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Author: Ice_Q

My Bunnies & Rabbitcare Tips

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2007 05:46 PM | Show all posts
Ati..rabbit memang comel..even certain people yg tak suka kucing n other pets..bila letak rabbit di rumah..lama-lama jadi sayang sangat kat rabbit sebab dia comel + adorable + kalau dia familiar ngan suara kita..dia follow us around like a puppy.

Some people say..kat pasar boleh dapat lebih murah iaitu 15-20 ringgit jer but tak tahu la rabbit tu sihat ke and comel ke tak. Rega 35 tu oklah..Ice beli baby rabbit rega 30-40 ringgit. Kalau baka yg best-best berganda mahalnya.

Rabbit ada potensi utk berak and kencing merata especially waktu memula..Dia nak mark territory dia. Kalau ati nak senang..'toilet' train dia. Mcm rabbit yg ice tgk kat kedai pet OU tu semua dia dah train berak setempat, manakala yg kat Ikano pulak..dia tak train/takder bekas simply berak ke dalam rumput kering yg mereka alas sangkar rabbit. My rabbits pulak, since sekali-sekala jer bawak masuk rumah..tidak ditoilet train

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Post time 3-2-2007 10:59 AM | Show all posts
wow!rabbits pon bole toilet train ker..hikhikhik me xtaw plak!
so mmg kene ade pot utk die berak&kencing la ye..huhu byk gak ye kuar banje utk rabbits ni..pengalaman kecik2 dulu bela rabbit penah x penah beli.Org yg kasi..kita tlg jaga je..kt kg dedolu,kan..
Ati tgu ice nak kasi ice punyelah,bole? lau dah byk sgt,rs cam nak let go bg ati jaga ke ape,gtaula yeh..hee nak gak mrasa bela rabbits cumil2:love:

Kuat gak rabbits beranak ye..mcm hamster gak..
Very nice la bulu ur rabbits!Elok je kaler itam..

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Post time 3-2-2007 06:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #50 ati1402's post

excuse me...i dah booking dulu ye..tolong beratur

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Post time 3-2-2007 07:01 PM | Show all posts
rabbit ni berak merata ke or pandai berak mcm kucing carik pasirnyer?

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Post time 3-2-2007 08:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #51 wiranordin's post

hikhikhik:ketuk: sapa cepat die dapattt

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2007 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ati1402 at 3-2-2007 10:59 AM
wow!rabbits pon bole toilet train ker..hikhikhik me xtaw plak!
so mmg kene ade pot utk die berak&kencing la ye..huhu byk gak ye kuar banje utk rabbits ni..pengalaman kecik2 dulu bela rabbit penah x penah beli.Org yg kasi..kita tlg jaga je..kt kg dedolu,kan..
Ati tgu ice nak kasi ice punyelah,bole? lau dah byk sgt,rs cam nak let go bg ati jaga ke ape,gtaula yeh..hee nak gak mrasa bela rabbits cumil2

Kuat gak rabbits beranak ye..mcm hamster gak..
Very nice la bulu ur rabbits!Elok je kaler itam..

Semalam ice baru jer beli pine shavings..konon-kononnya nak ajar dia yak-yak dalam bekas. Kesian maid hari-hari masuk sangkar dia utk cuci kencing & berak..Tak tahu la menjadi ke tidak..sebab tak train pun.

Kalau ati pegi Pets Wonderland kat One Utama, you can see that sangkar kaca tempat mereka display rabbit tu bersih & kering jer sebab rabbit mereka semua dah train utk berak dalam bekas yg diisi shavins ni.

Rabbit mmg kuat beranak, orang kata..hehe..

Bulu dia memang cantik sebab bapak rabbit tu mcm spesis rabbit mahal. Tak tahu la breed tgh tanya kat porum lain, in case derang tahu. Lagi satu, semua rabbit ice mmg diberi vitamin + pellets + lots of sayur..Sayur mengandungi phytochemicals. Kalau x silap, ice baca..mereka kata phytochemicals ni membuatkan bulu rabbit cantik & shiny.

Kalau tak terbela, maybe ice akan let go kat sesiapa yg sanggup

[ Last edited by  Ice_Q at 5-2-2007 12:09 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2007 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wiranordin at 3-2-2007 06:23 PM
excuse me...i dah booking dulu ye..tolong beratur


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 Author| Post time 5-2-2007 12:35 PM | Show all posts baru terbaca semula that Pine Shavings can cause liver damage in rabbits. So ice nak pergi semula Pet Safari and tukar for something safer..Alahai..haritu terlupa..walhal dah baca..

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2007 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tightcherry at 3-2-2007 07:01 PM
rabbit ni berak merata ke or pandai berak mcm kucing carik pasirnyer?

Mengikut experts..bleh di-train..tetapi kena sabarrr

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2007 09:05 PM | Show all posts
Hari ni balik kerja tgk hidung si choco luka. Budak lelaki, mcm tu lah..lasak.. Nak bawak dia main dalam bilik, tengok kaki kotor pulak..jadi cuci dia separuh badan..Meronta-ronta nak keluar dari sink..

