristo.
In che anno e' nato Michelangelo?
E' nato nel 1475 ed e' morto nel 1564 a 89 anni.
Data di nascita (date of birth) di Leonardo
Nato nel 1452 e morto nel 1519 a 67 anni.
Dov' e' morto Leonardo?
E' morto ad Amboise in Francia.

In front of words beginning with a vowel, often a "d" is added to "e" (and) to make the language flow more easily and avoid awkward stops.
The same thing happens to "a" ("a Amboise" becomes "
ad Amboise").
This ininterrupted "flow" is typical of Italian, and it is what makes it so musical and pleasing to the ear.

In che anno? Nel...(in what year? In the...)

Preposizione IN
We saw the preposition IN before: "in Italia, in America...."
IN "merges" with the definite article that follow it, similarly to what happens to other prepositions.

NEL is the result of the contraction of IN and the article IL

results from IN and LA
the outcome of...

in + lo =  nello
in + l' =  nell抂/size]
in + le =  nelle
in + gli = negli
in + i =  nei

Nel 2000 / Nel duemila - (in the year 2000)


1. abitare (to live)

Mio padre e mia madre abitano in Italia.                   They live
Loro sono anziani.                                                They are old
Io e mio fratello abitiamo in un appartamento.          We live
Tu e tua sorella abitate insieme?                            You live together

Dove abitano i tuoi genitori?                            Where do your parents live?
Come si chiamano i tuoi genitori?                     What are your parents called?
Di dove sono i tuoi genitori?                            Where are your parents?
Tu e la tua famiglia abitate insieme?                 You and your family live together?

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2007 06:38 PM | Show all posts

All verbs similar to ABIT-ARE, LAVOR-ARE, CONT-ARE, which end with - ARE  in the infinitive, are conjugated following the same pattern.

- ARE verbs belong to the FIRST CONJUGATION

ABITARE - (to live)

io abito
I live
tu abiti
you live
lui abita
he lives
lei abita
she lives
it lives
noi abitiamo
we live
voi abitate
you [pl.] live
loro abitano
they live

(Irregular verbs ending with -ARE, such as FARE, do not follow the standard conjugation.)


ESSERE - (to be)

David e Venere sono vecchi.                     They are
Siamo nel 1998                                       we are
Voi siete italiani                                       you (pl) are

Gli anziani

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2007 06:46 PM | Show all posts

AVERE (to have)

I miei genitori hanno tre figli.     (they) have   -   my parents have 3 children.
Io e mia moglie abbiamo un cane e un gatto      (we) have   -   my wife and I have a dog and a cat
Voi avete figli?    (you) have   -   you have children?

Quanti figli hanno i tuoi gentori? How many children your parents have?
Tu e la tua famiglia avete cani o gatti? You and your family have many dogs or cats?
Voi avete molti parenti (relatives)? You have any relatives?

AVERE is irregular and has a separate conjugation

io ho
I am / I have
tu hai
You are / you have
lui ha
He is / he has
lei ha
She is / she has
It is / it has
We are / we have
You [pl.] are / you have
loro hanno
They are / they have


Plural Forms

There are some irregular verbs ending with -ARE, such as FARE,  that do not follow the standard conjugation.

io faccio
I do
tu fai   
you do
lui fa
he does
lei fa
she does
it does
noi facciamo
we do
voi fate
you [pl.] do
loro fanno
they do

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2007 07:07 PM | Show all posts

A traditional Italian menu consists of:
  • antipasto - hot or cold appetizers
  • primo ("first course"), usually consists of a hot dish like pasta, risotto, gnocchi, polenta or soup. There are usually abundant vegetarian options.
  • secondo ("second course"), the main dish, usually fish or meat (pasta is never the main course of a meal). Traditionally veal is the most commonly used meat, at least in the North, though beef has become more popular since World War II and wild game is very popular, particularly in Tuscany.
  • contorno ("side dish") may consist of a salad or vegetables. A traditional menu features salad after the main course.
  • dolce ("dessert")
  • caff



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 Author| Post time 13-5-2007 07:37 PM | Show all posts
Mari dengar lagu sambil nyanyi ikut lirik
(by Jan Werner)
(also by other singers e.g Russel Watson, Paul Potts etc)

Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,
Li tutti vivono in pace e in onest

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2007 02:00 PM | Show all posts

C'e'         =    There is   -   (ce, spt cetak)

Ci sono   =    There are   -  (ci, spt  cili)


..c'e' la cucina...  there is a kitchen sono tre stanze da letto... there are 3 bedrooms sono molte finestre..  there are many windows

This                        ..........       These      

Questo (m,single)     =>     Questi (m, plural)

Questo e' il mio appartamento... This is my apartment
Questi sono i miei avvocati... These are my lawyers

Questa (f, single)      =>     Queste (f, plural)

Questa e' la mia casa... this is my house
Queste sono le mie sorelle... these are my sisters

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2007 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Translation (traduzione)

Mari baca Piero抯 statement dan translate:

La mia casa (my house)

[/td][td=1,1,512]揅iao, io sono Piero e questa e

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2007 02:14 PM | Show all posts
Practise : A CASA TUA (your house)

Answer in complete sentences :

Traduzione Inglese
Risposta (reply)
C'e' la cantina?
Is there any cellar?

Quante stanze da letto ci sono?
How many bedrooms are there?

Quante finestre ci sono in salotto?
How many windows are there in the living room?

C'e' il terrazzo?
Is there any balcony?

Quante finestre ci sono nella tua stanza?
How many windows are there in your room?

C'e' il solaio?
Is there any attic?

C'e' il bagno?
Is there any bathroom?
Si, ci sono due bagni.
C'e' l'ascensore.
Is there any elevator?

Io sono  :  literally "I am," meaning "My name is"
La mia casa  :  casa means both "house" and "home"
In citta  :  in the city
Al terzo piano  :   on the third floor
In centro  :  downtown
Una stanza.. la cucina..  :  one bedroom, the kitchen..


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 Author| Post time 14-5-2007 02:29 PM | Show all posts
(a little  or  a lot?)

MOLTO (m) ,  MOLTA (f)
(much, a lot)  - uncountable

molto tempo  -(banyak masa)
molta luce  -(banyak cahaya)

MOLTI (m)  ,  MOLTE (f)
(many) - countable

molti parenti -(ramai saudara-mara)
molte finistre  -(banyak tingkap)

As an adjective,  molto  agrees with the noun in gender (masc./fem.) and number (sing./plural).
You saw earlier that molto as an adverb (very) is invariable before ad adjective.

The oposite of molto is

(a little) - uncountable

(a few) - countable

In order for the letter "c-" to retain the same sound in front of 'i' or 'e' , in the plural it is necessary to add the letter 'h' to produce respectively

"-chi"  (as in "chianti")
"-che" (as in "orchestra")

Without the "h", the sound would be "-ci, ce" as in the "c" of "ci-ao"

Come si dice "very little?"  -How to say "very little"?
Si dice "molto poco".

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