Tapi bila dah bungkus dengan kain, senyap jer..

Badan dah kering, bagi dia main-main atas katil. Rabbits mmg sukakan toys yg dia boleh chew. Lagi satu, rabbits suka cardboard boxes utk dia main nyorok-nyorok.

Ni pulak tengah main dengan kaki patung Oscar.

Selain dari tu, boleh beri rabbit main kertas dan juga toilet roll punya cardboard roll tu..mmg mereka suka

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2007 09:05 PM | Show all posts
Sorry gambar kurang memuaskan

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2007 09:13 PM | Show all posts

[Info] What are good bunny toys?

If you find your rabbit ingesting plastic or cardboard toys, switch to a different type of toy that the rabbit is not interested in eating.

Some good toys to start with:

- Paper Bags and Cardboard boxes for crawling inside, scratching, and chewing. Bunnies like them much more when there are at least two entry points into the boxes. Chris Rosenzweig has some Great Tips on Building Bunny Box Toys
- Cardboard concrete forms for burrowing
- Cardboard roll from paper towels or toilet paper
- Untreated wicker baskets or boxes full of: shredded paper, junk mail, magazines, straw, or other organic materials for digging
- Yellow Pages for shredding
- Cat toys: Batta balls, and other cat toys that roll or can be tossed
- Parrot toys that can be tossed, or hung from the top of the cage and chewed or hit
- Baby toys: hard plastic (not teething) toys like rattles and keys, things that can be tossed
- Children's or birds' mobiles for hitting
- "Lazy cat lodge" (cardboard box with ramps and windows) to climb in and chew on. Also, kitty condos, tubes, tunnels, and trees
- Nudge and roll toys like large rubber balls, empty Quaker Oat boxes and small tins
- "Busy Bunny" toys
- Plastic Rainbow slinkies
-Toys with ramps and lookouts for climbing and viewing the world
- Dried out pine cones
- Jungle gym type toys from Toys R Us
- A (straw) whisk broom
- A hand towel for bunching and scooting
- Untreated wood, twigs and logs that have been aged for at least 3 months. Apple tree branches can be eaten fresh off the tree. Stay away from: cherry, peach, apricot, plum and redwood, which are all poisonous.
- Untreated sea grass or maize mats from Pier One or Cost Plus
- Things to jump up on (they like to be in high places)
- Colorful, hard plastic caps from laundry detergent and softener bottles. They have great edges for picking up with their teeth, make a nice "ponk" sound when they collide, and the grip ridges molded into the plastic make a neat "rachety" sound when rabbits digs at the cap. The caps are nice for human-stacks-on-floor and bun-knocks-down kind of games. Note: Be sure not to choose caps from caustic material bottles (e.g.drain uncloggers, bathroom cleaner bottles) since a residue of the cleaner might remain no matter how much washing off you do.


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Post time 6-2-2007 12:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 Ice_Q's post

i fall in love dgn rabbit u...:love:

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2007 10:23 AM | Show all posts
wira..mmg it's not hard to fall in love with rabbits. They're so cute n gebuss..

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2007 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Ini adik kepada choco. Si kecik yang 5 ekor..tak ingatla berapa umur..3 minggu kot. Still kuat tido & very timid.

Mereka ni jenis lionhead mix. Coz parents mereka, fifi and tom ialah lionheads (mixed/hybrid..not pure).

One thing i notice about lionheads ialah they loved to be cuddled tapi bila dilepaskan..nak ambik balik tu susah giller because they keep dodging & running & wriggling. They also have to be kept in cages most of the time, takut lari keluar dari laman.

Dalam 2-3 minggu lagi mesti sangat comel..

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Post time 16-2-2007 10:29 AM | Show all posts
err.. dulu (3 years back) saya pun ada bela rabbit tp saya noticed rabbit tu montot macam asyik "bocor" jek.. sket2 kuar #. terlebey makan ke? rabbit tu dah lama kasi org

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2007 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Bocor tu maksudnya mcm mana? Kuat kencing and berak or berak cair?

Kalau kuat kencing & berak tu normal sebab rabbit ni dia punya time makan 24 jam..maaaaakaaan je kerja..Tu yang asyik memerut.

Tapi kalau berak cair tu dia terlebih sayur. So kena lebihkan pallets dan beri sayur once-twice a day je..

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Post time 16-2-2007 10:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #63 Ice_Q's post

comes giler
yg baju merah tue u ke?
u plan nak bela semua ke?
*err...tak tau faham tak..hehe

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2007 10:51 AM | Show all posts
A'ah..kite la tue..

Hahahaha..rasanya soalan tu saya pahem..

Kalau ikutkan hati memangla nak bela semua tapi mak kite bising. Semalam, ada orang nak beli sepasang, tapi dia nak beli choco (yang gambar in the previous posting). Tak bolehla! One of my favs..

Yang 5 ekor adik kecik ni..akan dipertimbangkan..Oh ya, rasanya mak dia nak beranak lagi..Nampak perut kembung..

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2007 10:56 AM | Show all posts
A closeup of of the 5 babies. White with grey markings on the back..


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